Now for some Gwaine time :) short but sweet

Gwaine chuckled to himself as he walked away. He knew that Arthur harboured deep feelings for Merlin, everyone did. And by everyone he meant everyone, the whole of Camelot was probably aware, except for Merlin himself. They also all knew that Merlin felt exactly the same. It had reached a point where secret bets had been going on to guess when the two would finally stop being so oblivious and get together. Bets that Gwaine was -for once- not taking part in. The only reason being because he was the one in charge of organising he bets. He couldn't help it.

Himself, Gwen, Leon, Percival, Elyan and even Gaius on occasion had got together to discuss how they could get their friends to see the truth. Gwaine was the unofficial leader of these little meetings, as he was the most enthusiastic about playing matchmaker. He knew the two needed each other, and was determined not to give up until someone confessed. They all knew that neither would say anything for fear of rejection, and ruining the friendship they had. But he wanted what was best for his friends, as did the others. Gwiane especially wanted Merlin to be happy. Merlin was his closest and his first true friend.

When Gwaine found out that Merlin had magic he had been surprised, but he knew this kind hearted man couldn't be evil. Having not grown up in Camelot, the idea of magic being evil hadn't been ingrained in his head as badly as people like Leon, Gwen and Arthur, but even then he would've been able to tell Merlin didn't have an evil bone in his body. He guessed even Arthur knew that at the time he found out the truth about Merlin. It was just processing this information and anger that Merlin had kept this secret from him for so long that had caused the 3 days of silence.

The young sorcerer had been through so much, the pressure of keeping secrets hidden to keep himself alive, the fear of being executed hanging above his head every day, the apparent weight of destiny on his shoulders, and yet no one could tell. His positive energy, joking manner and smiles hid the truth so well, and it was only now that Merlin could finally be truly happy and not live in fear. And now all he needed was to get together with his 'Other side of the coin' (Gwaine couldn't help the smile that had appeared on his face when Merlin had said those words, fate-and a dragon apparently- was sooo on his side). Then everything would be completely right.

Ideas that him and the others had come up with to force the two to admit their feelings had always been thwarted. A lot of times this was because of Merlin's magical abilities meaning they couldn't just simply lock them in a room until they admitted how they felt for each other. One of the few times where having a powerful warlock in the equation made things difficult. That wasn't going to stop them though. They just needed to find the right one.

Gwaine reached his destination.