"Do you...do you ever wonder what the universe tastes like? Like if you could taste it…"

It takes a moment before Perry realizes what JD has just asked him. He moves his gaze from the television to the younger man sitting beside him, noting that JD avoids looking at him at first.

"...now, Clarabell, I'm sure that because all the other kids are doing it doesn't mean you should. I mean, I know, I know, fitting in would be such a big accomplishment for you seeing as how you haven't quite developed enough to turn heads, but drugs are just nawt the way to go sugarplum. "

JD rolls his eyes as the other man lets a sardonic grin slip past his lips. He takes a moment to think about what he's going to say next, knowing either way Perry will make fun of him for being such a girl for even thinking this.

Buuut, I can't help it, and if it goes wrong, I could always distract him with a blow job...

"No, no, no, okay just...hear me out, like I'm not sure if it's just me, you know, but like every time we kiss...you taste like, I don't know, like summer…"

"...Newbie-" Perry begins to growl before JD's index finger is on his lips, silencing him.

"No, look, it's just that whenever I kiss you, the way you taste reminds me of summer, like when it's humid and you're hot and you're cranky but all of a sudden a breeze comes along and for a moment you're cool and you feel yourself calm down and the irritation that the heat brought is gone; you remind me of that and that makes me think that's how the universe would taste like...like you."

"Oh…" The older man lets out around the finger that's still on his lips before JD takes it away.

"Yeah...that's all I wanted to s-say…" He waits for the laughter and girl name that will follow most likely. Suddenly, Perry is on him, kissing him roughly before pulling back with a growl.

"Hate it when you do that…" He grumbles petutlantly. JD can't stop the grin as he notices the flush on the older man's cheeks.

"Please, you looove it when I do that…" He says quietly as he pulls Perry back in for another kiss.