"The tragic loss of Lady Penelope must not be forgotten, we owe it to her memories, to continue the work she led before her dea..."

"What?" Scott frowned at the entrance of the tent, then stormed towards the Professor, "What happened? Tell me."

"No, they're fi."

"Tell me what's going on, now!"

"They're not dead, yet, but they will be by the time you get down there, they're lost in the pyramid."

Virgil entered the tent quietly and stood by the entrance to wait for Scott, he frowned slightly at the way his brother was holding the Professor's shirt.

"Why didn't you call us?" Scott asked in desperation and his eyes didn't leave the professor's.

"Your friend said you'd blast the peak open and I couldn't allow that."

Virgil was about to say something when Scott responded for him, "That's not true."

"I'm sorry Mr. Tracy, but people are just for a lifetime, history is forever. We have to preserve what's there."

Virgil looked out of the tent for a second and that's when he heard the sound of boned knuckles hitting skin, he turned round quickly to catch the Professor falling against the table and Scott's fist high.

"You rat-faced weasel!" Scott launched himself onto the floor and hit Harold's jaw again.

Virgil dived for his brother and wrapped his arms around the older man's chest pulling him away, "Scott, what the hell?"

"Virgil get off me or I swear to god you'll be down there too."

"You drama queen," Virgil kept an arm around Scott as he turned to Harold, "Get out of here Harold, we'll deal with you later," He watched the old man hurry out of the tent then let go of Scott, "What was that about?"

"We need to go."

"Gordon will be fine. We're sorting this out right now," Virgil hopped up onto the table and crossed his arms, "Scott?"

Scott sighed, "You heard him Virgil, that little, that creep, doesn't care about life. It just drove through me, I could taste hatred and it exploded."

Virgil shook his head, "You didn't need to punch him brother."

Scott looked down at his hand which was stained slightly with blood, "Oh shit Virgil, what have I done?"

"Lost your temper as usual bro, and not in the most calm of ways."

"Get me out of here, distract me so I won't go after him again or anything."

Virgil jumped down, rocking the table behind him slightly, "Let's get Gordon."

The two boys tried, and failed in ways of reaching their brother until Scott had an idea, he boarded Thunderbird 2 with Virgil and they decided they would remove the top of the mountain without damaging the 'All so important peak' Professor Harold had been so insistent about keeping intact. Virgil fired the line down and pulled up a slab of rock revealing their brother and London agent who were hanging from underneath it, they were dropped lightly to the ground and Virgil dumped the slab of rock into the nearby river before returning to the site.

Gordon looked over and saw Scott emerging with Virgil, "Well it's all over, I better go and see Scott."

"Gordon wait, when we were on the statue, I thought for a moment that.." Penelope blushed slightly as her eyes met the young man's.

"That we were done for? Yeah, me too."

Penelope smiled, oh why were men so clueless? She was about to explain when Professor Harold walked up, "Good to see you made it through. What's happened to your jaw?"

"Nothing, slight accident. But you guys, I'm so glad you're safe, I was beside myself with worry."

From a distance Scott flared up as he heard Harold announce he was worried, he felt Virgil's hand brush his arm and remained where he was, "Virgil, please let me hit him again?"

"Gordon will speak his mind, don't worry."

"Worried for us, or about the treasure? I hardly think it's us," Gordon smiled in a sly move.

"You, of course, but now that you mention the treasure, let's see it?"

Penelope glared at him, "Is that all you care about? It's gone and a good thing too, but if you want it, you're welcome to dig."

"No that's not true, it can't all be gone!? Perhaps your heritage group will open it for finders?"

"I'll be letting them know that you're banned from digging anything but your vegetable patch, now, as you were."

"Nicely handled Penny," Gordon smirked and looked over at Scott and Virgil.

"I do my best, but you know after all this, maybe some things are left buried."

"I guess you're right, I mean you and me...Wait, is that what you meant on the statue?"

Penelope laughed and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, Gordon tipped her back and kissed her properly with a smirk, Penelope blushed and called Parker, "Home Parker, we mustn't keep the Tracys waiting."

Scott ran over and joined Gordon and Penelope, "Gordon, thank god you're ok."

"Easy Scott, let me breathe."

Virgil held the door open for Penelope, "Thanks for keeping him safe."

"He kept us more safe Virgil, how was Harold for you?"

"I need to talk to Scott properly, that bruise on Harold's jaw was made by my dear brother."

Penelope's usual polite language took a sudden turn, "Shit. Was Scott that annoyed at him?"

Virgil nodded, "He was about to do worse, but I stopped him."

Penelope laid her hand on Virgil's momentarily, "Don't worry about it, he'll come around, he listens to you."

Virgil smiled, "Safe journey."

Penelope smiled back then closed the door, "Until the next rescue I suppose."

Virgil went back to Gordon and the others, "Where did Harold go guys?"

"Back to his hole no doubt," Scott muttered looking in the direction of the tent.

Gordon laughed, "What did I miss up here?"

"Nothing Gordon, let's go home. We've been here long enough. Scott?" Virgil looked around but his brother had started walking to the tent, "God almighty."

Scott approached the tent and knocked, "Professor Harold?"

