A/N: *waves frantically* Hey everybody! Here's my Christmas gift to you all: A new chappie of Ancient Magic! Yes, I know it's been ages, but I am SO GOING TO CONTINUE THIS STORY! *brandishes EVIL FRYING PAN OF DESTRUCTION aggressively* AND I SAW RETURN OF THE KING!!! OH MY GOD, IT WAS AWESOME! The eagles! The dragons! *faints from amazement* It's too awesome for words. Faramir's dad is a psychopath! Merry and Pippin are cute! And so is Frodo! And Sam! Heck, all the Hobbits are cute! It was just! So! COOL!!! *goes into fangirl mode and screams her head off until Sam knocks her out with his frying pan*

Sam: She was getting annoying. *shrugs*

Frodo: *comes on the stage, waves at everyone cheerily, then drags the unconscious Katani off the stage*

Merry and Pippin: *march out*

Pippin: Since Katani's unavailable right now, we'll read the review responses!

Merry: And since there's no telling when she'll be available again, we'll probably do the End-of-Chapter-Author's-Note too! *smiles adorably*

Audience: Awwwwwwwwww! ^___________^ Kawaii!

Pippin: *ahem* *starts to read*

Frodomeg: Yay, more fans are always welcome! *hands Frodomeg a cookie*

Lady Fuzzy: Who knows . . . They might! *DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN*

Silver Saffire: Of COURSE I'll have more Draco in later chapters! It's priceless to see him dissing Legolas! ^_^

Thu6666: Well, I'm not actually all that knowledgeable about LOTR characters, so it's hard to keep them completely in character all the time.

LADM: YAY! I kept Draco in-character! *does Kit's Little Funky Dance (tm)*

ShadowPirate: Hehe, don't worry, Fred and George will make their into soon, muahaha . . .

Jordan's Lover: Hehe, good job! That sure showed Draco! *Draco falls the floor with the pie in his face* And thank you for you kindness. :)

AlienSmile13: *edges away in fear*

Thom Verdace: Thank you! *curtsies*

Dragonlordsapprentice: Oh, I just LOVE teasing Aragorn and Legolas . . . It's SO much fun to make them fight. *looks really, REALLY evil* *Legolas and Aragorn glare at her*

Raye Hino: Yes yes, they are kawaii aren't they? *pinches Draco's cheek* *looks offended* Of course girls can breakdance! *breakdances herself*

Aramer: *grins and wields Carboard Tube of Ouchiness* Laughing to tears, huh? It's that funny? 0_o *goes and reads it over again*

Soul: Thank you. :) Loki's doing much better now.

Queen Amelie: Thank you and I hope your brother is okay. :)

Ginnylava: Of course your review helps! Loki's doing much better now. Thank you very much! :)

LOTRWolf: Thank you for not nagging. :) Anyhoo, here's the new chappie.

Pippin: And we'd like to specially thank all those who gave their best wishes to Loki and the late John Hart.

Frodo: Thanks to people like you who give your kindness to those in need, the Harts are doing much better.

Merry: Now, as Katani would say, ON WITH THE FIC!!!


'I dunno, Harry. Are you sure about this?' said Frodo nervously.

'Of course I am!' said Harry enthusiastically.

They were standing in the middle of the Quidditch Pitch, both with broomsticks in hand.

'I really don't think this is a good idea . . .' Frodo muttered, gripping the handle to his broom tightly.

'It's easy!' Harry said in what he thought was an encouraging manner. 'Just kick off the ground! Go on!'

Frodo gulped and took a deep breath. He braced himself and kicked off the ground as lightly as he possibly could. It wasn't enough. In almost a split second he had rocketed nearly fifty feet off the ground.


Harry, who had not expected this to happen, immediately leapt onto his own broom and flew after the flyaway hobbit.

'Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!' Frodo cried as his broom did a barrel roll, and then suddenly flipped over and dove towards the ground.

