I dont own anything about Fate stay night or Drifters or every series in this

The story have been Beta thank to RedRat8.

The tension could be felt among the Clan Heads as they gathered up the next day after the betrayal they had suffered as well as the ambush they had to deal with. It was only when Miko spoke up did that tension began to lesson a bit. "The emergency Council meeting shall begin now, first for all of those that are reporting." Miko replied.

"Me and Hiro with our warriors have been tracking down where all those enemies come from." Draco said before he gained an annoyed look on his face. "They were hiding with the traitors under a massive illusion charm to the point that even I can feel the leftover energy."

"So that explains how the enemies were able to move in so quickly." Titania hummed in thought.

Hiro nodded. "Correct, and when their coup failed they retreated completely." He added in. "They must have retreated to the Capitals of the traitor clans at the very least." He growled.

"I see, so what of the traitors from your Clans?" Miko asked as he turned to face Crixalis and Shadowfax.

"Those damned traitors escaped the moment their coup fell before I got back." Crixalis snarled.

"The same as me." Shadowfax sighed. "I also sent a number of my warriors back to the capital to weed out the possible traitors." He explained as Miko nodded at that.

"As of now we have three clans who betrayed us and joined the Ends, we need to discuss our next course of action to prepare for war." Miko stated as all the Leaders nodded.

"Damn right!" Draco huffed. "Not going to let those traitors escape and not pay for it."

"I agree with Lord Draco on this." Mirana replied. "We must retaliate."

"I say purge all those damned traitors from our territory." Crixalis added in.

"We can't just kill all of them just because of the actions of a few!" Ruby quickly interjected.

"And that's not even accounting for the fact we have Gloria's Army to deal with as well." Silitha pointed out.

"So, you're saying leave those traitors be?!" Draco demanded sounding furious.

Silitha shook her head. "No Draco, but we also need to consider what is our main priorities, not what we want."

"We are facing a two-front war at this point." Lina stated. "We need to work together to survive the oncoming storm." She said as everyone nodded at that.

"I see, very well then, those who are in favor of uniting once again, raise your hand." Miko declared and without falter every leader rose their hand in agreement. "Then I declare that every allied Clan in Kamino shall join forces to defeat our enemies." Miko said as he thumped his staff.

Some like Ruby, Sarah, Dianne, and Weiss smiled upon hearing that. But others were not since they knew they are facing their next obstacle.

A War on two Fronts.

"So, what now?" Ruby asked the Leaders as they started their War Council. "Do we just go up and kick both sides till they run for mommy?" She asked as many of the Leaders shook their heads, though many of them looked amused by what she said.

"I am afraid it is not as simple as that Lady Ruby." Silitha replied.

"But why?" Ruby asked.

"Believe me, as much as I want to go out and destroy our foes we still cannot jump into battle so easily." Draco added in.

"It's simple, Ruby." Lina spoke up. "What we are facing right now is a war with Gloria and those Ends. Considering the amount of trouble both are going to give, we need to focus an offensive front on one end and a defensive front on the other." She explained.

"Correct." Miko nodded. "We cannot fight an offensive war on both fronts, we would strain our resources, our energy, and the lives of our warriors." Miko replied.

"Considering that the Ends and the Traitor Clans know Kamino quite well, they are the bigger threat to us at the moment." Hiro added in.

"So, what is it you want to do then?" Ruby asked.

"For now, I say we focus our offensive front on the Ends and Traitors while we leave at least enough numbers to wage a guerrilla or defensive war on Gloria." Lanaya said softly.

"I think we can agree on that much at the very least." Ulfsaar said as every leader nodded at that, no matter how reluctant they might feel about it.

"But the question I suppose that remains is." Silitha spoke up.

"Who shall be the ones to wage the defensive war on Gloria?" Achidna finished as all the heads nodded at that.

"If it is not too much trouble, I suggest my clan be among the fighters to wage the defensive war." Lanaya spoke up as everyone turned to the leader. "We already have the experience and training for it, so it makes sense that we fight that war." Lanaya explained.

"I suppose that makes sense." Shadowfax replied as everyone nodded.

Lyrali soon spoke up. "If that's the case that I offer my clan's help as well." She said as everyone turned to her. "You need to wage a defensive or delaying war, right?" She questioned. "Well I like to say that we know more than a few tricks of how to delay them." She said.

"I can see how that can be helpful." Crixalis muttered.

Ruby soon spoke up. "If you need experts on defensive and sneak battles than I got the two just right for the job." She said with an excited look on her face.

"Oh? Who are they?" Draco asked.

