Surprise, Bitch

Ryou loves the rain. It enticed him as it soaked through his clothes. He walked through it with a heavy black briefcase that held many materials for his work. To him water was a completely different thing then what glistening rain was. Water was pure and simple, but rain was an onslaught of emotions with soothingly harsh touches. As he made his way to his apartment, Ryou hummed quietly to himself. He walked the familiar streets that glowed from the aged bronze colored lights of the street lamps of Domino City. The further he walked from the city the quieter it became until he reached a tucked in area where his apartment complex was hidden.

He destroyed the silence in the gloomy atmosphere with his humming. It was days like these, with silent wind and damp air that made him appreciate the Earth despite it's flaws. When he reached the door of the complex he couldn't help but stay out a little longer. It was far too beautiful to just go inside and forget about the wondrous stroll he was having. Even though we walked this path many times before, when it was storming he felt as though everything was at peace.

He stopped humming when he realized how cold his skin became. While biting his lip in thought, Ryou lightly graced his fingers on the back of his hand, feeling the icy cold skin and decided that he'd better head inside before he became ill. He scanned the environment as though saying a goodbye before entering the complex and walking up a few cool flights of stairs before reaching his flat. Fishing out his wet keys from his back pocket, his hand felt pressured from the wet fabric clinging to his pale skin.

When he unlocked the door he always felt pang of loneliness in his heart. He so desperately wished that he didn't feel that emotion. Ryou loathed it and found it unbearable to walk into the ache every time he came 'home'. The empty flat represented his empty life. There weren't many people in his life anymore. No Bakura, no father, not even Yugi and his group. But he did have a couple close friends whom he treasure dearly. All though his life wasn't completely empty he could hardly call it full. All he had was work, and while it did occupy him and give some excitement to hold on to, it didn't make him feel whole. Ryou put up his wet jacket on the coat hanger and slipped his shoes off.

He treaded down the hall way into his work room and dropped off his briefcase, and then strode to the bathroom while unbuttoning his shirt. Ryou turned nozzle in the shower cubicle and stepped back, letting the water warm up. As he stripped he thought of nothing. It wasn't painful to not think of nothing, but he wished he could fill his mind with beautiful thoughts. His mind was an erased story that desperately wanted to be uncovered, but he knew it might not ever happen. He stepped into the steamy glass box and let his already shivering wet skin be warmed. Most of the time he was in the cubicle he didn't do anything, as always. Ryou just let the water hug him, it imitated the rain, but it could never replace it. After what seemed like seconds to him, but was actually quite a while he washed his body, making sure everything that was him was clean.

By the time he got out he knew he be clothed with the delightful smell of forest. It satisfied him, knowing that his body now represented clean slate. After he rinsed his body, he turned to water off, and only then did he feel his mind change as it did every time he took a shower. He thought it was strange that something so simple as water and rain could sooth him. His body worked as a mechanical system as he dried his body with a fluffy dark blue towel, wrapped his hair up with another, and smothered himself in an expensive lotion called Midnight to prevent his sensitive skin from becoming an irritated mess. He threw the one wet towel he used on his body into the hamper and walked to his bedroom while towel drying his long white locks which he let grow. Now it reached his lower back rather than just past his shoulders.

Ryou picked out a comfortable set of pajamas, a huge brick red T-shirt and grey sweatpants. Lovely. He brushed his hair and put it up in a ponytail, but let his luscious bangs fall. Now he felt all pampered and prepped. But what was he prepared for? Nothing. Just being himself... by himself. Ryou heavily sighed and made his way into the end of the hallway where the living room and the kitchenette were. He turned the light on in the kitchen and began to get ingredients to bake deliciousness in a cup, which would probably give him diabetes. Ryou had all kinds of chocolate candies to stuff in the pan with brownie mix. When he finishes preparing the dessert, he placed it in the preheated oven. To pass the time he began to read a book he bought a few days back called Doctor Sleep written by Stephen King. He turned one of the living room lamps and adjusted the light to his liking, which brought a warm shade of red coffee bean swirl into the room. After reading the first few pages he got lost in the mysterious story, his mind consumed by the onslaught of powerful words. When the oven beeped (rather loudly since is was deathly silent) he almost didn't notice it. Then and only then did he realize his entire apartment was swimming in the delicious scent which he had created.

