Full Summary

5 Cops… 20 square blocks… 1 ruthless crime-lord… 1 army of armed criminals… 60 minutes of carnage…

A notorious crime lord has made his headquarters in the derelict Zootopia Borough of Happytown, and when the ZPD comes knocking… he doesn't intend to come quietly. After three years on the Force and passing their training, it's now Nick and Judy's first time on the SWAT Team, but when Judy is wounded early on, she is forced to sit on the side-lines as Nick goes on without her. However, the ZPD have vastly underestimated their suspect, and there may be more to this criminal organisation than first thought when the mission goes badly wrong, throwing the SWAT Team into what can only be described as a living hell as they are forced to fight for their survival. As Nick knows Happytown like the back of his paw, he suddenly finds himself leading the SWAT Team against a ruthless enemy; having to apply his knowledge of the streets, back-alleys, buildings, short-cuts and hiding-places of his old abandoned neighbourhood in order for him and his fellow Officers to complete the mission… and come out alive. And throughout the chaos, when faced with the possibility of losing each other… even while apart, Nick and Judy come to realise how much they truly mean to each other.

A/N: Inspired by the Indonesian martial arts action crime-thriller 'The Raid' or 'The Raid: Redemption' depending on which country you're in, and various other sources of inspiration. This will be (I hope) an adrenaline filled thrill of a read because I wanted to write something different for a Zootopia fic. However I have tried to keep depictions of blood and gore vague and "censored" swearing to keep this Rated 'T'. However if anyone feels it should be 'M' just let me know because the last thing I want to do is offend or traumatise someone… But this fic is inspired by 'The Raid' (with significant differences, and other inspirations) so if you know that film then you should sort of know what to expect…

… Strong violence throughout, blood, gore and all that stuff, plus a fair amount of swearing. It will probably go a bit over the top, and characters may or may not go a bit out-of-character… so you have been warned. Personally I would rate this story more like a 15A or PG-15... Action Crime Thriller with a hint of Humour and Romance.

But enough of disclaimers. Read on…

And please, enjoy yourself. ;)

'Zootopia/Zootropolis' (C) Disney

'Zootopia: THE RAID'

Chapter 1

'Down and Out'

Zootopia… the bustling, metropolitan crown jewel of the world… a megacity with an ever expanding population containing every different species of mammal in existence under the sun. A city that never slept, a city built by mammals, for mammals- for every mammal. It was a city where anyone could be anything… a glistening monument to the ideology of all mammals living together in harmony…

An ideology tainted by the quest for power.

Every city has its demons, and Zootopia was no exception; ever since the resolution of the Savage Attacks Crisis, the city had been a secret battleground:

A Cold War, of Cop verses Criminal…

And today that war would end.

The ZPD had been investigating this guy for three years.

Three years.

And now they finally had him cornered.

Roan Fyodorov: 'The Black Cat' as he was more known as; a Panther; notorious drug-lord, money launderer, arms-dealer… the list of high level crimes goes on and on, and he was a known predator supremacist fanatic. It was a family business too, along with his partner in crime, and partner in life; his wife, Madelyn Fyodorov; a Coyote. That merger of feline and canine along with the other predator families was the foundation of the Fyodorov's organisation, to which didn't have a public name. The organisation was as elusive as its leaders.

At first they were ghosts, performing minor offences and petty crimes… but as their organisation grew, they soon branched out…

Grand larceny.





All of their victims being prey species... It was quite clear, the Fyodorov's had taken serious offence at former Mayor Bellwether's plot to demonise all predators and establish prey as the dominant power. Their actions of the previous three years after the infamous Savage Attacks had now put Roan and Madelyn Fyodorov at the top of the list for Zootopia's Most Wanted.

And now, after getting an Officer successfully undercover, tracking their arms deal vans and interrogating known dealers for their drugs-trade, the ZPD had now finally triangulated the organisation's headquarters; inside the forgotten old Quarantine Zone: a deserted set of blocks in the derelict Zootopia Borough of Happytown… the most ironically named place in the world.

Now they were ready to take them in.

And it wouldn't be easy.

