Chapter 3
A/N: Here we are. This is the final chapter from Reach Out.
Disclaimer: I don't own Angry Birds.
I hope you enjoy it!
In the next few days Red visited the strange bird whenever he could. "Roka" was the name Red choose for him since he didn't know his real one and the little bird didn't seem to mind. He was always interested in what Red brought him from the village such as posters, toys and sometimes even some of his drawings and sculptures.
Though Red didn't know what Roka did to them since they were always gone when he came in the next day.
"And this one has my two friends, Chuck and Bomb," Red as he showed the small bird the photo. It was one they took at the beach a few of months ago. "When we first met they almost drove me crazy, but now they're my best friends."
The other bird stared at it with so much fascination and surprise at finding out there were other birds like Red out there. That made Red wonder if he really was the first to find this place which only led to more questions.
Did the little guy really live on his own here? Did he have any friends or family? Where were they? Did they leave him or was he one of the few left of his kind? The thought made Red feel bad for his small friend.
Red suddenly noticed the little guy looking at a photo of him and Stella. She had asked him if he was okay taking a picture together with her and he didn't see a reason not to.
"That's Stella, she lives with everyone else back at the village. We don't talk a lot, but she's really nice," He explained though he knew most of his word went over the other's head.
"Boda?" Roka asked.
"Yeah, Boda." Red nodded despite having no idea what that meant.
Roka's eyes widen and he looked flustered for some reason.
Red raised an eye brow at the odd behavior and thought it over in his head for a moment before it finally clicked and he felt his cheeks burn up.
"No, w-wait hold on, I didn't mean….she's not my-"Red stammered in embarrassment trying to save himself, but he knew the other wouldn't understand anything he'd say.
Oh, what have I done?
"Here you go, kids," Red said as he pulled some doughnuts from the bag in his hand and passed them to the three blue hatchlings. He and his two friends were just on their way back from Matilda's house and they decided to stop by at the Blues' house.
"Thanks, Mr. Red!" The Blues replied in synch and began nibbling on their treat.
"Thank you for visiting, Mr. Red. It means a lot to the kids. You're their hero after all." Mr. Blue stated. Red blushed at this. Even after all this time he still wasn't used to being called a hero.
"It's nothing really." He shrugged.
"Better watch what you're saying sir. His head is big enough as it is." Chuck quipped.
"I heard that," Red muttered.
Mr. Blue chuckled. "It was nice of you three to visit. I hope you come again soon. I know it'll make the kids really happy."
"Oh we will," Red replied and then knelt down in front of the three hatchlings. "Now you three be on your best behavior. Don't cause a lot of trouble, alright?"
"Okay, bye Mr. Red!" The Blues exclaimed, waving at him. Red smiled and waved back before making his way outside with Chuck and Bomb.
"Hey Red, can we have some of those doughnuts too?" Bomb asked as he reached for bag, but Red pulled it away from him.
"No, they're for someone else. Sorry Bomb." Red said apologetically. They were for Roka. He was always delighted whenever Red brought him food from the village.
Bomb groaned, but didn't complain about it. Red then stuffed the bag inside his satchel and accidently dropped his sketchbook on the ground, showing one of his drawings of Roka.
Panicking, Red reached for the book, but Chuck beat him to it. "Hey, that's mine!" he cried out.
The canary's green eyes scanned the drawing for a moment and then laughed. "What is that supposed to be? A ball shaped bird?" he asked, pointing at the page.
"Give me that!" Red tried to grab it, but Chuck pulled the book away from him.
"Opps, gotta be faster than that, buddy." The yellow snickered. Growling in frustration, Red dove for the sketchbook. Chuck quickly sidestepped making him stumble forward.
Bomb stepped in. "Chuck, stop it. You can't take Red's stuff without his permission."
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry! Here's your book back." Chuck sighed and handed Red the sketchbook. "Seriously though, what is it?"
"It's nothing. Just some doodles I made during class today," Red answered simply and winced at the lie. It was hard keeping secrets from his two friends and he always felt guilty about it, but Red wasn't sure he should be telling others about the hidden spot.
Roka might stop trusting Red if more birds started showing up at his home because of him so he decided to keep it a secret for now.
"Anyway, let's hurry or we're gonna miss that movie." Red said to avoid any more questions and was relieved when the two nodded in agreement.
Later that day, Red was making his way towards the lake, humming softly to himself.
Suddenly, Red stopped in his tracks when he heard distressed noises nearby. Immediately, Red felt a knot form in his stomach and quickly hurried towards it, wondering what it could be.
Finally when reached the clearing Red eyes widen at what he saw. Roka was locked inside a wooden cage and the egg nest was nowhere to be seen.
Startled, Red sprinted towards his friend who was trying everything he could to get out, even going as far to bite the wooden bars.
"It's okay, buddy. I'll get you out. J-Just hold on," he said anxiously as he looked around for anything he could use to break the lock. Soon enough, he spotted a rock not far from them. He quickly grabbed it and began hitting the lock with it. He tried a couple more times until it finally broke with the fifth blow.