"Get away from me."

"Professor, I've come to apologise."

"You'll hurt me again."

Scott heard small whimpers and his heart cracked, "No, I won't. I shouldn't have done in the first place and I am so sorry. But, if you don't want to see me, I'm leaving now," There was still silence and Scott turned around straight into Virgil, "Oof."

"Let it go Scott, I want to talk to you at home."

Scott grimaced, "I'm perfectly fine."

"Get into your ship and go. I'll see you at home," Virgil watched Scott walk away then entered the tent, "Professor Harold?"

"You want to teach me a lesson too?"

"No. I want to apologise on my brother's behalf, he can be a little dramatic sometimes and he didn't mean to actually punch you, I hope you can forgive him?"

Professor Harold looked up at Virgil from under his hat, "I guess I can son, if he means it."

Virgil nodded, "I can't tell a lie about my siblings."

"How many are you then?"


Professor Harold's eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Five? How do you manage five?"

"That's none of your business, but we're a nice bunch of guys, and Scott doesn't usually lash out like that, so he's sorry, farewell Professor."

Professor Harold was left just waving and followed Virgil out to watch Thunderbird 2 take off and leave the digging site, as the green craft sped away a car took off behind it and flew off in the opposite direction leaving Harold to drop to his knees in amazement.

Later that evening on Tracy Island, Virgil took Scott aside from the dinner table, they walked down to the shoreline benches and began to talk.

"What is going on with you at the moment Scott? You've never acted like this before."

"Like what before?"

"Punching our rescue victims, moping around, acting like a complete control freak. Is something going on?"

Scott shook his head, "What I did today was completely based on Harold's actions. He made me flip."

Virgil leant on his elbows, "This isn't the first time I've seen you almost lose it with someone though, nor act irrationally."

"Name two."

"OK, there's the mirror in Taiwan, you didn't check your pack before almost sliding down that mountain to your death basically. Umm oh yeah, almost losing your life to radiation poisoning and getting trapped in a mine recently and there's one more I think..."

Scott cut him off, "Alright I get it, I've been a little thoughtless, but what would have you done today Virg? If you were in my place hearing that he cared more about the history of that pyramid than our brother and friends?"

"I would've called him selfish and walked away, I wouldn't have punched him."

"It's like you think I don't know you! Your temper is just as bad as mine Virgil, you would've punched him."

"It's not the right approach though Scott, you caused him more pain than he gave you."

"How? He told me that my brother was dead in the mine, how is a punch worse than that?"

Virgil sighed, "I can't win here."

"I just had so much anger in me Virgil, and not just caused by him," Scott threw a stone into the water, "I should've taken Parker's call, then I wouldn't have had to deal with Harold."

"That wouldn't have solved anything. I can wait all night for you to tell me why you haven't been yourself."

Scott groaned, "I am perfectly fine Virgil! I lost it with Harold because he told me our brother was dead, and I couldn't deal with that. Stop asking me what's wrong," He got up and began to walk away.

"Scott, I'm only trying to help you."

Scott stopped and looked back, "I know brother, I know, and I couldn't ask for a more compassionate brother. But when I don't need help, I'd rather be left alone."

Virgil nodded, "So you're definitely ok?"

"Yes, thank you," Scott looked back at the house.


Scott continued to walk and rushed into the house, taking his advantage of being able to get away, he managed to get to his room and slammed the door shutting himself away from his family, he collapsed onto the bed and began to cry, not even knowing why he was tearful. Today had been too much, next door on his balcony, Gordon frowned at the muffled sound of sobbing, he looked to the direction and raised his eyebrows, why was Scott crying?

Gordon left his room and went down to the lounge where Virgil was now playing the piano, "Virg?"

"Yeah, what's up Gordo?"

"Is Scott ok?"

Virgil stopped playing, "He should be, I've just been talking to him."

"Well, I don't know what you said to him, cos he's now crying."

Virgil pushed the stool back quickly and stood up, "Stay here."


Virgil left the room and almost ran to Scott's room which was locked, "Scott? Bro, open up."

Scott wiped his eyes and sat up, "Go away."

"You know I can break this door down."

"Try it," Scott sniffed.

Virgil tapped his foot against the door, "I will."

"Oh for gods sake," Scott got up and went to open the door, he met Virgil and dried his eyes.


Scott found himself being pushed into the room and watched Virgil close the door, "I can't cope Virgil."

"Over what?" Virgil sat down on the edge of the bed.

"That's the problem, I can't put a reason to it, I just found myself crying. Today has just been too much."

Virgil nodded, "Hey, it's ok."

"It's not though is it, what if I hurt someone else?" Scott bowed his head and wept again.

Virgil's expression saddened as he watched his eldest brother cry, he moved closer and wrapped his arms around Scott's tall frame, trying to hide the tears falling from his brother's eyes.

"I'm here for you Scott, you were fine today ok? And no-one blames you for anything, I was just trying to tell you that punching wasn't the answer."

Scott nodded against Virgil's red shirt tearfully, "I love you Virgil."

Virgil smiled as he ran a hand through Scott's hair, "And I love you too. How about we get some cookies huh?"

Scott sat up, "I'd like that."