Hello everyone. This is my second Alvin and the Chipmunks fanfiction. This story takes place after the events of the Road Chip. Agent Suggs realizes that the only way to get the Chipmunks to come to him is to capture the Chipettes. Please read and review!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Alvin and the Chipmunks or the Chipettes, or any characters in this story.

Chapter 1: Home

Everyone returned back to Los Angeles, except the Chipettes. Dave officially adopted Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. But they came home to a house destroyed by three squirrels in the hoodies from the Alvin, Simon, and Theodore dolls, resulting in Dave yelling, "ALLLVINNNNN!" It took a while, even getting Samantha and Miles to come help, but the Seville household was restored to how it was before the Chipmunks and the Chipettes threw a birthday party for Dave.

"So, when should we have our family dinner?" Dave asked Samantha when they were done cleaning.

"I don't know, how about tonight?" Samantha replied.

"Alright, sounds good! The boys and I will be over at 5:30 to pick you and Miles up."

"Okay, I have to go get ready. See you at 5:30!" Samantha waved as she and Miles left.

Dave turned to his now adopted sons. "Alright, boys. We will be going to dinner with Samantha and Miles tonight. We're leaving at 5:30 so you three have the rest of the afternoon to yourselves. Just stay out of trouble, please." Dave gave Alvin a stern glare.

"Come on, Dave. I'm not a child anymore," Alvin moaned.

"But you sure act like one," Simon said under his breath.

"I have an idea! Let's FaceTime the girls," suggested Theodore.

"Okay, it's 3:30 here, so it's 6:30 in Miami. I believe they're not busy. Alvin, go get the iPad," Simon said.

Moments later, the three brothers were on the couch waiting for the Chipettes to answer their FaceTime request.

"Hello, Alvin!" Brittany said.

"Hey, Britt," replied the red clad chipmunk. "How are you?"

"Very good, actually. It's really fun being guest judges for American Idol. Thank you for asking. How about you?"

"You'll never believe this..." Alvin started.

"...Dave adopted us!" Theodore finished. "We're Sevilles!"

"Wow, that's wonderful!" Brittany said.

"Where are Jeanette and Eleanor?" Simon finally asked.

"Hold on. I'll get your girlfriend, Simon," Brittany said with a chuckle as Simon blushed under his fur.

Seconds later, a chipmunk in a purple dress appeared on the screen. She wore purple glasses, had lavender eyes, and had her hair in a messy bun. With her was a smaller chipmunk. She wore a green dress and had two separate pigtails.

"Hi, Simon! Hi, Theo!" Jeanette and Eleanor said.

"H-hi, J-jeanette," Simon said nervously.

"Hi, Jeanette and Ellie!" Theodore waved.

"Simon, you okay? You're looking a little red," Alvin gave a wink to Jeanette as he said this. Jeanette felt her own face heat up.

"Okay, enough Alvin," said Eleanor. "So I hear that Dave adopted you three. Congratulations!"

"Thanks, it was so emotional," said Theodore. "Even Alvin teared up, but he's too macho to admit it." This time Theodore winked at Brittany, who giggled.

"So I've got to ask, how did you guys end up in so much trouble with Dave?" said Brittany.

"Long story," said Simon.

"We have time."

Simon sighed. "It all started when Dave decided to take his girlfriend Samantha to Miami. She has a son named Miles. He played the guitar when we performed for Dave. Anyway, we found him to be a real pain in our rear at first. We thought Dave was going to propose to Samantha in Miami, and we didn't want to be brothers with Miles, stepbrothers actually. So we decided to go to Miami, on our own, to stop the proposal, which wasn't even between Dave and Samantha. We started out in a plane. But Theodore let some of the animals loose. We were caught by an obsessed psychopath of an air marshal named James Suggs, who put us on the No-Fly List. We took a bus to New Orleans, and we sang Uptown Funk there, causing a commotion and notifying Dave via the news of our whereabouts. We then went to Miami with him and ruined a marriage proposal for his songwriter, Barry. Long story short, we really screwed up."

"Well he forgave us after we sang for him," Alvin added.

"When are you guys coming home?" Theodore asked.

"I'm afraid not for a while," Jeanette said. "Why?"

"I miss Eleanor...'s cooking," Theodore said.

"It's okay, Theo. I miss you too," said Eleanor.

"Umm, we have to go back to auditions. Ryan just texted me," said Jeanette. "Bye, Simon."

"B-bye J-j-jeanette," said Simon.

"Bye, Eleanor."

"Bye, Theodore."

"Bye, Alvin."

"Bye, Brittany." The Chipettes then hung up.

"I miss them a lot," said Brittany.

"I miss them a lot," said Alvin.

"We all do, Alvin," said Simon. "But don't worry. They'll be back in Los Angeles before we know it."

"I sure hope so," said Theodore.

The three boys sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Meerkat Manor was on, which excited Theodore.

After an hour, the three went upstairs to their room to change into nicer clothes for dinner. Alvin wore a black shirt with a red jacket. Simon wore a white shirt with a navy blue jacket. And Theodore wore a yellow shirt with a dark green jacket. They went downstairs and met up with Dave, who drove them over to Samantha's house.

"Alright, guys. Please don't ruin this dinner for me," Dave said.

"We won't," said Theodore.

"I would never think about doing so," said Simon.

"I'll try my best not to," said Alvin, who received stares from his brothers.

The door opened, and Samantha and Miles hopped into Dave's car and the six drove off to their restaurant. They all agreed on Italian since it was the Chipmunks' favorite.