"Radec and Blake." Ruby said proudly. "Radec already lead a defensive war for his homeland before he ended up here and Blake's just about the stealthiest person I know." She explained.

"I see." Silitha hummed. "But wouldn't that leave your army without a leader if Radec is not leading them?" She asked.

"Oh. Don't worry about that." Ruby brushed off casually. "Courier's just as good at strategies and war tactics and even won many offensive battles and he's just as good at tactics as he is at fighting." She answered as every Leader hummed in thought at it. They did see him as a capable warrior and he seems to be much smarter than he lets on.

"Very well then, the defensive battles shall be done by the Mantis and the Dryad Clans, as well as Radec and Blake of the United Clan." Miko declared as everyone nodded.

Ruby looked at him questioningly when he called them the United Clan before he turned over to Radec and Blake who were there and nodded at her.

"We shall hold off Gloria for as long as we can, just finish off the Traitors and Ends as soon as you can." Radec replied as he and Blake soon left them to join up with the other defensive fighters.

"Take other Drifters if you need to." Ruby called out as Radec nodded.

Soon after that meeting the defensive fighters were heading off to hold off Gloria for as long as they can. But first they were scouting and spying on their foes at their main camp. With Radec and Blake examining them with their binoculars.

"So, what do you think Radec?" Blake asked.

"From my estimations, they are doubling up their efficiency to cut down the trees as quickly as they can." Radec replied as he saw a line of axe men.

"How long do you think it would take for them to finally progress then?" Blake asked.

"At the speed they're going at, I estimate about two weeks for the army at the most." Radec stated as Blake frowned at that.

"That's not enough time for us to clean house and deal with them." Blake noted.

"Indeed, that's why we have to do all we can to delay them starting tonight." Radec stated.

Blake nodded at that. "Got it." She said before the two of them quickly left to start planning.

By the time it reached night at the Gloria Camp, the tension that the soldiers were feeling kept them on the watch and always paranoid.

"Man, did I ever told you how much I fucking hate guard duty?" The first soldier complained as the second soldier rolled his eyes.

"You've been complaining nonstop since we marched to this forest." The second soldier said in a very annoyed tone. "And for the love of the Holy Light, shut up about it!" He hissed.

"I'm serious, guard duty sucks!" The first one complained. "I heard that there is all kind of nasty shit in this forest we're in that could make us piss ourselves in fear." He said.

"Yeah, because every creepy forest has that vibe." The second soldier said sarcastically.

"No man seriously, in this forest there are so many ways that you can die and each and last one of them is horrific." The first soldier said seriously. "There's becoming tree food for the Dryads, being torn apart by those Girtablilu bit by bit, being the prey in the Mantis's hunting game, and that's not even counting the Dark Elves. I hear that they find the most fucked up and creative ways to break you and even make a sport out of it."

"…The fuck, man?!" The second soldier questioned in disgust.

"And that's why guard duty sucks, especially at night time in this place because I can…" The first soldier ranted before he saw his horrified looking partner, unaware there was a Mantis standing behind him, and soon he no longer talked.

Blake silently walked between tents making sure to take great care in not waking anyone up so they can't interfere with her mission to kill as many leaders she can identity in this camp tonight.

Blake wasn't really big on killing, but she wasn't that person anymore…maybe after losing Yang to Adam changed her. She didn't care how many she had to kill so long she could kill Adam in the worst way possible. Maybe despite not wanting to admit it, she was a blood-soaked killer just like Radec. Perhaps that's why she didn't feel much issue about killing anyone on this mission. Soon she turned around and came across her first target and made her way to slowly sneaked inside the tent to not alert anyone.

She could see her target sleeping on the cot as well as the hidden blade beneath his pillow for assassinations. But he was too tired and sleepy not to notice her. It would not be the first time she would be killing someone in her sleep, and it certainly wouldn't be the last either. Soon after she had slit his throat she moved on to her next target. She looked out to see lots of targets in the camp. Blake simply sighed a bit, she needed to talk to Courier for spiritual support after this.

"Can any of you explain why we have over 200 dead soldiers last night with the vast majority of them being part of the Commanding Structure!" The Gloria General demanded as he slammed his fist on the table for emphasis.

"Sir, it seems that the Demi-Humans of Kamino had sent out assassins to deal damage to our camp." One of the officers replied.

"I want those guards executed this instant!" The General snapped at his men. "Clearly they didn't do their damn job.

"Sir." The officer spoke up again. "The guard watch for the night were almost killed off and that's why they failed." He explained.