The Fyodorov's had practically a small army of supporters who were just as fanatical as them and an unknowable stock of weaponry.

It would take an army to bring them down.

And Zootopia had one… the blue fury of the Zootopia Police Department…

Officer Hopps and Wilde were the spear head: tracking a vehicle known to be used to transport arms and ammunition around the city, which Madelyn Fyodorov often marked off personally, that was how they would get to her… and getting to her would get to Roan Fyodorov.

In downtown Zootopia, Nick and Judy sat patiently, yet nervously, in their unmarked police car. The Fox and the Bunny's smaller stature and smaller unmarked vehicle was far more discreet than most; that was the intention.

They sat there… Waiting… Watching… For the moment the unmarked white van they were looking for would pass; they knew it would travel down this particular route, the two of them had worked it out themselves... Their suspects were smart, but not that smart... and the Fyodorov's had been getting sloppy as of late.

The day was abnormally bright, especially for early morning; the sun shone down its heavenly glow on an empty azure canvas where it merged with a fierce red from where the omnipotent glowing orb had just risen from the horizon…

A truly glorious day of weather.

Or the calm before the coming storm.

Which wasn't far from the truth. The Zootopia Weather Service had previously issued a major storm warning for the entire county, as a cyclonic super storm had been working its way up the coast, and the calm conditions was a result of its approach. Zootopia was usually spared from such harsh natural weather due its natural temperate climate and highly advanced climate control systems… but it wasn't estranged from it either. Occasionally a large storm would break through and wreak meagre havoc until the city's climate control systems would cause it to dissipate. However, the weather service had earlier revoked its severe weather warning as the superstorm had passed harmlessly up the coast.

At the present moment, the weather was as calm as it could be, but the wonderful meteorological conditions were the least of worries to the two Police Officer's- a complete contrast their current mood as they watched every other mammal go about a normal day in amongst the colossal glass and steel towers of the city centre, completely oblivious to what was about to-

There it was.

Judy saw it in the mirrors: a single unmarked white van… one that really needed to go through a car wash. She allowed it to drive by, both the Fox and the Bunny looking away as it drove past, pretending to be a simple odd couple on their way to work in the morning (which they technically were). The van stopped at a set of red lights. Judy now turned to look, and Nick pulled down his aviators so they could both take a firm stare at the licence plate, analysing the number intently.

Satisfied, they nodded to each other. The Rabbit calmly reached over to their car's radio;

"Chief, got eyes on our vehicle… a dirty, white unmarked van just as expected, and the plates are match… we're tailing now,"

"Copy… Keep your distance, and stay inconspicuous," Bogo's voice came through the radio.

"Roger that,"

Judy pulled out from the curb, going slowly and keeping her distance as ordered - staying at least five cars behind. Nick, in the passenger seat, was abnormally silent, he had taken his sunglasses off now; his emerald eyes firmly fixed on the dirty white van. His expression was emotionless as he tapped his hip holster that was holding his Glock 17 handgun. Judy was no different, but focussed more on the position of the vehicle and trying to drive casually: two paws firmly on the wheel, checking her mirrors, and calm gear changes.

The minutes went by…

The van had exited Downtown now, pulling over on several occasions, only for one of the occupants to pop out for a quick stop into a shop or something similar. A long period of silent driving broke the gap between stops, only furthering Nick and Judy's nerves. The second stop had now entered the littered streets of Happytown.

Every halt was a chance at gathering more information; they had now confirmed there were three mammals in the van: two wolves, and a lynx. However, every stop was also nerve-rackingly agonising. These mammals were dangerous. They had killed cops and Nick and Judy knew that. Bogo knew that. The whole ZPD knew that. There was always the chance they could easily pop out with a pistol or something bigger and shoot them.

But nothing happened… the suspects just drove off again... but still without any sign of the Coyote they were looking for.

On the other end of the radio, the silence was killing the Chief.

"Any sign of our canid?" Bogo's voice blurted out, clearly irritable.

"Negative… they've stopped twice already, no sign of her," Judy spoke.

Suddenly the van pulled over again for the last time, stopping outside a rundown old apartment block, on an abnormally empty side street.

