I have finally updated this story. I apologize about this; I was concentrating on finishing my courses to finish my Bachelor's Degree. But here is the next chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto does.

Chapter 7: Suitor #5: Her Best Friend

Ino has been feeling strange ever since Shikamaru helped her two days ago. She couldn't stop thinking about him and how he was concerned for her. It kept distracting her from her tasks, which her mother took notice of right away.

She asked, "Ino, is something on your mind?"

Ino was in the middle of reviewing preparations for her and Shikamaru's birthday celebration when she came out of her daze.

Ino answered, "Oh, yes, I'm okay, Mom."

Hanako was skeptical and then she rebutted, "Really? Then I suppose you must've realized that you are writing on the table in ink."

Ino looked down and sure enough, there were written words on the table instead of the papers. Embarrassed, she had gotten a cloth and used it to get most of the ink off.

Then Hanako had gotten an idea, "You have been busy all morning, perhaps you should take a break."

Ino replied, "I guess you're right."

So she left the papers in a neat pile and Hanako took over. When Ino walked, she kept thinking about Shikamaru and trying to figure out why she was feeling this way. As she kept on walking, she didn't realize that she stepped out into the courtyard; where sure enough, Shikamaru was laying on the grass like he always does, seemingly asleep. She smiled as she got closer to him and then she cleared her throat to get his attention.

Shikamaru opened one eye and then gave a half-smile to her and then murmured, "Hello Ino, weren't you going to be busy all day?"

Ino sat down beside him and then answered, "I was, but it's already past noon so my mother let me take a break."

Shikamaru nodded his head in acknowledgement and then looked back up at the sky. Ino did the same and then she was struck with an idea.

She turned towards him and asked, "Shika, have you had lunch yet?"

Shikamaru turned his head to her and answered, "No, just a small breakfast earlier this morning. Why?"

Ino replied, "Well, I had an idea that we could have lunch by the lake we used to go to as kids…" She ran her fingers through her long hair nervously before adding, "But if you don't want to, that's okay…"

Shikamaru noticed her nervousness, which was unusual for the princess, whom has the most confidence in herself.

He sat up and then answered, "I think that will be fine; I was getting hungry anyway."

Ino smiled brightly and then stood up from the ground and then replied, "I'll have lunch ready and then we'll go."

Ino then took off to the kitchen in the castle and prepared some sandwiches and fruit, placing them in the basket carefully. Soon, they met at the stables and Ino was helped onto her horse by Shikamaru and then he had mounted onto his own horse from home and held the basket as well. The lake wasn't far; it was only about five miles away from the castle. But to get there, they had to use a specific path that only they knew about other than her parents.

Once they got there, they took in the scenery around them. The lake's water was clear as crystal, surrounding the lake was a meadow filled with wild flowers of many kinds. Right next to the lake was a cherry tree, standing tall and majestically. All in all, it was a breathtaking sight. They dismounted their horses and they tied the reins to the tree. Ino brought out a dark blue blanket out of the basket and laid it out flat. They both sat on the blanket and they helped themselves to some of the sandwiches.

Shikamaru was really enjoying being out there with Ino, but it made him wonder why she was being so quiet though.

Before he could say anything, she spoke, "I always found it so beautiful out here…"

She took in everything around her; the scent of the flowers, the soft breeze that blew through her hair, the clear lake, the sturdy cherry tree they were sitting under and the blue sky above them. It was all stimulating and made her very peaceful. Shikamaru stayed silent and listened to her talk.

She continued, "I always come out here if I'm stressed out about my lessons on becoming Queen or I just want to relax."

Then she had a somber smile as she picked some daisies and started to weave a flower crown.

She whispered, "I came out here when I needed to be alone, especially when…"

She cut herself off before she inhaled deeply and Shikamaru figured out what she was going to say.

She continued, "Especially when… my father's body was returned home and after his funeral."

She hadn't spoken about her father's death for a long time and even though he was killed years three years ago; she remembered it like it was yesterday. By recalling the sorrowful memory, tears came to her eyes and they slowly trickled down her cheeks. She felt her tears being wiped away and she looked over at Shikamaru and she saw that he had a somber frown and he spoke, "I know how you feel… You feel that you lost an important person, a person who was a role model, someone you believe is this great king. Someone you had looked up to and admired, only hoping you could be as great a ruler as he was. And you realize that he can never be around again and that feeling never goes away no matter how hard you try to bury it inside."

There was a pause, and she had thought "That's exactly how I feel. Of course he would understand how I feel; his father was killed in the same battle too."

Then ever so slowly, she leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his waist and just sought out comfort and hopefully returning a bit of comfort to him.

Thankfully, he knew what she wanted so he returned the gesture in kind. No words were spoken, only the breeze that gently blew through the tree branches above them was heard. Soon, they broke apart and Ino hastily wiped the rest of her tears away.

She turned her attention back to Shikamaru before she apologized, "I'm sorry about that; I didn't mean to get emotional."

He shook his head, and replied, "It's okay Ino, you miss him and I know how that feels."

Ino nodded her head in understanding and then continued to weave the flower crown. Soon they had finished the food and just enjoyed the each other's company.

Shikamaru had laid himself on his back and was staring up at the clouds as Ino sat beside him. She finished the flower crown and promptly placed it on top of his head.

Shikamaru grunted in slight annoyance and asked, "What did I say about putting flowers on my head?"

She giggled as she answered, "That it's too girly for a man to wear flowers in his hair and it's a hassle to get flower petals out?"

"Yes…" Shikamaru replied in exasperation.

She giggled again before proclaiming, "But they look so pretty on you."

While not paying attention she felt something being placed on her head. She looked up at him as he placed the crown on her head.

He murmured, "They look more beautiful on you…"

Ino's face turned pink as she looked up at him, his eyes seemed to pierce through her soul or is it just her imagination?

Before either knew what they were doing, they both started to lean in and then Shikamaru gently touched her lips with his own. Ino instantly melted into it, since this was her first real kiss.

However, it only lasted a few seconds before he abruptly pulled himself away from her.

He looked petrified and then he started to exclaim, "I-I'm so sorry, Ino! I don't know why I did that!"

Before he could say more, Ino pressed her finger to his lips, effectively silencing him as he stared at her in bewilderment.

She smiled and replied, "It's okay Shika, I never said I didn't like it."

She paused before adding shyly, "Because, I did…"

His eyes widened a bit before and he stared at her before asking, "Really?"

She nodded and to prove that she meant it, she kissed him in return. It didn't take long for Shikamaru to respond in kind. It felt amazing to them; almost as if they were in their own world. Soon enough, they had to pull apart for air and then they gazed into each other's eyes before smiling. They really don't know what happened but they both enjoyed it. Hopefully, they'll see how far their relationship may take them.

Unbeknownst to them, however, a figure was hidden in the shadows of the forest away from the lake. This figure had watched the whole thing and was not happy at all.

I hope that you liked this chapter and I hope to update Leave the Pieces soon. Please feel free to leave a review. Thank you for being patient with me.