"Then double the number of guards at night from now on, I don't want a repeat of this." The General hissed. "Now go order the soldiers to move out, we made good progress on the path to go." He said before a soldier ran in interrupting him.

"Sir, we have trouble!" The runner shouted as he ran out with the General and the remaining staff running after him and soon all of their eyes widened as the path they cut down was now filled with fully grown trees.

"What happened here!?" The General roared looking around for an explanation.

"We don't know sir. Yesterday we had cut down all the trees in our path but this morning it looks as if they just been regrown." The runner explained as best he could.

"Then cut them all down and take out the roots, burn it if you have too!" The General yelled. "Also, double all the shifts!"

"But sir, we're already doing double shifts!" One of the officers protested.

"I don't care." The General gritted through his teeth. "If any of them slow down, then execute them." He ordered as he walked back to his tent only to get news that their armory had been raided with lots of missing gear.

"Seems like someone is having a bad day." Radec commented in a very amused tone as he listened to the scream of a furious man from the Gloria Army's Camp.

"Considering that they woke up, to many dead officers, trees regrown to force them to slow down, and raiding their equipment storage, it is not surprising in the least." Tristan commented.

"So, what do we do next then?" Blake asked.

"Now? We rest for now, while we get the gear we raided sent back to the main army." Radec answered as Blake and Tristan nodded in reply as they walked away while Radec continue to observe the Gloria Camp.

Seeing how effective the warriors he had to work with made Radec very pleased. He felt back in his element again, leading armies and battles against the foes to make them pay for every step they took deeper into their territory. Ah, he missed this sensation, the sensation of a good battle, a good war to fight. Helghan was home but he was certainly not blind to the faults of his nation, he was a Patriot, not a Fascist.

And now after seeing the superb performance of the skills that each clan displayed, he had more than a few ideas to use to make them even more deadly. And anger and aggravate the enemy even more. After all, a commander that cannot think rationally or is ruled by emotions will fall. "Oh, I am going to turn your clans into deadly little monsters." Radec chuckled darkly.

"From our messenger's report, it seems that Radec is doing a formidable job of delaying our foes." Saber spoke to the War Council sitting before her.

Since the beginning of the War Councils, every Clan Leader and their military advisers have come to devise the best possible strategy that is available for them to take. Naturally she and Courier were Ruby's military advisers as they're the only ones with war experience.

Courier was sitting in his chair examining the reports and looking to the maps of where they all had their assets displayed. Saber was silently reminded of Camelot back when the Saxons invaded. And though Courier did not speak, she knew that people like him were thinking, out every possibility, thinking what roads to take. It was those kinds of people that proved to be the biggest assets and foes to her nation after all.

"Good." Hiro nodded in approval. "So that means we should focus on dealing with the Ends and their allies right now then."

"We already have our main army group stationed on the borders of the High and Dark Elves territory as well as the Satyrs." Miko responded.

"Our scouts reported that they built up the defenses for their capitals already." Titania frowned as she crossed her arms. "It's not going to be easy when we are on the offensive at the very least."

"We obviously cannot attack all three clans at once." Lina stated. "We simply don't have the soldiers or logistics to maintain three separate sieges."

"Then we simply have to attack one, and the weakest of them and build up our foundation from there." Ulfsaar suggested to which the others hummed at that.

"So which clan should we attack first then?" Mirana questioned as the Clan Leaders hummed in thought.

"I suggest we deal with the Satyrs first." Draco stated. "They don't have as strong of a military as the other traitor clans do and their close to my clan's territory so we can have more soldiers deployed to help in the battles."

"That would make sense." Miko nodded. "But from what our scouts have reported, it seems that they have gotten reinforcements in the forms of Gors, Orcs, and Goblins." He pointed out.

"It is a given, since they are not as strong as the others, that they would sent out reinforcement to make sure they don't fall as easy as we hope them to." Courier spoke up in his bland tone as everyone looked to him. "The Ends don't care about any of us or them, they're allies of convenience at best. But they also know that us Drifters would not be sitting by and let us do anything that might go against their plans." Courier explained.

"What are you saying?" Silitha asked.

"I'm saying is that additional bodies would be helpful, but not something to slow us down as much as they hope." Courier stated. "I would not be surprised if they have another trick up their sleeves that they can pull out of nowhere." He said to them in a calm voice, but the warning was there.

Do not underestimate what the Ends can bring to the table and how much they can deploy.

"I agree." Saber nodded. "The Satyrs are going to have some tricks they gained from the Ends, and as of now, they are the best targets that we can deal with." She said.

"I agree." Ruby chimed in.

