Erin tossled her hair through the towel as she stepped out of the shower. She wrapped another one around her body, tying a lose knot across her chest. She tiptoed through back into the bedroom, her toes leaving a trail of water in her wake.
The shower seemed to have been just what she needed, and she loved the feeling of the hot water as it collided with her skin. She'd watched as the droplets went down her body, eyeing up her scars that the undercover operation had left on her body. The doctors had taken good care of her, and they were beginning to heal. Some of them were slightly discolored, but they were beginning to be hardly recognizable.
She reached the corner of the bedroom, where she kept most of her clothes: it was still Jay's apartment after all, even though she spent all of her time there. She pulled on a pair of sweats, a tank and one of Jay's sweatshirts. They just felt better than her own. Erin dropped the second towel from around her hair and let her lose wet strands fall onto her shoulders. The work she'd undertaken lately meant she hadn't had time for a hair-cut: even when her hair was wet, it almost reached the middle of her back.
Erin made her way back into the lounge, where she'd left a playful and rather agitated Jay. She'd half expected him to follow her into the bathroom, so he could have his way with her in the shower. Of course, that had been what he wanted but he seemed to have followed her orders. She found him when she walked through the doorframe, sitting in almost the same position as he had been before.
If it was possible, he seemed in an even happier mood when she walked back in on him. Erin saw he was sitting on the couch with his cell phone in his hand. When he heard her walking back towards him, he turned and grinned at her.
Erin smirked, noticing the slight light in his eyes. "I kinda expected you to follow me," she said as she plonked back onto the couch next to him.
Jay narrowed his eyes as he looked at her. "I thought that was against the rules," he emphasized, looking at her through slits. It was evident he was pained, a sex ban was clearly not on his agenda. He watched as Erin laughed, obviously thinking his needing was funny.
"Well I'm glad you listened. You know what the doctors said," she probably wasn't helping his desires as she nestled her slender frame against his own. She felt the corners of her mouth upturn as his arm snaked around the back of her neck and draped across her shoulders. She knew it was the beginning of his advances, so fought to change the topic. "Who was on the phone?"
He had his face close to her own, nuzzled into her neck. "Hmm?"
Erin reached to grab the cell out of his hand. "Um your phone? Why are you holding it?"
"Oh," he pulled away from her a little, so he was able to look her in the face. "I had a phone call while you were in the shower."
She was slightly surprised, she'd forgotten they weren't living in their own private bubble. There were more people in the outside world. "And?"
"It was Hank," he couldn't stop his facial expression, his white teeth coming into view as he grinned at her. "He found Logan."
It took a minute for Jay's words to register in Erin's brain. For a while, she refused to let herself believe they were true.
For she knew Logan was sneaky, she knew he had escaped their grip before.
And the fact he'd escaped this time, she thought he'd never see him again.
When she finally realized what Jay had said, Erin almost swore. Inside, she felt elated. She knew she could rely on Hank and the team. "We got him."
Jay returned the thrilled look he saw on her face. "Yeah babe, we got him." Finishing his sentence, he pulled her face towards his own and kissed her hard. It took her seconds to return it, and soon she was kissing him back. When he moved to pull her over closer, Erin pulled back.
Jay groaned. "You're killing me, you're really killing me." He let his arms drop to his side and looked at her with wide eyes.
Erin thought it was kinda cute, the way he was acting. It was obvious how much he wanted her, if it wasn't obvious enough in his face, it was obvious in his hand gestures and the way he tried to engage in foreplay. She knew she was making him suffer, but their making up for it would be worth it, right?
She pushed herself backwards onto the couch, so she was against the armrest and let her legs come to rest over Jay's. He couldn't miss their contact for a second, automatically resting a firm grip of his hand on her leg. Erin turned to reach for the TV clicker in a bid to distract him.
"What do you want to watch?"
Jay scoffed at her. "I just told you we caught the shit-bag Logan and you want to watch TV?"
"Yeah I want to watch TV, you know we've been told to take it easy."
Jay scrunched his nose. "Erin Lindsay, when have you ever listened to anybody who told you to 'take it easy'?!"
Erin laughed, knowing it was true. She was a stubborn person, and apparently it was obvious. "Well when it comes from a medical professional, I think I'm gonna listen.."
"Okay true," Jay sank further into the couch, his back sliding down into the cushions. "What are we watching?"
"I'm down for anything. Maybe a movie?" He watched as Erin flicked through the channels, not paying much attention. "Oh, Step Brothers. I'm down for that," he pointed towards the screen and Erin stopped on the channel. Within seconds, she was eyeing his face and watching him intently as he laughed hysterically.
It was slightly surreal to Erin that even after everything that had happened the past few weeks, she was back with Jay. There had been a point in her first undercover mission that she thought she would never see him again. And it had scared her, really scared her. The point when she'd left him the note, she barely thought she would be forgiven let alone practically living with him again.
She watched as the lines around his eyes seemed to disappear when he was laughing, his whole face seeming to light up as he laughed at the jokes in the movie.
Her eyes drifted to the white bandage Jay had around the back of his neck. It was the only visible scar Jay had of their ordeal, the dressing spread across the majority of his hairline and down to the top of his spine. It looked a hell of a big bandage for what it was covering, although Erin hadn't really seen it. The hole in his neck had been hidden from her sight, and she felt guilty. Jay was shot. He could have died. And it would have been her fault.
Erin was roused from her daze by the sound of a cell phone buzzing. Her own was in the bedroom, so she figured it was Jay's. She watched as Jay pressed the answer button and held the device to his ear. The look of concern on his face soon turned to relaxation.
