Alright, give me a break people. I know, I should be updating other stories, not writing new ones, dammit Satan! Buuuut… I just finally watched Gravity Falls and really enjoyed it and after, like, three episodes decided that Dipper needed to stumble his way into the world of Rise of the Guardians. Apparently this cross over has actually happened here, but not the ship I had in mind… *maniacal laughing whilst rubbing hands together evilly* Strap in and join me on this adventure as I get a feel for the Gravity Falls characters and make words happen. :)

Side note: This is fanfiction and as my standing as Satan, I declare Ford's journals were never destroyed. So there. :P Also, this will most likely, more likely than not, be OOC. So keep that in mind and try not to hate this too much..?

Nose stuck in the red journal marked by the black ink as number one, there's a quiet mumbling coming from Dipper as he wanders the woods. Glancing up occasionally to ensure he doesn't run into a tree or trip over a rock, Dipper makes a steady progress. Probably. The brunet teen had no idea where he was going. He was simply enjoying the nature Gravity Falls had to offer. He glances up just in time to duck under a low hanging branch just before pausing. Yanking a pen from behind his ear, Dipper scribbles down a few notes before replacing the writing utensil and continuing on his way. Just as he's about to glance up again, Dipper feels his foot fail to connect with ground and he topples down into a hole he hadn't noticed before. A yell rips from his throat as he shuts the journal and holds it tighter against his chest than his eyes are closed. There's a sensation of silky softness on his arm for less than an instant. Suddenly there's a feeling of being weightless before he slams hard into the ground. Huffing and standing up, he quickly brushes himself off and turns his excited attention to the pit he just fell in, first looking up, expecting to see earthen walls, but finding only clear skies and trees. The first of which was an anomaly by itself in Oregon, especially in the winter. He then finds his attention drawn down, to a small earthy tunnel just beside where he had hit the ground. He walks around it, examining it. "So this is like the bottomless pit just near the Shack, huh?" He looks around to see if there are any distinguishing landmarks he could use to determine where he was. All he sees is a frozen lake covered in a beautiful swirled design not cracks in the ice as much as the way it froze over, with some trees surrounding it. Furrowing his eyebrows, he looks around some more. "Where is this?" He speaks softly as a soft but bitter winds rushes past him. Stuffing the journal back into it's proper pocket, he sits on the roots of a tree that sit at the edge of the ice not far from where he was standing. Shaking his head and closing his eyes for a moment, he looks around once more, hoping for some clue as to where he's found himself. Suddenly, he notices the silhouette of a very slender person. Getting up, he moves towards the person, despite his knowledge of the supernatural. "Hey! Excuse me!" The person pays him no attention, doesn't even cast a curious gaze to him. As he moves to the dark figure, he realizes that this person has hair as white as the fresh snow on the ground. "Excuse me, sir?" The man was lean, though tall, dressed in brown pants that showed his ankles, a blue hooded sweater, and no shoes, confusingly. Reaching the guy who still had showed no signs of responding, he tugs lightly on the sleeve of his hoodie. Jumping, the boy turns around, as if he wasn't expecting anyone to speak with him. "Excuse me, my name is Dipper Pine. I was wondering if you could give me some directions or something?" Being closer to the boy it became evident that was exactly what he was. He didn't look like he could be that much older than seventeen.

Looking around almost nervously, he points to himself. "Me?" As though there was someone else around, as if Dipper had not just tugged on his clothing. Nodding the brunet continues. "I live at the Mystery Shack. I was just wandering around, I guess longer than I thought, and now have no idea where I am." The white haired boy still seems unsure, disbelieving. "You're talking to me?" Slightly exasperated, Dipper nods. "Yes you, can you help?" Doing a little whoop of victory, the blue with shockingly blue eyes holds out his hand. "Hi, I'm Jack. Sorry, I'm not very good at talking to people..."

Slightly stunned and not really knowing how to react, Dipper shakes his hand. "Ummm… It's alright. So, where am I exactly..?"

"Right, right. This is just outside of Burgess. You said you were wandering?" At the nod of confirmation from Dipper, Jack continues. "You must have doing that awhile, there's not much too close to here."

"Oh, yeah. From Gravity Falls. You think you could point back in that direction? Preferably without any tunnels, pits, or holes to the end of the earth..?"

This comment puts a look of confusion on Jack's face. "Gravity Falls? Where's that?"

"Kinda near Mount Hood and Corvalis?" Dipper was slightly surprised, not many people knew about Gravity Falls, but someone who lived so close should at least have heard of it. When there's no sign of recognition in Jack't blue, blue eyes, he continues. "Medford, Portland?"

"Sorry, you mean in Oregon..?" Jack gives him a strange look.

"What? Yes, in Oregon. Where did you think I was talking about?" Dipper returns the strange look, though his is tinged in annoyance.

"I dunno… Somewhere closer to here?" He speaks, nonchalantly as he leans against a staff that Dipper had just noticed. "Maybe just outside of Lewistown or something?"