Ryou picked up an random envelope on the chinchilla colored coffee table stuck it in the book for a makeshift bookmark then made his way into the kitchen to retrieve his lovely little... everything sweet treat. Grinning all the way, he pulled out the pan and rummaged through the draws and pulled out a pitiful baby blue candle and a small lighter. He stuck the candle in the center of the desert and lit it. He stared at it for a moment, watching the wax slowly melt and moisten the candle. He grinned at his treat greedily, but that was no problem because he was allowed to be greedy today.

"Happy birthday, Ryou," He voiced somewhat happily.

He blew out the one candle on his 'cake', and even though he wasn't a child anymore, he made a wish. A wish that he made last year as well as the year before. He didn't want to be alone anymore. He wanted his thief back. He was his only friend that stayed by him until the end. Even though they didn't have the best relationship, they didn't step on each others toes 24/7. They knew each others lives through dreams, memories,and long profound conversations, which were rare to come by. And now that their link had been severed, it hurt so much. Ryou always had an aching hole in his soul ever since the spirit left and he was sure Bakura felt it as well. With that wish being made he plucked the candle of the cake,which held a small trail of smoke and threw it in the sink.

The next morning Ryou was sprawled haphazardly on his large bed, silky sheets, and a large comforter tangled up with his limbs. It looked rather uncomfortable, but to Ryou, it was heaven on Earth. He was in the process of waking up which included silence and minimal to no movement. The thick curtains stopped most light from entering the room, allowing Ryou to wake up on his own, instead of having the sun punch him square in the face. He sighed quietly and blinked his eyes awake, which took several minutes. He was in no rush to get up, because he had absolutely nothing to do today.


He didn't know what he was going to do today, but that was okay. Ryou sighed once more. He let the morning pass without hesitation or regret. Who didn't love laying in bed, wondering in your own thoughts until twelve something in the afternoon? Eventually, when he did get up the sun did punch him as he drew the curtains, but he didn't care at the moment because now, he was somewhat awake. The afternoon slugged by as Ryou did his morning routine. Nothing new happens and that's what he expected. Without work on his mind he began to hum as he skimmed through the news on his phone. Politics, science, crime... It was all evolving, at least that's what Ryou thought. After reading a few articles that perked Ryou's interest he thought about today's plans, or rather not-plans.

He picked up an old halloween decoration hidden in a cabinet below the TV in the living room and fetched his sketchbook as well. He always wanted to sketch the item, but never acted on the plan, but now was the perfect time. He stared at the decoration. It was a dark royal purple candle holder that held three black candles beautifully. Its structure was curvy and twisted, and skulls were held under the wax candles. The left and right candles were held lower than the center one. Each of the black candles had purple melted wax dripping down. All in all it looked mysterious. He placed the item on the coffee table and sat on the couch, pencil and sketchbook in hand. As he drew the structure he would alway look between the candles and the book. As he sketched the outline of the structure, he looked at what he'd accomplished so far. He felt content with his work. Ryou didn't think of himself as a great artist, but he had always enjoyed the moments where he actually made drew or sometimes painted something work gazing at.

As he peered up to look at the candle holder once more he couldn't but notice a muscular tan man wearing a deep blue schenti that looked like it's seen better days, and a large red robe. Ryou dropped his sketchbook and pencil in shock, but quickly made up for it by standing up tall and slapping a ferocious glare on his face.

"Who the hell are you?" Ryou snarled eyeing his beautifuly sculpted face. Chills crawled down his spine.

