AN: Ladies and gentlemen, it's here! It's here at last! The final chapter to conclude Kingdom Hearts Dual Keys!
[roaring audience applause]
Yeah, drink it in, everyone. Drink it in! This is a big thing. Sure, it's not a lengthy chapter by any means, but hey, it does bring a few things to light for all you guys wondering about what happened after the end of last chapter, and it helps to set things up for the sequel as well.
Ventus: Hey, could we answer a couple reviews really quick? Cause I'm pretty sure there's at least one particular question or two that has everyone a little confused.
AN: Ah, why not? In answer to everyone's who was left a little surprised and confused by Sora suddenly dual-wielding Keyblades in the fight against Ansem, let me offer a few explanations. First off...It was actually a bit of a last minute decision, but I also felt that it opened the way for the ability to become a thing in the next story. Second, yes, Sora had unknowingly drawn the ability from his connection to Roxas, even if he does not know that Roxas exists yet. Third, think of it like that one moment where you're incredibly desperate and need to draw on incredible strength and adrenaline to get through the situation. Ansem was threatening Kairi, the girl that Sora loved with all of his heart, so of course he's going to get really mad and find away to exceed all of his limits for a brief time out of nothing but battle adrenaline and do something that at the time was both incredible and believed to be impossible for him.
Hope that alleviates all your worries about that, because now, we're getting right into things and allowing you guys to get a glimpse of what happened right after that.
Xion: What do you mean by a glimpse?
AN: You'll all see soon enough. Right after we all get into the final chapter! Run that disclaimer!
I do not own anything from Kingdom Hearts or any other franchise mentioned in this story.
It had been a bit slower than some would probably have liked, but it really had been very short time before all the worlds that had been lost to darkness were restored to their former glory in the light once Ansem was defeated and the door to darkness was sealed. In that time, not only did those worlds return to the light, but the people who lived on those worlds did as well, and those who had been sent off to places like Traverse Town eventually came back to their own worlds too. All across the cosmos, various happy reunions had taken place, be it between good friends and family like Cinderella and Fairy Godmother, or between loved ones like Aladdin and Jasmine. There was no denying the happy feeling that seemed to have been spread across every world, knowingly or not. Even in Hollow Bastion, which was still in its ruined state but slowly being repair by Leon and the gang, there was a happy reunion taking place, because just a matter of days after the worlds were restored, Cid came into the gang's meeting place along with their old friend Cloud. No one was happier to see the blonde swordsman than Aerith, and despite the stoic façade he tried putting up, Cloud really was happy to be reunited with his friends again. He did still seem a little awkward at first when Aerith gave him a big welcome back hug though, but that did not really last too long.
Still, despite the happy atmosphere that were shared by most, there were a few who were a little upset by how the worlds had been restored, mainly because of the people they had been separated from as a result, and it did not stop with just the people from Destiny Islands who had been close to Sora and Riku. This was most notably applied to one Summoner Yuna, who upon returning home had found out that she had been named High Summoner. Even with the great honor that came with the title she had been given, nothing was able to really relieve Yuna of the sorrow she felt at being separated from Tidus, and she spent many days looking out to the seas of her home world longing to reunite with him again. One day though, she eventually decided she had finally had enough of wishing for that reunion to happen, and immediately sought out her cousin, Rikku and their friend, Paine, so that they could help her find a way to make it happen. No one had really seen too much of the three girls since then, but there were many rumors about a trio of treasure hunters that matched their description going around Spira for a time.
While all of this was happening across many different worlds, along various dreams coming true at last, like Pinocchio becoming a real boy, or Jack Skellington finally discovering his next great plan for Halloween, on one particular, unknown world, a certain group of four friends were steadily walking down a dirt path that rested amongst grassy hills, ready for the next chapter in their journey. It had taken these four a moment to regain their bearings when they realized that they had ended up somewhere that none of them recognized, but it did not deter them from their mission, and they set off after finding the dirt path and picking a direction in which to travel down it. There was just one problem that they needed to settle, and after walking along this path for so long, the shortest of the four finally decided to bring the matter up.