"But for now." Courier spoke up. "we need to focus on arming our soldiers." He replied before he turned to Shirou. "How goes the production of our guns and cannons?" He asked.

"Well we managed to produce firearms for five companies and produce eight cannons so far." Shirou reported as he looked through the latest report from the other clans. As after showing the Clan Heads what their weapons were capable of, they instantly send all the aid they could to mass produce it for their war with the Ends.

"I think that's enough firepower to deal with the Satyrs." Johnson whistled in impression.

"Then taking into account with our current numbers and the additional warriors we have, we should have enough firepower to take them on and winning." Courier replied. 'Of course, unless, they have a surprise for us, and considering what they pulled, they totally have some nasty tricks for us.' Courier thought to himself.

"So, what's the plan of attack?" Ruby asked. If she could have seen under Courier's helmet, then she would have shivered at the terrifying grin that made him the Grim Reaper to Caesar's Legion, Slavers, Raiders, Powder Gangers, and more.

A few days later, an army composed of the clans that can spare the warriors marched their way to the Satyr Territory. Most of the fighters were very tense as this would be the first true open fight in a long time. Courier, however, was not tense and was examining the territory of the Satyrs through his binoculars and saw that aside from a large wall, with a defensive garrison of only Orcs on the outside and Satyr Archers on the wall. There wasn't much else.

"I do not see any Gors among them." Hiro commented as Courier scoffed at that.

"Gors are powerful assets, they're most likely hiding them behind the wall once the Orcs are dealt with, that way they can throw out a powerful army without any issue and crush the remaining invaders with ease." Courier explained, as Hiro nodded and conceded that.

Upon seeing the Drifter's army, the Orcs soon brought up their collection of weapons up high and roared at them furiously with their long held traditional war cry.

"WAAAGH!" The Orcs roared at once actually intimidating some of them.

"Damn, they look eager to fight." Johnson commented as he loaded his shotgun.

"And so are we." Draco replied with a bloodthirsty grin.

"All right everyone, you know the drill and the plan!" Courier yelled to them before he took out the crystal ball and soon it glowed and he spoke into it. "Weiss, prepare the cannons." He ordered. As further down the army, Weiss stood there with her own ball and nodded in reply.

"Understood." She replied before she turned to Gotak. "Ready the cannons Gotak!" She yelled as the Cyclopes dragged the cannons up ahead and aiming as they loaded it. As Gotak gave a thumb up in response.

"Cannons are ready." Weiss reported in.

"Good, aim at the wall." Courier ordered as Weiss relayed the order as the Cyclopes aimed the cannons at the wall.

"It's done." Weiss replied.

Courier let a smirk form underneath his helmet. "Fire." He ordered.

"Fire!" Weiss yelled as the Cyclopes nodded and lit the primer and soon the cannons boomed and fired their cannon balls straight at the wall as a series of explosions collided with the wall and the shrapnel and fragments from the wall exploding smashed into many of the back-row defenders of the Orcs and caused disarray before they managed to reassert themselves.

"The wall is very damaged." Draco noted with some amusement as he saw some of the Orcs flail around like idiots for a bit.

"And the Orcs aren't happy about it." Ulfsaar commented as he saw their furious glare. "Think they're about the charge." He added in.

The Orcs raised their weapons menacingly at them and roared their war cry once more. "WAAAGH!" Before their first wave of chargers were Calvary units composed of Orcs riding giant wolves.

"…Those are some big ass wolves for sure." Johnson muttered as he blinked at the sight.

"Ruby, Shirou, ready your units, we are going hunting." Courier replied, entirely unfazed by the giant wolves, he'd seen a giant Bloat Fly that shot plasma and was somehow impervious to anti-tank rounds.

"Got it!" Ruby yelled as she shifted her Crescent Rose to sniper form and then two groups of warriors stepped forth. With the first one being their own Cyclopes armed with their musket rifles and the second being the Black Ant archers.

"Okay, Ruby, you remember the plan that Courier set for us, right?" Shirou asked as he jumped down next to her as Ruby nodded. And then their Cyclopes Company moved to position themselves in a firing line in front and then knelt. While the Black Ant Archers got on an elevated position and readied their bows and arrows.

"Everyone, aim!" Ruby yelled as she raised her gun up to match the Cyclopes.

"Archers, ready yourselves and steady." Shirou ordered as they nodded and kept their grips on their bows tight as some of them begin to gulp a bit as the Orc Calvary charged to them.

