Eve of Magic chapter 1 - Kantrellian Chosen

Kantrellia, located between the kingdoms of Mora and Inama, is the largest empire in all of Baldyr. Spanning across mountain ranges and forests to the north, stretching over the vast seas to the south and grasping at the very skies, this kingdom holds control of most of the mainland continent . The land is at peace, with men living side by side with magical creatures and elemental spirits.

However, some humans are more than mere men or women. They have been blessed with the powers of the Gods to be stronger than any magical beast. Selected by the Gods in a time long past, these people have reincarnated over the millenia as the messangers of the Gods - the Chosens. It is their job to do the bidding of their Holy masters on the physical plain, where the Gods may no longer tread. Be it retaining the flow of the waves or the growth of the forests, the Chosens are a vital component of sustaining the serenity of the kingdom of Kantrellia.

It is common for a Chosen to discover his or her powers at a young age, however awakening them is much more than just discovering them.

The town of Inazuma was located at the foot of the Eastern Baldyrian Fire Mountains. As the sun rose each morning it always hit the clock tower first, before snaking its way over the thatched roofs of the houses, down the stone walls and into the silent streets. Rather, they would be silent, if it was not for the young boy sprinting through them. As he ran, he roused the livestock in their pens and woke the first souls from their slumber.

The boy in question ran with a spring in his step, his face shrouded in the hood of a smoky black cloak, however, that did nothing to mask his passionate grin. The golden clasped ruby weighed down his hood, but that did nothing to slow him. Though the streets were wet and muddy from the previous night's rainfall, the boy cared not if his leather boots were dirtied, neither did he care if his scruffy pants were lined with mud.

Jumping over puddles and clattering back onto the path, the boy ran up the street excitedly. His ruckus caused the maidens who always rose early to have to stop him and shush him. They did not want him waking the rest of their households after all. No matter how much the boy was scolded though, he just carried on his way, not making any less noise.

By the time he had reached where he intended to be, the sun was already reflecting over the glacier that lay between the mountains nearest to the town. The boy stopped to catch his breath briefly, standing outside of the door to the town's inn. Its brickwork was that of an ancient civilization that had settled on the town grounds long ago, the roof being the only part that was regularly changed. The windows were not fancy, though they contained precicely cut glass rather than scruffy glass sheets or no glass at all. After a few seconds, the boy felt rested enough and swung open the heavy, wooden front door.

"Tenma!" A woman's voice bellowed from behind the main counter. "You were out all night again!"

Tenma jumped with surprise as he stepped through the front door. He had just gotten home and already he was being told off.

"Sorry, Aki," Tenma apologised to his aunt, the woman who ran the inn.

She was not a big burly woman as one would expect from a bar tender woman, rather she was slim and beautiful. She was the talk of the town, attracting many customers on a regular basis. Even travellers fell for her, leading to the rumour that she was in a relationship with a travelling warrior from the kingdom of Inama. She had suspiciously never confirmed it.

"What did I say about going out after dark Tenma?" Aki asked, gritting her teeth and trying to be intimidating.

"Not unless Pegasus Arc tells me to," Tenma sighed. "But I was able to get more control on my powers this time."

Undoing the crested ruby clasp on his cloak, he hung it on a peg behind the counter. Ruffling his chestnut hair, he wandered back to the main bar. A large gray and blue-black spotted dog rushed to meet him, barking excitedly at the return of his master.

"Hi Sasuke," Tenma patted the dog's head and sat down at one of the tables.

As Aki placed his breakfast in front of him, he looked over at the seasonal calander. The intricately drawn souvenier was hanging on a wooden beam near the staircase which led to the bedrooms.

It's the season of the wind dragon, Tenma thought to himself, scooping up a spoonful eggs into his mouth. I should leave for the capital soon, or I'll miss the banquet.

"Umm... Aki," Tenma stumbled on his words a bit.

He knew that Aki was anxious every year when he left for the Chosen's Banquet. Aki felt like a stand in mother to Tenma, so she would never quite get over her anxiety when he left evey year. But Tenma came back in one piece each time, so as time went on, she had tried to get more used to it. When Tenma had popped the question, his aunt was about to clear the tankards away from the previous night's gathering. She placed an empty tray on the counter and sighed.