Bakura, on the other hand stood still for he was not able to comprehend what exactly was going on. In his mind he thought he was in Egypt, so that obviously raised questions as to how the hell he got here with his hikari gaping at him... which he noticed looked just a bit more matured since he'd last seen. Strange. But before he could register anything else Ryou tackled him and Bakura lost his balance. In a not so graceful way, fell to the ground, taking Ryou with him. Bakura cursed himself for that. He could've held his place standing up, but no, his muscles decided that it was time for them to give up and be weak. Emotions danced in his brain wondering how he should feel about his hikari tackling him. At first he thought 'What the hell?', but quickly turned into 'I'm kinda impressed'. He reached to push Ryou off of him but he arms felt like spaghetti noodles at the moment. The white haired man wouldn't budge as he straddled Bakura and pinned his arm to the sides of his head. Even though Bakura cursed himself again, that mysterious exhaustion crept upon his body was killing him. Why was he weak? How did he get here? Bakura frowned as he realized Ryou was trying to talk to him. What did he just say?

"Ryou get off of me." He mumbled.

"How do you know my name?" Ryou yelled, squeezing Bakura's arms.

"Wha..?" Bakura murmured, but then quickly realized Ryou obviously wouldn't recognize him in his own rather good looking body. "Ryou, it's me." He said. Ryou raised one eyebrow. "Bakura."

Ryou eyes were the size dinner plates as soon as Bakura said his name. Immediately, Ryou lost his angered face and replaced with a hopeful one. He let go of Bakura's arms and instead wrapped them around his torso, crushing the thief in a snake's hold. Bakura could feel Ryou squeeze him so tightly that he forced air out of body. It was an awkward position to say the least, but he let Ryou hold him as his mind tried to recollect his thoughts again. He snapped out of his daze of wandering hazy memories when he noticed that his shoulder was wet. Was his Hikari crying? Well then... that definitely wasn't a drastic change at all. Nope.

"R-Ryou?" He vaguely questioned.

Ryou sniffled and drew in a sharp breath. He lifted his head up and a teary smile. A collision of happiness and shock war etched onto Ryou's face.

"Is it really you?" Bakura faced was laced in concern as he slowly but surely nodded, peering at Ryou through his exotic messy hair. Ryou breathed a sigh of relief before letting his head fall back, and letting his hold on his yami retighten. He let his tears trickle happily down his pale face and Bakura's well-built body, who was still perplexed.

"I'm back." Bakura stated. "I don't understand." He pried Ryou off himself (with what little strength he had) and calmly and sat up. He stared curiously at Ryou's crying eyes and joyed. smile "What do you mean 'I'm back?' and how the hell did we get ... wherever the hell this is?"

He told looking at Ryou's very own apartment. "What is going on?! I was just battling against the Pharaoh and... What's going on?" He uttered more quietly, but with determination.

Ryou froze and his face became haunted with worry. His tears stopped, but his eyebrows furrowed. Bakura saw it and began to worry himself. Such a distraught face could only mean a lot of distress. Both of them held intense faces that wanted answers now.

"You were battling the Pharaoh?" He whispered "Just now?"

"Yes," He replied slowly. Bakura lifted Ryou chin to meet his gaze. "Ryou, what going on?"

"It's been three years since then, Kura. You've been gone for three. Fucking. Years."

Ryou's eyes watered again for now he knew he couldn't share his pain with his yami. It kinda made him want to slap him. He now had no empathy, only sympathy. He still held onto Bakura, and hoped he wouldn't lash out. Ryou wanted to just hold him and never let go.

"Three years." Bakura echoed as he let go of Ryou's face. He still held a sollom face as he pondered on this strange situation. "I... I been dead this whole time haven't I?" He stared at the beige carpet and picked at the tuffs.

"Y-Yeah..." He sniffled again. "So you don't remember any afterlife or something? Anything?"

"No." They both exhaled. A quick morn for Bakura's death.