'PULL UP, FRODO! PULL UP!' Harry screamed, diving after the hobbit. And pull up Frodo did.

With a comical-sounding smack they collided head on.

By this time, of course, they had drifted over to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Both toppling off their brooms, they crashed through the foliage.

Frodo landed with a splash in a patch of marshy area. Splattered with mud from head to toe, he wiped pondwater out of his eyes and look around. 'Harry?' he called.

'Up here.' said a disgruntled voice.

Frodo looked up to see his friend hanging from a tree limb by the back of his robes, arms crossed over his chest and looking murderous.

'We tell no one of this. Understood?'

Frodo pulled himself from the muddy water with a squelch. 'Perfectly.'

'Good. Now get me down.' *************

Aragorn had seen many terrifying things in his life. Misshapen orcs, lumbering trolls, stampeding Oliphants, sinister Nazgul, all these he had seen and fought.

But none of things were anywhere near as terrifying as Minerva McGonagall when she was angry.

'MESS EVERYWHERE!! HAVE YOU NO RESPECT FOR MAGICAL ARTIFACTS?!' Professor McGonagall screamed at Aragorn and Legolas, who were both cringing against the wall.

Merry and Pippin stood smugly behind McGonagall, mimicking her every movement until she whirled around at them. 'AND YOU TWO! DON'T THINK YOU'LL GET OFF EASY JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE SMALL! YOU'RE AS MUCH AT FAULT AS THOSE TWO WRETCHES ARE!' She gestured at Aragorn and Legolas.

Pippin put on his most charming face. 'I'm dreadfully sorry, Ma'am, but you know, they told us to do it.'

McGonagall blinked. 'What do you mean, Mr. Took?'

Merry caught on immediately. 'Well, you see, Professor, we didn't want to do it, but they said if we didn't wreck everything, they'd lock us into a broom cupboard.'

Legolas and Aragorn opened their mouths in outrage, but cringed further against the wall as McGonagall whirled on them again.

At this point, Aragorn wouldn't have been surprised if she had been breathing fire as she pointed her finger at the office door.

'I want the hall outside my office so clean that I can see my face in it. Now go.' With a flick of her wand she conjured two sponges and a bucket of water.

Only five minutes later, Legolas and Aragorn were up to their ears in soapsuds as they knelt on the corridor floor and scrubbed it.

'This is all your fault.' snarled Aragorn, scrubbing the floor with a vengeance.

'How is it MY fault?!' exclaimed Legolas angrily.

'*I* wasn't the one who crashed down five floors with an avalanche of nick- nacks.' said Aragorn.

'That was only because Merry and Pippin blundered around in a suit of armor and knocked everything over!' counted Legolas.

'Like I believe that.' growled Aragorn, turning around to dunk his sponge in the bucket (which continually refilled itself).

There was a squelch as Legolas's sponge hit Aragorn in the back of the head.

Aragorn whirled around to glare at Legolas, who was lying flat on his back and laughing hysterically. Grinning demonically, Aragorn grabbed the bucket of sudsy water and advanced on the elf.

Legolas looked up. 'Aragorn? What are you doing with that bucket? . . . . Aragorn? Agh, NO- AAIIIE!'


This time it was Aragorn laughing at the drenched elf.

Legolas immediately snatched the now refilled bucket and dumped its contents onto the Ranger's head.

Aragorn blinked bewilderedly for a minute, then lunged for the bucket once again. Thus started a water fight that would be talked about by Hogwarts students for years to come.


Pippin and Merry: *singing* This is the end of our show!

Frodo and Sam: Merry Christmas and a happy new year!! ^_______________________^

Aragorn: *comes out* Is there any particular reason why Katani is tied to a chair offstage?

Hobbits: Er . . . *shifty eyes* *run away*

Katani: *hops out onto the now empty stage in her chair* Where'd everybody go? Read and review people! Tootles! And hope you all have a GREAT Christmas!!! Or Hanukkah!! Or whatever! *hops back out*