This is my first JP/JW fic. Writing it because of three things.

1. For the Hell of it.

2. Because dinosaurs have been on my mind for awhile now.

3. And that reading through some other fics to help build inspiration, I wanted to depict something in my own way.

Lettering for this talking will range depending on where you're reading. For the animals they don't think simple minded but like actual people.

Takes place after the movie, talking Dinosours, animals turning anthro, human x anthro, possible lemons in the future.

This is a transfer from another place where I posted this first.

The Caretaker

2 Year s After The Indominus Event

Blue's POV

Sun light, breathing and water. It was three things I've remembered for some time now. I would be awakened, find water and hunt. It was the only thing I could do for the time. I remember finding a area in a old human building where they kept large amounts of cloths and just falling to sleep.

But this wasn't that place. It was darker, cleaner, it had a much more fresh smell to it. I tried to move, wanting to see where I was. What I saw from the moment my eyes opened was a massive white cloth that was laid over me while I sat on my back. I could feel something soft and mushy supporting my head in a why that it did hurt to move.

My body ached every time I tried turning it, moving the sheet around but ending up stuck. I snapped my head back to try to reposition and that's when I saw I wasn't alone here. I looked to my left, I must of been lying on my back to be at this angle, I saw a large mass under a white sheet slowly rising and falling. The head of whoever it was, was a two tone brown with lighter spots.



I looked back to my right, there were two more bodies. Both heads were shades of green with one being brighter and another having almost a black tint.

Charlie… Delta...

How… I saw them… I saw what the monster did, I saw what the humans did, I was the only one. But here I was, laying next to my sisters. But… how-


The door in the far corner slowly opened. I put my head back down in the same state I awoken but kept one eye open. Slowly moving into the light, I watched a figure stand there for a moment and walk in with a cart. It was a human.

My teeth clenched at the sight. There was only one human I trusted, and he was gone. This human… I could barely see his face but his body language was that of not fear. Most humans I have ever witnessed would turn and run just by the sight of us. But instead this one just walked in like how Alpha would. The cart this was being dragged behind him with a tower of more sheets like the ones that covered us. Once the human got to the center of the room they dropped the hand, letting it hits the ground as they pulled off several sheets and with strange small jars.

"Alright…" he said in a raspy voice. It was the kind that Alpha would be in when he was ill. The human first walked over to Echo, ripping the sheet away so that her legs were visible. I remembered that night, I heard her cry when in the mouth of that monster. Thrown away like a piece of trash. I had tried to find her, call her out, find her scent but each time I tried I found nothing.

I could just see through my one closed eye several white spots that dotted her side. They were much worse than the scar that covered her head that was left from before. The human had been bent over and running his hand over her side I could see. His head just nodded and… smiled? What was he smiling about.

He went around to my side, blocking out what I could see. He must of been checking the scars because the only thing he did after was bring a new sheet over her. Making sure to cover her entire body but her head. It almost looked like how Alpha use to sleep. After he did what he did he just seemed to slump over to the other side, completely avoiding me. He tore off Delta's sheet, and what I saw was something that made my own blood crawl. Her once green hide was a heavily charred mess. Patches of red and what was left of her skin was visible. I couldn't even think begin to think of how she survived. How that fire didn't kill her.

"Well… thank god you won't feel any pain now…" the human said bringing out a white jar. The moment he opened it, a disgusting smell hit my nostrils. I wanted to get up and run out as far away as possible from it. But my body didn't do what I wanted. I watched as he rolled Delta over. Bringing her legs to the sides and belly down so that her back was up. He stuck his hand in the jar and pulled out a blob of whitish gray stuff that made the smell even worse and lathered it over the black area. He kept doing it for a good minute until her back was almost white.

He wiped his hands on a rag and then placed two blankets over her. Instead of laying it completely across he covered the area below her marks and around her. Another behind her head and again around her. After taking care with her she moved over to Charlie. I couldn't see because of Delta being in the way. But the way he worked with her, he seemed to be much more careful. After a couple of minutes he covered her back up.

Now, he walked towards me. I tensioned up as he removed my sheet, I tried to control my breathing as he placed a hand on my neck. The feeling of… a wet cloth? It felt like it. He was rubbing it around my wounds.

Was he cleaning me? It seemed like it. He did my right side, and then to my left. It was a strange but yet… nice feeling. True that I didn't have the chance to mend them myself, it was still odd how he did it. When he did I was able to get a look at his face. It was dark, not like what Alpha's friend was but still pale. Like one would get from the sunlight for too long. A patch of dirty black sat on top of his head with hairs coming down from the side, It was much more solid them Alpha's. Several tiny scars dotted over his sides with his two brown eyes looking down at me.

Well he did this he crescend along the length of my neck, just like Alpha. It was something I hadn't felt since I was just a hatchling. It was just so pleasant…

This went on for a few days now. He came in, changed our sheets and checked our wounds. He wouldn't say a single word that I could hear but his condition seemed to get… worse.

He would hack and cough violently when ever he entered or left. Clearing holding it when in our presents.

Why didn't he go aid himself? Why was he focused on us? And why was there a human even here?

It made no sense. I covered most of the land where a human might stay at but there was no sign. Even bodies of those who died before were long gone. So why was he here.

