Frisk blinked in confusion as she looked around and saw that she and Sans were in front of a sign that read "Welcome to Snowdin" in bright red letters, and beyond the sign was a cheery little town with cute little houses. She could have sworn that it wasn't there before, and she took a moment to look behind her and see that the clearing with Papyrus's tea party was gone.

"fast shortcut, huh?" Sans said with a wink.

"How did you do that?" Frisk asked.

"I told you, it was a shortcut. now c'mon, let's get to my house." Sans shoved his hands in his pockets and walked through the town, humming softly. Frisk looked around, amazed, at all of the snow covered houses and the tree decorated with strings of lights and colorful packages underneath it. But what really struck her as shocking was that lining the streets and going about their business were many clothed, bipedal animals. They all greeted Sans warmly and he waved back at them, always donning his big smile.

"Sans, should I be worried about hiding?" Frisk whispered to him.

"nah," he said. "you're so small no one would pay any mind to you."

"Hey Sansy," a bear creature called to the skeleton before walking up to him. "Did you get a new pet or somethin'?"

"what are you talking about, bill?" Sans asked the bear.

"That thing on your shoulder. It looks like a human." The bear leaned forward and squinted suspiciously at Frisk. "A lot like a human, actually."

Sans scoffed. "what, this thing? bill, you've lost it. it's obviously a mouse."

The bear looked confused. "Are you sure?"

"yeah. have you ever seen a human that small? no. but you know what is that small? a mouse."

The bear squinted at Frisk again then nodded. "Yeah. Now that I look at it, it doesn't really look like a human at all."

Sans nodded. "so what are you up to, huh?"

The bear named Bill turned and looked back at the colorfully decorated tree planted in the middle of the town. "Oh, you know. Same as always. Those teenagers are still pranking that deer-thing, and we're still trying to give him presents to make him feel better and he still yells at us. Speaking of which, I should probably get back to that."

"okay. have fun, bill," Sans said and waved as the bear walked off. "see kid? you're fine."

Frisk didn't know whether to be grateful or appalled. "Is everyone in this town that dim-witted?"

"no, just stupid," Sans said. "a little sun is all they really need. maybe some fresh air. some time outside. that'd clear their heads."

"But, they are outside," Frisk argued.

"no, they're inside. not outside."

"But that doesn't make any sense." Frisk huffed. "I'm getting awfully tired of all you mad people."

"look up, kid. we're not outside. we're inside."

Frisk looked up and noticed for the first time that there was indeed a dark ceiling far above their heads. She hadn't noticed it since she left the ruins. "Oh. I forgot," she muttered.

"see? I told you you're mad," Sans said.

"I am not!" Frisk shouted angrily, but Sans only laughed.

Sans brought her to a house at the far end of Snowdin without any other incident. When they got there, Sans picked Frisk up in his fist then set her down again on a table. "alright, kiddo, let's see if I can find any of that cake stuff for you. unless you changed your mind about being small?"

Frisk shook her head. "No, I want to be big again, please."

"so polite," Sans said. "okay, I'll be back." he walked away into another room. Frisk took a moment to look around at the house. There were strange smells in the air, something herbal like tea but also musty like sweaty clothes. Overall, the house was neat except for a lone sock laying in the floor with many notes attached to it. She stood on the table and waited for a long time for Sans to come back, but he didn't. Frisk got a little impatient and started pacing the table nervously. Maybe she should go look for him? Maybe she should go find the cake herself? "No, don't be ridiculous," she said aloud to herself. "It's just taking him a long time. Besides, how am I supposed to get down from the top of this table?" She walked to the edge and peered down at the floor. At her normal height the table probably would have reached her waist, but at her current height the drop was dizzying. She backed away from the edge and bumped into a box that had been sitting on top of the table then turned to look at it. She blinked as she read the words "CAKE" labeled on the side of the box. "What?" she exclaimed. "How long has that been there? Why didn't Sans notice it there? More importantly, why didn't I notice it there?" She paused as she caught herself. "Great, now I'm talking to myself. Maybe this place is driving me mad." She huffed and refused to believe it then went to open up the cardboard box to look inside. Sure enough, there were a bunch of little teacakes with the words "EAT ME" written on them in icing. Frisk reached inside the box and broke off a piece of the teacake and took a bite, hoping that she hadn't eaten too much that time. Unfortunately, within a few seconds she started to grow incredibly fast. Too fast. Before she could comprehend what was happening she had become too big for the house. Her arms and legs burst out of the sides of the house and her head went through the second floor. She was able to turn her head a bit and peak out of a window just in time to see the bear from before staring up at her.

"Help! Monster!" he screamed while running away.

"A monster? He's one to talk," she thought. She tried in vain to move—to maybe stand up or pull the house off of her—but the house was planted firmly to the snow covered ground and she couldn't move. The fearful thought that she could have squished Sans crossed her mind, as well as the fact that she has certainly drawn attention to herself, and her head was pressed up against the ceiling in a way that she had to tilt it and it was starting to make her neck cramp. "Oh, what am I going to do?" she thought. It wasn't long until Frisk heard a familiar, booming voice heading her way.

