A/N: Hi. This is Austere speaking. I used to go under the username, skylark .all27. I'm here to give you the revision of what I previously wrote two years ago under the same title. Enjoy reading, and tell me how you think by reviewing. Thank you.

(if you want to read the previous version, you can. it is under the same name after all. but note that I have changed a few things regarding how the story goes, and will most likely be somewhat different than this one).

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. This story however, is mine.

In a school where in aristocrats attend, whether forced or voluntarily, one would expect it to be uptight and boring. Enter Mikan Sakura, a school mysterious transfer student whose last name is later known affiliated with nobody in business, or even known for that matter, raises the tension inside the academy. Watch as her stealthy life comes to a light.

"Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them so go out and start creating."

I. Transfer Student

"Ah, damn. I'm late for class," not like she cared even if she was late. But musings such as these were requirements she held herself accountable to uphold her "normal" status that she's trying to achieve when she entered this school.

While involuntarily, as her father was quite adamant that she take a break from the activities she had been doing since four years ago so he sent her to this school, Mikan decided that it's better to have her background as secure as possible, and as private as possible. She didn't want any unnecessary attention and she definitely didn't want any sort of privilege from her fellow students.

Visiting the restroom like most normal ladies do, Mikan held her breath. She eyed herself in the mirror, and almost chuckled in distaste because for once she agreed with her father, she really did need a break.

Her face was almost as pale as someone who just died, her lips were crisps, and her eyes had heavier bags than a normal elementary school student. While many may not noticed such differences as Mikan had always seen herself as ordinary looking (despite her family's protests) so her face wouldn't be seen "inappropriate" Mikan finally admitted to herself that yes, she needed a break.

It's not as though she's stepping down from the "activities" she had been doing, but she's going to be away from her place. And only when she graduated in high school would she then return to her sanctuary.

Finally deciding that it's time to stop dilly dawdling, Mikan walked herself to her classroom. "Class 3-B" she read, Mikan knocked on the door. She really didn't need to, but even with a background such as she, being polite would always be her second nature.

The door for her classroom was wide open, presented with man who Mikan suspected dubiously was her teacher (because quite frankly, even at this age, no one would ever wear such atrocious clothing) in the front, regarded by not even one of his students, Mikan coughed to catch his attention.

Stopping his charade, quite begrudgingly, Mikan bemusedly pointed out inside her head. The man looked on her direction. With a sheepish grin he gave her, Mikan quirked an eyebrow, her sensei coughed loudly to gain his non-responsive students. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately depending on whose perspective, none of his students actually gave him the attention he wanted. Her teacher, seeming as though he wasn't just blatantly ignored, smiled cheerfully and said.

"Attention, my dear students!" the class barely paid attention to the man. Poor him, Mikan thought. Even though she knew that if she had been one of his students, she'd most likely do the same, it's still not a sin to show some sympathy.

However, the man was not discouraged in the least. In fact, he seemed even more motivated and that made Mikan chuckle to herself because despite being an oddball, Mikan was quite pleased that this teacher was not unbearable as she thought he would be. He's weird, hell, weirder than anyone she had met (and that's saying something), he had this air around him that Mikan, trusting her instincts, knew that she'd be able to trust without question.

"I'm here to bring you a wonderful news! We're going to have a new student!" he exclaimed rather dramatically, and by how long she had been standing outside the door, Mikan had been surprisingly already used to his theatrics. Gesturing for her to come inside, ignoring the series of whispers such as she better not messes with Natsume-sama and Ruka-sama! or hot damn, I thought she'd be hot. Turns out she's a geek, what a letdown. Mikan cleared her throat.

"I'm Mikan Sakura, 14 years old. It's nice to meet you all," not really, she thought to herself. While she used to be this bubbly little girl who could make even a rock her friend, that was not the Mikan Sakura right now. She had changed over the past years. She had matured, she had been molded to an ice cold prick, but even with all those jazz, she could still be scared. And yes, right now, she's secretly sweating bullets as she swiftly avoided her best friend's heated glare.

It wasn't that hard to ignore her, actually. Especially after Narumi-sensei, she later found out, decided that it's best to have her classmates ask her questions. Totally disregarding her consent.

"A question please," Narumi nodded excitedly. Mikan, almost ready to keel over and just wanted to sit down groaned internally and looked at the girl, who she dubbed as permy 'cause man, that hair would probably make any straightener give up.

"I have never heard of the Sakuras before," she stated, most of her classmates agreeing. Mikan raised an eyebrow, way to state the obvious permy. Ignoring her blatant declaration that Mikan shouldn't be at their school, Permy continued.

"So, why is she here?" Mikan would have applauded her for that sassy attitude, but her feet were already killing her, and she really wasn't required to answer their questions anyway. Rolling her eyes, she said.

"I came from a normal family. We're just starting our business and Mr. President was quite generous to give me the privilege to study in your school as long as I maintain my grade. Now, please excuse me. I really need to sit," Narumi-sensei, not feeling deterred in the least that the daughter of Shouda Family just got burned, he gestured Mikan to sit at the farthest seat in the classroom.

"You're going to be sitting next to that boy who has a manga on his face," nodding while ignoring the jabs of her classmate, she sat down next to the boy. She was aware that all pairs of eyes were on her at the moment, but Mikan really didn't have time to at least get a wink when all girls, Permy being the first to screech, began protesting.