Roka didn't even wait for him to fully open the door as he dashed to the trees with a furious look in his eyes.
"Hey, wait!" Wasting no time, Red ran after him down the forest path. Red wasn't expecting the small bird to be able to move this fast and he had a hard time catching up to him.
After a few minutes of searching, Red thought he lost him, but then he heard someone yelling in the distance and quickly ran towards it.
Soon enough, Red reached the source of the sound and he gasped in surprised when saw Roka fighting a group of pigs. Red felt anger rise within him when he saw one of them holding the nest in his hands.
Roka meanwhile slammed himself against one of the pigs sending him tumbling back.
"That's enough out of you, freak!" Their leader shouted and raised the club in his hand at Roka.
"No!" Without thinking, Red dashed as fast as he could and punched the pig away from his friend. "I won't let you hurt him!"
Red glanced at Roka who seemed surprised, but also grateful for coming to help him. Soon, Red and Roka managed to drive the pigs away and got the nest back from them.
"Phew, we did a great job back there, huh," Red said and looked down at Roka. The small bird seemed to be thinking deeply about something for a moment then hopped to the nest and looked at Red expectantly.
"You want me to carry it?" Red asked in surprise. The small bird was always protective of the nest and never let him near it before so why now?
Confused, Red walked over to the nest and slowly lifted it into his arms. He was about to head back to the big tree when he noticed Roka hopping to a different direction.
"Hey, your tree is that way!" Red called out, but the small bird ignored him and kept going. He then looked back at Red and motioned for him to follow him.
Not knowing what else to do, Red sighed and began following him.
After walking through the forest a while, Red saw where Roka was going. Ahead of them was a cave of some sort. Roka called for him and then entered it. Feeling a little nervous, but also curious on what's in there, Red took a deep breath before following his friend.
As soon as he went inside, Red was plunged in darkness. He couldn't see anything around him and started to panic, but after a few seconds he finally saw something. There was light up ahead. Sighing in relief, Red walked slowly and carefully towards the exit so he wouldn't trip on something and drop the eggs. There was a weird tingling feeling in the air of the tunnel that Red couldn't describe, but he tried to ignore it the best he can.
It wasn't long until Red spotted Roka waiting patiently for him at the end of it. He called out for him again and then hopped out of the exit.
As he stepped closer Red was blinded by the light for a moment, but when he opened his eyes again he could stare in awe. There was a green valley right below them. He could see trees everywhere going for miles.
"Is this where you live?" Red asked though he already knew the answer. And that's when something else caught his attention.
There were other birds here.
Three blue birds were happily chasing each other in the field. A white bird was tending what seemed to be a flower garden. A yellow bird and a black bird were relaxing under a tree.
While Red stood there baffled at sight, Roka hopped towards the other birds and called out for them.
In a flash, all the birds came rushing to Roka. The first one was the yellow bird who nudged him playfully while the three blue bird hopped around him excitedly. Red almost forgot he was there as he was busy watching the small birds interact with each other until an alarmed shout came.
"Engna!" the black bird suddenly yelled at Red and everyone expect Roka gasped in horror, noticing the strange creature in their home for the first time. The fact that Red was still carrying the nest didn't help at all.
"Wait no, it's not what you think!" Red said nervously. The birds of course didn't understand him and began charging at him angrily.
Just before they could pounce on him Roka quickly stood in front of Red protectively and began talking to them. He then gestured to the items scattered around and Red realized they were the things he brought from the village. One of his sculptures was even placed in front of the garden.
So this is where he took them. Red thought.
He watched as their expressions changed from anger to confusion and then finally awe. Once Roka was done explaining, the birds were staring at Red as if he was the most amazing thing they had seen.
Red put the nest down as they slowly approached him and surrounded him, fascinated by his appearances.
"H-Hey now, careful! You shouldn't poke me there- Ow don't do that!" Red yelped when the yellow bird bit his finger.
He suddenly felt Roka pulling on his satchel eagerly and Red couldn't help, but chuckle. "Alright, alright. Yes, I got something for you." He said as he took out the bag of doughnuts he had been saving from his satchel and held one out for Roka.
The red bird quickly bit on it and made a delighted noise. His friends immediately brightened up, wanting to try the treat too and began swarming Red again.
"Whoa, easy there guys! There's enough for everyone." Red muttered and despite what was happening he found himself smiling.
The End
A/N: And done! Thank you all for the great reviews! I'm glad you enjoyed this story.
To be honest, Reach Out was actually cut short because I'm going to start college soon and I wanted to finish this fic before that.
There were a lot of scenes that I wanted to include in this fic like Red speaking Game Red's language, helping him watch over the eggs and there was even a chapter where the game birds get curious and follow Red to his village which leads to a huge panic around the island when they are seen by everyone.
Anyway, thanks for reading and please review!