"Well, now what do we do," Donald Duck asked his three friends. For some reason, after the worlds had been restored, he had ended up in his iconic, blue sailor's uniform with the hat and red bow-tie.
"We've gotta find Riku, Master Aqua, and King Mickey," Sora had replied as simply as you please, never once dropping his usual relaxed pose. Unlike Donald, his attire had not changed at all, as he still had his armored gauntlet that housed the Keyblade armor he was granted when Ventus dubbed him and Kairi as Keyblade Warriors, and Sora was honestly glad about that. Ven had questioned Sora on how the boy had managed to dual wield Keyblades during their fight with Ansem, but Sora had just shrugged and said he did not remember much after seeing Xehanort's Heartless threatening Kairi's life. It was all just a blank to him until after the moment had passed, but he did seem excited over the idea that he had used two Keyblades at once, and was eager to figure out how to do it again once he learned how he did it to begin with.
"But, uh, where do we start lookin' for that there door to the light," Goofy pondered aloud. Like Donald, Goofy's wardrobe had also changed into his more iconic outfit of baggy blue jeans, large brown shoes, orange shirt, yellow vest, and green hat, but he had not really let it bother him too much. To be honest, he was actually pretty glad that he had not ended up in the armor he normally wore after he became Disney Castle's captain of the royal knights. It often made him feel a little uncomfortable.
Sora hummed in thought for a minute before he turned to his teacher and asked, "Do you have any ideas, Ven?"
Like Sora, Ventus had also remained unchanged in his attire, and the blonde was not really complaining. He did not want to even think about what he would have done if he had lost any part of what had become his main look. When he heard his apprentice's question though, Ven could not help but think for a moment as well before he finally replied, "Well, Master Eraqus and Aqua always used to tell me that the door to the light is always much closer to you than you realize, so long as you continue to hold what's truly most precious in your heart, but I don't really think that they were talking about the door that we're trying to find. Add in the fact that Mickey, Ansem the Wise, and I spent years trying to figure out a way to get Aqua back from the Realm of Darkness without any success and, well…I really don't know. Beats the heck out of me."
Just seconds after Ven had said that, the four finally came to a stop in their walk, and all dropped their heads and shoulders so low that they were practically bent over at the waist. You would think they would have thought about how little of a plan they had in this quest before now, but then again, they did just get thrown onto this unknown place what felt like a second ago, so it was understandable that they would not really have too many clues on where to look first. Not to mention that there was also the fact that they no longer had a ship to help them reach other worlds even if it was still possible to use gummi ships. Sure, Ven could probably still use his Keyblade Glider to reach another world, but the thing could not carry all of them, and Donald and Goofy did not have the necessary protection to keep them safe in the void between worlds as they traveled even if they could. Plus, Ven just did not want to leave any of them on their own. Not when he knew how these three tended to just charge on ahead without thinking so much.
Eventually, Sora perked up a little, and when he did, he spotted something just ahead of them that he quickly brought to everyone's attention. When the other three looked to see what Sora had spotted, they were all surprised to see a familiar, yellow furred dog with long, black, droopy ears, and a green collar just walking across the path in front of them, and happily wagging his tail. "Pluto," Donald gasped in surprise, and upon hearing his name the king's dog immediately turned to face them.
"Hey, Pluto," Goofy waved. "Where have you been?"
"Wait a minute. Don't tell me you two actually brought Pluto with you guys when you left for Traverse Town," Ventus asked the two in disbelief.
"Well, uh…" Donald stammered.
"He kind of jumped into the ship at the last minute, so we didn't really have a choice but to bring him along," Goofy explained. "We lost track of him in Traverse Town though, and haven't seen him since."
"Hey wait, that's King Mickey's dog," Sora asked in surprise. When the others nodded, each wondering why he had asked that, Sora explained, "That's the same dog that woke me up when I first came to Traverse Town." After the others nodded in understanding, Sora looked over at Pluto again so he could call out for the friendly dog to come over when he noticed that Pluto had something in his mouth. "Hey, what have you got there, boy?"
