Hearing someone say my name I quicken my pace and head towards the park across the street as the crosswalk signals that pedestrians are free to walk across in safety. I make it into the park and as I see a bench nearby I quickly claim it and sit down and place my head in my hands as I try to breathe past my emotions.

"Mai!" I hear a male voice say causing me to look up only to see Lin approaching me at a fast pace as if I am going to run from him.

Sitting up I watch as he approaches me before he stops in front of me. I try to look up at his face only having to bring my hand over my eyes to provide my eye some shade so I can see his face. All I say as I look at him is, "Lin."

As if seeing my struggle to look at him he takes a seat next to me allowing me to put my hand down on my lap as I look him in the eyes. I then heard Lin say, "Mai...come back...I convinced Oliver to not take the case. Please come back I promise that we will listen to you and your visions please," he said as he placed his hand on my shoulder and continued to say, "I told Olliver that I knew your powers had increased I just didn't know by how much. Mai, I have the ability to sense a person's powers and how strong they are but with you, it is difficult to see the strength of your abilities."

Hearing him say this I can't help but feel stunned that he was able to do that but as I think it over it makes sense that he would be able. I look him in the eyes and see that he is watching me, in turn, I smile at him and say, "Thank you, Lin...I just need some time before I go back to the office."

I watch Lin and see that at my words his shoulders relax a little before he looks me in the eyes and says, "I understand but I am not leaving you alone especially if your powers have gotten that strong."

Laughing I say, "Lin you don't have to worry I will be fine I will see you in the office." I say as I place my hand on his arm without thought.

"No Mai I will stay with you until we get back to the office," Lin says as he looks down at his arm drawing my attention towards his arm only to find my hand placed on his arm.

I quickly draw my hand back and say, "Sorry" as ablush dust my cheeks as I look down at my lap and clasp my hands together as I stare down at my hands.

"Mai." I hear Lin say drawing my attention up to his face with my eyes closed, only to feel a warmth against my lips making my eyes open in shock, I notice that Lin has his eyes closed, though as I try to pull away I feel his hand settle on the back of my head holding my lips against his. He then released my head as he opened his eyes looking into my eyes as he whispers, "Mai please let me in I won't hurt you I promise." Still shocked from the kiss I am unable to say anything as I feel my face heat up. I can't stop from staring at him in shock and I can't get past the kiss when he places his hand on my cheek as a small smile settles on his lips before he touches his forehead to mine as he keeps eye contact with me. "Mai..."He slows as concern creases his brow and continues to talk, "Mai...please say something."

"Ugh...I...Ugh...umm..." I stutter out as I am unable to form a complete thought or sentence as the blush stays on my face. I see Koujo smile a little bit more as I said, "Wow... I didn't see that coming."

"Hahaha..." Says Lin as he places both of his hands on my cheeks.

Without hesitation, I ask Lin, "Why? Why did you do that?" as I pull his hands off my face before glancing up into his eyes.

I watch as he looks at me before sitting down next to me and says, "I have been wanting to do that since before I left with Noll, and I know I needed to catch your attention somehow so I thought that this was the best option without causing a major scene."

I mull over his words as I listen and I am dumbfounded that he had wanted to kiss me for a long time. Tough as I look over at him I see that he is watching me with a small smile gracing his lips, and without a second thought, I turn towards him and place my right hand on his cheek as I watch his face for the new expressions I had never seen before. "But why me...you never show any interest in me and you made it seem like you only dealt with my existence because Oliver hired me."

I watch as the words sink in causing his smile to disappear. As I watch him he grabs my hands and pull them off his face and holds them in his hands as he looks me in the eyes and says, "Mai...I didn't tell you or show you how I felt because I could tell that you like Noll and when we were leaving instead of going up to you and kissing you I chose to let you morn your broken heart at the fact that Noll was leaving. I could tell that if I were to do anything back then, you wouldn't be able to acknowledge my feeling because your emotions were focused on Noll that is why the whole time we were gone I wrote emails to twice a week since we left to England all the way until last week when we returned he to open up SPR again."

As I listen to him speak I feel my heart skip a beat at his confession and my cheeks redden at hearing him talk about my past emotions. I watch as he continues to talk to me as we look at each other in the eyes and all I can see in his eyes is love and compassion. "Lin..."

though just before I ask him a question he says, "No call me Koujo."

At his words I feel my cheeks redden even more than they already are, nodding my head I let out a soft, "Okay...Koujo are you sure you are okay with a person like me?"

"Mai, there is no need to settle, you are the woman I have been wanting to be closer to...so if you want we can take this slow and start off as friends and then move forward from there if you want to advance our relationship," Koujo says as he squeezes my hand slightly before letting it go and setting his hands on his legs.

"Um...I think I like that... let's take this slow I want to know you before I decided if we are going to be a couple." I say as I place one hand on his hand and give it a small squeeze as I smile up at him. It is then that I notice that the sun is sinking below the tree line and I glance back at him and say let get back we have been out long enough and I think Oliver is going to need some tea."

"Hahaha...okay." laughs Koujo as he stands up I follow suit though as I stand up I notice Koujo watching me causing a blush to touch my cheeks yet again. We then start our short journey back to SPR.