Name: Lillica

'Family': America (Sort of like older brother)

History: Lillica was an island nation in the pacific ocean that went centuries, even millennia, before being discovered by America. They were a calm people with bad tempers. They held many festivals and instead of just taking complete control of Lillica, like America originally intended, Lillica was left alone, to become an actual country all on it's own.

Human representation: Lillica is a girl with long brown hair and deep amber eyes. Tan and petite. Strong willed like her older brother. She is very calm, but quick to anger. She likes to have fun, but knows how to seperate fun from work. She's also a little oblivious to the term 'personal space' as she will hug anyone out of the blue, just because she can.


Lillica's POV

I sighed as I clung to my older brother as we headed to a meeting of countries. I was officially a country as of a few centuries ago, I can't really remember, and my brother was going to introduce me to everyone as his little sister.

Who's my older brother? The United States of America, but he goes by America. He's talkative and full of ideas, even if they're a little childish. But he's kind to me, and that's all that matters.

"I'm so psyched. Everyone's gonna be totally jealous of me. I mean, who would've thought I'd have a cute little sister? Right Lillica?" I nodded.

"Yes Brother." He smiled as he gave me a thumbs up.

"Alright. Now, let's go over the old guys you'll be meeting. Russia's a freaking creep, France is a pervert, Germany's scary, Italy's a total pushover, Spain's lazy, and England is a total douche. No one really notices Canada, Austria's stuck up, but Japan's pretty cool." I nodded as he continued with the countries I would be meeting.

"I think that's everyone. But none of them are as awesome as me!" I giggled lightly.

"Yes Brother." I just pushed my cheek against his happily.

"Hey Lillica, I'm kinda trying to drive and HOLY SHIT!" He slammed on the brakes to stop from rear ending someone. He let out a deep breath. "Whew! That was close!" He chuckled lightly before looking at me. "You can totally cling later Lillica, but I told you it's not safe to do that when I'm driving." He pet my head with a wide smile on his face.

"Yes, sorry America." And he continued driving. We got to the meeting hall and, of course, we were late. It was America's job to be late I swear sometimes.

"Yo dudes! Sorry I'm late. I needed to get someone."

"What?! This is a private meeting between countries! You can't just bring someone in!" Someone said. They had a strong, booming voice. One that demanded respect and order.

"Yeah, sorry Germany, but this isn't just anyone." America stepped to the side as he smiled wide. "I want to introduce you to a new country. My little sister, Lillica!" I stood in front of a room of other countries. I smiled sweetly.

"Hello. It's good to meet you all." Everyone just stared at me. A man with blond hair down to his shoulders, blue eyes, and the beginning of a beard stood up.

"What a beauty! Where did you find her America?" The man had these eyes that creeped me out and I wished he'd stop looking at me like I was a piece of meat.

"I found her in the pacific ocean while I was sailing around saving the world." He boasted. I giggled.

"Please Brother. You were lost after you left Hawaii and couldn't find your way back." He pouted like a child.

"I knew where I was going." He said, sitting down. I just stood where I was when a man with light brown hair parted in the middle with a single curl on the left side came up to me.

"Wow, you really are a pretty pretty girl. I'mma Italy! And that's my friend Germany!" I smiled and just hugged him. He hugged me back. "Yay! I made a friend with a pretty girl!" I giggled lightly.

"I like you Italy. You are very nice!" He blushed lightly.

"Be careful Italy. She's a clinger." America warned playfully.

"What's a clinger?" I then wrapped my legs around his waist. Italy then began to freak out.

"That's a clinger. Don't worry too much, she only does that for a bit then she totally let's go." I let go and looked to Italy.

"Sorry about that! I just like hugs."

"I like hugs too!" And we hugged again.

"Italy! Sit down we are trying to get this meeting started. You... uh... Lillica was it. You can't be here, so wait outside." America frowned.

"Aw come on man. She's a country, why can't she be here too?" Germany ran a hand threw his slicked back blond hair.

"We don't know her well enough for her to be here. We only just found out she was a country. Let us learn more about her and then we will see." I frowned.

"Hey! If you wouldn't kick me out, you'd learn something about me!" I snapped. I didn't want to be left out or dismissed like something used. America sighed a little.

"Lillica. Calm down. Germany's not trying to be a jerk. Just wait outside or something." I glared at him as I marched out of the room and slammed the door. I understand why they didn't want me in there, it makes sense. They just met me and it's normal to be slightly suspicious of new people right?

I sat in the hall, thinking of what I had to offer the other countries. I had tropical fruits, but I'm not the only country that can give that. I have beautiful beaches, but so doesn't any country with borders along an ocean or sea. What did I have that's unique to me that no other country has?!

I sighed as I dropped my head. I should've asked America to give me lessons on the other countries... actually... that was probably a bad idea. America doesn't do well teaching stuff he finds boring, and if his complaining about this meeting said anything, the other countries weren't as interesting to him as food or himself.

I began to rack my brain. What the hell did I have that I could give other countries? I'm not artistic, even if I'm better than my older brother. I'm not an engineer. I don't have any strength, I've never needed to go to war because no one knew I existed really until today. What was it that I could contribute? What did America say to me? What did he say I could give?

'Your festivals are amazing. Your music rivals Austria and your dancing is like off the chain! And you're cute as hell! Any country would want to be your ally!' I didn't know who Austria was at the time, but I had the feeling I'll meet him soon.

As that thought was leaving my head, the doors opened and people started filing out. I stood as a man with short, messy blond hair, green eyes, and bushy eyebrows came out. First thought: Holy SHIT he's hot! Second thought: Who is he? Third Thought: What is with those eyebrows?

So what'cha think? I hope I got everyone I brought up right... And seriously, England's eyebrows. They're up there with Rock Lee's from Naruto and Erwin Smith's for AoT/SnK.