When Ven and the others took a look at said item, they quickly realized that Pluto was carrying a green envelope in his mouth, and it had a set of three circles formed together into one, familiar sigil sealing it shut. "Gawrsh, that's the king's seal," Goofy cheered.
"Hey, have you seen King Mickey, Pluto," Sora eagerly asked. Pluto's only response was to blink at them and then turn around to begin bounding down the path as fast as he could. The others all smiled at each other, taking that as a sign that they finally had a good lead on where to look for their missing friends, and Sora immediately took the lead as he waved to the others, shouting, "Guys, let's go!"
"You heard the kid! Follow that dog," Ventus cheered, feeling that for once, it would be okay for them to charge ahead without thinking too much.
No one needed to tell them twice, and soon enough, they were all chasing after Pluto as fast as they could, each cheering, smiling, and laughing the whole way. Soon enough, Ventus and Sora running side-by-side with one another, and when they realized this, they looked to each other and smiled brightly in that special way that only good friends like them could. Looking forward, they did not just see a possibly endless path, but rather, a promising future, because they knew, that together, they would be the ones who would open the door to the light. Nothing could go wrong so long as they all stuck together.
"Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable," Ventus groused as he stared up at the large pod his apprentice was currently sleeping inside of. "I agree that we need to stop and rest for the night, and somehow, during the time that I was asleep, these three land themselves in the middle of yet another mess. I knew that all their rushing off without thinking was going to land them in trouble one day, but still, who would've thought they'd end up in a mess this big!"
Sometime during their pursuit of Pluto, night had fallen over the mysterious world they had ended up on, and seeing how tired everyone looked, Ventus had agreed that they needed to take a break and rest for the night. Sometime after he had fallen asleep though, Sora, Donald, and Goofy had wandered off on their own, and it was left to him to track them down. The good news was that he did find them, but the bad news was that the three and Jiminy had already gotten caught in a very unexpected trap. What Ven had found more unexpected though, was that they had somehow ended up in the place that had once been his home, but had now been transformed into the mysterious castle that many a traveler wound up lost in forever if they dared come seeking the secrets it held: Castle Oblivion. Of course, there was one thing more surprising to Ventus than that, and she was standing just a few feet away from him, looking a bit nervous as he studied his sleeping apprentice.
"Um…I know this probably doesn't mean much, but I'm really sorry. This whole thing was my fault," a very shy, rather pale girl muttered as she gazed guiltily down at the floor, unable to really look Ven in the eyes. Hearing her voice prompted Ventus to turn to face the girl, and he could not help but study her countenance for a moment when he did.
While Ventus could see a small bit of a resemblance to Kairi in her, it was very much subdued to the point where it was practically unnoticeable, and not just because she had blond hair that was slightly longer than Kairi's. Other things to note about her appearance were her rosy cheeks, pale pink lips, and how she draped her hair across her left shoulder. She wore a white dress that ended just above her knees in an embroidered lace pattern, along with light blue sandals that were decorated with yellow flowers. Really, the only similarity he could see between this girl and Kairi, or at least the only one that was most noticeable, was that they had the same colored eyes, though he somehow had a feeling that Sora would be able to notice some small difference there too. Along with her physical differences, Ven had quickly picked up on a few differences personality-wise as well. While this girl had certainly shown to be just as kind, compassionate, and somewhat driven as Kairi, Ven could not help but notice that she was much more withdrawn than the red haired girl, and seemed much more shy in comparison too. Maybe she was like that even before, or maybe she was just like that around him at the moment, but whatever the case, Ven had a feeling that would change sooner or later.
