Disclaimer: I don't own anything except Angel and the plot.

Before reading: first fanfiction. I know trainers are suppose to be ten, but accept my exception. Pokemon names will not be capitalized if referring to the Pokemon as its species.

The six year old fiddles her platinum blonde hair around with her fingers as she waits, crouched behind the flower cart of a roadside vendor for the hoard of trainers to disperse from view. She releases a calming breath as she stands from the position she had resumed to avoid being trampled and turns to the woman manning the flower stand.

"What's going on?"

"Hm," the woman asks as she looks up at her interrogator, "Oh. There's a World Tournament Junior Cup going on over the next few days. Apparently some real big shots are coming from different regions to spectate and battle." The old lady smiles at the child, "You should go watch. It's free entry," She smiles slightly when she spots the black luxury ball positioned on her trainer belt, "Or perhaps you would prefer a taste of battle."

The girl lovingly runs a finger over her pokeball and feels it wriggle under her fingers as the pokemon inside responds. She returns her attention back to the vendor, "Maybe. My partner may not be up for it."

"Oh? What type of pokemon is your partner. A froakie? I hear they're very fast. A feisty Fennekin or perhaps a powerful chespin?"

"Huh? Oh, I see. I don't own one of the Kalos starters," The girl continued at the woman's puzzled look, "It's a long story, but the short version is that when I was four I found a baby pokemon in the forest. We haven't parted since."

"That's sweet. So, what type of pokemon is it? You have to tell me now!"

The blonde child smiled before she unlatched the ball from her belt and it enlarged in her palm. She nudged the button and a white beam erupted from the opening sphere, "Calamity, curtain call!"

The blinding light formed into a quadruped creature before disappearing to reveal the fabled white bearer of disaster. The absol landed gracefully on the ground after it backflipped in the air. A red horn glints in the sunlight as the mammalian creature straightened. A thin rope tied a blue stone around its neck.

"An absol! Although, I've never seen one quite like this."

"Calamity is no average absol. Have you ever heard of shiny pokemon?"

"Oh yes. Is your absol shiny?"

The child nodded before looking toward the battle facility that had rung a bell signaling noon.

"You should hurry before you can't register."

The blonde looked down in consideration. Her fingers fiddle with the rainbow stone connected by a chain around her palm. She looks up when her absol, Calamity, lifts it head before running off toward the blue building.

"Eh! Calamity where are you going? Sorry," She tells the street vendor before she dashes off.

The old woman smiles before turning back to the flowers to fix their appearance, "Too bad I didn't get her name. That sweet little girl is an angel though."

The Sinnoh League Champion pauses her walking to nibble the remainder of her ice cream cone. She raises a hand to wipe the excess from the corners of her mouth when her legs barrel forward without her consent. A thump below her head turns her attention away from reassuring herself that her body was indeed stabilized, to the small person on the ground who was rubbing her head. The child looks up at the person she had rammed into. The blonde girl scrambled to her feet and bowed in an apologetic stance, "I'm so sorry."

Cynthia smiles before placing a reassuring hand on the child's head. She frowns slightly when she notices the girl tense beneath her fingers. The champion is quick to remove her hand.

"It's okay. Why are you in such a rush?"

"My absol ran off in this direction," the child looks around her and slumps her shoulders in disappointment, "Aww she got away."

"I'll help you find it."

"Her. Calamity's a girl."

Cynthia smiles at her spunk, "Her then. I'll help you find her. Why don't we ask around." Cynthia moves to ask the Nurse Joy on station for the competition if she had seen the missing absol when a small hand catches the sleeve of her black coat. Questioning gray eyes swirl in her direction.

"Just give me a minute. I want to see if I can sense her."

Cynthia looks at her strangely, but doesn't question as the girl closes her violet eyes and folds her hands in concentration. Slate eyes watch as the child's fingers squeeze tighter and swears that she feels a slight pulse radiate from her body. The violet eyes burst open and focuses on the area to her left. A quick flash of white fur makes a smile flash against her face before she runs off. Cynthia straightens in surprise before rushing after the child.

The duo is greeted with the sight of each other's pokemon. The large garchomp seems to be having a conversation with the red absol. The absol doesn't seem to be much of a conversation partner, and prefers to just listen to the dragon's grunts and roars.


The platinum blonde turns to the older woman, "Is that garchomp yours?" She analyzes the pokemon before turning her gaze to it's trainer, "I can see why Calamity ran off now."

"Huh?" Cynthia questions as she watches the girl approach the dragon.

Garchomp eyes the platinum approach waringly. She leans down to sniff the girl and nudges her hair in her investigation. The large head jerks up slightly when a ticklish giggle erupts from the child's throat. Calamity watches calmly before she begins to advance toward her trainer. Trainer and pokemon share a moment before the young girl raises a palm to stroke the creature's head. Cynthia blinks when an almost invisible aura radiates from her palm to cascade over the purple dragon. The giant beast nuzzles the girls palm and raises a claw to poke at the top of her hand gently.

"Magnificent. Such powerful potential," The girl murmurs before taking her hand away, much to the garchomp's disappointment.

"She likes you. That's a rarity. Are you competing?"

"Huh? Uh, I don't know. I didn't know it was going on and officially I don't have a complete trainer card inserted in the pokedex Professor Sycamore intrusted me with."

"A pokedex without proper identification? Identification only require a name and hometown to be verified by the professor of the acquired region."

"Eh? I don't exactly have the proper information."

"And why's that?" Cynthia asked.

"I don't have a name. Calamity and I just wonder around kind of. Official registration is needed to compete in the Kalos League, but not to participate in the gym circuit. Some gym leaders believe I'm too young and refuse my challenge."

"Nothing I can't handle. Come on," the champion grabs her hand and pulls her towards the receptionist. The woman at the desk looks up and stares awe struck at the professional trainer.

"Can I help you Ms. Cynthia?"

"This girl would like to enter."

"Oh, of course! I just need her identification." The lady chirps.

"Give me your pokedex for a minute. Garchomp why don't you show your new friends to the practice fields. I'll finish up here."

"But," the girl begins before the champion's garchomp herds the trainer and pokemon away.

When the three leave the woman meekly speaks up, "Excuse me ma'am, but this girl doesn't have a name registered."

"Huh? Oh, give me a minute." Cynthia ponders what she should say before remembering the girl's angelic smile, "Just put down Angel."