Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail

Chapter 1: Crime Sorcière and Fairy Tail

General P.O.V.

It is just another day at Fairy Tail, or isn't it? Lucy is sitting at the bar, chatting happily with Lisanna, the youngest Strauss sibling and also Lucy's best friend. Mira just finished preparing Lucy's chocolate milkshake, when the doors burst open to reveal the members of Crime Sorcière. Before anyone has the chance to actually greet them they are already on the second floor, waiting for Master Makarov to open the door to his office. Lucy turns towards the silver haired mages and takes a sip from her milkshake.
"I wonder what that was all about?"
"Oh, you didn't know? They have been debating on wether or not to join the guild. Today should be the last day, Master really needs an answer today."
"I had absolutely no idea about what was going on." Lisanna shrugs and smiles. "Just like you, Lu."
Lucy smiles at her best friend before looking up when an arm is draped around her shoulders. Recognizing the burning heat she already knows who it is.
"Good morning, Luce. Morning, Lis." Natsu shows both girls his signature grin. Lucy sighs softly and slips away from Natsu's arm around her. It was too hot for that pyromaniac today.

A loud noise from the second floor draws everyone's attention and Lucy takes another sip from her shake.
"Lucy-san, do you have any idea what's going on up there?" Wendy appears beside the small blonde and looks up to her "sister".
"Probably another discussion between Master and the members of Crime Sorcière. My guess is that they still can't decide on joining us."
"Joining us? Why would they join us?" Natsu asks confused.
"To join forces, I think?"
Lucy turns her head towards the second floor when another shout echoes throughout the guildhall.

"And what if we don't want them here? I couldn't stand having Cobra in the same guild as me. Or any one of them, for that matter." The way Natsu spat out Cobra's name makes Lucy cringe. She has never seen her teammate like that.
"Natsu, there's nothing wrong with them joining Fairy Tail."
Natsu growls at Lucy's words and turns to look at her. "Come on, Lucy. You have got to be kidding! They tried to kill you, and you want them to join?"
"Natsu, calm down. Give Lu a chance to explain."
"Thank you, Lisanna. Yes, they tried to kill me. But they're not bad people, they were just in a bad guild, with an even worse guild master. He influenced them ever since they were kids, they didn't know anything else."
"That doesn't make it right, Luce. They are bad. I'm sure they will attack us again when we least expect it from them. That's the only reason why they would possibly want to join."

Lucy groans in annoyance and turns her head away from the Fire Dragon Slayer. She's had enough of this useless discussion. She knows that neither of the Crime Sorcière were evil at this moment in time. Sure they did some bad things in their life, but it was because of how and by whom they were raised. It wasn't their fault at all. Movement on the second floor draws everyone's attention and not soon after, Master jumps up on the railing and looks at his members with a huge smile.

"Good news, my children. Crime Sorcière has decided to join forces and become a part of Fairy Tail. Mira please get the stamp. As for the rest of you, please give them a warm welcome in Fairy style!"

Cheers erupt from all over the guild hall when all of the ex-Crime Sorcière members show up behind Master. Or so they thought. All cheers die down when a low growl draws attention. Natsu is glaring up at the second floor with a murderous glint in his eyes. Lucy and Lisanna gasp before hurrying away from Natsu and the extreme heat he's radiating. Both girls hiding behind Laxus and the Raijinshū. Everyone's staring at Natsu in shock, while he lights up his fists. Right at the moment that Wendy starts running away from Natsu does he launch his attack towards the second floor. Wendy, not yet far away, appears to be right in the line of fire. The petite girls eyes widen in fear, before her vision gets blurred by blazing flames.

"WENDY!" The blonde jumps to her feet, ready to run to the little girl, when muscled arms wrap around her waist.
"Bunny, don't."
Lucy shakes her head quickly while trying to break free from Gajeels grip. "Let me go. I have to go save her!"
"I'm sorry, Lucy. But I can't let you go, not now."
Suddenly sparks fly around her, followed by a lightning bold, heading straight towards Natsu. The fire slayer is immediately knocked out and the flames die down. The sight before her, makes her jaw drop to the floor while tears blur her vision. In the middle of the burned floor is the small Dragon Slayer in the arms of the Poison Dragon Slayer. She runs towards them to check on them, but is soon surrounded by the smell of burned flesh.

"Cobra- san, I have to check on you!" Wendy carefully escapes from his grasp and starts looking at his wounds. When Lucy arrives, she kneels in front of Cobra and her right hand cups his face gently.
"Wendy will take care of you now. It'll be alright."
Cobra nods at her words. "Is everyone alright?"
Lucy looks at him in shock before smiling gently. She looks around to see everyone safe and sound. "Everyone's fine, Cobra."
"Good." He smiles slightly before falling forward and passing out. Lucy quickly holds out her arms to catch him and looks at Wendy over his shoulder. Said bluenette nods and her hands start glowing a soft blue again. She moves her hands above the worst burns to heal them first, before treating the rest of his body.

