Author's note: Well here it is. The last chapter of "Foggy Bottom Has Fallen." Though not as popular as its prequel "Adventure Bay Has Fallen," I still want to thank all of the support you guys have given me, especially Supernova2015, who came up with this OC and helped me implement him into my story. Just a heads up, "Barkingburg Has Fallen" will be a direct continuation of this story, whereas this one takes place one year after "Adventure Bay Has Fallen." Also, "Barkingburg Has Fallen" will contain little to no violence but a lot of drama and suspense.
Chapter 11: Epilogue
Ryder could not believe his eyes. He pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. He opened his eyes again and saw him. Only one word came out of his mouth.
"Hi, Ryder, it's been so long. My, you have grown. But you still look the same and I see you still kept your hair spiked up. Just like old times, eh Ryder?"
"Y-yeah, just like old times. But how did you find me?"
"When I heard my owner was kidnapped by a terrorist, I rushed over to try to help out but I heard from some passerby that you and your team saved the day, well sort of."
"Yeah, we saved the mayor of Foggy Bottom, who was also kidnapped by a terrorist...wait a second. Is that true?"
"Yep, Mayor Humdinger is my owner."
Ryder and the pups gasped, but upon hearing his eight pups gasp Ryder turned to them.
"Pups, this is Koda. Koda, these are my pups." Ryder proceeded to introduce each one, with each pup shouting their catchphrase.
"Chase is our police and spy pup."
"Chase is on the case."
"Marshall is our fire and EMT pup."
"I'm fired up."
"Skye is our aviation pup."
"Let's take to the sky!"
"Rocky is our recycling and inventing pup."
"Don't lose it, reuse it."
"Zuma is our water rescue pup."
"Let's dive in!"
"Rubble is our construction pup."
"Rubble on the double."
"Everest is our snow rescue pup."
"Ice or snow, I'm ready to go."
"And Tracker is our newest member. He has super good hearing and is bilingual."
"I'm all ears."
"Pups, nice to meet you. As Ryder previously said, I'm Koda."
"Koda, how do you know Ryder?" asked Zuma.
"Funny story actually. Ryder and I are brothers."
"BROTHERS?!" all the pups yelled.
"Yeah, he's my adoptive brother," said Ryder.
"But Ryder," said Chase. "He's a wolf-pup."
"It's a long story, so why don't we head back to the Lookout, or whatever's left of it, and Koda and I can explain everything."
All the pups howled and left the hospital. They all jumped in their rigs and took off for Adventure Bay, with Koda riding on Ryder's ATV.
The pups and Ryder started across the bridge that led to the Lookout's driveway. But they all screeched to a halt when they saw a construction team at the Lookout. Ryder dismounted from his ATV and walked up to one of the crewmen.
"Excuse me, sir, but what are you guys doing?"
"Oh, you must be Ryder," the man said, taking a sip from his water bottle. "Mayor Goodway hired us to restore this building back to normal. She wanted to make sure you didn't spend a penny trying to fix this."
"Oh, okay, I'll have to thank her later." Ryder turned towards the others. "Pups, let's head to the backyard." The pups obeyed and followed. They all gathered around Ryder and Koda in a circle, but not without Chase calling in President Clifton and telling him the plan worked. Chase also gave the President a body count then signed off. When that was done, Koda began his backstory.
"Years back, when I was a human baby, right after my first birthday, a fire broke out at my house. I was rescued by a fireman, but my parents perished in the fire. But Mayor Humdinger, who was a close friend of my parents, had agreed to take care of me if anything were to happen to them."
"I'm sorry Koda," said Skye.
"It's okay. Anyway, when I was three, I was diagnosed with leukemia, and I had only a year at most left to live. With that year running out, Mr. Humdinger took me to a scientist named Professor Murray, who he thought could heal me. With me as a test subject to his machine, Professor Murray tried it out. Though my leukemia was cured, I was turned into a wolf pup. Professor Murray fled, and so did I, disgusted with my appearance."
"So that explains a lot," said Rocky.
"It's not over there, pups," said Ryder. "When I first went to visit Carlos, he and I found Koda in a huge pit. He called out to me for help in Japanese, which I can understand and speak, and Carlos and I were able to rescue him. After he told me about his life up to that point, I decided to adopt him as my brother, and for the time being he stayed with my parents since I was busy running the PAW Patrol."
"Wow, that's so cool," said Rubble.
"Alright, pups, you go play, Koda and I want to catch up a little more." Ryder led Koda away from the pups and knelt down next to him.
"Koda, I have some bad news."
"What is it, Ryder?"
"My leukemia is back and worse than ever. I only have a few months left to live. So I want you to join the PAW Patrol, as a substitute pup and second in command. For when I pass away, you're going to be the PAW Patrol's new leader."
"Really? I'd love to. Anything for you, bro."
"It'll stay between us for now, because Chase is second in command, so I don't wanna throw this curveball at him right before his anniversary."
"With who?" said Koda, tilting his head.
"Skye," Ryder giggled. The two turned towards the pups to see Chase and Skye sitting underneath the huge oak tree, enjoying each other's company. "Their one year anniversary is in two days."
Over at the oak tree, the young couple was debating over which movie to go watch.
"Hmm, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2?" said Chase.
"Haven't even seen the first one," said Skye.
"War For the Planet of the Apes?"
"Too violent."
"Spider-Man: Homecoming?"
Skye gasped with joy. "That's perfect!" she yipped.
"Alright, and where should we eat?"
"How about we just go to Mr. Porter's? It's the grand reopening of his new restaurant."
"Sounds great! Boy I'm so excited. I can't wait!" said Chase.
"Me too! I'll call Mr. Porter and set up reservations. No doubt it's going to be crowded," said Skye.
Back with Ryder and Koda, Ryder finished explaining how his life has been. Suddenly, his pup pad rang.
"Hello, Ryder here."
"Ryder, it's Doctor Wells of Foggy Bottom Hospital. I have some bad news."
"What is it, Dr. Wells?"
"My nurse made a mistake about how long you have left. She said a few months, but it's actually a few weeks. I'm so sorry."
Ryder lost all color in his face. He dropped his pup pad and fell backwards to the ground, unconscious. The other pups noticed and rushed over to him.
"What happened?!" said Chase.
"The doctor from Foggy Bottom Hospital called and said Ryder actually has only a few weeks left to live!" Koda said.
The pups all gasped upon hearing this devastating news.
"Oh no!" said Skye burying her face into Chase's chest.
"What are we going to do?!" said Marshall.