"Slow down, Bill, what's the problem?" Undyne said.

"I told you! There's a monster in Sans and Papyrus's house!"

"A-Aren't Sans and Papyrus both monsters?" the timid Alphys offered, obviously trying to lead Undyne away from the house.

"Yes, but this one is a bad one!" Bill insisted. "You have to get rid of it before it terrorizes the town!" Frisk peered outside and saw the three of them heading down the road towards them, and she tried again to pull the house off of her, or at least stand up so she could run away. Just as Undyne turned the corner and saw Frisk her eyes popped open wide, then she blinked in disbelief.

"Woah!" she said. "That is a monster!" Frisk could see Alphys put her face into her palm, and Undyne suddenly became extremely giddy like a child who had just walked into a candy store. "What is that thing? I've never seen anything like it before."

"I don't know," Alphys said. "Maybe Sans got another pet. Look, Undyne, it's not hurting anyone. We need to go, we're already late," she added while nervously checking her watch.

"Nah, the queen will understand if we're a little late. It's just croquet. Besides, what if it's a human?!"

"Ah! N-no, I d-d-don't think it's a human. Human's don't get that big."

"You sure? In one of those books you showed me—"

"Never mind that," Bill said. "How are you going to get it out?"

Undyne gazed up at the house. "You know, that's a good question. What I think we need is a…" she looked around and Frisk sat helplessly and watched. "Hm, well, the doors and windows are blocked, so I guess we could try the chimney. It's pretty small, though."

"That's right! There's no way to get in!" Alphys interjected. "So I guess we can't…um…do anything? We should just…go?" Frisk noticed that Alphys seemed to get a little nervous whenever Undyne looked at her. Was it out of fear, or something else?

"I'm not gonna give up that easily! If I can't get in through the chimney to get it then what I need is a…a…" Again, Undyne looked around, until a monster that looked something like a squid with two big eyes and big lips came slinking down the road. Frisk heard him grumble, "the wi-fi hear sucks," and she didn't have any idea what he was talking about.

"Jerry!" Undyne exclaimed. He jumped a bit and looked at her with little interest. "Come here! I need you for something!" He slowly made his way over to the group, and Frisk swore she could see Bill shudder.

"Yeah?" he looked down at a peculiar device, (which Frisk didn't know was a cell phone).

"I need you to get a ladder and climb down the chimney of this house. Bill, do you have a ladder?"

"Yeah, we use it to decorate the tree," he said.

"Great! Go get it."

Bill left and Alphys tried again, "Undyne, I'm not sure this is a g-good idea. What's…what's Jerry going to do when he gets down the chimney?"

"Oh, I have a feeling Jerry will know exactly what to do once he goes down the chimney, won't you, Jerry?" Undyne said while beaming down at the monster, (then secretly grimacing when he started to noisily like cheese powder off of his fingers).

"Sure," he said, still uninterested.

Bill came running back with a ladder and handed it to Undyne, and she leaned it against the house. "Alright, Jerry, climb up here and go down the chimney," she commanded.

"Okay," he said as he started to climb up the ladder while still looking at his phone.

"Once you get down there, I want you to grab the monster by the neck and yank it back up."

"Undyne, I…don't think that's going to work," Alphys tried, but Undyne ignored her.

"Try not to lower its HP too much. I want to fight the monster once you bring it back up!" she called up to him.

"Sure, I can—wait…" Jerry finally looked up from his phone and through the window where Frisk was staring back at him. "Monster?!" He screamed and raced back down the ladder and tried to run away, but Undyne caught him and picked him up off the ground and he trembled and hid his face in his arms.

"Jerry, buddy, you don't understand what's happening here. I'm asking you to do us a huge—and I mean HUGE—favor. If you chicken out, you're passing up a golden opportunity."

He peeked up at Undyne from over his arms. "I am?"

"Yeah," Undyne continued as she made her way to the ladder. "If you did this, it'd be so great people would love you. You can be famous."

"I can?" She nodded. "Wow," he breathed. "Do you think people would stop ditching me all the time?"

"Umm…sure. Yeah, why not?" Undyne said uneasily.

"That'd be really cool."

"It sure would, Jerry," she said as she stepped onto the roof. "Now, don't forget what I said."

"Uh, wait, I have to think about this," he tried, but it was too late. Undyne was already bringing him to the chimney. He scrambled in an attempt to get out of her grasp, but with one strong arm she shoved Jerry down the chimney, all while encouraging him. He was shoved down the chimney with such force that it sent a lot of soot into the room in a cloud, and when Frisk breathed it in it burned her throat and tickled her nose. Her eyes started to water and she felt a sneeze coming on. She tried to suppress it, but all at once there came a mighty "Achoo!" that shook the house and shot Jerry out of the chimney like a bullet from a gun and he flew into the sky, (as much of a sky as they had), and out of sight.

They all craned their necks up to watch as Jerry flew away.

