The halls of the Enterprise were everything Pavel had been surprised to find he missed during the time at home in Russia. The electronic lights, the sterile paneling, the cleanliness, the brightly colored uniforms. It all felt like home. He sighed happily "Home."

"Mr. Chekov," an engineer waved to him.

"Hi, hi! Good to see you," Pavel called back. He turned and found Cat was catching up with her nurses. He hoisted her bag over his shoulder along with his own and left her to chat. When he turned a corner, he nearly collided with Captain Kirk.

"Mr. Chekov," Kirk greeted him. He smiled widely and extended his hand enthusiastically.

Pavel ignored it, dropped the bags, and threw his arms around Jim. "Keptain Kirk." He stepped back and embraced the captain by the shoulders. "You look good. Much better!"

"Same for you," Jim replied. He looked him up and down. "How are you? How's your head? How's everything else?"

"I'm great, I'm fine," Pavel brushed off the captain's concern. "All better. All in ze past."

Jim nodded. "Not for me, but I'm glad you're past it. Really. Thank you, Mr. Chekov."

"There you are," Cat's voice came.

Pavel turned and smiled at her as she bounced toward them. "Zere she ees," he whispered more to himself than anyone. Jim heard it and smiled fondly at the navigator.

"Jim! Hey!" When she reached the men, Cat hugged the captain. "How are you? Any Lyme symptoms lately?"

"None at all," Jim answered. "Thank you." He pressed his hands together and bowed his head. "Thank you, thank you."

"I'm glad you're back. I knew that wasn't you. At least things will be back to normal this time around, yeah?" She swatted a flyaway strand out of her eyes.

Jim snorted and blushed, then froze when he saw a bright sparkle at the doctor's left hand. "Cat," he exclaimed. He chuckled in surprise.

"Hmm?" Cat replied, looking between Jim and Pavel. "What'd I miss?"

"Your – your hand?" Jim questioned. He caught the smirk on Pavel's face and turned back to Cat, his own wide smile. "You two got engaged?"

"Oh, yes!" Cat laughed, pulling her hand up again and showing Jim the ring. "Christmas morning proposal."

"You're joking. That's fantastic. That's amazing." Jim grinned. He clapped Pavel on the shoulder. "Good job, Kid. Way to not give up just because some dick was jealous. That's great!" He raised an eyebrow at Cat. "Have fun telling Bones. He's a hopeless romantic."

"Yeah, he's definitely the definition of romantic," Cat snickered.

"Let's go unpack, zen we can tell everyone!" Pavel exclaimed. He'd promised himself he'd play it cool, but Jim's excitement was contagious. The sheer joy at their happiness was something he wanted to experience with their other friends. His Enterprise family.

"Okay," Cat giggled. "See you around, Jim."

He waved as the couple trotted down the hall to what he assumed would be their shared living quarters. As he turned back for his own apartment, he laughed aloud, completely relieved that Cat had solved his medical mystery and saved her relationship with Chekov.

Jaylah blinked in the dim bar light. "What means this? Engaged?"

"We're going to get married!" Pavel exclaimed, wrapping an arm around Cat's waist and squeezing her.

The bridge crew and the usual troublemakers had gathered at the bar for a reunion. Things had quickly taken an excited turn when Uhura spotted Cat's engagement ring and nearly fainted.

Jaylah nodded, then narrowed her eyes. "Okay. What means married?"

"They're going to be stuck together forever and eventually have some wee lads and lasses," Scotty explained quickly. "Good one, then! When's the wedding?"

"At the end of this mission when we get back to Earth," Cat laughed. "Don't get too antsy. We've got plenty of time to plan."

"For the wedding, it will be amazing," Jaylah promised, suddenly excited at the mention of a party. "I will help. I will be your maiden! Then you be mine. Montgomery Scotty, let's have a wedding."

Scotty choked on his drink.

"Yeah, Mr. Scott," Uhura giggled. "You could have your wedding planned and done by the time we get back to Earth for the Chekov wedding."

Scotty took another drink and kept chugging as everyone stared at him.

"I'm excited to hear what ze nurses will say," Pavel interjected, hoping to save Mr. Scott.

"I'm sure it'll be pandemonium," Cat admitted.

"Yeah. Hopefully there's no sick crew members because none of you will be able to channel your focus," Bones scoffed.

"Quit being grumpy," Uhura snapped at him.

"Oh, I'm happy," Bones growled. "Look at them," he said, waving a hand at the couple. "They're perfect. They're young. They're beautiful." He rolled his eyes. "Here's to the all-American couple." He raised his glass.

"Half-American," Spock interrupted the toast. "I believe Mr. Chekov is of Russian-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," the group chided.

Cat grinned back at Pavel. "Haven't changed your mind, have you?"

"Of course not," Pavel murmured into her lips. He made to kiss her, but a dinging on everyone's communicators stole his attention away.

"Hey, bridge crew," Captain Kirk's voice came. "Looks like we're about to warp into a meteor belt that wasn't there a few minutes ago. Something's up. Let's get to work!"

The bridge crew grumbled, drained their drinks, and threw cash on the bar.

"Time to boldly go," Pavel said, a knowing twinkle in his eye.

A/N: For Anton Yelchin. As retold my those who loved him, a beautiful soul with a beautiful mind.