(A/N-Well this is my first Olicity fic. I took one of my original stories and messed with it to turn it into a Felicity and Oliver fic. I hope you enjoy. Thanks to Bekki for beta reading the original. Thanks boo!)

Felicity Smoak was in a hurry, she was rushing through security as quickly as she could as her plane was leaving in ten minutes. Ten minutes! She still had to finish getting through security and finding her gate before the plane left or her best friend Thea Queen would never forgive her.

Thea Queen was marrying the love of her life, Roy Harper in Vancouver tomorrow, and this was the last flight out of the airport for tonight. Oh why didn't she request to take this day off and be able to get to the airport before now? She could literally kick herself, but being the workaholic that she was, she had worked right up near the last hour before leaving her job. It wasn't like she couldn't take the day off, as she was her own boss. She owned a bridal boutique, had actually made Thea's dress herself along with the three bridesmaids dresses and luckily had them already shipped ahead for the wedding. They were in Vancouver already, safe and just waiting to be worn.

Now here she was about to be scanned, she looked at her watch, it was three minutes after two, her flight was leaving in seven minutes. Finally, she was in the scanner holding her hands above her head, she got out and got her purse and put her shoes back on and was literally in a deep sprint as she raced towards the Delta terminal.

As she found her gate, she could hear the attendant saying in a loud speaker, that Delta flight 23 was closing the door in one minute, "Hold the plane!" Felicity screamed as she cut around a couple, but as she was almost to her gate, she saw an object moving in the corner of her eye and she tried to put on the brakes, but it was too late. Her momentum pitched her forward and everything from that moment seemed to happen in slow motion.

The man reacted, grabbed her before she could fall backwards, while she grabbed the front of his suit to stop herself from falling as well. He instinctively slid both arms around her middle, slowing her momentum until she came to a complete stop. Upright, or almost, considering her legs were twisted, she clung. Bodily against him. Her breasts were pressed into his chest. Her stomach hard against the zipper of his trousers. Her shaky right knee clamped snug between both of his. She knew enough about this man, the shape of him that in some cultures they would be considered betrothed.

She curled her fingers gently beneath a lapel or two. His suit felt really nice. Expensive. The fabric was soft and warm. And it and especially him, smelled really good. Like falling leaves and crisp fresh air. But then again, maybe it wasn't the suit at all. Maybe it was just him.

She saw his lips move, but couldn't understand, she was awestruck by him. His perfect teeth, dark brown hair it was so neat it looked as if it had been cut this morning. A jaw line so defined it made a girl want to reach out and run the back of her finger along it. Stunning blue eyes the color of turquoise looked back at her.

Finally she focused on him, on his words, "Are you okay?" he asked. His voice was beautiful, he had one of those voices, that a woman just wanted to hear. It rumbled through her hands and into her chest until it found a home deep within her stomach. She gave into the need to lick her suddenly bone dry lips.

"Hey," he mumbled again, and tucked a finger beneath her chin, lifting her gaze to his face as he repeated, "Are you okay?"

"What? Oh, I'm sorry about grabbing you like this," Felicity said as she straightened his suit where she had grabbed with her hands. "Now, now no one will ever know I was here."

He smirked and said, "I'll know."

His words slid through her, hot, liquid, and unimpeded by any kind of sense or self defense. In a bolt of unadulterated desire it occurred to her that if she slanted her head an inch, two at the most, she could find out if his smiling lips tasted anywhere near as good as they looked.

His skin was unbleached and evenly tanned, his eyes blue it hurt, and he truly smelled wonderful, like a rainy autumn day. All that glowing, carefree perfection made him as tempting as the yummiest sweet. But as she was about to answer him, she remembered...

Her flight!

She moved from his arms, his letting her go as she did. She looked at him again, and then cursed under her breath as she realized her purse had went flying on the ground. She reached down to get it, and saw some of her contents spilled over the floor. Along with his wallet, sunglasses and phone. They picked up their belongings and as they stood staring at one another, Felicity took a chance and went over to him and kissed his cheek, whispering, "Thank you," as she then turned and raced to her gate as they were about to close the door.

She heard the hottie yelling to her to "Wait!" but she couldn't, she had to get to Vancouver!

She found her seat, and buckled up. Trying to breathe in the much needed oxygen as she thought of her encounter with the very handsome man. She listened as the stewardess went over all the safety reminders. And a few minutes later, her plane was running down the runway and they were going up in the air.

