Title: Voldemort's Mistake

Rating: T

Summary: Harry finds out that Snape is his father before the third task of the Triwizard Tournament. Shortly after that he's bitten by Remus, who's visiting. This one event will prove to be Voldemort's mistake. Based on Tia Evans's Werewolf Challenge on Potions and Snitches!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of Rowling's Harry Potter characters and I'm making nothing from this.

Chapter One

Harry Potter knew that he was having a bad year. First someone put his name in the Goblet of Fire, Ron Weasley stopped being his friend until he found out that Harry would be facing a damn bloody dragon, he had to ask a girl out to the Yule Ball, almost drowned during the second task, and now he was going to face a maze full of things that he didn't sign up to face for the third task. All the while getting nothing but smiles from the Ministry! But all that didn't even come close to finding out that James Potter wasn't his father and that Snape had sired him.

Now he was Harry Alexander Snape, heir to the Noble house of Prince. Apparently in the Wizarding world that meant something. To him it was another sign that he was far from normal. He had spent a lot of time outside, thinking about what this all meant. There was a whole bunch of paperwork that they had to fill out and the lifting of some kind of spell that his great grandfather had placed. This would allow the Prince fortune to join with the Potter fortune. Oh how he hated money sometimes.

"Harry, are you alright?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, just thinking," Harry told her.

"Harry, no one is going to think anything less of you," she said. "No one can help who their father is."

Harry snorted at that.

That night Harry took his suppose father's cloak and headed outside to clear his head. The weather had changed from cold to warm. It was a sign that the summer holidays were coming and he would be spending it at Prince Manor. Even though it was better than being with the Dursley's Harry knew that it would take time for things to be like they should be. The only bright spot had been Remus visiting. Someone had burned down his home and he would be spending the transformation in the Shrieking Shack due to Alister Moody and his insane dislike for werewolves.

If Harry hadn't been so lost in thought he would have noticed that he was being watched. A growl could be heard and Harry turned to find Remus, in full werewolf form, charging at him. Harry bolted for the castle but Remus as a werewolf was faster than him. He screamed as fangs bit into his skin. Suddenly he saw something shooting over his head and he passed out. When he came to he was in the Hospital wing with a worried Madam Pomfrey and she wasn't alone. Hermione, Dumbledore, McGonagall, and his father were there as well.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"You were bitten by Remus," Dumbledore said. "I'm afraid, Harry, that you're a werewolf."

Harry broke.

Harry didn't know what Dumbledore had done but no one talked about the attack or even gave any indication that they knew something had happened. Hermione told Harry that Dumbledore had ordered all the staff not to tell Alister Moody due to his hate for werewolves. To make matters worse the third task would take place during the Full Moon, but, thankfully, it would be cloudy and so he wouldn't change. He also found out that he would have to drink the Wolfbane to keep his mind.

That potion was the question that he asked his father when the last lesson before the task took place.

"Someone ruined my batch," he said.

"And that's why I'm-."

"Harry, I don't hate you for something that you had no control over," he said. "I should have realized that werewolves don't control what they are and can't control the fate that has been handed to them. It's going to be cloudy, so you don't have to worry about attacking the other Champions."

He nodded but that didn't make Harry feel any better.

"Welcome to the third, and final task, of the Triwizard Tournament," Dumbledore called out. "Each champion will go into this maze to locate the Triwizard cup. The first champion to touch it will receive full points."

Something exploded and one by one they went into the maze. During the few weeks that he had been infected Harry discovered that he could smell things better than normal. Not that it helped here but it did put him on his guard. The wolf was dying to get out, but the clouds were keeping that from happening. And then it rained and Harry grinned. Now he knew that he wouldn't change unless the moon hit him. With these storm clouds that wouldn't happen.

Suddenly he heard a scream and knew that Fleur was out. The only thing, bad, that happened was Victor tried to attack them. Harry hit Krum with a stunning spell and explained to Cedric that Krum was under the Imperius Curse.

"Someone wanted him to hurt you," Harry reasoned.

"Looks like it didn't work," Cedric said.

They broke off and went on their own way.

A giant spider, which would freak Ron out, appeared as Harry got closer to the cup. Cedric appeared as well and helped Harry out. However Harry was the one that decided that they both should take the cup as it would be a win for Hogwarts. They both grabbed it and felt the pull. They were taken far from the castle, away from Dumbledore's protection.

Harry and Cedric landed in a graveyard. Harry at once knew that this was the graveyard from his dreams. Cedric thought it was part of the task.

"Cedric, get back to the cup," Harry begged.

"What, but why?"

"I don't believe for one second that this is part of the task. Get out of here."

Cedric didn't do any of the sort and Harry saw him suddenly vanish. Harry didn't know what spell he used but he couldn't see him. And then someone came out and Harry felt his scar burning. The rain had stopped and Harry felt as though, at any moment, the clouds would move and the moon would show. And then Harry was forced against a tombstone by Wormtail and bound.

"Start the ritual," the voice said and Harry knew that this was Voldemort.

Pettigrew took his own flesh, Harry could smell it, and then he took a bone from the grave of what had to be Tom's father. Harry felt as though his head would burst open at the pain and then he felt the cut and his blood being drawn. Harry opened his eyes to find that Pettigrew had placed Voldemort into a potion that just happen to be polluted with werewolf venom. The stupid fool!

And then the cauldron exploded and there stood Voldemort, fully returned to form. He checked himself over and summoned his Death Eaters. All of them, he couldn't smell his father, appeared. They all kissed the hem of his robes and Harry heard him talk to each one of them. And then the clouds shifted and the moon showed itself. Harry felt instant pain and he screamed as his body started to go through the first transformation.

The Death Eaters bolted in all directions and the last thing that Harry saw before he lost his mind was the horrified look on Voldemort's face as he realized the mistake that he had made. Harry howled at the moon and Voldemort vanished.


A/N: I decided to do this challenge, but make it a bit different. For one the fake Moody has no clue that Harry's been bitten, making his blood tainted! When Voldemort uses the tainted blood to come back he becomes infected, thus he's a werewolf himself. Cedric doesn't die and things will be different, though everyone will know that Harry's a werewolf. Another note: My computer is off due to my AC not working and the heat. I'm using my brother's computer to write this story. Sorry for places where it might be fast.