Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon nor will I ever own Pokémon.


3rd person P.O.V.

Ash was pedalling as fast as he could, attempting to shelter Pikachu from the storm raging around them. The Spearow were not letting up and Ash could feel blood dripping down his face and blurring his vision. They were thrown from the bike as they hit a rock. Ash picked up Pikachu in his arms and continued to run as fast as he could while shielding Pikachu, this made him unable to get anywhere.

Misty was chasing after Ash and the Pikachu as they had stolen her bike after pulling them from the river, but stopped in shock as she saw lightning hit the duo. The electrical surge lit the area up in pure white light, and she had to look away to shield herself from the blast.

When she turned back to see what remained, all she saw was a bike, charred and melted beyond recognition, fifty metres from where the boy had been, the flock of Spearow lying dead on the ground also a good fifty metres away from the impact spot. But, Ash and Pikachu were nowhere to be seen.

The only sign that they had ever been there was a few tufts of yellow Pikachu hair, and Ash's hat. Misty sunk to her knees at the destruction. She had escaped majorly unharmed, as she had been a good hundred metres away from the impact zone. A forty metre radius of pure obliteration was around where the powerful lightning strike had hit.

There was no way anyone could have survived such power if it had hit them dead on. She looked at the sky and saw it start to clear up. She collapsed, exhausted, and allowed herself to fade into unconsciousness.

Her mind was blank but a figure made its way into her dreamscape.

"Misty. Misty. The boy survived. He is being cared for in the home of the legends. His name was Ash Ketchum. You must not tell anyone of his survival. That is crucial. When you wake up, the forest rangers will find you, and you must make it seem like you have been traumatised, as any normal girl your age would be after seeing a boy and his partner be obliterated from existence by a lightning bolt. You must not tell them about seeing me. Make your story believable and weave threads of truth into your story. The boy's mother will be inconsolable, help her through her time of trial. Spend time with her, I know that you do not get along with your sisters, Ash's mother will most likely take pity on you and take you under her wing, but this is good for her. It will help her move on. Professor Oak would happily take you under his wing as well."

The figure faded after telling her this and one last thing echoed through her mind.

"When the time is right, he will return, and all the world will learn of his survival. When this will be is a mystery to me, but he will not have changed past adulthood."

Her dreamscape was silent after that.

When Misty awoke, a ranger had found her. She bolted upright to look at the destruction and started to hyperventilate. The ranger asked what was wrong and she took two deep breaths, as if to calm herself.

"A boy, who called himself Ash Ketchum, stole my bike near the river just before the storm hit, he had a Pikachu with him, and I chased after him. A flock of Spearow started to attack him and he got sent flying off of my bike and suddenly, he got hit with this huge flash of lightning. I looked away to shield myself, but when I looked back, he and Pikachu were gone! My bike was fifty metres away, melted, charred and completely wrecked, the Spearow were lying around, dead, but no sign of him or Pikachu. Just his smouldering hat over there," she paused to point at the hat, "and some tufts of yellow Pikachu hair. Then I passed out, and when I woke up, you had found me," Misty explained. The ranger helps her to her feet and leads her back to Viridian City where the incident was recorded.

Ash Ketchum was pronounced dead, and Delia Ketchum refused to believe it, as did Professor Oak each for their own reasons. Misty was taken in by the two of them as she did not what to go back to her sisters at all. Years passed and the Ketchum-Oak residence never forgot him. Gary became a Pokémon Researcher, Misty took back control of Cerulean City Gym so that her sisters could travel for their shows, Professor Oak did extensive research on both Pokémon and where Ash could be, but found nothing on Ash's location, and Delia just continued on with life, but mentioning anything about Ash was a walking mine field.

Almost ten years after Ash's 'death', almost everyone in town had forgotten the boy who slept in on his first day as a trainer. But, somewhere in Kalos, a girl named Serena saw a sight that she never would have expected to see.

Ash's P.O.V. (location: Hall of Origins)

I woke in a daze after the lightning hit Pikachu and I, to see myself in a large bed with Pikachu nestled into my side. The ceiling was very high above me and was white, with gold swirls.

