Hello, I'm Goldenmaze, I've decided to make a story that I've had on my mind for some time now. Oh, yeah and warning! There will be a couple of weird words used by my OC, Cerise. I'll have the definitions of the words down below! I'll have the weird words in bold.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Chapter 1- The Pink-Haired Child on the Raft

It had been a pretty normal day out in the seas of the Grand Line. But now… now is a different story. Marco, along with the other commanders, was lost at words to say. I mean, how would you react if you found a small girl on a raft nearly dying of dehydration in the middle of the sea?

Exactly, you would be greatly confused and become a blatherskite all day about the situation.

And that's exactly how all the commanders and crewmembers were reacting to this at the moment. The pale and skinny girl was currently being taken care of by the head nurse, Nia and a couple of other nurses to get the girl back into good condition.

The girl was too weak to even call out for help, her breathing was rapid and shallow, and her delicate skin was cool and mottled. Overall, the girl was most likely in bad condition, no one would know until Nia came back out with the condition of the girl. Whitebeard had to thank god that they had an outlook on duty at the time of the moment or they would've just sailing right past the girl.

Marco chatted with Thatch for the time being as they waited for Nia to finish.

"What do you think a girl like her was doing out at sea?" Thatch asked the first commander and jabbed his thumb towards the door of the room where said girl was being cared for. Marco seemed to think for a good moment; there were so many reasons as to why she was out there on just a raft. Maybe she was running away from her family, or she was possibly knocked out and put onto the raft, which would explain why she didn't have anything except for the clothes she was wearing.

"I'm thinking that she might've been knocked out by someone and put onto the raft. I doubt some child would just jump onto a raft without any kind of food or water." He concluded straightforwardly, he hoped that the child was just knocked out.

"Let's just hope that the child's ok, we'll ask her about her business later." Vista advised simply, a look of concern starting to mask his face.

The comess turned into quiet environment when Nia walked out of the room, closing the door behind her softly with a proud smile.

"The girl's is in good condition at the moment, she was pretty dehydrated though but we gave her an IV so she should be fine now. Only commanders and Pops are allowed to see her, no one else." Nia informed and glanced over at Marco and Thatch and walked back into the room where the girl resided with both commanders following close behind her.

The sight that they were met with was pretty normal. The girl had an IV drip giving her fluids little by little and was studying the small medical room with watchful eyes. She looked a little better than she did before. Her skin was starting to get its slightly pale tone back, her brown eyes now shined with life instead of being dull and sunken, but her short pink hair was still tangled and matted. And instead of being in the tattered yellow sundress she was in before she was now wearing an oversized shirt.

The pink-haired girl turned her head warily at the two commanders as they went to one side of the bed and sat down on a bench connected to the wall.

"Hi, I'm Marco and this is Thatch, we're commanders on this ship. What's your name?" Marco asked, smiling gently at the child.

The girl twiddled her thumbs with a blank look on her face, "Cerise." She mumbled quietly. Thatch nodded in acknowledgment and leaned forward where he sat, folding his arms in his lap.

"Can you tell us what you were doing on a raft in the middle of the sea?" He asked carefully. He wanted to figure out immediately if the girl was taken and put on the raft or if she'd ran away from home because if so, they needed to figure if they should take the girl back home or not.

Cerise shook her head, "I don't feel like I should tell you." Thatch raised an eyebrow and gave an amused smile. This girl was pretty straightforward. Thatch was starting to think that the girl probably did run away from home. Cerise noticed his amused smile and tilted her head, "Do I ensorcell you?" she asked, her face holding some kind of interest.

Thatch and Marco both blinked at her. What the hell did ensorcell mean? Was that even a word?

"I'm sorry, what?" Marco asked, trying to get the girl to give him a definition of the word.

Cerise rubbed her eyes tiredly, "Ensorcell means to fascinate someone." She concluded.

"Oh, then yes." Thatch answered her previous question and Cerise rolled her eyes at the commanders. They were starting to get on her nerves already. Why'd they want to know what she was doing out there? They didn't need to know. They should've just left her out there, like she wanted to be. She wasn't only annoyed by the two she was also becoming uncomfortable.

The two men were acting like they were close brothers or something. They seemed so comfortable around each other, like a family. Cerise cringed at the thought and shook her head slightly, laying back down tiredly. She still felt pretty weak from the dehydration and felt a wave of relief wash over her when Nia came in, "Visitation time is over. We need to give her another IV bag. Now, shoo."

Thatch and Marco didn't need her to tell them twice. Like any other nurse, Nia was pretty scary when you didn't listen to her orders. She was the dictator of the medical bay. If you didn't listen to her orders or tried to stand up to her, you'd get paralyzed for about a week. She had enough medical knowledge to know how to do that.

"Alright, it was nice to meet you Cerise." Marco said and left out the room with Thatch, closing the door behind them quietly.

"Well that was pretty… interesting." Thatch snickered at that statement. Cerise definitely was interesting in a way. She was positively intelligent due to the way that she was able to give a definition to the word she had said. So, she was most likely a noble girl.

Perfect, just perfect.

The next day with Cerise was pretty much the same. She seemed to have much more energy than yesterday and was writing something in a small notebook, a bit of her tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth.

