"Welcome, home missus Wilde."

Nick said it with a grin as Judy walked under his arm, her wedding dress still clinging to her figure. For now.

Judy laughed and twirled to face him, a very mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Why mister Wilde, I do declare," she skipped across the room and leaned against the counter. Nick felt his grin widen as he followed her, tugging on his tie as he went. His fingers wrapping around the soft fabric and yanking it sharply as if it were a noose. The tie was no cheap garment, costing easily a month's pay all on its own, yet he tossed it aside like so many used rags.

"Do you plan on ravaging me mister Wilde?"

"Oh yes my love," he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist, "Repeatedly."

He leaned forward and locked their muzzles in a kiss as he fumbled with the back of her dress. He expected to find a zipper, but to his absolute horror, he found a complicated mess of strings instead. He deepened the kiss, stalling as he fought with laces, half tempted to use his claws but he didn't know how much the dress was or meant.

After the kiss had gone on for a while he felt a small giggle from Judy as his brow furrowed in frustration.

"Need help?"

"You did this on purpose didn't you?"

A laugh.

"You did, you evil bunny, you like to see me suffer."

With a giggle she pushed him away, her eyelids dropping into a rather sultry lid. With one simple pull at the back of the dress, it came loose and she easily slipped out of it.

Nick was dumbstruck, it was as if he was seeing her for the first time. The roll of her hips, the way she turned her head down as she looked up at him, the beckoning in her eyes as they danced across his body.

If would never be proven but to his deathbed, Nick would claim to have beaten the world record on how fast someone could undress. He marched across the room with a clear purpose as Judy let out a little squeak of anticipation. He grabbed behind her head and angled it up to him, wasting no time he dived into the kiss.

They enjoyed every second of it. The way her tongue played along his teeth or the ridges of his mouth, the way his teeth lightly grazed against her much smaller chin and how his tongue invaded her mouth completely.

With a primal growl, Nick lifted the giggling rabbit up into his arms and carried her off to their bedroom. Kicking open the door he walked over a tossed her on the bed.

"You're going to break something," Judy said as she got on her knees facing him.

"Totally worth it," he laughed as she began running her fingers through the fur on his chest.

The smell hit him like a train, the sweet, intoxicating scent of her passion. He felt a familiar twitching as his own sex roused from its slumber. At the sight of him sent a sharp spike in her scent and could help himself no longer.

Nick's highschool biology teacher would have said that a fox cannot respond to a rabbit's pheromones as they simply weren't designed to be receptive to them. Nick believed he may have found evidence to the contrary as he flipped his wife on her back and rubbed his nose all the way down her.

He sniffed her at every point she let him, his tail wagging uncontrollably behind him. She was a bad a habit, worse than drugs, tobacco, or beer, she clouded his mind like nothing he had ever experienced before. And he loved it.

As his nose began to travel down to its final destination he had been reduced to a slobbering, happy mess. Shoving his snout onto her sex and eliciting a sudden gasp from his mate, he sniffed again. He had far passed nirvana at this point, no he was in the halls of Valhalla feasting with Fenrir.

He lapped at her viciously, causing her to moan and laugh as he began going faster and rougher with each lick. There was no teasing, this time, he was on a mission, he had read that female bunnies could have as many as five orgasms at a time, well he planned on seeing that.

Opening up his jaw he nearly swallowed his bunny bride as he plunged his tongue deep into her. His teeth raked against her belly and left her a shivering mass of bunny meat in seconds. She screamed loudly as she was overtaken with her pleasure, and Nick hoped her cry had reverberated throughout the halls.

He wanted to plaster a permanent look of horror on bitchy Brenda's face as her children are forced to hear him ravage his interspecies bride ever, fucking, night.

Again she clamped down on his tongue and cried into her balled up paw. That's two. Just as she was starting to come down Nick started up again with even greater fury.

His danced inside her as if it held a hot coal, whipping back and forth, charging forward before curving sharply up. Judy's eyes rolled back and she ceased all conscience thought, merely surrendering completely to her pleasure.

Three, four, five, six times she clamped on him. One after the other, a constant unending cry as she wiggled and twitched from his attention before collapsing into a panting heap.

Nick removed himself from her with a self-satisfied smirk, licking his chops as he looked down at her. She sprawled on the bed , each paw holding a bundle of blankets, ears and eyes limp, and panting harder than after a run.

"That was an exquisite meal, but I think you need some rest before we continue."

He chuckled as he turned towards the door. He heard a sudden movement from the bed and felt a presence rise behind him. Suddenly there were paws on his shoulder and a low husky voice whispered into his ear.

"Where do you think you're going fox? We're not even close to done."

He was pulled quickly back to bed and was pinned before he knew it. Above him sat his wife, her eyes practically glowing as she leered down at him, he could feel her sex twitching excitedly against him, and her smell was now the only thing he was aware of.