This is a day late but I just had so much fun writing it and took extra time editing it! For those unfamiliar with Gajevy Love Fest, it's a week dedicated to the mature side of Gajeel and Levy's relationship, and usually takes place in August. The warm-up prompt was August 12th and the whole week is August 22nd-28th. You can find more info on .com. I will be posting all of my prompts as chapters here, and will let you guys know if there is more mature content in the AU up here. This one I'm rating T because there's only slight language and suggestive themes. It's pretty mild, but I don't know if my other prompts will have lemons yet or not. I'm working on them though and can't wait to share them!

Warm-up Prompt: No Panties (August 12th)

"Hurry Lu-chan!" The bookworm pounded on the front door, which promptly opened to reveal her blonde friend with a toothbrush hanging out of her mouth.

"Hmm hm hm hmmmm!" Lucy swung the door back closed after mumbling unknown words and rushed off to the bathroom to finish getting ready while Levy helped herself to some tea in the kitchen. She continued her scouting of the room to make sure a certain pink-haired dragon slayer was absent this particular morning.

"I thought you'd be ready, you're usually at the guild by this time." Her finger dipped in the tea, testing it before she brought the cup to her mouth as she leaned on the counter while Lucy approached.

"Gomenasai, Levy. Natsu usually wakes me up but I wanted to make sure he wasn't here this morning when you came over. Now then, drop em' and you better not be wearing two." The celestial mage's evil grin made Levy shiver as her panties hit the floor and she pulled her dress tight against her bottom half so that the lack of a panty-line was clearly shown to her friend.

"Sooo who all knows this is happening today…?" Levy looked down at the ground as she continued to spin around until her friend gave a satisfied nod, to which the bluenette released her dress and smoothed it back out against her legs.

"Only Cana and Mirajane. That'll teach em' not to make ridiculous bets with me regarding Natsu again." Lucy held up a fist, smiling victoriously. I don't think she quite remembers how it all went down. Then again neither do I!

The entire guild got a little wild two nights ago when everyone had returned after the Grand Magic Games to their new (rather, old) and improved guild hall. Levy was ranting to the girls about Gajeel and his confusing behavior, when the script mage found herself caught up in the betting/daring games that were going on, which, in turn, led to the three of them betting Levy that if she were to perform a seemingly innocent yet provocative action in front of the iron dragon slayer, he would stare right at her ass and show an obvious attraction to her. Most likely attributed to the amount of alcohol being consumed that night, Levy found herself strutting across the room to the restroom to prove the other three women wrong. She made sure to spend a good five minutes in the restroom before waltzing back out and "accidentally" dropping her glasses off the side of her purse. The alcohol was blamed again for her pink cheeks and her a new wave of confidence. Channelling her inner goddess, she slowly bent over until she could feel the hem of her dress slide up to touch the bottom of her butt, and lingered for a moment before returning to a standing position. As she was returning her glasses to their spot, her eyes caught sight of a smirking yet shocked Pantherlily and a red-faced Gajeel, who quickly disappeared as she made her way back over to the girls, trying to hide her smile. The hint of said smile quickly faded as Lucy dished out her punishment for denying them; no panties. Cana and Mirajane were quick to agree, and they allowed a day in between so that Levy could go do a job with Jet and Droy and then have an excuse to stay in town the next day.

"You can pick these up later today and I'll make sure Natsu's not here then too." Lucy held open a drawer where Levy could hide her undergarment and she reluctantly dropped them in.

"I can't believe I have to do this. You better not be scheming something else behind my back!" She pointed her finger in Lucy's face to get her point across.

"Calm down Levy-chan! It's not like we ran around the guild tellling everyone you'd be panty-less today, and we definitely don't want you pulling a Wendy and tripping either!" The blonde mage waved her hands in front of her face in defeat and pulled Levy's finger back down.

"Well let's hurry and get this day over with then. I'll be watching you!" The bluenette made eyes at Lucy and the two girls walked out the apartment and into the streets of Magnolia. Her agonizing day began as soon as she stepped outside into the windy morning breeze. The entire walk to the guild was spent with Levy's hands plastered to the sides of her legs and she gripped the edges of her dress to avoid the billowing caused by the wind. She breathed a sigh of relief and stretched her arms out as they finally walked into Fairy Tail.

"Levy!" Jet and Droy's voices were the first thing Levy heard as she made her way to a table.

"No jobs today, guys. I'm staying and working in the library. You can head out if you want to, though, there's no need for you to stay with me." She smiled brightly, silently begging them to just leave her alone for the day.

"You heard her, so scram. Shrimp's with me today." A gruff voice sounded out and she felt a familiar weight on the top of her head as Jet and Droy sulked away from her table. Oh no, not today. This is Lucy, it's gotta be her messing with me. This is my real punishment.

