Chapter 31: Epilogue

*One year later*

Rin let out a long, exhausted sigh as she walked out of the doors at the store she worked at, Kagome following after her, locking the doors.

Kagome turned towards Rin, out into the parking lot.

"Are you serious?" Kagome asked. "You finally bought a car, but you forgot to bring it to work?"

"I didn't forget. I just still like to walk." Rin told her.

Kagome sighed, "You and your OCD."

"I'm not OCD either. I just like to exercise." Rin said.

"Ok." Kagome sighed, "I guess even after all of this, you never change."

"Never." Rin smiled, "Good night Kagome."

"Night Rin. Tell the kids I say Hi." Kagome called.

"I will." Rin said.

With that, they went their separate ways, Rin waiting for Kagome's truck to go out, before turning down her own route.

She made it to the house, there was only one light on in the house.

She came in the the house, almost quietly.

When she came in the living room, she smiled.

The tv was on, the volume down low. Sesshomaru was laid out on the couch, Kaiya, their girl, sleeping on one side of him, while Yukio, their boy, on the other, both also asleep.

Rin carefully turned off the tv, before quietly and gently picking up Kaiya and carefully tapping on Yukio, who slowly woke up.

"Come on to bed." Rin whispered.

Half-asleep, he followed Rin to their room.

Kaiya and Yukio shared a room, their beds a few inches apart.

They had their own bed, but by morning, one was usually in the other's bed.

Yukio climbed into his bed, and was asleep when his head hit the pillow.

Rin laid Kaiya down, who showed no notice of even being moved.

After covering them both up, Rin reluctantly left the room, back into the living room.

She knelt next to Sesshomaru, still to this day, liked watching him sleep.

His sleeping patterns were similar to hers now, but he still had his moments of having to check the perimeters for demons that weren't of Kouga's pack or anyone else that was accepted around the premesis.

Rin found herself tracing the patterns around his face, his dog demon designs always fascinated her, they were what made him unique to her.

Yukio even had his matching crescent moon on his forehead.

Soon, she found herself trapped in a pair of golden eyes.

"Hi." Rin smiled at him.

"Hey." He said, then began looking around the room.

"They're in bed." Rin assured, "Maybe we should be too."
"I don't know. I think the couch is pretty comfortable. Maybe you should join me." He said.

"There isn't enough room for both of us." Rin reminded.

Suddenly, his arms were around her, and he pulled her up, until she was resting against his body.

Rin had to keep herself from yelping in surprise.

"No enough room, hmm?" Sesshomaru asked, a smirk on his lips that made her heart flutter, and a light blush hit her cheeks.

Her position made the matters worst. Her hands resting against his shoulders, her legs wrapped around his form as if holding on for dear life.

Finally deciding to act, she moved forward, her lips meeting with his.

Sesshomaru kissed her back, a hand fisting into her hair, bringing her even closer.

They moaned in unison, as if reuniting for the first time.

Sesshomaru sat up, their lips never once leaving one another.

RIn was too lost in Sesshomaru to notice that he had taken them to their own bedroom.

They were sitting on the bed, legs entangled, clothing still miraculously in tact.

"I missed you mate." Sesshomaru whispered against her lips.

"You always miss me." Rin smiled against him.

"I need you, Rin." He continued, gently nipping her lips.

"Now?" Rin asked.

"Now." He growled lowly.

Rin breathed a laugh, before forcefully pushing him down, giving him no chance to move as she quickly moved on top of him.

She leaned down to kiss him again. He didn't try to reverse the position, instead, his hands grabbed her shirt, quickly removing it, before tossing it aside. Then, with a light tearing sound, her bra was missing, and probably broken.

Rin laughed lightly against his lips, "Have you no respect for my clothes?"

"No." He replied simply, before Rin suddenly found her back to the bed, "Especially when it hides from me what's Mine."

He silenced any of her replies with his lips.

The rest of the disappearance of clothing went without notice.

When they rejoined, their souls cried out.

Their moans were absorbed by their kiss, both cautious of their actions.

Sesshomaru moved against her, slowly, reminiscing in the moment. He wanted her to feel his desire, his love that never stopped growing.

His lips reunited with her neck, that bared his mark, lips and teeth strengthening its senses.

Rin's breaths grew more and more sharp at this, moans gently calling to him, signalling her release.

She caressed his cheeks, forcing his lips back on hers, her moans pouring through them, as her release hit.

His release came soon after, his hands tight against her waist, pulling her tight against him, his eyes uncontrollably phasing red.

HIs beast immediately calmed when she pulled him down for another kiss.

His eyes met hers, once again golden.

Only to her, his family, would his beast show love, gentleness.

"I love you, Sesshomaru." Rin breathed.

"And I love you." His forehead rested against hers tiredly.

He then moved to his side, Rin following after him, her body curling against his warm, bare figure.

As her face buried into his neck, just above the sheets, she quickly fell asleep.

Sesshomaru stayed awake for a little longer, taking another observation of their surroundings.

The pups were still asleep, and no unknown scents within his senses.

He then returned his sights to his sleeping mate.

The first time he ever met her. Time had stood still.

His beast was angry with him, with how he had treated her.

Left her alone, in the dark.

He was refusing to let these emotions mean anything.

She was a human. A useless bein under his unwanted care.

Finally, his beast won the war, and forced him to open his eyes, to feel what it felt. Towards the being that was destined to be his sould mate. When those emotions came in, he fell.

His wall that he had kept up strong for years, crumbled before him. This human was his meaning in life. His very reason to live.

The devotion was overpowering, the overwhelming instinct to protect her, to love her.

She was his captive, but in the end.

He was Hers.

A/N: So... There you have it! The sweet ending. However, I have been thinking about Sesshomarufan30's comment, about seeing the children progress.

While I am not planning on making a sequel for this, a few "Drabbles" came to mind. So maybe I might put those out as a separate story, a connection to this, but not exactly a sequel, and it will mainly revolve around the kids.

Also, don't worry kagomeLove2, I am still in progress with "In love with a killer", I have about two chapters already written after the chapter that is currently posted. I just like to make sure that I am at a smooth flow before I post chapters, just some time to return to the story and get some planning. I have been doing some planning, but it always takes place later in the story so I have to figure out what I want to happen before the future happens. So, yes if I do make drabbles, that story will also be at the top of my list, before I come up with any other Sess/Rin fics.

I mean honestly, I will sit and think, and be like, Ok I've written a story about Sesshomaru like this, Sesshomaru like that, RIn like this, Rin like that. And I always manage to find something.

Ahem! Sorry for the long note. I also want to say thank you for all the reviews! I have broken a review record and I am so happy for all of those reviews! Every day, every minute I am checking this story. I hope you guys liked it, and might look forward to little drabbled, and also the story that will now be in progress. Leave your finale reviews!
