Disclaimer: I own nothing , this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment. Cross-over from various games , books, anime, manga, and movies. The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.

Human are selfish in nature, in a perfect world, what I experienced in that dream world would be an ideal world, that was Ash's mistake, I already died once and lived in a reality where it's a dog eat world. Maybe he thought I was gullible where he showed me an illusion of a perfect world that most kids my age would believe, that was his mistake, he thought that I was a kid, technically my body was, but my soul was far older. Still I was baffled that I myself am not immune to illusions as I thought.

"Sigh, a new world and a world full dangers." I said as I head back to bed. Jessie and James won't like it if I disturbed their beauty nap so I will come tomorrow and deliver Ash's body to them. I'm so tempted to steal ashes Pokemon, but gaining their loyalty from their once beloved master is such a pain in the ass to accomplish. I'll leave that to Jessie and James, I do pity them, in the whole series of pokemon they have been trying to catch said pikachu but they never did.

The next morning I eagerly went to Jessie and James team rocket hideout.

"Good morning."

"Someone's up early, are you that excited for this mission?"

"Yes, also, someone almost mugged me last light, I got lucky, I think you might recognize him." I said as I took Ash Ketchem's dead body from my space bag.

"Gasp!, the twerp?, Jessie come quick, look!." Said James excitedly.

"I'm coming, what's got you up all riled up in the morning, gasp! Is that the twerp?, it is." Jessie said as he poked the dead body with a stick.

"Look, the twerp has a pokeball on him, only one, let's take a look."

"Gasp!, could it be?" As a beast came out of the pokeball, a familiar yellow rodent appeared.

"Pikachu?"Said a confused rodent who looked confused as he looked around and was shocked at his master/freinds dead body, he also looked shocked at Jessei and James familiar faces.

The yellow rat suddenly pointed at the duo as if accusing them of murdering his friend/master.

"Pi, pika, pikachu pikachu!" Said pikachu.



"Ughh, translation please." I asked for clarification.

"Ughh, yes, let me go get that thing meowth used to work on." Said James as he went back somewhere for five minutes while the pikachu was eyeing us warily.

Finally James was back carrying a rectangular contraption that looks like a mix of a remote control and a dragon radar.

"This is meowth's pokemon translator two point zero, translates what Pokemon says to human language."

Then James motioned to pikachu to speak.

"Pika, pi?"

"Does that thing even work?"


"It does!"

"Pika!, pika, pikachu?"

"You guys murdered Ash!, who do you think you guys are anyway?" Said pikachu indignantly while earning a smirk from both Jessie and James who looked at each other and gave each other a nod.

"Again is the question so twerpish indeed."

"The answer to come as we feel the need."

"Prepare for trouble as we do the deed."

"And make it double for the villainy indeed."

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite our people within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reach to the stars above."



"Team rocket blast off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight." Said both Jessie and James in a sentai pose with smoke and confetti at their background.




"What, no meowth?"


"Wahh, meowth, we miss you." Said both James and Jessei while hugging both each other crying.

"Sigh." Pikachu sighed, then pikachu noticed me.


"Who are you?." Asked Pikachu.

"Pay no mention to the man behind the curtain as one with a personality would say, but I digress, names zed, new member of team rocket I guess." I said with a shrug.

"Pi, pika, pika?."

"Really, you're a new members with these losers?"

"Hey, we resent that." Shouted both Jessie and James

"Kukuku, trouble is afoot, who killed roger rabbit, or in this case, who killed Ask Ketchem." I said with intrigue.

"It was him." Said James and Jessie pointing at me.

"Pika." Which translated "It was them" said Pikachu pointed at Jessie and James.

Then both parties looked at me as if asking who killed Ash Ketchem.

"Don't look at me, let's look at this logically, who was the guts, the grudge, and the means to kill Ash Ketchum, certainly not me, a twerpish twelve year old kid no siree." I explained.

"Liar!"Said both James and Jessie

While pikachu was looking confused looking back and forth both Jessie and James, or me.

"Think about it logically, who has a grudge against this kid named Ash Ketchem that would warrant such an extreme action, certainly not me." I said feigned innocence.

Pikachu processed on what happened and concluded who was the guilty party.

"Pi, ka, chu!" Said pikachu as he charged as over sized thunderbolt looking deadly and was about to hit Jessie and James.

"What a delima, what would I do, save Jessie and James from a homicidal pikachu and gain their allegiance, or let pikachu do his deed and hypnotize him to be my loyal minion while he was busy killing Jessie and James."

"Hmmm, decisions, decisions." I thought as if pondering the most difficult question ever presented.