Nico Yazawa always knew she took a wrong turn somewhere in life, but it was the magic the gathering tournament at the vape shop that really solidified the sentiment.

The job had started as a favor. Or, rather, Nozomi was leaving town and was hoping Nico could be her replacement for a few months while she was on vacation. "Use your nico-nico charm, Niccochi!" where Nozomi's only real instructions. The boss, a strange, jittery blond man who fixed radios in the back, rarely give her instructions beyond, "sell things and make sure they don't kill each other."

Nico sometimes wished she could let them kill each other.

It was a typical Saturday like any other: a trickle of regular customers in the morning and afternoon, followed by a crowd of Super-Smash Brothers tryhards and magic the gathering nerds in the evenings. Nico hated the evening the most, even if they did leave some nico-nico tips in the tip jar. She hated the unpleasant smells of the unwashed boys and girls, the sickening laughter of annoying people who didn't so much as have the excuse to be drunk, and mostly, she hated that girl in that fucking stupid fedora. It was always the same girl who came in. Red hair. Well dressed. Er. Until you saw what was on her head. Why on earth was someone that attractive wearing a fedora? Why was she playing games with people who insisted on Final Destination No Items Fox Only? It was a mystery for the ages.

Nico ignored the people who came in, unless they asked her an especially interesting question about juices or the mechanics of the vape equipment. If her boss didn't care, she saw little reason to expend charisma. It was a mixing day for Nico. Matt, or Mark, or whatever his name was, encouraged her to make her own juices for the store, mostly because they sold well. He would tell her, "Let the creativity flow through you. I can show you the ways of the vape."

$9 an hour, Nico. $9 an hour.

The afternoon went too fast. When the first stragglers of seven o'clock began to lay heavy binders of cards on the table, Nico knew it was time. They had Descended Upon Her. The redhead puffed little clouds from her little vape pen as she walked in, oblivious of the trail of coughs and admirers that seemed to follow her. Several nerds gathered at the low hookah tables with cards all over the place. Above them were posters of the galaxy, Darth Vader, and A-RISE. All around doritos flowed, Mountain Dew crunched into the plastic red cups. People had begun to do magic things. What was a plainswalker? Nico did not know. Nico did not care. Nico only rung up the drinks

It was around nine when things started to go downhill.

"This girl cheated!"

Oh this guy? Wasn't this the guy that accused a twelve year of cheating last week? Nico took a drag of her low-nico-nico-nicotine vanilla/cherry flavor from her fancy vape box before dignifying him with a response. "I'll nico nico need some proof."

The redheaded girl raised her eyebrow at this sentence. Nico huffed, wasn't she sticking up for the fedora princess even if she used her nicos?

"I have never seen these cards before in my entire life! I'd have to sell my house to buy these cards! She's just paying to win."

It was Nico's turn to raise an eyebrow. "You want me to kick him out, princess?"

The girl gave her a cool look. "I don't need your help."

Well fuck you too then! "He's annoying me, so too bad. You're out buddy." She gave the man a pat on the back. "Quit picking on the freshmen, would you?"

The man was very huffy as he left. A cloud of something Nico definitely did not make followed him as he banged the door.

"What was that all about?" Nico's boss asked, as she swept away the crumbs from the couches.

"Some rich kiddo got accused of cheating because the other guy is bad."

"That one? She is strong with the juice."