During the flight she kept thinking of the man from the airport, she had to blink to come back to reality. It wasn't as though she didn't come in contact with any number of good looking men every day of her life. Granted most of them were either dropping off their soon to be wife, or getting fitted for their tuxes. She had to occasional best man, groomsmen, who would come in. Nice men, responsible men, men who loved dogs, men who were well and truly within her comfort zone.

In the past couple of months there had been the French man, cute, flirty. He was also the plumber she had been forced to call one day at her apartment, he had unblocked her pipes but not in the way worth mentioning. She had been forced to let him go when his girlfriend of over three years had answered his phone when she had called.

Then there had been the man she had ran into at the park, a single dad who only had the dog he had gotten out of his messy divorce, along with the kids every other weekend. She had let him go when she had been out to dinner with him, and his ex wife had come over and told her about his cheating ways, he had denied it until they had continued to argue, right there in the restaurant and the truth came out.

But comparing those dating disasters with three minutes spent looking into a pair of Pacific blue eyes made her wonder briefly if responsibility, sense, and comfort were all they were cracked up to be. Mister blue suit and tie and flirty look in the eye made her hanker for more, fire, flash, flare, electricity, excitement, heat, danger, no care for the consequences.

That man!

Felicity came to as if the sun had suddenly cleared the storm from before her eyes. She looked out the window to see the beautiful picture of the clouds with their beauty. She looked at the blues in the sky, comparing them to the man's blue eyes, and while the blues in the sky were beautiful. That man's eyes were breathtaking!

Oh get a grip on yourself Felicity! You're never going to see him again!

"He watched you all the way to the door, you know," a voice said from beside her.

Felicity turned and looked at the woman, "I'm sorry, what?" she asked.

"I was at the gate when I heard the collision, I saw you and that young man looking at one another," the older lady said.

"I...I just happened to bump into him," Felicity said.

"And he watched you walk away from him," the woman said.

"Well, it's too bad, as I have no idea what his name is, where he was going, nothing," Felicity said. "With my luck, he's probably married with about ten kids."

"Well, I couldn't blame his wife if they had that many, as I too, would want to keep him in bed," she told Felicity, who laughed at her.

"I'm Felicity, Felicity Smoak," Felicity said.

"I'm Mrs. Lewis, but everyone calls me Reba," she introduced herself to Felicity, "but if my nose tells me anything, that young man was not looking at you as someone who was married."

On a private jet, Oliver Queen was thinking about his encounter with the beautiful blonde, with whom he had run into, literally. She was stunning in every way, her blue eyes just pulled him in. Her face was pure porcelain, and her lips, oh those red lips of hers were just begging for him to kiss her.

"Still thinking about the woman from the airport?" his best friend John Diggle asked as he sat down beside him on the plane. They were flying with their friends for a very special event this weekend.

"Is it that obvious?" Oliver asked.

"Oh, just a tiny bit there, Oliver," John said as he offered him a drink.

Oliver took it, and let the flavor rush over his taste buds. But nothing was taking his thoughts away from that woman. What was her name? Where had she been going to in such a hurry? By the time he had looked at the sign above the gate, it was too late, it was gone and none of the airport personnel could tell him where that plane was going to.

No matter how much he tried to flirt he was to get the information from them!

"Well, cheer up, I'm sure we'll find you someone this weekend, to get your mind off your mysterious lady," John said.

He kept going over in his mind, looking down into her face. She smelled like a fresh rainstorm, clean and vibrant. If only he had more time, he could have asked for her name at the very least, perhaps her phone number. Anything!

Knowing how his love life was, she was probably married and rushing home to get back into her husband's arms. The lucky bastard! But wait, had she been wearing a wedding ring? He tried to recall, but all he could see was those alluring eyes of hers. And he had been so blown away by her leaning up and kissing his cheek to even try to react to her.

And even if her ring finger had been bare, that didn't exactly make her not married, or even single. She very easily could be rushing back to her lover.

"I see she made quite an impression on you," John observed.

"What's that?" Oliver asked as he barely heard his friend's words.

"Well, you are zoned out from your friends," John said, "and of course you have red lipstick on your cheek."

"I'm sorry about zoning you all-Wait, what?" Oliver asked as he grabbed his keys which had a mirror on them, and saw that where his mystery woman had kissed him, her lipstick had indeed left a reminder of their encounter.

"Oh, you've got it bad and you don't even know her name," John said as he moved from his seat to go get another drink.

Oliver kept looking at his cheek, he saw his lips smile at the reminder. A few seconds later he heard his phone going off. Only it wasn't his ring tone, it was someone else's ringtone.

And so it is
Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
Most of the time
And so it is
The shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her sky

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you