"Hey, don't do that to yourself," Ventus told her. "None of this was your fault. You were scared and alone, and when this Marluxia you told me about came along with his gang, you had no idea what they were really after. Sure, they scared you a little, but all that mattered right then was that you weren't alone. Still, it makes sense that you would want to reach out to just about anyone in the hopes of finding a real friend, even if the means you did so with were not the right ones. Besides, you made the decision to help make things right when you learned the truth about what Marluxia and his group were after, and Sora has already promised that you would be friends for real when he woke up. Besides, I hold just as much responsibility for letting them go off on their own like that."
"But it happened while you were unable to do anything, didn't it," the girl argued with a surprising amount of passion. "I mean, you had to have been really exhausted to not notice anything going on while you were asleep, so you can't really blame yourself for not noticing."
To the girl's surprise, Ventus actually started laughing a little after hearing her argument, and he continued to do so even as he said, "You see? If I can't take all the blame for this happening, then neither can you. I doubt Sora would really want either one of us too, anyway, Naminé."
Naminé smiled in response to that, and actually let out a cute little laugh of her own, and Ventus was now able to add one more item to the list of similarities between the blonde and Kairi. The two then turned serious as Ventus said, "How long do you think they'll be in there?"
"I'm not sure," Naminé admitted. "The chain of memories is easily rearranged, but it can take a great deal of time to repair to what they were before. And somehow, I doubt that Marluxia's group is going to leave Sora alone, or even keep to themselves."
"Well then, there's only one thing we can do," Ventus determined. "The first chance you get, you and this DiZ person need to leave for somewhere a little safer, and continue working there. While you're doing that, I'll go and find out what I can about this Organization XIII."
"Are you sure? You won't be able to hide from them out in the open so easily," Naminé warned.
"Don't worry. Despite how noticeable it may look on the surface, my armor is great for keeping me hidden from others if I need or want it to," Ventus reassured her, and with that, he gently tapped his shoulder guard and donned said armor once more, cape and all. He then turned to leave and said, "You should leave as soon as possible. If there's anyone from the organization left here, they'll be coming for you as soon as possible."
"I know," Naminé admitted. "But I can't leave just yet. There's still someone here that I need to meet with." She then bit her lip, as if unsure if she should say anything else, until she eventually added, "Maybe…you should stay a little longer too. I think you might be interested to meet with them as well."
Ventus seemed to consider her words for a moment, until he finally said, "If Organization XIII is as bad as you say, then I can't stay here. I've got to get on their trail as soon as possible."
"I understand," Naminé nodded sadly, and Ventus could swear that she was doing so because she knew he would miss out on something by leaving now.
He could not really worry about it at the moment though, because he had one last piece of advice for the girl. "No matter what DiZ says, you're much more special than you realize, Naminé. Don't let him ever make you think that you don't deserve to exist. I'll be sure to swing by every now and again to make sure that he doesn't do anything that could harm you or anyone else in his mad drive for revenge."
Naminé was not sure how Ventus could know what it was that DiZ wanted, but she was much more curious about something else. "How will you know where to find us if we leave before you come back here?"
"Trust me…I'll know," Ven promised, and with that, he departed without another word.
As Naminé watched him go, she could not help but smile a tiny bit more, knowing that Sora's friend did not blame her for what she had been forced to do to the memories inside of his heart, but her smile quickly faded when she thought of how Ventus would be missing out on finally reuniting with a certain someone after so long. She eventually shrugged it off though, because somehow, she knew that it would happen sooner or later. After all, nothing could keep two people in love apart forever.
Later that same night, three figures were walking down the path away from Castle Oblivion, each clad in a black coat that they had been told was made with special material that would keep them hidden from Organization XIII, and each determined to follow through on their set missions. When they came to a cross-road though, they found someone standing in their path, and it was someone that two of them felt like they knew, while the third of their number had only just met him for the first time. Even so, each of them regarded him with a bit of distrust, because they could all tell that he was keeping something from them, and it was not something that could have been good. For the moment, there was only one question on the mind of the youngest of their number, and he knew that he was going to have to ask it before the man stepped aside.
"What are you making me choose now," Riku demanded, clearly feeling more than a little annoyed with how this guy kept placing choices on him ever since he had first revealed his true identity to him. Or at least, something close to it.