"Wait… this might be show-time…" Nick muttered.

"Hold on… they've stopped again," Judy said quietly into the radio, "Standby…"

Judy touched the brakes lightly, parking the car over on the side of the road a good distance from the van. Nick un-holstered his firearm and rested it on his lap, the trigger gripped firmly.

The two Officer's watched the scene anxiously… The passenger side door of the van opened as the one wolf stepped out, while the lynx exited the sliding side door, both of them now strolling over to the entrance of the apartment block…

A Coyote walked out of the building.

"Nick…" Judy looked to him, signalling his cue.

Analysing the criminal was his job, having studied the suspects extensively, prior to this day.

"Coyote…" Nick began, "Female, middle-aged… black, brown and light-grey fur pattern… slight limp on left leg, scar behind nose…"

"Is it her?" Judy asked.

"… Industrial piecing on left ear… perma-dye tattoo on neck… Yep… that's our mammal,"

This was it.

Judy spoke back into the radio:

"All units, we have a positive ID on Madelyn Fyodorov, we're moving in-"

"Negative Hopps, hold your position and wait for backup,"

Judy lightly huffed in annoyance of that order as she put the radio down and sat back in her seat.

"She doesn't look too pleased to see these guys…" Nick muttered suspiciously, referring to the Coyote, as he watched the scene.

"Well her day's about to get a whole lot worse…" Judy said confidently.

Outside, the Coyote, the wolf and the lynx were clearly having a heated argument. The smaller canid was clearly trying to not raise her voice, but Nick could see her scowling face, and her ears had folded back…

Suddenly the lynx started backing off with his paws raised, as if telling the Coyote to calm down.

In the commotion, Nick also noticed…

The angered Coyote glanced at his and Judy's car.

"Carrots… Back up…"

"Backup's coming Nick…"

The angered Coyote glanced again, this time longer.

"No, I mean reverse!"

That's when Judy noticed too. Especially when Madelyn had now pointed at their vehicle. All three mammals now looking their direction…

"Reverse NOW!"

Judy immediately slammed the gear stick into the correct position but before she could drive it was too late...

Madelyn pulled out a weapon, seemingly from nowhere; A Beretta 93 Raffrica machine pistol, swiftly raising it and quickly putting down the wolf and the lynx that had led to Police right to her before they even noticed, with two sets of three repeated loud pops from the weapon.

The wolf and lynx fell to the floor dead, blood spewing from the wounds and over the concrete pavement.

Judy dived for the car radio:


The other wolf in the van then came round the back of the vehicle, wielding a pistol of his own. But before he could even raise his arm he was quickly shot in the torso, neck and face as Madelyn fired her three-round burst pistol. The wolf joined his companions on the floor in a puddle of crimson.

Madelyn then changed to her final two targets; the Fox and the Bunny in the unmarked police car.

"DOWN!" Nick yelled.

He and Judy dived behind the dashboard as the slams and cracks of bullets hitting the windscreen peppered the glass. A second later it shattered, showering the two of them with the crystalline shards.

"Hopps! Wilde! What's going on? HOPPS! WILDE! DO YOU COPY!?"

Nick violently smashed his door open, rolling out and aiming his G17 and firing three deterrent shots in the Coyote's direction. Madelyn was reloading at the time, and ducked at the sound. With another three round burst at Nick's car door, she immediately turned tail and began running down the road.

Nick climbed back into the car immediately grabbing the radio, and shouting down it:

"We're ok…"

Judy was clearly shocked, as her breathing was quick… not that Nick's was much different.

"That broke the glass!" Judy exclaimed, "It's supposed to be bullet proof!"

"Might be AP ammo," Nick theorised, placing a paw on her shoulder, "Come on Carrots! She's getting away!"

Judy immediately reformed her composure; that usual 'Judy Hopps' level of determination returned in an instant. They had a job to do. She hopped out their car and began running with Nick in pursuit of their suspect.

"Suspect is running and armed! Three other suspects down! Possible armour-piercing ammunition!" Judy shouted down her personal radio, "We're pursuing on foot!"

"Received… All Units move in! Set up the perimeter!"

More gunshots.