"Well, there goes Jerry," Undyne said flatly.

"Poor Jerry," Alphys also said flatly. That was the only pity that was shown for Jerry, (Bill secretly celebrated his disappearance).

"GRAECIOUS!" a familiar voice exclaimed. Frisk looked and saw Papyrus approaching the house now. "WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE? AND WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HOUSE?"

"You've got a bit of an infestation in here, Papyrus," Undyne called as she jumped down from the roof of the house.

"But!" Alphys started. "Um…but, now P-Papyrus is here. He can take care of it himself." She looked at him, seriously. "Right?"


"Pssh. This bozo? No, he'd probably try to keep it for a pet and name Francis or something."


Undyne sighed. "See? He's already named it. I'd better do him a favor and get rid of it now. And where's Sans?"


Frisk once again feared that she might have squished him when she grew, and hoped that she hadn't.

Undyne crossed her arms in thought. "Dang, I bet your kitchen's destroyed. We probably won't be able to cook anymore." She suddenly snapped her fingers and grinned really wide. "I've got it! We'll burn the house down!"

"What?!" Alphys shrieked.

"UH, UNDYNE, ISN'T THAT A BIT EXTREME?" Papyrus questioned while crossing his arms.

"Nah, I've burned mine down plenty of times. It's no big deal."

"Undyne! We can't just burn down Sans and Papyrus's house, where are they going to live?" Alphys was in a panic now. There was no stopping Undyne this time.

"We'll just build them a new house," Undyne said. "That won't take long."

"I'm with her," Bill said. "What do you need, Undyne?"

"Matches, kindling, anything that'll catch. We've got to do this quickly."

Frisk began to panic as well. "Oh no, what am I going to do?" she thought. She quickly looked around for something, anything, to help get her out of this situation. She looked out of one of the windows and saw Sans standing behind the house looking up at her in amusement.

"Sans!" she exclaimed, and he put his finger over his mouth to tell her to be quiet. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a hamburger and pointed to it before holding it up over his head. She understood, and tried to take the burger between two of her fingers as discreetly as she could—though Undyne was at this point too excited about starting a fire to notice—and with some struggle was able to pull her arm back inside the house and pop the burger into her mouth. She immediately started to shrink again. She could hear everyone outside shriek in surprise and she shrank back to the height she just was, but this time she was glad; it was better for hiding. As soon as she could get on her feet she sprinted for the kitchen and hid behind what was left of the kitchen doorframe. Undyne soon ran into the house with Papyrus and Alphys following close behind.

"Ha! I knew it! The monster was so scared of me it ran away! Come out and fight, you coward!" She picked up the table and threw it, shattering the only window that wasn't already shattered.

Sans nonchalantly stepped through the door and joined the party. "sup bro?" he said.

"SANS!" Papyrus exclaimed. "WHERE WERE YOU?"

"I was at grillby's."

Undyne scoffed. "Of course you were. You just missed me scaring away a huge monster!"

"aren't we all monsters?"

"No. Well, yes, but that's beside the point. The point is—"

"The point is," Alphys interrupted, "that we're late and if we don't hurry we're going to be even more late."

"Relax, Alphys, we just have to tell the queen we had to fight a giant. Not only will she excuse us, she's gonna be impressed!"

"I don't know about that." Alphys glanced away uneasily.

"Don't worry about it. Here, how's about I carry you on my back? We'll move really fast then!"

"W-what?! U-Undyne!" Frisk peeked around the corner in time to see Undyne throw Alphys over her shoulder like a sack of flour. Alphys' face was glowing like a red Christmas light.

"Alright guys, we have to go. Call me if that giant comes back!" she called as she took off running out of the house and down the road.

"sure thing, bass," Sans said, but by then Undyne and Alphys were already too far away for them to hear him.

Papyrus looked around until he found Frisk and knelt down in front of her. "THAT WAS A VERY SCARY THING YOU DID, HUMAN."

"I didn't do it one purpose!" Frisk yelled angrily. "People tell me not to eat too much cake but they don't tell me how much is too much!"

"a nibble is all it takes, pal," Sans said. "If you just want to be your normal height then sometimes even a lick is enough to do the trick." He paused. "did I just rhyme?"


"Well then let me have some more of that cake so I can try to grow again."

Sans shook his head. "no can do, kiddo. you squished the cakes beyond eating. we're just gonna have to take you somewhere else."

Papyrus held out his gloved hand to Frisk. "UNTIL THEN, I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, SHALL CARRY YOU. WE WOULDN'T WANT YOU TO GET STEPPED ON, WOULD WE?" Frisk stepped up onto Papyrus's hand and nearly fell when he lifted her up over his head. "STEP ONTO THE BRIM OF MY HAT, HUMAN. YOU'LL HAVE A PLEASANT RIDE UP THERE." Frisk did so and sat down on the edge of the brim, taking a moment to run her hand over the silk fabric of it. It was a funny-looking hat, but it was also a good one, made with great skill.

"you're gonna make her travel by hat?"


Sans shrugged. "whatever you say, bro."