Summary: What if Season One ended with Oliver and Laurel being together? What if Oliver tells Laurel everything the night they sleep together? Canon up until episode 1 x 22. No guarantees after that.

Disclaimer: WB/DC own these characters. I'm only borrowing them for a while. I own the original ideas found in this.

Some dialogue from episode 1 x 22, "Darkness on the Edge of Town" written by Drew Z. Greenberg and Wendy Mericle.

AU: I didn't start watching Arrow until the middle of season 2, so I missed the slow, weekly build-up of that glorious first season, with the ups and downs of Laurel and Oliver. If I did, I may be able to better understand why that relationship should've or could've worked. Or sympathize more with those who really, really wish it would've worked out for the two of them. (I did watch season one immediately once the DVD set came out, but I think I missed something not being able to enjoy it as it was meant to be enjoyed, on a weekly basis).

However, I started writing this story in an attempt to see how those two could've ended up together at the end of season one. I hope you like it, especially if you are a true Lauriver.

8/16/16: Big oops. I uploaded the wrong chapter. Sometimes all it takes is the wrong slip of a wrist, and the wrong chapter is uploaded. BIG APOLOGY. sigh. Thanks so much for coming back to check on it.

The changing of Oliver's mind regarding Laurel began when she first asked him to tell Tommy he no longer had feelings for her. Oliver had looked at her, and decided he couldn't lie to her. Even though he knew they couldn't be together, Oliver told her she still had feelings for her.

Understandably, Laurel being Laurel, she didn't leave it alone. She had come to the bar early the next morning to confront him.

"Last week I told you I wanted to get back with Tommy, that I needed you to go to him and explain that you didn't still have feelings for me. But instead, you told me that you did." Laurel looked him directly in the eye. "As I'm sure you can probably imagine, I haven't been able to think of much since."

Oliver let out a huge sigh. "I shouldn't have said that."

"Then why did you?" Laurel asked, not understanding.

"I didn't have an agenda. I didn't mean to make it more difficult for you to fix things with Tommy." He let go of her hand and was about to leave.

"By what if you did?" he heard her ask.

Oliver closed his eyes, a spasm of pain crossing his face. He turned to face Laurel, who said, "After you disappeared with Sara I was sorry I ever knew you. But now thigs have happened that I never thought would. You coming home, my parents being in the same room, and you. What if I'm finally starting to see you for who you really are?"

"No…." Oliver wanted to deny this happening.

"And maybe Tommy was right. Maybe he and I weren't meant to be. Maybe I'm finally ready to admit I still have feelings for you too."

"Nothing's changed. My life hasn't changed." Oliver forced himself to continue with breaking Laurel's heart. "I haven't changed. I gotta go. Walter's coming home."

Laurel watched him leave, her heart breaking once again.


When all the pieces had fallen in place, and they knew what Merlyn's plan was, Oliver reached a decision. He had to share some of it with his teammates. Before he went to her.

"I promised myself that when I crossed all these names off the list, I'd be done. But taking down these people, it doesn't honor my father. I was just treating the symptoms while the disease festered. I stop the Undertaking, I wipe out the disease."

"What are you saying, Oliver? You would hang up the Hood?" Diggle asked, not quite believing what he was hearing.

"Merlyn's plan is what I returned from the Island to stop, after all. Once he's stopped, is there really a mission?" Head high, eyes unseeing, Oliver headed towards the door.

Diggle was still not understanding what was going on in his partner's mind. He remained confused by this seemingly uncharacteristic behavior. "Where are you going?"


All Felicity and Diggle could do was watch Oliver leave. After hearing the door shut, Felicity looked at Diggle, shrugged her shoulders, and returned to her computers. Diggle looked up at the door with concern clearly on his face, sighed heavily, and returned to cleaning his gun.

Ever since he had thought it through, had realized what the Undertaking really was, Oliver considered for the first time what it would be like to be able to be with Laurel. What he had wanted to do from the moment he had returned, but didn't consider himself worthy until his promise to his father was complete.

Oliver rushed over to Laurel's apartment before he could change his mind. For once, since his return, he knew what he wanted to do. In his heart he knew it was right, but was afraid his head would talk him out of it. Again. He didn't want that to happen this time. He knew it might not necessarily be the best time, considering that he didn't know what was going to happen that night. However, he couldn't stay away from Laurel one more moment.

He knocked on her door, his heart seeming to beat in his throat. Upon her opening the door, he quickly asked, "Hi, can we talk?"

Not liking the expression on her face, but understanding the reason for it, he waited for her to answer. Finally, she asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

Looking at the stern look in her eyes, the determined set of her chin, and hearing the coldness in her voice, Oliver knew it wasn't going to be easy. Still he defaulted to the Queen charm anyhow. He took a deep breath and tried to smile. "Wow, I thought this was gonna be easier to say. But now I'm standing here looking at you and it's…."

"Just say what you have to say and go, okay?" Apparently, Laurel was immune at the moment to the Queen charm.

"Ever since I've been back we've been doing this dance. We come together and then I pull away. Something pulls me away." Taking her hand, he said, "But I think, finally, that something might be over."

"What are you trying to say?"

"That you know me better than anyone. And that you are more important to me than anyone I just hope I didn't wait too long to say it."

Something shifted in her eyes. Oliver felt the smallest shiver of hope in him when suddenly Laurel leaped into his arms and kissed him with one of her long, passionate kisses he used to love.

He loses himself in the moment and barely registered her beginning to unbutton his shirt. However, he sensed when she was done and helped her take it off, flinging it out behind him. His heart leaped when he heard her say, "No, you didn't want too long. You're right on time."


