A/N: Thanks to Dreams-Wishes-Hopes and RandomObsessions123 for reviewing. And here's another chapter!

"Yes, we understand your decision. Perhaps we can work together again one day. It was a pleasure doing business with you. " Dr. Yao hung up with a grimace. Perhaps not. Business was taking a hit after the incident. Nothing they couldn't recover from, but now Storage's once spotless record had a stain. Fixing the damage done to their reputation could wait, there were far more pressing matters at hand.

Yao's eyes strayed down to two manilla folders, each containing information on the ones responsible for making his workload-and headache-even worse. Lovino and Gilbert, two escapees whom have yet to be located, and if found by the wrong people it could lead to disaster. He frowned, of all the people to escape it had to be the ones his most important client had an interest in. It was only a matter of time before he found out, if he didn't already. Yao wouldn't have put it past him to have slipped a spy into his facility in order to keep an eye on his interests. Even if he didn't, Feliciano would wonder why he was being denied access to seeing his counterpart, and then go and tell him. Not to mention the already arranged meeting he'd told Yao about. Yao let out a sigh, he needed some tea-and not the cheap stuff they had in the cafeteria.

"It'll have to wait I suppose," He thought aloud. He couldn't keep it from him forever, and hiding the information would just make him angry. Yao pulled out his phone and dialed the number from memory. 'Well at the very least I might gain more resources to find them.'

"Evening Dr. Yao. I believe you have some news you'd like to share with me." A voice from the other end of the line said. So he did know. "Hello Mr. Ludwig. Due to the unfortunate event that occurred yesterday," as he clearly already knew, "Lovino used the commotion to escape, and picked up some company along the way." "Gilbert." Ludwig's tone was irritated, not a good sign, but he expected as much. "Er, yes. We've been working on locating and retrieving them, but so far had no success. I'm sure with additional resources we could be more successful." Yao replied. "I'll send some of my men. And I expect better results...however, we can benefit from this, as long as no one knows about the escapees." "No one outside of the facility knows, I'll make sure it stays that way." Yao said sternly. "Good. We just have to play our cards right. I'll contact you later in the week. Goodbye, Dr. Yao." Ludwig hung up.

'I have a lot of work ahead of me.' Yao thought. But he wasn't the only one. The thought was somewhat comforting. He paged one of his assistants, "Benson, I need you to come to my office. And have some one get me some tea while your at it, and not the stuff from the cafeteria."


Ludwig hung up. He'd known the call was coming, but that still didn't stop him from feeling irritated. The death of the omega was of no consequence-quiet the opposite, it'd help with his plans, but the escape and Lovino and Gilbert was an entirely different story. He'd been planning to recruit Lovino, if he had certain abilities. Of course, he still would once the omega was found, but it would take longer. And if Ludwig hated anything, it was unnecessary delays. Not to mention having to put up with a sad Feliciano. 'No matter. I cannot afford to get too impatient. Rather then worry about this I need to make the proper preparations for when he is found.' Ludwig thought. And Gilbert needed to be found too, if for entirely different reasons. And he would be. Ludwig just had to play his cards right. 'And don't I always?'


When Feliciano finds out about the death of an Omega at the same facility Lovino is housed at, he is worried. When he learns his brother is missing, he is inconsolable. And when Feliciano isn't happy, neither are Kiku or Ludwig.

"Do not worry Feliciano, we'll find him." Kiku said as he placed his hand on the alpha's shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. Something Ludwig knew Kiku wouldn't do with very many people; but that's exactly what drew him to the alpha in the first place, Feliciano had excellent people skills that helped make him a very popular public figure. "Kiku is right. Dr. Yao told us he was doing all he could to find him. I'm sure he'll be back in no time." Ludwig said.

"...I guess you're right, but I'm worried about him. What if he's hungry or cold or hurt? I just want him to be safe." Feliciano said with a sniffle. Ludwig hoped the brunette wouldn't start crying again, it had taken them six minutes and a bowl of pasta to calm him down. A shared look with Kiku told him the other alpha was thinking the same thing. "He'll be fine. People are working as we speak to get him back, safe and sound." Kiku said.

Feliciano nodded, but still wasn't reassured. "I hope no one mean finds him." Ludwig hoped so too, and not just for the loss of one potential subordinate. Feliciano was well liked by the people, and while that did help gain support, it got them enemies as well. If one of them was to find Lovino and make the connection...well, he'd know if something like that even had the possibility of happening. It was things like this that made it advantageous to be a Beta. It was fortunate Ludwig wasn't an alpha, it was just a shame things like this were something the other two had to worry about. But if all went according to plan, then they wouldn't have to.

"Come on, we'll spend the rest of the day off to help you relax." Ludwig said. After all, a happy Feliciano was a productive one. Most of the time.

A/N: I wanted to do a chapter from other character's POV. I'll probably do more in the future, but for the most part it's going to be from Lovino's perspective. Although I'm curious if any of you guys would like entire chapters with just one person's POV (who isn't Lovino) rather than the occasional one with two or three different POV's.