Vista watched her awkwardly, this girl refused to start a conversation with him. Note the emphasis on 'fuse'. She seemed perfectly contempt with not talking to him at all. He'd tried asking what the girl was like by going to Marco and Thatch, but he got the same damn answer from both commanders. "Go see for yourself." Was the answer that he'd gotten.

What did that mean? Did that mean that she was special and needed to be figured out in person? Because so far, Vista didn't see anything special about the girl. He wasn't saying this to be mean, but the truth can hurt sometimes. Cerise didn't seem to like him or want any kind of thing to do with him. She simply acted as if he wasn't there at all.

"So… what're you writing?" he asked her, twiddling his mustache as he stared down at the girl. Cerise glanced up at the swordsmen and sighed quietly in annoyance.

"A story." She answered in an obvious tone, as if Vista was stupid.

Vista swallowed the pressure to scoff at the girl, "What's the story about?" he asked her again, trying to scoot closer to the girl so he could read over her small shoulder. She noticed though and scooted to the opposite edge of her hospital bed.

She shot a pouty look at Vista, "Don't do that." She ordered under her breath and continued to write. Vista couldn't help but smirk at that. He'd finally gotten the girl to make a different facial expression. She usually kept her face void of any emotion.

Cerise looked back at Vista over her shoulder and glanced at his two swords. She studied them carefully for a few seconds and Vista waited for her to say something about his two sacred swords. Cerise's dark brown eyes zoomed right back up to Vista's, "I think you should go deterge your swords." She advised.

"I think that you're trying to get rid of me." Vista argued back, crossing his arms over his chest with a tired huff. "Listen, my brothers and I are all trying to help you-!"

"I don't want your help! You're futzing!" Cerise turned all the way around, her eyes holding a strong glare, "I don't want to know any of you! I want to be left alone." She hissed angrily. Vista didn't know what to say. Was Cerise just trying to show that she wasn't weak? No, something specific made her snap, but Vista wasn't going to ask the angry 8-year old and slowly left the room.

He closed the door behind him and waited to hear sobbing or maybe even a small sniffle, but heard nothing. He waited a little bit longer and only heard the small sound of pencil hitting paper.

'I can see why Marco and Thatch both told me to go see for myself.' He thought grumpily and looked at the grips of his swords, 'What the hell does deterge mean?'

Pops decided to make a supply stop to get more maps, food, and clothes for Cerise. Izou decided to help out on that part. He didn't get to talk to the girl while she healed back up in her hospital room since he was out on a mission. And so far, Cerise sure did seem to have some attitude.

Izou lost sight of the girl at least 3 times and every time he did find her she'd frown deeply and insult the man trying to get him angry so that he'd leave the girl in a fit of fury. Unfortunately, for Cerise, Izou didn't lose his temper that easily and made sure that the pink-haired child was holding his hand at all times.

Izou didn't dare to let go and didn't care if Cerise struggled the entire time or slouched, resulting in her being dragged across the concrete. She could get all the scrapes and cuts that she wanted, it didn't effect him. He didn't have time to try and deal with the way she was acting. But he couldn't help but coo at her sometimes. That cute little angry pout on her face was just priceless.

He'd actually had to cut the girl's hair and wash it since it was knotted and dirty. Before, Cerise's hair was at her mid back when it was all tangled and thin. Now her hair was in a cute chin length, rounded bob with one strand of hair sticking up, which in Izou's opinion added to her already present cuteness.

They finally made it to the shop that they were looking for and walked in, well more like Izou dragged the pouting child inside. The shop owner, Hisa, smiled warmly at the familiar face, "Izou! Nice to see you again! This is a little early for you guys to come back." She looked down at Cerise and smiled, "Who's this little cutey?"

Izou looked down at Cerise, "This is Cerise. We found her about a week ago. Don't let her appearance fool you. She's been pretty mean to all of us." He whispered to Hisa tiredly, who giggled.

"Don't worry, Cerise. You'll learn to love them. They're a little weird at first, I'll give you that. My name's Hisa, go on ahead and search for the clothes you want." She told Cerise and watched as Izou allowed the girl to snatch her hand away from his and walked off to find some clothes for herself. Izou made sure to keep his eyes on the slippery child the entire time, making sure that she didn't run off. He really didn't feel like going to find her again.

"Are you sure that this isn't too much clothes?" Thatch asked with uneasiness as he struggled to keep balance with all the bags that he was carrying. Izou had gotten the girl at least 14 bags of clothing. The man said that children were messier and that Cerise was bound to need more clothes than usual. He also nagged at Thatch that the weather always changed drastically so she'd need plenty of winter clothes and etc.

"Why can't you carry all of this?" Thatch whined childishly and Izou pointed down at Cerise who had a big pout on her face and was allowing herself to be dragged across the ground.

"Would you like to carry this?" Izou snapped back tiredly and Thatch shook his head slowly and continued to carry the bags. He couldn't help but snicker at Cerise. What kind of child just allowed themselves to be dragged across concrete ground? The scene did look pretty funny, if only he had a camera to keep the moment.

Well, what do you guys think? I don't really have anything else to ask, just no flames or hate please, I worked very hard on the story! I hope that you nice people will comment! Any ideas that you guys would like to see? PLEASE TELL ME! I appreciate comments! JA NE~!

Blatherskite- a person who talks at great length without making much sense

Ensorcell- to fascinate or enchant someone

Deterge- to clean something thoroughly

Futz- to waste time or busy yourself aimlessly