Here is a small chapter story that I had written down during my trip on the Yukon. It will be a relatively short story and it won't interfere with my other two stories. I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't Naruto or it's characters, Masashi Kishimoto does. I only own the story plot.


There were three kingdoms that have a strong alliance with because of the bond of friendship between the three rulers. First, there was the benevolent king, Inoichi Yamanaka who ruled over the Kingdom Graicaea. It has a large meadow that is abundant in wildflowers and it's forests filled with healing herbs. Inoichi was experienced in flowers and their meanings but mostly it was thanks to his family for several herbal medicines they created, as well as poisons.

Second, there was the King of the Nonada Kingdom, Shikaku Nara. He is wise and logical, blessed with extraordinary intelligence like his family before him. The Nonada Kingdom was surrounded in a forestand in this forest, resides the deer herd that have thrived for centuries. The antlers that they collect are used in the medicines that they produce and distribute them throughout the land, to far away villages and kingdoms.

Lastly, there was the King of the Amerys Kingdom, Chouza Akimichi. His kingdom is known for tending to many livestock and for the various fruits and vegetables that they grow.

For centuries, these three kingdoms had been close in friendship and in arms, never breaking their bond over anything. Now, since they are rulers of their respective kingdoms, they all eventually have to have heirs to one day rule in their stead. So they did each have their own child as their heirs.

Inoichi's child was named Ino, a bubbly and somewhat bossy little girl who seemed to have too much energy at times. Inoichi was constantly reminded that Ino will one day grow into a very beautiful woman and be the object of many suitors' affections; which was something he dreaded.

Shikaku's child was named Shikamaru; a quiet little boy who couldn't care less about one day being king; he calls ruling a kingdom, "troublesome". Shikaku's thoughts of his son were that he'd probably never have a wife if he could help it.

And Chouza's child was named Chouji, a chubby boy who was a kind soul who could be an excellent king if he was only more confident in himself.

These three children would visit each other often during the summer, each at a different castle at a time; all three were best friends, but the closest friends would be Ino and Shikamaru. One could argue that Shikamaru and Chouji were closer but it was Ino whom he was closest to.

Every September on their birthdays they would visit the other and celebrate together with Chouji being present to each one. When they were seven, they started giving each other gifts and even if Shikamaru would never admit it, he loved Ino's gifts because she always seemed to know what he liked. And Ino loved Shikamaru's gifts because they were always exactly what she wanted or she had believed they were thoughtful. This tradition continued until they turned ten years old.

Shikaku had to break the bad news to both of them at that time when Ino asked what they should for next year. Shikaku told the young princess, "I'm sorry to say this, Ino, but this will be the last time that Shikamaru can celebrate your birthdays together."

Ino had looked up at him from her seat in shock and asked, "What do you mean 'the last time'? Why are you saying this?"

Inoichi sighed before he answered, "Ino, sweetheart, both you and Shikamaru are growing older and it is about the time where you two must learn on how to perform your royal duties when the time comes for you each to take over the kingdoms soon. And for the both of you to learn, it would be … difficult for you to two visit each other or even visit Chouji since you all will be occupied with these lessons."

Needless to say, Ino was not happy of this turn of events; she was silent, which was not a good sign. But instead of throwing a fit like she has done before, she just stood up from her chair, turned on her heel and ran through the doors from the grand dining room. Inoichi was about to go after her but Shikamaru got up and said, "I'll go find her; I know where she went."

So he went after Ino and then shortly he found her in the meadow underneath a solitary peach blossom tree. As he got closer, he saw that she was holding her knees and her face was hidden but he could tell she was crying; her shoulders were shaking. He sat down beside her and murmured, "Ino?"

Ino lifted her head a bit to see him and she hastily wiped her tears away and whispered, "What?"

Shikamaru replied, "I don't like it any more than you do. I think it's troublesome that we won't see each other often but it doesn't mean that we'll never see each other again. When we have a chance, we can try to visit each other. And we can still exchange letters and I'll try to let you know what's been going on with me and you tell me how you are. Would that be okay?"

Shikamaru looked over at her to gauge her reaction when she suddenly hugged him tightly and rebutted, "But it may be a long time before we see each other again, Shika, I'll miss you and I'm afraid you'll forget me."

He was a little stunned by the hug, but then he returned it and proclaimed, "I'll miss you too, Ino, but I promise I'll write to you because I would never forget you."

Unbeknownst to Ino, Shikamaru was blushing when he said that, then Ino smiled up at him and hugged him more tightly and then whispered, "Thank you, Shika."

Shikamaru returned her hug again and then slightly smiled. And then Ino said, "You better write to me, otherwise, I'll go over to your castle myself and thrash you."

Shikamaru sighed and then muttered, "Yeah, yeah, I got it."

And so after that promise, they continued to write each other letters and when their birthdays would come, they would have someone personally deliver each other's present to the other. Only tragedy struck them both when they were seventeen; their fathers had participated in a war that could have destroyed hundreds of people in different villages and kingdoms. They fought bravely alongside many other leaders until the enemy had caught them off guard and ended their lives; the only one of the three friends that had survived was Chouza whom was distraught at losing his best friends.

Both Shikamaru and Ino had received the news from the returning soldiers in their respective kingdoms, by carrying their deceased king on a cot. They both heard of each other's loss and they sent their condolences by letter and sent a gift as well. Even though they couldn't see each other in person at that time, it was appreciated all the same. They continued to write letters to help each other with their grief and it had been ten years since they have seen each other. Soon it will approach their 21st birthdays and then that is when the two best friends will reunite.

Well, that is the beginning, hope you find it interesting at least. Feel free to leave a review.