The man regarded him with a neutral expression from behind red bandages that cover his entire face, save for one bright orange eye and his mouth. The rest of his outfit was decidedly more complex. He wore a long, red cape with yellow edges and a quadrate cross cut taken out at the chest, which exposed a similarly oblong white symbol on his pitch-black shirt. Over this shirt, he wore grey, segmented armor over his sides and abdomen, while his legs were covered by long black cloth lined with yellow. The cloth covering his legs had several brown straps pinned to the front for no reason that any of the three before him could see, along with a yellow sash that held three brown pouches, descending diagonally from his left hip. His light colored sleeves and the dark colored scarf were probably the most normal looking pieces of his attire as far as the three could see, and he probably knew that they thought so too. For some reason though, one or both of Riku's companions could not help but think of this man with lighter skin and a short mustache and goatee, or some other form of beard.
After another moment or two of silence, the man who called himself DiZ finally gave an answer to Riku's question. "Between the road to light and the road to darkness," DiZ replied, indicating the two paths to his left and right.
Riku's answer was very quick, and only slightly surprising to both of his two new friends. "Neither suits me. I'm taking the middle road."
"Do you mean the twilight road to nightfall," DiZ questioned as Riku walked past him.
"No," Riku replied after stopping short just behind DiZ. He then turned back with a slight smile on his face, and corrected, "It's the road to dawn."
After Riku said that, the other two smiled a bit more at him, and then proceeded to continue following him. At least they were until the taller of the two stopped next to DiZ, much to the smallest one's confusion. "Is something wrong, Aqua," asked a certain king with large ears.
Master Aqua of the Keyblade remained silent, regarding DiZ from the corner of her eyes for a minute, until she finally replied, "It's nothing Mickey. You guys go on ahead of me. I'll catch up in a minute." The other two hesitantly nodded in reply and then proceeded onwards. For a moment, neither of the two said anything, but Aqua knew that there was only one thing that she needed to say to this man next to her. "I know that you have some deep desire for revenge against this organization, but for whatever reasons it might be, I really don't care. Just know this if nothing else: if you do anything to endanger Sora or anyone else in your quest, be it Riku, Naminé, or anyone else like her, I will find out, and I will not hesitate to bring your quest to a very early end."
"You would place the sake of the worlds at risk for a mere few children and something that should never have existed," DiZ questioned.
"No. I'd protect my friends. As for Nobodies…who are you to say that they should not have ever existed," Aqua easily replied with her own question.
When DiZ said nothing in response, Aqua knew that she had won that argument, and she proceeded to continue following after Riku and Mickey. Before she got too far away though, DiZ found he had one last thing to ask her. "I know you are just as curious about where this road of Riku's leads, even if you have seen something similar to it once before, but do you truly intend to see it all the way through to its end?"
Aqua paused once more after hearing that question, not entirely sure if she should answer it, until finally, she did give one answer that she felt was satisfactory to them both. "I'll follow along for as long as I can, but there's someone out there who needs me. I'll have to eventually leave so that I can go to them, both for their safety, and so I can finally start something that is long overdue." Aqua could have left it at that, but she still felt the need to add one final detail before departing. "My apprentice has waited long enough for her master to come and train her."
There was nothing more to be said between the two, and they both knew it, so Aqua marched onward, happy to take in just how good it felt to finally be back in the Realm of Light with every step she took, while DiZ regarded her with a smile and a deep chuckle as she departed. He was not laughing because he found her comment humorous though. His laughter was actually of relief.