"Ah, I see that you have woken, Chosen One. It gives me a great deal of happiness to see you alive and well," a voice spoke out with. I bolted upright and Pikachu woke up as well and we turned to face Arceus, the Alpha Pokémon.

We were pushed to our limits every single day. I had six Pokémon including Pikachu, but excluding the legendry Pokémon that inhabited the Hall of Origins. My team consisted of Pikachu as our resident electric master and leader of the team, Lucario as our resident combat and aura master, Charizard as our resident motivator and fire type master, Greninja as our resident master of the ninja arts and all things water related, Sceptile as our resident grass type/path finder master/grass ninja, and finally, Gengar as our resident prankster and master of all things 'otherworldly'. Together, we are 'The Agents of Arceus'. By myself, I was 'the Peacekeeper'.

Thanks to my ancestor, Sir Aaron, being allowed to venture forward in spirit form to teach me about my aptitude for aura manipulation, I am capable of taking care of myself in more ways than one. I can control my aura and psychic powers, switch between the realms of the dead and the living thanks to Gengar teaching me how, fight like a demon in combat, have a high knowledge of the ninja arts and parkour, and can mega evolve over half my Pokémon, while another can unleash a form completely unknown to the scientific world, a form made possible through Synchro evolution, the higher form of mega evolution that has no need for the stones, and yet another is on an unmeasured scale of strength in the regular world. I hated the fact that I still needed to use the mega stones and the key stones to connect with my brothers but Lord Arceus says we are not quite ready yet.

Pikachu is like a brother to me now, more than that even, despite our un-promising start to our relationship. Lucario is like an older reprimanding brother, always making sure that none of us do anything stupid. Charizard is like a wild, un-tameable older brother that contradicts Lucario at every moment. Sceptile is like a wise, older brother, teaching us all about the small things in life that we often overlook. Gengar is the annoying younger brother who is pranking everyone to no end. Greninja is like my twin, we share the same hype for battling, and when we aren't battling, we're training, when we aren't doing training or battling, we both sit in the shadows, lying in wait for a task to complete. My Pokémon are my family, they are my brothers, our father-figure is Lord Arceus, our aunts and uncles are the other legendries, although at times they feel like our siblings, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

It's been just over ten years since I started my training with Father Arceus, and he has finally announced us ready to return to the Mother-Plane. It has been so long, that I wonder if the people that we knew would even recognise us. I now had the looks of a twenty-year-old man. Long raven hair that went just past my shoulders, but was often tied in a ponytail, hardened brown eyes, tanned skin, and scars crisscrossing across my entire body. The worst ones were the ones on my face. They were deeply gouged on the day with the Spearow, the day that changed everything, and I had learned to deal with them, and I had grown up through adolescence with them, so they did not bother me much anymore. The worst scar of all was one that went from the left side of my fore-head and cut through my eyelid, eye, and my mouth.

At the time, my left eye had been useless and unable to see, until I mastered the art of seeing with normal vision in my working eye, and aura vision in my dead eye. With the gash going straight through my mouth, I had been unable to speak for a while until I got used to speaking again. My brothers aren't really any better. Gengar has a few deformities after trying to slip through the Distortion-Plane without Giratina's help, Pikachu had scars like mine from the Spearow, Sceptile has stress fracture scars in his claws and spines, which don't trouble him much, but it does give him aches from time to time, Charizard has a bunch of scars from too rough training as does Lucario who also has scars from failing to use aura sight correctly, and Greninja has scars from failed parkour runs and ninja arts skills.

Most of the time, I wear normal clothes. A blue/black/white jacket over a black shirt over black pants, black sneakers, black fingerless gloves with red edging (and key stone embedded in the left glove), and a red/white hat on my head (A/N: Ash's regular Kalos clothes, re-sized to fit a twenty-year-old man but a bit more mature!). But during missions, I change my clothes over to either a ninja's most common getup, but in complete black and without a katana as I have yet to receive it, black and dark blue Aura Guardian robes and without an aura staff, as like with my katana, I've yet to receive it, or a black version of the Psychic's battle 'kimono' (A/N: Basically a male version of the Japanese kimono but suited for battle) without the power amplifying wrist cuffs that only the most powerful psychics use (A/N: the bracelets that Sabrina is sometimes depicted wearing, the green/black ones, but for Ash they will be blue/black), which I have yet to receive just like with my katana and aura staff. No matter what I wear though, my hair is ridiculously long, reaching the bottom of my shoulder blades. It's down to about my shoulder blades. When I'm wearing non-mission clothes, it is usually just tied back loosely, while wearing my 'ninja outfit' as Greninja likes to call it, plus the other mission clothing, it is either tied back tightly and kept in place with a couple of dangerous weapons that I have been trained with or left out completely.