So today, I wanted to know. I knew that they couldn't understand us. If they did, who knows what Alpha would of done for us. He opened the door and brought in the same items like before. He checked Echo's bites, Delta's burns and Charlie's body. Then when he went to me, removed the blanket, I made my move.

I twisted around, bringing my legs down to the ground in a hard thump, he jumped back some but not in the sign of fear, but relief?

"Well… it's nice to know you're finally up…" he said turning his back to me. The way he had said that, it felt something like what Alpha would say when we were younger. He walked over towards the windowed wall where a large metal box sat. He pulled off the apparent cover and let it fall to the side.

"If you need a drink… here's some fresh water… If you're hungry… just walk out there," he points to the door. "... There's a few pigs out there… they're close enough so you don't… have to hunt." He then started walking back to the cart. He put all the materials and just picked up the handle, walking towards the door.

"Well… have a good evening… Get some rest..." With that he left. I finally relaxed some, but what just happened.

He wasn't scared like all of the others before. He mended us, given us food and water… I slowly step towards the door, the sunlight was making it slightly hard to see because of being in darkness for awhile now. I just glanced outside, we were back in our a home, but this was completely different. There wasn't a cage or gate this time, just a set of boxes that blocked off the area. Around the place where… pigs. I could count a few dozen but they couldn't get past the wall. It was something what I could easily jump… but why was it there?

The human couldn't obviously put that there for a reason. To bring us back to this place and leave it open for anything to go in and out, it wasn't what they did. Looking back to my sisters, I pondered how they were even here still with me. I didn't see them for some time and all a sudden I'm with them in my old home healing together. It was just like a dream, it felt too real to be one, I had to know. Stepping back over to where I was laying I went up to Echo's right.

(If a human was here they would just hear chirps and sounds)

"Echo…" I nudged her with my snout. "Echo." I said slightly louder. Another nudged and I finally saw her move.

"Blue..?" I saw her eyes weakly open. The same ones that challenged me long ago and then fight to protect Alpha.

"It is good to see you again, sister." I rubbed against her side. Taking the sheet in my teeth I rip it off, letting it fly back down to the ground. Echo slowly twisted her body around so that she was on her side facing towards me.

"Where… are we?" She eyed the room.

"We are home. All of us."

"All of us?" I nodded for her to look behind . She twisted her head around to see Delta and Charlie's sleeping masses under the same sheets.

"Our sisters…" her eyes lite up when she looked back to me. "How…?"

I wish I knew the answer to that. But right now it wasn't important, right now what was is that if the others were still with us. Walking over I went to Delta. She was in the same pose she was being on her stomach. I nudged her a few times, calling her name.

Her head moves slightly, "mmmm…"

She was alright, in a way. It would take a loud vehicle or fresh food to even make her care about waking up. Moving past her I came up to the one I thought was truly gone.


Carefully I take hold of the sheets and slowly, more gently then I've possibly ever been pulled them off. She was a utter mess but yet whole. There was a unbelievable amount of scars, holes, and white cloth that was held tightly to her. Her left leg however didn't look like hers. It was completely white with just hints of green forming in where it was connected to her. Her right leg was just the same but only her talon and a few points down was it a bright green color. Most likely more healed up. As I went to awake her, I could sense that Echo had finally gotten Delta up. Both were looking at me with intent as I went to nudge our sister.

"Charlie…" no movement. I do it again, nothing. I knew she was still alive. We were all watching her chest rise and fall in deep and steady breaths. But it hurt me so to see her not respond.

"Blue…" Delta called, "Give her some time… She needs all the real rest she could get."

I lowered my head. It was my fault for this. For almost losing what family I was born with. I was their Beta, the one they looked to for guidance. I just stared at my sister. Then back to the others.

"I'm… sorry." I bowed my head in shame. "We… I was told lies. That monster made us trying against Alpha. And it almost cost us what we only had…"

Echo stepped forward. "Blue… it was not your fault. We were all told what we believed was real." It felt nice to hear such thing. But it couldn't undo the harm already done.

"But who had done this for us? *GASP* Has Alpha returned?!" This seemed to make both of them excited.

But I shook my head. "No, Alpha has been gone for some time now. This is a much different human. When I first confronted him a few moments ago he did not reek of fear. But seemed just as calm as would Alpha was like around us."

"How?" Echo asked looking at the tank of water. "All humans left."

I nodded. "Yes, but this one seems to have stayed behind. I had watch for some time as he came in every day and tended to our wounds. He also sounded, strange. But not in how the fat human talked. It was almost like… pain."

The others looked at each other for a moment pondering what the human wanted and why.

"So how do we deal with this human?" Echo asked.

"Can we eat him?" Delta looked at me with a flick of her tongue. I shook my head. It didn't feel if he had a bad intentions to us, and for him to care for us like this was something no human had done before.

"I will go and find him. I have learned his scent long enough to know it enough to follow. You two watch our sister." They both nod in agreement.

I look back at Charlie one more time before heading towards the door. Squeezing past the gap left I run towards the open gate. The pigs all around ran as fast as they could to avoid me as I jumped to the wall. It would of been easy prey, my stomach agreed as well, but what mattered right now was me to find the human.