Little one shot for my friend Samerai550, who demanded a flowershop/tattoo au. Here it is you ingrate.

Felix had once commented on the strangeness of the proximity of the three unique shops on main street. But they lived in Berk – weird stuff was everywhere.

Blooming Bunches was a little flower shop that was crammed into the main street of the maritime town, wedged between Hoark's Tackle and Bait and the odd tattoo parlour, Mist Taken Dragon. Out of the three, it was obvious that the townspeople of Berk liked their fish and tattoos better than flowers.

Felix worked at the tackle shop, so he was dubbed 'Fishlegs' by the majority of the townspeople, affectionately, of course. And Hester, known (not so affectionately) as 'Hiccup', could be seen every day working in the tiny flower shop. The two of them got along well enough, spending slow days talking to each other by their storefronts while Hiccup watered the front display and Fishlegs changed the store signs.

It was the employees of the Mist Taken Dragon that didn't really socialize with them. One could see the twins, Tristen and Rita, biking there every day (since they had crashed their car a month back), and Scott roaring in on his too expensive motor bike. The last employee, whom Hiccup watched pull in every morning in her little turquoise '82 corolla hatchback, was called Astrid.

He had never talked to her. Hiccup never expected that he would. Felix had bet 5 dollars it would stay that way.

So, it was a complete surprise when no one other than Astrid Hofferson stormed into Blooming Bunches and slammed forty dollars on the counter. Hiccup jumped.

"How do I passively aggressively say 'fuck you' in flowers?"

She looked positively irritated. Her summer tank top showed off her dragon sleeve tattoo and lace tattoo that ran around her collar. Hiccup swallowed.

"Um…" Now Felix owes me $5… "Orange lilies?"

Astrid scowled. "What does that mean?" Hiccup squeaked, and she sighed. "Flowers have meaning, yah? What do the orange ones mean?"

He swallowed again. Why was his throat so dry? "Hatred. Orange lilies for hatred."

"Anything else? I wanna make it look good so he can't get rid of them right away."

"May I ask what they did?"

"Scott won a bet and now I owe him a day of treating him 'like a princess'. It was a dumb bet and I want to be as passive aggressive as possible so I don't get in trouble with the boss."

Hiccup perked up. He didn't really like Scott, and that wasn't just because Hiccup used to be his personal punching back when they were kids. "One second." He ducked down behind the counter and pulled out a thick catalogue. "I might have compiled some weird ones in the back – people don't usually send flowers out of hatred."

Astrid huffed, but soon enough, they had compiled an impressive list of the perfect 'fuck you' flowers. Geraniums for stupidity, Meadowsweet for uselessness, Birdsfoot Trefoil for revenge, and for an accent, Cardamine for paternal error (Astrid insisted that Scott was the result of his parent's mistakes).

It was amazing to see how excited someone could be over sending a 'fuck you' bouquet – maybe they should offer them as a special.

When Astrid picked them up the next day, she was glowing. She insisted on a card to go along with it, explaining the meanings of all the flowers ("I'll give it to him at the end of the day, when the bet ends," she had said).

Later that day, when Hiccup closed up shop, he was pleased to see the arrangement proudly sitting on the reception counter of the Mist Taken Dragon, and Astrid standing beside it, proud, and radiant.