It was just another day in the world of Twilight Town. Shop owners were doing their usual business, the local kids were hanging out and playing around, and everything seemed completely peaceful. What the people were largely unaware of though, was that things were not truly peaceful at the moment. No one knew that better than Roxas and Xion as they proceeded through the town under the cover of both shadows and their organization coats. For the past few months or so, Roxas had grown rather close to both Xion and Axel, especially since he first learned what it really means to have a friend from Axel. Although, it was not until the day he had finally seen Xion's face for the first time that he started to feel closer to her too. The fact that he could now seen her beautiful blue eyes in full and that he finally learned that she had lovely black hair that parted to the left had very little to do with it though. The thing that really did it was that not only had she finally spoken for the first time the day before, but it turned out that she could also use the Keyblade like him. Sure, she lost that ability for a little bit, but thanks to his help, she eventually learned how to use it again. If he had a heart, Roxas would say that he was really fond of Xion, not in the sense that he was in love with her, whatever that meant, but that he viewed her like a sibling or something. He only knew about how someone felt like family after talking with Axel, and after thinking it over, Roxas could confidently say that it fit his view of Xion perfectly, and Xion told him that she felt the same way about him.
Today was actually the first time in a long while that they had been paired together for a mission, and they were both really enjoying themselves too. It was honestly surprising that Saïx had finally assigned them to be partners on the same mission again after they had spent so long working together, but they were not complaining. It felt good to work together again. At least, Roxas liked to think that was the case if they had hearts. The good vibes that they were feeling soon came to a halt though when Xion suddenly stopped and started looking over her shoulder for something in the area of the rooftops. She had been doing that quite a bit now, and Roxas was starting to get a little worried.
"Hey, everything okay, Xion," Roxas asked, finally deciding that he needed to get some answers.
"I'm not sure," Xion admitted, and Roxas could not help but once again note just how soft and sweet her voice sounded. He was not sure why he was using "sweet" to describe her voice though, so he just focused on what she was saying. "I just…I got the sense that something was watching us a moment ago. It's been like that on and off all day."
Roxas glanced up and around them along with her, trying to find the source of whatever could be giving Xion such an idea, until he finally just shrugged and said, "Maybe you're just a little nervous. I mean…not to dredge this up or anything, but it did seem like Saïx was glaring at you pretty harshly today."
Xion immediately became a bit more downcast at that thought, and Roxas instantly felt a little bad for bringing it up. It was no secret that Saïx had a very low opinion of Xion for some bizarre reason, and it really bugged Xion whenever the guy was brought up in a conversation as a result, so he had to wonder why he did so in the first place. He was about to apologize when Xion finally said, "Maybe you're right. I guess it was just my…was what it that Axel called it again?"
"Imagination," Roxas filled in with a smile. The two definitely loved hanging out with Axel, both because he was one of their closest friends in the organization, and because he always seemed to know everything about the stuff that confused them.
"Yeah, that's it," Xion nodded happily. She then turned back away from looking over the rooftops for whatever could have been watching them and said, "Come on! Let's hurry up and find that Heartless so we can go and get ice cream later!"
"You've got it, Sis," Roxas chuckled, making sure to use his newest nickname for her when he did, just make sure her cheerful spirits did not dwindle. He had taken to calling Xion that after Axel said that some people with siblings or friends that were like siblings do so, and Xion did not seem to mind one bit. In fact, she really enjoyed it if the happy laughter that had followed after hearing it the first time was any indication.
Unknown to either of them, someone had been watching them, and as he looked down from his perch on the rooftops, the armor-clad form of Ventus had to smile a little sadly beneath his helmet. "I really pity those two," he softly mused. "They have no idea just how special they really are, and the organization is taking advantage of that. We really need to figure out a way to get them away from that group. Hopefully, we'll find one soon, because I get the feeling…these two are prime candidates for becoming my next students."
Kingdom Hearts
Dual Keys
AN: Well there you have it. Everything's all set up for when we come back in the next story. Before anyone asks, yes, I am skipping over the events of Chain of Memories and 358/2 Days, as I have said quite a few times before, and now you know why. Ven did not go into Castle Oblivion with Sora and the others because of that one thing they had made a habit out of in this chapter. Be honest, when Ven cited how the other three were always rushing on ahead into things, how many of you instantly figured out that it would be the reason why they got caught in Marluxia's trap? I know some of you were hoping to see Ven meet all those guys at Castle Oblivion, but certain things in the sequel would not have been able to happen if Ven had to go to sleep along with Sora and the others.