After they made love, they spent the next hour holding each other. Oliver reveled in the comfortable feeling of being back 'home'. Back home, in his first love's arms. However, there was indeed one obstacle remaining, one final omission lying in between them.

Not sure if he should tell her while lying naked in bed next to her, but knowing he'd lose his nerve if he waited any longer, he turned towards her and kissed the top of her head. "Laurel, I've been keeping a secret from you since I've been back."

Laurel snuggled into his side, playfully nibbling at his earlobe. "Why don't you tell me another time? I feel like a third round."

Oliver turned his face and caught her lips in a light kiss and drew back when she attempted to deepen it. "No, Laurel, I really do need to tell you something. And I hope it doesn't change things."

The seriousness of his tone finally made an impression on Laurel. She turned to look into his face. Sitting up, pulling the sheet over her breasts, she asked, "What is it, Oliver? You're scaring me."

Oliver worried his lower lip, took a deep breath, and said, "Your father was right. I am the Hood."

Laurel's eyes widened, her face turned pale, and she gasped. "What?"

"And I'm sorry for telling you like this, but I wanted to tell you before I left. In case…in case things go bad for me tonight."

Fighting the impulse to remain speechless, she forced the question, "What do you mean? What's tonight? What's going on?"

"Merlyn is planning something terrible against the city. I have to fight him tonight to prevent it."

"By yourself? Have you actually been fighting as the Hood, Oliver? How's that possible?"

"I wish I had more time to answer all of your questions. I…I became a killer during the time I was away. I had to do things I am ashamed of. I returned to Starling to right my father's wrongs, only to find out that my father was working with Merlyn and my mother in this plan."

"I don't understand."

"I know I'm not explaining this very clear. I have to hurry. Like I said, I don't know what will happen tonight. The only thing I do know right now, is that I want all of this to end so that I can be with you." Looking at her stunned expression, Oliver swallowed. "If you'll still have me, that is. Hopefully, I will be able to return to you tonight. If not, I hope I will talk to you tomorrow."

Getting up, he began to dress as Laurel continued to look at him, not comprehending completely what he's been telling her. After he was done, he leaned in and kissed her unresponsive lips as she sat there in apparent shock. Shaking his head, knowing he didn't have the time to worry any more about her reaction at this time, Oliver whispered, "Know I love you, I have always loved you, and if anything happens, I will always love you. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Oliver cupped her cheek, kissed her forehead, and rushed out of the room, and out of her apartment. All Laurel could do, at the moment, was whisper, "I love you, too," into the empty air.


Laurel spent the night, tossing and turning, thinking over everything the Vigilante had done over the past year, trying to put Oliver's face on those actions. Despite the bittersweetness of their encounter, Laurel couldn't regret it. But they needed to talk. She could only hope it wouldn't be the last time. Normally, she wouldn't worry about the vigilante. However, the worry on Oliver's face had her concerned.

When she couldn't fall asleep, she listened to the news, afraid she'd hear something about the vigilante. Instead, she heard nothing. She laid down for a few more hours, then got up at 7am to get ready for work. After waiting as long as she could, she called his cell phone, which went unanswered, and his voice mail was full. Finally, at 9am, she decided to drive over to the Queen mansion and hopefully run into him there, after calling work to say she would be late.

The maid who had opened the door informed her he was upstairs talking to his mother. Laurel waited in the foyer until he slowly came down the stairs. His face brightened the moment he saw her and hurried down the stairs, despite the stiffness in his legs she had just observed. She searched his face and noted the bruises and cuts, and wondered who he had fought. She gently cupped his right cheek.

"Did you fight Tommy's father? Were you able to stop him?"

"Not yet. It's not quite over." Kissing her on the lips, Oliver said, "I love you so much, Laurel. Please do me a favor."


Looking into her beautiful eyes, Oliver knew it was going to be difficult for her to do what he was going to ask. "I know you care about CNRI, and the Glades, but I need you to be safe. Please stay out of the Glades today. If you need to, please call Jo Ann and CNRI and warn them, but please stay out." As Laurel was about to protest, Oliver pleaded with her. "Please Laurel, I don't know if we will be able to stop the device from exploding."

"But what about important papers, my clients?"

Laurel's heart broke at the look on Oliver's face. "Please, Laurel. I know it will be difficult but please stay out of there today. We don't know the damage Merlyn's device can cause, or how wide the damage will be, but I don't want to lose you after only getting you back." Capturing her gaze, he said, "Your life is so much more important than any papers. Please, Laurel."

"All right, Oliver. I promise."

Kissing her deeply one more time, Oliver broke it off after a minute and said, "Hopefully it will be over with tonight, and we can be together."

As he was going to rush past her, Laurel finally got up the courage to ask him, "How dangerous is it, Oliver? Do you really have to do this?"

Placing his hands on her shoulder, Oliver said, "I'm not sure what will happen. All I know is, we have to stop Merlyn from destroying the Glades. He's under the misguided notion that he is honoring his dead wife by killing thousands of people." After releasing a deep breath, Oliver added, "Someone has to stop him."

Laurel kissed him one last time. "I know you will be, but be careful anyway. Come back to me."

Oliver gave her a blinding smile. "You know I will."

She watched as he ran out of the house, again running away from her.

AN: So what did you think? Can't believe how fast the chapters go. Come back and see if I change canon radically, or just a little. I thought I had it all planned, but now I'm not so sure. Let me know what you think; reviews are always appreciated!