A/N: Please know that English is not my first language! You're probably going to find errors here and there so I apologise in advance. Feel free to point them out, I'd be happy to correct them!
Now concerning the story, it takes place somewhere in the beginning of season 1, although I probably won't follow the exact chronology of the show, so don't be surprised if you find something that didn't happen in the show or happened differently. On that note, enjoy!

He always thought death was... quieter.

At least, he didn't feel pain anymore. After his burnt lungs and trachea had failed him, his breath had simply stopped, plunging him into a dark, lonely world of nothingness.

People say when you die, you see you whole life flashing before your eyes. Well, he had hoped it was true, but all he could think of was how the screams of pain and terror of his loved ones looking for him would haunt him for eternity. That was bullshit. Wasn't he the one supposed to haunt them? Being dead and all?

As he was drifting in and out of consciousness, his eyes had never closed. He was staring at the beautiful storm raging in the dark night sky that the hole in the crumbling ceiling was showing, when a strange and mesmerizing orange wave blurred his vision, pulsing through the sky. He felt like his mind was twirling and being twisted in a million directions.

And then, as the beautiful orange cloud left the sky leaving bright yellow lightning bolts in its trail, he died.