"It's Hank," he took the phone away from his own ear and presented it to Erin. "He wants to speak to you."
Erin didn't have a clue where to begin the conversation. She wanted, needed, to thank him for so many things and yet she couldn't find a way to put that into words. He'd gone further than he needed to, to protect them. And, even when he'd dodged his arrest, Hank had found Logan. And Erin wanted to know his fate.
"Hank, hey."
"Hey, kiddo there you are. I was worried for a sec, but then thought I'd try Jay's cell. How are you holding up?"
"We're okay… what happened?!"
"So I guess Jay told you. Logan slipped up, he's not so good at the running thing, We caught up with his games eventually. The girls you saw in his place are all going back to their own country, and he…well he won't be seeing the light of day again."
Erin breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and Hank responded. "Heh, I know kid. It's okay, you're safe. But you guys should get some rest I know that mission was heavy. I need you two back to yourselves before I have your hand in any more cases."
"I mean it, Erin. Heck I don't want to see you two until you're better. You need at least a week. Sleep, go out walking, whatever. I need my Detectives back to 100%."
Jay looked over at her as she hung up the call and handed the cell phone back to him. "What did he say?"
"He said to sleep, go out walking and whatever." Erin raised her eyebrows.
"So we should follow the boss's orders, right?" Jay wriggled on the couch, still sitting underneath Erin's legs. "What do you say we take a walk?
"Really?" Erin craned her neck to look out of the window, noticing the droplets of rain landing coming to land on the window pane. "That weather does not look appealing at all, you really wanna go for a walk?"
"Hey, I'm just doing what the Boss is telling me," he winked at her. "We don't have to go now I guess."
He had a way of guilt-tripping her, his way with words, and it worked. Erin groaned a little as she swung her legs off the side of the couch and elevated her body from the couch cushions.
"No, you're right. Exercise'll be good." He got up after her, headed towards the hallway.
It took little time for Erin to prepare herself for the brass conditions, wrapping herself in her winter jacket and accessories to keep her warm. As she slid her arms into her coat, she watched as Jay struggled to manoeuvre his own garments up his arms. The pain in his neck was evident, and she knew he was fighting to stop himself from showing her it hurt.
"Hey," she did the zipper on her jacket then moved closer to him. "Here let me help."
He seemed relieved at her offer to assist him. "Thanks, Er." She pulled up the sleeves of his jacket so they were resting on his shoulders. They stepped out of the door and locked it behind them. When they reached the bottom of the stairs to the doorway, Erin slid her hand through his.
It somehow made her feel safer, like she was protected. Even with the littlest contact of their fingers, it was all she needed. Both Detectives walked past the driveway, into the cold evening Chicago air.
Jay sucked in a breath, regretting his idea. "Okay maybe we walk a couple of blocks and then head back?" He breathed out, watching as the air formed a visible breath bubble in front of him. "Maybe this was a bad idea, it's fucking cold."
Erin laughed, her free hand covering her mouth. "What did I tell you? You should listen to me more often."
They walked a couple of blocks before heading back to the apartment. It was dusk by the time they got back, the sun setting on the opposite side and the sky turning a dark shade of grey. Erin was shivering when they reached the door to the apartment, she couldn't wait to get back inside.
When they got inside, Erin headed straight for the kitchen. She felt the desire for something hot, to warm her cold blood. She made a hot chocolate before heading back into the lounge. Jay had already resumed his position, his feet at one end and his head at the other end of the couch. Erin set down her cup and snuggled in beside him. The heat from his body was better than any hot drink anyway. She pressed her body against his in a bid to feel as close to him as possible.
The two lay quiet for a while, before Jay spoke.
"We should go on vacation."
Erin lifted her head and shifted her body so she was able to looking at him. "Where did that come from?"
"I'm just saying, we deserve it." He paused to kiss the top of her head and ran fingers through her lose curls. "What you went through in there, I just want you to forget about it. I know that might never happen but I want to take your mind away from that place. So, we should go on vacation." He watched as a smile spread across her face. "So where would you like to go, Miss Lindsay? Where in the world can I take my girlfriend on vacation?"
Erin didn't expect the word to surprise her as much as it did. They'd already told each other they loved the other, for God's sakes. But the word still made her feel giddy inside and it warmed her heart. She watched as Jay noticed her reaction and she willed her head up so she could plant a kiss on his lips.
"Anywhere," she pulled her face away and stroked one side of his face. "I'm down for anywhere if it's with you."
"Well we have plenty of time to think about that. It can be our fresh start, a new lead in the right direction for us. We can forget about this ordeal, we can put it behind us."
His words were hitting a spot with her, the phrases he was saying whirling around in her brain. It was like he was mesmorizing her with his comments, like they were all she needed to hear.
But in the back of her own mind, she knew what had brought them back together in the first place. She'd tried to come back to him and expected him to be there. Of course he was, but she'd kind of forced her existence on him. She needed one final reassurance that this, this thing between them, was what he really wanted.
Her tone turned serious. "Jay," she sat and perched herself on the edge of the couch whilst he was still laying. "I need you to be sure that this, us, is what you want. Because I am so completely in love with you and I need you in my life and I'm sorry about the ambush all those weeks ago and I'm sorry I ever left you and I…"
Jay raised a single finger and held it to her lips. "Don't you get it?" He sat up himself and cupped her face with both of his hands. "It's you, Erin. It was always you."
The End.
So thank you soooo much for sticking with this story!
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