"She can't sit next to Natsume-kun and Ruka-kun! She'll infect them!" while Mikan hardly care if these two boys they're talking about were some kind of gods, it still didn't sit well with her that this bitch just called her dirty. Even if Mikan was keeping a low profile, cleanliness was something she'd like to reserve. She's a clean freak like that.

"Now, now, class. Mikan-chan here needs a partner to practice business relationships, and Natsume-kun happens to be free. As such, they're going to be sitting together for the whole year because President assigned them as partners," screeches and screams were heard inside the classroom, but Narumi-sensei just laughed. All students glared at him, but he didn't seem to miss a beat.

"That isn't fair, sensei! No one has ever been partners with Natsume-kun for years, even his best friend Ruka-kun!" Sensei just smiled.

"If you have complaints regarding the seating and partnering arrangements, you can make an appointment with the President himself, Shouda-san." That silenced Permy. Deeming that everything seemed to have settled, Narumi clasped his hands.

"Yuu-kun, I'm assigning you to have a tour with Mikan-chan this afternoon," with that, he fixed his binder, and said.

"Since I want Mikan-chan to get used to the class, I am giving you all free time to get to know her. See you later, class," nobody even bothered to say anything in return. When the man finally left the premises, Mikan was bombarded with questions.

"Who are you?" Mikan raised an eyebrow.

"I just told you in class, literally three minutes ago," someone bonked the lad on the head with a book. Mikan, ignoring the charade happening in front of her, she decided to get some shut eye.

"I'm not done with you yet, Missy," Sumire Shouda, she later found out demanded. Opening one eye, she raised an eyebrow. Twitching, Permy continued.

"You have no right to be Natsume-kun's partner! You will be bringing misfortune to Natsume-kun!" and the rest of the girls agreed. Mikan sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. She didn't really get enough sleep last night. While Mikan was overbearingly nice, she wasn't someone who'd be an angel when deprived of sleep. And she really didn't need this right now. In fact, nobody got the time.

"Listen here, Shouda-san," Mikan began, "Like Narumi-sensei said, it was the President who assigned us together. I don't know about you, but I don't think it's wise to cross the President just 'cause of your pettiness. Now, if you will excuse me, I need a nap and this free period is all I have." She's still there and they're still watching, Mikan finally raised her head up.

"In other words," she glared, "get the fuck outta my face, Permy." Mikan expected the results of her screeching, but she ignored it all. She needed her sleep, and she would damn right get it.


Hyuuga Natsume was a grumpy old man stuck in a fourteen-year-old body, as his best friend used to say, because he was never in a good mood. And while that was insulting, Natsume didn't mind the description. It fit him after all.

However, there were just one of those days where he's grumpier than usual. And today was one of those days. All he wanted was to just get out of this hell-hole they call school, but alas that was not quite an easy feat, especially with his mother breathing down his neck. With one wrong move, he'd be sent his way from a ten story building to the ground with nothing but a bungee jump rope. Natsume might be fearless, but he's not a masochist either. So he stayed put.

Taking the manga off of his face, Natsume crinkled his nose in confusion. Someone was sleeping beside him. Who?

He specifically told his mother that under the pretense that he wouldn't break out the academy, Natsume should be left alone. His mother had understood and that privilege had been going on for years since he entered this school since five, yet why was there a person, who he guessed was the opposite gender peacefully sleeping next to him?

He noticed his best friend, Nogi Ruka looking over at the girl next to him, but he paid him no mind. This girl.

This girl, this girl was gross. For pete's sake, she was drooling.

Natsume clicked his tongue in distaste. Never had been so appalled with a girl before. This was a first. And she's pissing him off. She's sleeping too deeply for his taste, and so he did what a normal Hyuuga would do. He kicked her feet.

She immediately woke up, and looked around. When she saw him smirking, the girl turned red. Natsume being the Hyuuga that he was, blessed with good looks and brain, thought that the girl probably was turning red for she had seen the god, but he was dead wrong.

She kicked twice as hard, and glared.

"What the fuck," she spat on his face. "What in the world did I ever do to you? I just need some fucking sleep, man. Why the hell would you wake me up?" Natsume, even though surprised by her action, quickly schooled his expression, and arched an eyebrow.

"Hyuuga Natsume," he emphasized his last name. The girl simply raised an eyebrow, lazily putting her hair up in a bun. Recognition finally entered her eyes, and while Natsume was ticked off she took this long to realize who he was, it still didn't escape his ego that this girl knew him. Even with just that fact, he was satisfied.

"You're that guy, huh. No wonder these rabid lunatics are so crazy about you, they have the same poles stuck on their asses like you do. Natsume this, Natsume that. God, control your pets, will you? I just needed some sleep." She shook her head. Dusting her uniform, she gave him one last glare before walking away as soon as the bell rang.

What the hell just happened. Natsume blinked, quite stupefied and perplexed because that did not just happen. But Ruka coughed, when did he change seats he would never know, and said.

"You too, huh?" Ruka laughed at his confused expression. He stated, quite giddy Natsume observed, that the girl also ignored his presence, as if Ruka was normal. That's bullshit. If Natsume was beyond normal, so was Ruka.

Natsume smirked. Finally, someone other than Imai (she's a different case altogether. That girl definitely was an android, Natsume thought) was able to stand tall and faced him.


End Chapter.