"Elfman, please carry Cobra up to the infirmary. He needs to rest."
The broad man nods before hurrying over and picking up Cobra. On his way to the infirmary, he's met by the other ex-Crime Sorcière members. They all look at the maroon haired man in worry, before stepping aside to let Elfman pass.

Lucy frowns and looks at her teammate. She has never seen Natsu like this before. Thankfully no one else got hurt. Small arms circle her waist and she looks down at Wendy. She sighs in relief and hugs the small girl.
"Are you alright? Did you get hurt as well?"
"I'm fine, Nee-San."
Lucy blushes slightly at Wendy's words, while a smile slowly appears on her face.
But the peace does not last long.

"What the hell, Laxus! Why did you attack me for no reason?" Natsu rubs his head and stands up.

Lucy abrubtly pulls back from Wendy and walks over tot he Salmon haired Slayer.
"Oh hey, Luce-" A loud slap cuts him off and his eyes widen quickly. The sight of Lucy with her tears threatening to spill, causes him to frown.
"How could you? First of all you want to attack our new members, and then you involve Wendy. If it wasn't for Cobra, you would've killed her. Your own guild mate!"
Natsu opens his mouth to protest but is cut off once again by yet another slap.
"You don't get to talk now. You made a huge mistake and you don't even fucking realise it, do you? Your stupid and careless acts always get others hurt. Can't you see that?"
Hearing Lucy curse makes the other members flinch and look at her in shock. Finally, the small blonde is speaking her mind.
"On missions you always cause damage to innocent people. You randomly put them in harms way, because you're too immature. And then there's me. You can't stay out of my home, you break my most valuable things and you eat all my food untill I am ,yet again, broke."
"I'm sorry, Luce." Natsu lowers his head with a frown. Why has no one told him that before?
"No, Natsu. I can't do this anymore."
"Wha-What do you mean?"

"It means I'm leaving Team Natsu."

"No, you can't. I won't let you leave. I'll never let you leave." Natsu lifts his head and narrows his eyes at her.
"Excuse me? It is not your decission to make."
"Oh, but it is. You see this team is all about me, so I decide what happens in it. And if I say that you will not leave, then it means that you're not leaving. Besides, you wouldn't even be here without me. Instead you'd be a slave in Bosco right now if it weren't for me."
The look in his eyes send chills down her spine.

"Natsu, stop this nonsense. Right now." Master Makarov walks down towards the two and grabs Lucy's hand to pull her away from the crazy Dragon Slayer.
At said act, Natsu growls lowly and wraps his hand around Lucy's other wrist. His anger flares up again, causing his body to heat up.
"Lucy is mine, and mine alone!"
"Natsu, please let me go. You're hurting me." Lucy tries to pull away, but this only angers Natsu further.

A scream escapes from her mouth when Natsu's hand starts leaving burn marks on her wrist.

Cobra P.O.V.

His eyes snap open when he hears her scream. He jolts up and jumps from the infirmary bed. When he opens the door he freezes. Natsu has a crushing grip on Lucy's wrist, leaving bruises and burns in it's place. Everyone around them is standing on edge, ready to take out the pink haired mage.
"Natsu, son please let her go." Master Makarov lets go of Lucy's hand and the girl whimpers in response at the lack of contact. Makarov takes a step foward and flinches at Natsu's feral growl.
"Come any closer, and I will hurt her." He pulls the girl in front of him and wraps his free hand around her neck.

In meanwhile Lucy's eyes land on Cobra and he can see the relief in them. Combined with fury, worry and even a bit of fear for the blonde.
'Don't let him see you. Because he will do anything to get back at you for surviving. I'll be fine.'
He shakes his head at her. As if saying 'You can't be sure of that.' If only Cubellios was still with him. She could have done a sneak attack and paralyse the slayer. Dammit! What am I gonna do?
'Attack him when I tell you to.' Lucy looks me in the eye before nodding. Then suddenly she whispers something to Natsu, causing him to blush and let her go. She turns around and wraps her arms around his neck. But when she brushes her lips against his, she turns them around slow enough so he won't notice. When Natsu's back is towards him the small blonde pushes him away with a loud 'Now!' in her head. Cobra smirks and sends a roar of poison towards the pink slayer, immobilizing him immediately.
Cobra steps out of the shadows and is met by his new guild, all of them smiling proudly at him. But one smile catches his attention more than other. Lucy.
"Thank you, Cobra."
"Erik. Please call me Erik."
Lucy's smile grows wider and she hugs him gently. "Well then. Thank you, Erik."
He freezes momentarily before nodding and answering her hug with one of his own.

Maybe joining Fairy Tail wouldn't be so bad after all.