The Fox and the Bunny turned the corner.

Their suspect was ahead.

Civilians started running scared in the streets. A few unlucky ones falling to the pavement in a small puddle of blood – Madelyn was certainly making a scene of her escape.

"Multiple gunshots into crowds!" Judy shouted into her radio again, "Send paramedics!"

"Copy that,"

The crowds grew wild in terror, Nick and Judy finding it hard to keep up and keep an eye on the fleeing Coyote.

"ZPD! MOVE!" Nick yelled the highest volume his voice would allow.

Sirens began to fill the air.

Through the panicking crowds Judy saw their suspect turn right at the intersection ahead.

"Split up!" She called to Nick "… I'll cut her off, you tail her,"

"Got it!"

Nick continued to follow, turning right as Judy went onwards.

A clear sight on the suspect; Nick could draw his weapon and finish this now, but there were too many civilians about… even if he was a good shot, he couldn't risk it.

He second guessed that decision when the Coyote glanced behind her, and upon seeing the Fox in pursuit, decided to fire her weapon blindly behind her.

Nick scarcely missed his last breath as he rolled diagonally to avoid the three round burst, a bullet narrowly passing by his right ear. He realised as he got back up that shot was only meant to stall him, not kill him, as the suspect was now much further ahead.

But Madelyn was suddenly stopped when a ZPD SWAT van pulled up down the road. She turned left into the four lane roadway, dodging the traffic to the opposite side.

Nick followed still, also jumping into the road without regard for his safety. He didn't take his eyes off the suspect. He couldn't afford to. One wrong glance and he'd lose sight of her-

That was exactly his luck.

He was abruptly stopped by a car as it screeched to a halt a little too late, the front bumper hitting him hard with a heavy chunk and knocking the Fox down onto the tarmac. Nick recovered slowly with a cringe of pain, quickly glancing up to the direction the Coyote fled; just in time to glance her recognisable black and brown tail turning down an alleyway the opposite side of the road.

"Carrots, I lost sight of her…" Nick groaned into his radio, "She went down the alley! Heading north,"

"Don't worry… I've got her…"

Madelyn ran down the alley with a conceited smile across her muzzle, thinking she had successfully eluded the two Police Officers. In fact, she had...

But only one of them.

Her smile was smacked from her face when she was suddenly knocked to the ground sideways by a small grey ball of fur that had erupted from a side door. Madelyn hit the ground hard from the attack, dropping her pistol. After a brief moment to compose herself, she looked up to her attacker, making a feral growl…

Judy stood firmly, quickly grabbing and extending her collapsible nightstick from her hip. Madelyn made a grab for her dropped gun; Judy quickly kicked it away, and a swing of her nightstick whacked right into the side of canine's jaw.

But Madelyn was tough, she grabbed Judy by the leg, digging her claws in as she yanked the Rabbit down to the ground.

Judy gasped from the sudden incisions, but it only made her more determined. In the scuffle on the floor, the Coyote climbed over the Bunny, pulling out a knife from her hidden ankle sheath. Judy swiftly double kicked Madelyn in the chest with her powerful legs, sending her staggering backwards.

Both combatants rose from the floor.

Madelyn growled as she reasserted herself in her stance, brandishing the knife menacingly… It hadn't been the first time she had used it to kill.

Judy took a defensive stance, resolute and immoveable, grasping her baton from the side handle, remembering her training. She'd taken down criminals larger and tougher than this Coyote in front of her; she didn't falter for a second.

The Coyote attacked with a swing of the knife, Judy dodged it easily, the blade passing by like an annoying insect.

Another swing of the blade, another quick dodge.

Madelyn swung again, but as Judy dodged this time, she brought her baton hard against the canine's side,

Madelyn's short cringe was enough to betray her.

Like a flash of lightning, Judy rolled to her left, instantly striking the back of the Coyote's knee, and again on her upper leg, putting her off-balance. Judy stepped backwards, and with all her strength, and an un-Bunny-like roar, she made one final blow to Madelyn's chest, knocking the canine down to the ground again with seemingly no effort at all.