Today, I'm leaving for the Mother-Plane, or the world known as 'Earth'. My brothers and I have been training for this for years, wondering when we would get the chance to return to our mother-realm. The legendary Pokémon have gathered in the entryway of the Hall of Origins. Father-Arceus came over to my brothers and I, and spoke to us.

"My sons, my precious boys. You have done well in your training, but you have one last test before you can receive your katana, your aura staff, and the amplifier cuffs. You truly are the best hopes for my creations, for all of them. I could not be prouder. Go, set your sights forward and journey forwards together, I shall tell you when you no longer need the stones, make new friends, and most of all, protect the innocent." I blushed slightly but I stepped towards the entryway. The legendries had lined either side of the entryway, leaving a path for us to walk down. We got to the door, the door that would lead to my final test, and I looked at my brothers. Gengar and Charizard, were on my right with Pikachu clinging onto my right shoulder, while Sceptile, Greninja and Lucario were on my left. Hesitating for a second, I decided that I would call back all of my brothers apart from Pikachu who still hated being inside a Pokéball.

After I had returned my brothers, I pushed open the doors to the Hall of Origins and stepped back into the Mother-Plane. More specifically, route 5, just outside Lumiose City, Kalos region…

A/N: Hello, fellow Pokémon fans! This is the prologue of my current Pokémon FanFiction: The Missing Ketchum. Warning: I do not know when I will next update. It may be tomorrow, or it may not be for months, just be patient. I try to have at least five chapters planned before publishing anything, so, yeah.

At the moment, I am planning on Ash competing in a tournament later on in the story, but I am lacking the creativity to write enough OCs to compete. I have already written four of them, and I need 32 total. Along with Ash, maybe Serena and Gary, I only have five to seven trainers meaning I need another 25 to 27 OCs. If you want to submit one, send me a Private Message with it. The following are the rules for submission.

1. The OC must have six Pokémon of around eighth gym strength and older than the age of 12.

2. The OC must be constructed using a certain 'OC form' which I will put below.

3. I am only going to be accepting ONE mega evolving team in total from any one who puts forth an entry, all others will either be disregarded or they just won't mega evolve.

4. I will only accept TWO ninja OCs, TWO psychic OCs, and TWO aura guardian OCs in total (martial artists do not count as ninjas/psychics/aura guardians).

5. Synchro/Burst evolution will not be accepted, it is unique to Ash and his Greninja, no one else in the tournament get's to use it.

6. If you are going to change the type of a Pokémon, keep it so that it makes sense for that Pokémon. (e.g. a Froslass that becomes Ice/fighting type after years of learning the martial arts from her trainer; a Mamoswine that becomes an Ice/Rock type after years of living in a rocky environment (these have already been used so no stealing)).

7. Alola forms are allowed.

8. Legendries are banned unless you can give me a very, very, very good reason why.

9. You can have up to 25 moves for any one Pokémon. All moves must make sense for that Pokémon No Pidgeots learning dig, or Torkoals learning surf or extreme speed, it is not logical and I won't accept them.

10. Everything else is fair game.

11. You can enter more than one OC.

The OC Form is as follows;




Home town:

Physical appearance:

Normal clothing:




Main Pokémon team:





Special qualities:

Move set:





Special qualities:

Move set:





Special qualities:

Move set:





Special qualities:

Move set:





Special qualities:

Move set:





Special qualities:

Move set:

Other Pokémon in her care/living with him/her:


Update: I just realised that I mucked up how I portrayed mega evolution throughout the story, and am now going through and fixing it. Hopefully it won't take long and will update soon.