"Oh." Ryou wrapped his arms tightly around Bakura again and leaned into his chest. "Well I missed you so fucking much, Kura. It hurt." His voice was muffled, but they were crystal clear to Bakura.

"Since when did you become so bossy? You tackled me..."

"I don't know."

Bakura chuckled and hugged Ryou back, and let his head fall on Ryou's. They sat in silence as they held onto each other. It seemed as though they both were just delighted to be in each others company. It was a sweet moment, that was, until the phone rang loud and clear. They both groaned at the annoying sound vibrating in their ears.

"You should probably get that," Bakura mumbled.

"No. I'm good. Just let it ring."

"Mkay, Landlord."

So that's what they did. Although it was annoying, Ryou did not let it separate him from Bakura. He waited far too long to enjoy a time like this, where his mind was at peace, and he didn't have to worry about the good memories slipping away. When the ringing stopped they both let out a breath of relief and sank lower into each others bodies. Then the phone rang again.

"Ughhhh... I'll get it."

Ryou grumbled, untangling himself from Bakura. He watched his hikari walk up to two house phones. Why did he have two? Bakura made a mental note to ask about it later. Ryou picked up one of the two phones and bring it up to his ear swiftly. He dramatically spun around to face Bakura while he talked.

"Hello?" He said sharply.

"Ryou?" A light but strong voice flew out. It sounded familiar to him.

"This is he."

"Ah, Ryou, this is Yugi."

"Yugi." He said in a low dangerous tone that spoke 'what the actual hell do YOU want?' Bakura chuckled when heard his hikari use such a tone at Yugi. He kept his ears open waiting to hear what the Pharaoh light, or in this case whatever Ryou might echo or what he had to say.

"Wait. How did you get my number?"

Yugi chuckled nervously. Ryou sighed and let the other hikari continue. "Hey, I have a question for you." Yugi said. "Has the spirit of the ring by any chance showed up?"

Ryou was stunned for a moment. He wasn't expecting that question, but then slapped himself for not thinking of it.

"Y-Yeah, actually." He said staring at Bakura. "He's here. Did Yami show up?" He asked curiously.

"Yup!" He beamed. Ryou could practically see them huge smile plastered on Yugi's face.

"Oh, well then good for you. I should go-"

"Wait!" Yugi yelled.

"... What is it, Yugi?"

"Are you feeling okay. Nobody's seen you in forever. I mean-"

"I'm fine. Thanks for the concern, Yugi." And with that being said, he hung up and placed the phone back where it belonged.

He walked over to Bakura who was now sitting smugly on the couch and plopped down next to him.

"My, my, aren't we aggresive? I'm guessing your not besties" Bakura purred. Ryou rolled his eyes and laid his head on Bakura's lap. Which created a wonderful makeshift pillow.

"I'm not aggressive, I'm just...not" He said trying to hold back a grin, unlike his yami who let it shine.

"And cuddly , you have become a cuddle monster."

'Wha- No I haven't. You try being separated from me with you memory and then see how it feels." Ryou retorted, but immediately wished he hadn't said anything at all. "Sorry, Kura, I didn't mean-"

"Yes you did. And I don't know how it feels." He said. "Wanna tell me?"

Ryou sat in his own silence debating whether or not he should tell. He looked up at Bakura.

"It was painful," He said. "Our link disintegrated and... there was always the hollow pang within me. I suppose you could say I wasn't complete." He chuckled. 'You have no idea how much I needed you." He smiled brightly at Bakura. "But the pain gone now. I can feel our link, and you're back and that's all I need"

"Good. Because I wouldn't want to leave you a part of what you were."

Ryou sat up gracefully. In one swift movement he hugged the thief again. And if Bakura didn't like his hugs he better get used to them.