"Yes Tenma?" Aki replied, already knowing what he was going to say.

"I will come home again," Tenma smiled awkwardly.

He knew that by saying that, he had probably only made Aki even more worried. She began to fiddle with the buttons on her tunic and swallowed anxiously. Inching closer to her nephew, she almost refused to look at him directly.

"I know that," Aki breathed, turning away from her nephew. "But still, every year, I just get this feeling you'll never come back."

Tenma noticed his aunt trembling. Her hands were no longer messing with the buttons, rather they were grasping them tightly. Her folorn face told Tenma enough. He wanted to change the subject and discontinue the conversation. They could have it some other time.

"Sorry, Aki," Tenma stood up, scraping the remainder of his food off his plate and under the table for Sasuke to lick up. "I-"

He was cut off when he was swept up for a tight hug. her grip as not too strong, however it enough to keep the teen boy at bay. After getting over the shock, he wrapped his arms around his relative. Aki seemed to be on the brink of tears. As the two of them remained still in the main room of the tavern, the sun began to glint through the windows, sending beams of light onto the whitewashed walls. All was silent. All was still.

"I'll be ok," Aki whispered to her nephew, loosening her grip on him slightly. Standing back, she placed her hands on his shoulders. "You're thirteen now, after all. You're more than old enough to take care of yourself."

Wiping her tears with her dainty fingers, she smiled soothingly to let Tenma know that she could manage. Tenma was silent for a few seconds, stunned at his aunt's words. He was used to having to argue with her to go to the banquet. One year he had even resorted to sneaking away in order to go, much to Aki's worry.

"Are you sure?" Tenma asked, furrowing his brow.

"Yes, I'm sure," Aki exhaled the last of her anxiety. "I just worry too much. Like I used to back with-"

"Back with who?" Tenma asked.

"Doesn't matter," Aki shook her head. "Now then, you leave in two days right?"

The bar tender proceeded to waltz back to the counter.

"Let's see how many chores you can get done by then," she smiled and threw her nephew the tray she had placed on the counter earlier.

Catching it clumsily, Tenma beamed and nodded his head vigerously. His aunt had gone back to her usual self.

"Sure!" he grinned.

The misty morning of mid spring sent shivers down Tenma's spine as he stepped out of the inn. Aki followed closely behind him, holding Sasuke back by his collar. No one was awake sun had not had the chance to creep up, over the sprawling forest to the east. The Fire Mountains were still wrapped in the cloudy shadows of the dawn. The silent street was baren. It was the perfect time for Tenma to take his leave from the town.

"Tenma," Aki said as her nephew pulled down his hood and adjusted the sword on his belt.

"What Aki?" Tenma asked, turning his covered head back to his aunt.

"Good luck on your journey to the capital," Aki began. "Remember your manners at the banquet. Wash as much as possible. Be careful in the city. Be sure to-"

"Aki, I'll be fine," Tenma reassured her. "If Pegasus Arc is with me, I'll come back soon enough."

Tapping his chest faithfully, he grinned under his hood. His words calmed his aunt down a little. As Tenma looked out, onto the street, he noticed the first sun appearing above the low lying mist.

"I gotta go now. I'll be back soon though," Tenma gave his aunt a last quick hug, before taking off down the street, waving as he left. Just before he ran out of earshot of the inn, he heard Aki calling out to him.

"Make sure you show those people in the capital what the Chosen of the Wind is all about!"

Tenma smiled as he turned the corner that led to the town gates. That call would surely have woken up everyone one the street.

Hello there. I'm Princess Erii. I hope that you enjoyed this first chapter. This is actually an edited version of the original which was up here for a while until I decided to revisit it.

Anyway, Eve of Magic is a fantasy/adventure take on IEG. Whilst there is not much confirmed shipping, I try to put in as much ship tease as I feel is necessary for the plot and characters. Most of the characters from the games and anime will eventually make an appearance at some point, be it in the form of an MC, supporting character or cameo.

Reviews mean the world to me. I am a massive perfectionist and will do anything to make the story better. If you have any questions about the plot, characters or just want writing tips, feel free to PM me and I will be sure to respond (unless you want spoilers).

I hope that you enjoy the rest of Eve Of Magic.

~Princess Erii