"What do you mean closer to here? I've only been out walking for an hour, tops." His tone is turning slightly indignant.

"Well then, how did you end up in Pennsylvania..?" Jack mocks lightly, gazing questioningly at the brunet.

Dipper looks momentarily confused before he snaps his fingers and walks toward the hole he had emerged from earlier, only to find smooth ground, not a pit in sight, he thought this is where it was. Turning to Jack, who had followed out of sheer curiosity, he asks. "Is there a pit or a hole or anything anywhere over here?"

Jack's eyes widen slightly and he grabs onto the sleeve of Dipper's coat, he drags him away from the frozen water. "Did you fall into a hole?"

Dipper only becomes more confused as he nods. "Yeeeah..?" He has no idea how to respond to this boy with vivid eyes and pure white hair. He was almost worried Jack was dead, what with his pale, pale skin and the dark rings under his eyes. If it wasn't for how... alive he was, Dipper would consider it a valid possibility.

"Alright. This is gonna seem crazy, but you need to hold onto me. I think I know someone who can help." Dipper looks at him warily as he holds out his arms. After a moment he decides, what the hell, he'd been in worse situations. Wrapping his arms around the surprisingly slim boy, he notices how cold Jack is. It was like hugging a human shaped block of ice in clothes, but drier, not melty. Shivering, he clings on a little tighter as he feels his feet being lifted from the ground shortly after Jack had called out like a crazy person. "Winds! To the North Pole!" Just as he was about to call him out on being insane.

"Whoa!" Dipper yells out as they get higher into the air, looking down he can see the city Jack had called Burgess as well as the surrounding area. They stay over the trees or unpopulated areas and get to the North Pole faster than Dipper ever would have thought they'd be able to without the aid of an aircraft. In a matter of minutes, he was able to see a castle submerged in ice, the Aurora Borealis dancing above merrily.

"I present to you, the North Pole." Jack smirks slightly at the awe enveloping the brunet's face. "Yah, pretty nice isn't it?" The white haired boy chuckles softly before setting him down in the powdery soft snow. "Well, let's not wait for thee ice to melt. Let's go." He gestures forward, allowing Dipper to lead the way. Amazement still in his eyes, the brunet walks slowly forward, toward the large door before looking back to Jack when he reaches it. The white haired boy nods and that's all the encouragement Dipper needed to push open the heavy door.

"Woah!" The brunet exclaims all over again, marveling at the workshop, he spins around a couple times, trying to stay out of the Yeti's way while still taking everything in. Jack laughs fondly, smiling in the boy's direction, remembering the first time he had set foot in the space too.

"Yeah… It's pretty spectacular. Wait until you meet North." Jack passes the boy, indicating him to follow as he walks ahead, further into the shop. Knocking on a door before opening it, he reveals a large office type room to Dipper, full of fantastical toys, self run flying planes, beautifully clear trains made of ice speeding along on tracks just as cold and clear. "Hey, North. We've got a problem."This is when Dipper notices books flying out of a much smaller door than the one he had just walked through. Pulling his eyes to the little bit of red he could see, he watches intently as the man curses loudly in a thick Russian accent before exclaiming in excitement, "Eureka!"

Pulling back out of the closet, standing upright to show his tall, muscular form. His sleeves are pushed up, showing his tattoos that read 'Naughty' on his right arm, and 'Nice' on his other. Dipper freezes up a little bit. This was Santa? What the hell? Then, he didn't really expect yetis to be the ones making toys either. He'd seen weirder things than this.

"Jack! My boy, why you bring this child here?" The man greets Jack with a bit of confusion even in his warmth.

"This," Jack gestures over Dipper. "is Dipper. He has found himself in a bit of a… Predicament." Setting his staff down, he takes a seat in one of the large chairs pulled up to the desk. "And we need your help."

"Dipper, an interesting name." North strokes his beard as he sits across from Jack and rests the book he had finally found on the table top.

"It's actually just a nickname..." Dipper says quietly as he takes the remaining chair beside Jack.

"And what exactly is problem?" North asks Jack, who had begun to spin the chair.

"He somehow managed to find his way in and out one of Bunny's tunnels with the damn kangaroo not even noticing." The boy pouts a bit as one of North's large hands falls onto the back of his chair, pausing his movements.

"This is no problem, we get Sandy to put him to sleep, bring him home, all was dream. I get Sandy now."

After just a bit, the glowing golden man floats his way into the office after being announced by Phil the yeti. "Sandy, I have job for you." The large Russian explains to Sandy what he needs from him. Nodding the little glowing creature nods, gives a giant, glowy, floating thumbs up before flicking sand to Dipper who had, rightfully, begun to freak out a bit. But was soon under the spell of fitful sleep.

Alright. So this is all for now, I will continue this. For reference, no one is really sure where Burgess is supposed to be, but one of the most common answers I found was Pennsylvania. So there's the explanation for that. :) Anyways, I hope to be able to post a new chapter, whether here or on another story soon. Thanks as always.