The Coyote made no move as she lay on her back on the concrete floor, just a mild groan of discomfort. It appeared that the Bunny had beaten her; a textbook takedown.

Judy smiled smugly as she towered over the fallen criminal…

But it soon faded.

As she was about radio in and cuff the canid, she didn't expect the swift kick to her face. With a gasp, Judy was knocked backwards, sending her tumbling hard against several dustbins with a loud clatter.

In a mere second, the Bunny was now the one on the floor.

Judy was disoriented, making a mild groan of discomfort. There was a hard pain on her back and the back of her head from where she had fallen into the dustbins, and a sharp pain from her nose… blood started dripping from her nostrils.

In the brief respite, Madelyn made another dive for her gun, finding it a mere two metres away and quickly grasped the handle… and the trigger.

Despite her injury, Judy recovered quickly and shot up from the ground.

But she wasn't quick enough this time…

The gun was pulled on her as she got back up. Judy heard the loud pop from the weapon, and suddenly… nothing. Only a high pitched ringing in her ears… and a new pain.

A sharp pain.

An indescribable pain.

Judy made no noise as the pain engulfed her body…

It was just then, at that moment, when Nick came round the corner of the alley entrance to watch his partner fall lifelessly to the ground.


He didn't hesitate this time…

With a savage growl, Nick swiftly raised his gun and fired. The resulting explosively propelled 9mm metal slug flew supersonically down the alley to graze the Coyote's shoulder; a small spat of blood erupting from the wound.

Madelyn staggered backward as the bullet hit her, making a scream of agony. She hastily stood up with a snarl, throwing her gun at the Fox in a vain effort to stall him as he was running towards the scene of the fight. She proceeded to continue her escape, running away from the approaching Fox and clutching the gunshot wound on her shoulder.

Nick continued to run nervously down the alley. It seemed like it became longer and longer the faster he ran… only making him more terrified at what he might find when he reached her;

"Judy!" Nick stuttered, "Judy!"

He reached the side of his fallen partner…

The wave of relief was overwhelming when Nick realised Judy was alive; she was silently rocking herself side to side with short heavy breaths; her face scrunched up and watering eyes closed as she clasped hard to a large patch of blood on her right leg. Luckily, the bullet had only hit her in the thigh which had knocked her down. What was even luckier was that only one bullet had fired; the Coyote's machine pistol had jammed after the first round, which explained why the gun had been thrown at him.

Nick was about to tend to his friend's wound, but before he could even muster a word, let alone make any movement, Judy spoke to him:

"Nick, I'm fine! …" she lied, wincing from the pain as she applied pressure to her wound, "… Don't worry about me! … Don't let her get away!"

Nick wasn't going to leave her… he couldn't, immediately disregarding what she had just said. But as he leant down to attend to her injury, Judy practically kicked him away (with her good leg), shouting:


As reluctant as he was, Nick listened this time.

Judy was right… if Madelyn escaped, it would blow the whole operation.

Nick stood firm, leaving Judy bleeding in the alley and continued after the suspect, meanwhile she reached for her radio to call in her injury…

Madelyn hadn't gotten far, Nick was already in clear sight of her after he reached the central junction of the backstreet. It widened out as it reached its end at the edge of another main road; a road he was determined to not let that Coyote cross…

Nick raised his weapon, steadily in two paws… aiming clearly down the precision iron-sights at the back of the fleeing Coyote, an expression of pure hatred on his face.

This mammal had shot his partner; the one mammal that believed in him, the one that meant most to him... The one mammal that had inspired him to become more than what he was when he first met her… more than just a con-artist, more than just a stereotype…

'An eye for an eye' as the old expression said. Or in this case:

A bullet in the leg… for a bullet in the leg…

The Fox fired.

The Coyote collapsed.

Nick lowered his gun, the barrel still smoking. He almost smirked when he heard a loud groan and multiple expels of profanity from the injured canine. He grasped his radio, and spoke sternly;

"All units… Suspect down."

Nick breathed a huff of relief now… holstering his sidearm and grasping a pair of paw-cuffs as he went over to arrest the Coyote.

This ordeal was over, but he knew deep down, this was just the start of the bloodshed.

Today had only just begun…