Hay guys! This is my first official story, and I'm really excited! And if you're reading, I would really appreciate it if you would review! P.S.- The boys are 15 years old, along with April, Casey, and most of the other teenage characters that will be included in the future :)

This first chapter will just be in Leo's POV, but don't worry there will be more!

Leonardo's POV

*Buzz buzz buzz*

I slowly open my eyes, and glanced at my alarm clock. Ugh, first day of school. I read the numbers on the alarm, 6:45. I decide to get up, considering that someone has to wake my brothers up. Having three brothers, only minutes apart from me… it can be a hassle. I walk across the hall, deciding to wake Donnie up first, he was the easiest after all… He'd be bouncing on his feet once he had his coffee.

"Donnie…" I whisper, while shaking his shoulder gently. I hear him groan, but watch has my ocean blue eyes meet soft red-brown ones. "...Leo…?" He slowly recognizes me, as he sits up and puts on his glasses. "Come on Don, we gotta go to school." I begin to walk out of his bedroom as I say, "By the way, your waking Raph up." I hear him complain as a zip to the other side of the hall, leading me to Mikey's door. Mikey is a bit more challenging than Don, but not even close Raph, thank God!

I open his door, and try to find his bed. I eventually see a big ball of blanket, seeing arms and legs sprawled all over. I sigh, as I begin to take off the covers to find my youngest brother. "Mikey…" I begin, shaking his arm. "Five more minutes…" He mumbles, shoving his face into his pillow.

"Fine, fine." I say, pretending to leave the room. As I turn , I quickly turn back around. I begin to tickle his sides. What? It's the only thing that will work at this point! He quickly begins to scream and push my hands away. "Leo! You said you wouldn't do that anymore!" He says, once he stopped laughing. He pouts as he starts to push his sun blonde hair out of his face. "Come downstairs for breakfast, I think the others are already there." I tell him, watching him nod slowly as a exit the room.

I go downstairs, not surprised to see a grumpy Raph and a tired Donnie sipping his coffee. I swear he's hooked on that stuff…

"Mr. Happy finally came down after I said I'd help him with his homework." Donnie tells me, gulping the coffee left in his mug. "Don't make me slap ya' Einstein" Raph grumbles, glaring at Don. I get some orange juice and begin to drink it as we roll our eyes. We soon hear footsteps down the staircase. "Hey bros! What's for breakfast?" Mikey asks, clearly excited to eat. I noticed that he was already dressed, which surprised me. He was wearing a yellow-orange tank-top, with two orange stripes across this chest, light blue skinny jeans, and black converse.

Don quickly answers his question, by throwing one of our chocolate chip granola bars at him. "Awh," he groans. "I wanted waffles or something, hook a brother up!" We all sigh, "Too bad Squirt, eat it and shut the hell up." Raph says.

"Language!" I scolded. "Hey don't call me Squirt!" Mikey yells back, putting the granola bar in his jean pocket. "'Whatever. And shut up about 'language' will ya' Fearless?" I was about to reply when I heard someone walking in the hall.

"Good morning my sons." We all turn to see our adoptive father, Sensei, or Master Splinter as we call him, enter the kitchen. "Good morning Sensei." I say, bowing my head, hearing my brothers greet him in the same fashion. "I think you all we be very successful on your first day. But I think the rest of your should get dressed soon, we are leaving in five minutes my sons."

I look at the clock, realizing it was 7:10. I put my glass in the sink, and rush upstairs to get dressed, brush my hair, and brush my teeth. I quickly combed out my ear length black hair, and brushed my teeth. I decided to wear navy blue T-shirt, black jeans, and black and white Nike shoes. I grab my blue and gray Adidas backpack, already filled with supplies, and head downstairs.

I see the everyone else, seeing Donnie in a soft purple button down shirt, dark blue jeans, and black Toms, while raph wore a red Nike tank-top, black skinny jeans, and black converse just like Mikey, though a little more faded than his.

"Come boys, you do not want to be late on your first day." Sensei tells us, walking out and starting the car. As we walked outside Raph quickly yelled "Shotgun!" and ran to the front seat, all while smirking. I sighed while Mikey and Don got into the car. I had the left window seat, Donnie had the right, while Mikey sat in the middle. "Why am I always in the middle?!" Mikey complained. "Cause you're the only one that can fit." Donnie replied grinning. I mirrored his expression while I buckled in.

The car ride was pretty quiet, considering we're used to sleeping in. Donnie kept talking about how he's gonna meet up with April, and Raph said he would meet up with Casey. Both April and Casey have known our family for a couple of years now, meeting us at the end of middle school. We slowly pull up to Roosevelt High School and get out of the car. I pray that nothing bad will happen on the first day...