This one shot is based off of the Season 7, Day of the Departed, Sneak peak that LEGO posted on their YouTube a couple days ago! Just my thoughts on Cole's first time experiencing his 'drifting' and how he and the others would react. Please review! Much love!

Cole stared down at his hands, his eyes trailing up his barely translucent arms. Suddenly the ghost felt a shiver run up his spine, his vision blurring for a split second.

"What the…" He breathed, beginning to panic. The surroundings of his brothers' asleep fuzzed again as Cole blinked in horror. His arms… they vanished. But now they were back? A headache formed and the teen frantically looked about, his breaths becoming violently uneven. "N-No! I can't disappear!" He hissed, watching as his hand fazed through the bedside table, despite how much he concentrated. He felt like he was going to throw up, the pain in his head, whenever it flashed, pulling his mind in and out of consciousness.

Stumbling slightly, Cole threw himself onto Zane, shaking the robot relentlessly. "Zane! Please help me!" He cried, not caring if he woke the others. The Nindroid slowly sat up, concern clear on his face as Cole's body rapidly switched between visible and invisible. "I can't feel anything!" The ghost whimpered, pulling himself away from Zane. The elder teen stared at his brother, unsure of what to do.

"We need to get you to Sensei." He instructed, upset by Cole's scared expression. "Come on." He then ushered the ghost through the closed door, before letting himself out quietly. As Zane began to sprint he reached for Cole's wrist, becoming more worried when it slipped through. I can usually feel him…

They both halted at their Sensei's door; Cole nearly fazing through Zane at the sudden stop. The Nindroid gently knocked on the wood, chewing his lip as his younger brother began slipping in and out of sight. Quietly the door was opened, revealing a tiered, but calm, Wu. The old man glanced over his students carefully, narrowing his gaze as he noticed the black ninja's desperate face.

"Sensei," Zane began. "Cole had woken me up in a fearful state." The Earth ninja growled up at the taller boy, but it only came out as a pitiful whimper. "He seems to be drifting away." Cole gulped at his brother's words, before Wu let them inside.

"I was meditating." He spoke softly, guesturing for the two boys to sit down. The Sensei sat opposite them. He silently placed a teapot of steaming tea in the middle of the carpet, eyeing Cole as he continued to examine his limbs in horror. "Touch it."

"Excuse me?" The ghost choked out, his eyes wide.

"I want you to feel the teapot. Control the danger that you are a victim of." Wu looked sternly at his student. Slowly and shakily, Cole moved his hand forwards, closing his eyes tightly as he jolted it forwards, hoping to touch the solid surface of china. Letting out a sickening cry of pain, Cole retreated his hand from inside the pot, hyperventilating as it steamed uncontrollably. Zane rushed quickly to his brother's aid, attempting to freeze the burning water as it bit away at the ghost's limb.

Upon hearing the screams, the remaining ninja barged into the room. "Cole?!" Kai crawled across the floor on all fours, tears pricking his eyes as he slipped himself next to the ghost. "Sensei what's happening?!"

Wu simply picked up the teapot, and placed it back on its shelf. "Cole is drifting." He spoke as the Jay, Lloyd and Nya surrounded their friend. "It seems that his time as ghost is running out."

"Get it off…!" Cole groaned, kicking his legs about frantically. His heart pounded in his head, trying to avoid the horrified looks the others were giving him.

"Nya, stay back!" Lloyd shouted, glaring at the water ninja harshly. "I'm sorry if I seem angry, but we can't have Cole near you at the moment!" Nodding slightly, Nya stepped backwards next to her Sensei, trembling.

"I'm gonna evaporate the water." Kai instructed, trying to calm the ghost down. Jay and Lloyd shuffled back as Kai lit a flame in his right hand, placing it in the green steam. Suddenly the sizzling stopped, rather abruptly, and left Cole in a panting state. After a long pause, Jay spoke up.

"Don't you dare scare us like that again!" He exclaimed loudly, pointing an accusing finger at the shorter boy. "No more freaky ghost stuff, alright? Can't have you drifting off on missions can we?"

"I-I hope not…" Cole whispered quietly in reply, glancing at his hands as they stopped fading in and out of visibility.