Speaking of Castle Oblivion though, yeah, there was one thing that changed a little there on Riku's side of the story, and that was the fact that it was not just Mickey, but Aqua who was helping him through the castle, and the two had a much easier time getting to him there with Aqua along for the ride. After all, if the place is resting between the two realms, then Aqua must know a few different paths to take in order to reach the castle more quickly. That said, I'm sure you all noticed that Aqua and Ven are both a little hostile towards DiZ, and the reasoning for that...they've already figured out that he plans on using Sora as an instrument of his revenge, and he plans on tuning that instrument using Riku and Naminé. So of course they're going to give him those little threats there at the end.
Aqua: I honestly felt like Lady Sif when she spoke with Loki in that one scene from Thor: The Dark World. Should that be a good thing?
AN: I'd go with yes for now, since Sif is a bad ass in her own right.
Ventus: Still, it doesn't seem a little weird that I'm going to be spending all that time in my armor instead of giving me one of those organization coats?
AN: Nope. We already saw that Organization XIII were willing to send someone after Riku just because he appeared to be impersonating them, so it made sense that Ven, and besides, it was pretty clear that Ven was not too willing to trust DiZ to make sure that Naminé and Sora remained safe. Besides, if his suit can help him survive in space and remain safe from the darkness in the Lanes Between, I think it would makes sense that it would allow him to hide from the organization so long as he did not do anything to call too much attention to himself.
Naminé: Bigger question is why is it that I'm only showing up now at the very end of this story?
AN: Because unlike Roxas, Xion, and Axel, there was no better time or place for you to show up in this story. Sadly, Naminé's role is not going to be too different from her canon incarnation's, aside from the fact that I am promising to make sure that she avoids her original fate, much like I intend to with Roxas and Xion.
Xion: Yeah, I think they got that from the very last thing Ven said.
AN: Well I'd certainly hope so. That was probably the biggest teaser detail for the next story in here. Well, aside from our sequel preview.
KH Heroes: What sequel preview?
AN: This one! Right...Here...
Coming soon from lyokoMARVELanime, after a year of inactivity, the heroic adventurers Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Ventus return to the worlds once more, ready for action and a new mission. But with a new adventure comes a new threat: the Nobodies and Organization XIII. Thankfully, they've got an ace or two up their sleeves in the form of Ven's newest students, and their newest teammates: the brother and sister duo, Roxas and Xion. But how can these two former members of the organization be of much help when they don't even remember anything from that time? The secrets behind these two's dark past is not the only thing that they'll be hunting for, as Riku, King Mickey, and Aqua are still missing in action, but just how missing are two of them? Could Kairi's new mystery teacher and protector have a connection? What happened to Naminé after Sora had finally awoken from his slumber this time around? It's going to take a lot more than Shotlocks, Command Styles, and summon charms for the team to come out on top this time around. Exploration of new worlds and returns to old ones await, along with making new friends and reuniting with old ones, as the team discovers new powers to help aid them in a journey that will prove to be much more difficult than the last one, right to the point where it requires a new kind of drive to succeed. It'll take more than just two keys to save the worlds and their friends this time. They're going to need...a legion. Brace yourself for the next thrilling journey alongside the heroes of the Keyblade in...Kingdom Hearts: Keyblade Legion.
Phew! That gave me chills of excitement just thinking about it. I can't wait to start on the first chapter of that one, but I do have other stories that need updating first. Don't worry though, we'll see the next story of the Keyblades Unleashed series before you know it.
Sora: So you finally named this fanfiction series?
AN: Yeah. What do you think?
Sora:...I like it. Keyblades Unleashed. Really rolls right off the tongue.
Rest of the Cast: [similar voices of agreement]
AN: Glad to hear it. But for now...
AN, Ven, Sora, & Mickey: Please read and review, and see ya real soon!