Hours passed and Ryou was still glued to Bakura. Even though it was nice, it became just a little annoying for the Egyptian. The only reason why he let Ryou hold on to him for so long is because of the guilt he held for leaving. Bakura peered at Ryou, who was snuggled against his side (which was slightly num). His eyes were closed as though he were asleep, but not quite. He stared at the hikari wondering if his departure truly did damage him. Surely Ryou would be strong enough to handle his absence, right? If he was able to deal with him while he held the ring, it would cause too much trouble with his well known chaos... Right?

Bakura sighed for the one millionth time and nudged Ryou. The only response he got was a squeeze on the arm and a small mumble. He rolled his eyes at him. His tan arm pushed Ryou gently to the side and slowly stood up. Ryou spread himself across the whole couch and yawned. He reminded Bakura of a cat. He could feel all the blood rushing through his body causing that familiar uncomfortable feeling. On top of that his legs were super stiff. He took some time, letting body adjust until he felt that his body wasn't a couple of sticks, and walked to the kitchen. He rummaged through Ryou's cupboards and found nothing he can snatch for a quick bite. Dramatically he closed the cupboard.

Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a small pan covered with aluminum foil. At first he thought it might be leftovers, so when he uncovered it and saw the sweet pastry he turned to his ex-host, shaking his head. Was he trying to kill himself? The thing did look like a candy shop and a bakery smashed together, and it did look delectable. He couldn't help but take a small chunk out of it a taste it himself. He was surprised to find that it actually tasted pretty good. He had expected to find it too sweet to the core, but this, this was addicting. It held many textures and flavors, some were familiar, some not. Either way it was delicious., and before he knew it he ate half the 'cake'.

"Oops," He chuckled. Bakura peered at Ryou, who was sound asleep.

Boredom caught up to him quickly (once more) so decided he give himself a tour of the apartment. It was easy to say it wasn't large as he discovered it was just a two bedroom apartment. The second bedroom however was turned into a work room of some sorts. A large mahogany desk sat with yellow folders spread across it. In fact they were strewn just about everywhere along with herbs that normally aren't used during these times. Along the walls were pictures random people. Photos of children, teenagers, adults, and elderly. Who were these people to his hikari? He let his eyes gaze at the wall, and found that their were drawings, children's drawings. He went up to one and examined it. They were stick figures of a family, but what Bakura found peculiar was that there was one stick figure with an arrow pointing towards it with sloppy handwriting that wrote 'Ryou'. He made another mental note to ask Ryou what this room really was.

Ryou's bedroom was decorated with random objects he recognized as the things he stole before they left for Egypt. He smirked to himself. He also notice how comfortable and large Ryou's bed was. Bakura couldn't help but find himself snuggling in the comfy comforter.

Even after he inspected practically everything he (not surprisingly) was still bored. He had two options: go bother Ryou, or just sit around the house. Ryou did look at peace but the second option seemed to have more appeal than he thought it would. He slowly crawled to Ryou and sat on the floor so their faces would be at the same level. Ryou's eyes were dreamily shut and his mouth was slightly parted. Little breaths came from his body as it rose and fell. To think so an innocent face could hold such anger. For a moment Bakura forgot that Ryou had a bit off a temper. (He learned that the hard way) For some unexplainable reason, he felt the desire to watch over him and his haunting beautiful face. Yes, his hikari always did have lovely features, but Kura notice that Ryou matured and brought out a more handsome man, than the pretty boy he was.

Bakura knew that wasn't the only thing that changed. Ryou did become much more demanding. The way he held himself, the emotion that clung to his face, everything about Ryou had been altered in some way. It wasn't a bad thing though, it was a good chance that he grew a backbone, instead of having everyone use him. But then... he couldn't say he wouldn't miss the kind, naïve Ryou. Either way, he wanted to get to know his Hikari correctly this time. Bakura didn't just want to know how he acts, or what he likes, he wanted to be other half of him. He wanted them to be... complete. Saying these things to himself made him realize how important Ryou was to him, so when Ryou opened his eyes to find Bakura watching over him, and when he smiled, Bakura couldn't help but give a true smile back at him.

Operation Ryou: Begin.