"Heyyy Gajeel, you know you don't really have to go with me to the library I mean it's just a regular day, regular things happening, nothing to make a big deal out of." She pushed his arm off her head, and the large man moved to sit across from the script mage as she fiddled with her hands, looking around to find any speck of blonde in the guild hall.

"I know something's up but I won't ask. Besides, I owe ya one for the iron you gave me to help with healing up from the fight with the dragons." The dragon slayer glanced sideways and Levy realized the familiar little black cat was missing.

"It really was no problem, I've told you before I'm always available to provide you with it if you really need it, especially in battle. Where's Lily by the way?" Levy jumped at any chance to help him, enjoying her time spent with the Iron Dragon Slayer. She also knew that she was the go to person for providing a pick-me-up meal for the dragon slayers before, after, and during battles. Though she always played hard-to-get with Gajeel since he was always teasing her. There's no harm in a little playful banter, even if it's almost everyday, right?

"Oh, Blondie and Salamander's cat asked him to go with em' somewhere, but that's when she told me you'd probably need some help in the library today and were trying to ditch tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee." Mirajane had brought them both breakfast as they sat and talked, although Gajeel's food was gone in an instant while Levy was taking her time on her plate. I was trying to ditch everyone, actually. Ohhh, I'll get you for this Lucy Heartfilia, mark my words.

"Hey, Gajeel, can you give me a hand with this ladder?" In the end Levy couldn't say no to him, and here she was, alone with the one man she wanted to avoid the most today in the library beneath the guild hall, with no panties on.

"Ya want me to hold it while you climb up?" Gajeel set down the ladder where she pointed and she turned around to pick up the pile of books that went up on the shelves she had to climb to.

"No! I mean, no it's fine. I do this all the time, it's not a big deal." She bit her lip nervously. The bluenette didn't mean to yell at first but if Gajeel stood holding the ladder he was sure to see up her dress, although she kind of wished he would look. Wait, what am I thinking? I can't be thinking dirty thoughts right now, I have work to do and no panties is my punishment, not my time to mess around with Gajeel.

"Well don't blame me if you fall on your ass… But are you okay, shorty? Ya seem really off today." Her gaze found the ground and out of the corner of her eye she saw his hand grab one of the books out of her arms. "Hey, you read this one yet?" She glanced over at the book in the dragon slayer's large hands. It was nice seeing this side of Gajeel. He only ever dropped his tough guy act around her, Juvia, and Pantherlily. The S-class games really brought the two closer and allowed her to see that he wasn't as much of a muscle-brain as she thought. She wasn't really sure if that's when she started to see him as more than a friend to her. The incident with Laxus really opened her up to actually becoming friends with him, and she had always acknowledged him as an attractive man after that.

"No, why?" Levy reached over and turned the cover towards her, confirming that it was a book she hadn't yet read.

"Would ya look at that, I've read a book the bookworm hasn't read yet." Gajeel smirked down at her and she puffed her cheeks.

"Just because I'm here all the time doesn't mean I've read every book ever. What's it about anyways? And when did you start reading books?" The script mage began making her way up the ladder with the other 3 books she had, leaving the other one with him. She couldn't fight back her grin as she passed shelf after shelf, knowing full well what was about to happen. Something in her had clicked after he mocked her and she was about to show him that two can play this game.

"Oh, just an adventure story. Some pirates and treasure and all that shit. I decided to give it a go cause of you actually. Wondered what was so great about reading and had Juvia help me pick one out before we left for Crocus. I'm surprised it survived the dragon attacks, but… butt…. b-but…" Levy placed the books in their spots as she listened to Gajeel's sputtering. As innocent as can be, she made her way back down the ladder, making sure to give her hips a swing on the way down.

"But what, Gajeel?" Her feet hit the ground and she spun to the tall, black haired man who had obviously just taken notice of her lack of underwear. She stared him straight in the eyes as he tried to calm his flushing face and regain composure.

"Just trying to say it was good, dammit." With a tch, he glanced sideways, breaking eye contact with the script mage. Not done with her game, she stepped closer to him, placing her hands on his that were holding onto the book.

"Then I guess I'll have to give it a go, huh? I'm going to grab something to eat. See you later?" Levy made sure to make her fingers slide along his as she slipped the novel out of his grip, gave him a small smirk, and spun on her heel to leave the library. As soon as she reached the staircase her facade broke and she fanned the book in her face. I can't believe I just did that! And he did look! Maybe this punishment wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... But i'm still getting back at Lucy for setting me up like this! She continued up the steps, trying to calm her blushing face before she re-entered the guild hall.

"Fuck… " The flustered man stood frozen to his spot, aware of the tight feeling in his pants and a strong desire to pull the bookworm back and regain control of her little game. "Looks like the rest of the day won't be as bad as I thought it'd be." With a sly grin the dragon slayer followed the panty-less mage up the stairs.

I hope you enjoyed! Here goes the best week of the year! Next prompt: First time (August 22nd)