"Fire!" Ruby yelled as she fired her weapon as did the Cyclopes did and soon a volley of musket balls aimed straight at the Orcs as they began to fell bit by bit, and some of their Riders fell awkwardly as did their mounts causing massive confusion and hysteria. As the Orcs were thrown off by the shots and accidentally killing each other in the meanwhile.

Far away from that front was Courier who only smirked darkly at Orcs falling so quickly.

"First line reloads now; second line take aim!" Ruby ordered as the first line of Cyclopes began to reload as fast as they could while the Black Ant archers under Shirou's command narrowed their eyes in concentration.

"Fire!" Shirou barked out as he fired his bow and was soon followed by the Black Ants who released a volley of arrows into the sky before they arced down to kill or cripple many Orcs who were still trying to recover and caused them to panic and kill each other even more. Before long the Cyclopes Gunners got up and fired at them shortly followed by another volley of arrows.

"Good, nearly their first wave is dead." Courier nodded as he looked through his binoculars. And then he spoke into the crystal ball again. "Okay, you did good you two, now back up and Saber you're up." He ordered.

Saber nodded and spoke in affirmation before she motioned her mount forward followed by her Knights. Some of whom were speaking to each other.

"You sure you have mastered riding them Gawain?" Bedivere asked in concern as he looked towards the Knight of the Sun.

"It is rather different from riding from riding a horse but I am good." Gawain replied as his mount growled a bit. "I do wonder how Lancelot managed to tame one of these so quickly." Gawain commented as he saw Lancelot looking perfectly fine.

"Maybe it is because I am good with animals." Lancelot commented.

"Now that's enough for we the Knights of Round join this battle!" Saber said proudly as her other riders roared on before they started charging at the enemies on their dinosaur mounts. As they were followed by the Lizardmen on their own mounts as well.

The Drifters with their cavalry charged at the remaining first wave and the second wave that came to assist them and soon they clashed violently with each other and Lizardmen and Orcs tore into each other with their weapons, their fists, teeth, claws, or tails trying to tear each other down.

One of the Orc Leaders charged at Saber with his large sword screaming furiously at her only for Saber to quickly retaliate with her sword knocking him back as the dinosaur mount jumped up at the Orc snarling as it pinned him down and then opened its jaws to bit his head into nothing.

As the two groups were fighting, the Orcs sent another wave to reinforce the remaining Orcs that they had. Something that Johnson took note of instantly. "Hey Courier, they are sending more help." Johnson replied urgently.

"Courier nodded. "Thank you." He replied. "Scáthach, your turn." He ordered as he smirked. 'Good thing I knew and planned for that.'

As the third wave of Orcs marched to the battlefield, suddenly from the side a large battlegroup of Centaurs led by Scáthach and Shadowfax came out of the forest charging at the third waves as they opened fire on the Orcs with their muskets, catching them off by surprise and forcing them to change direction to deal with them.

"Spears!" Scáthach yelled from her own horse as she brandished her cursed spear.

And soon enough the Centaurs placed their muskets on their back and brought out their spears as they aimed at the enemy orcs and soon with their speed, strength, and spear's length. The Centaurs were marching through the Orcs as they tramped on every Orc that tried to take them down on their way, with many trying and failing to bring them down. And even an Orc got lucky or unlucky to catch Scáthach's horse but got impaled through the throat for his trouble.

While the battle raged on, Courier quickly ordered another volley of cannon fire at the wall. And soon a chain of explosions blasted against the wall and soon there were more than enough visible hints to show that the wall was close to breaking now.

"Yes!" Courier crowed. "Another volley and the walls are done for!" Courier cackled. "All units, prepare to march, Weiss, reload and fire the last volley!" He ordered.

"Understood." Weiss nodded as their army began to march forward now but was ordered to stop by Courier's orders.

"Until the wall has fallen, then we march to victory." Courier reminded the commanders. Meanwhile, the Orcs, upon seeing their current status came to the realization that their warriors were not enough and that they were outnumbered so they did the smart thing and retreat back to the walls for security and to regroup.

"Courier, they have started to retreat now." Scáthach said in her own crystal ball.

Courier hummed in thought. "Do not let them regroup but be careful when pursuing." Courier ordered.

Scáthach and Shadowfax's warriors regrouped with Saber's force and pursued the Orcs.

As the Orcs retreated back to their walls, Shadowfax's noticed something and saw that the orcs were making way for something with the Goblins moving other things as well. And then he knew that something bad was happening as the Orcs began to cheer.

Johnson, who was up ahead scouting with his own binoculars reported back to Courier on the crystal ball. "Courier, it seems our uglies in green got something going for them."

Courier hummed. "Can you see what it is they have?" He asked.

After a long silence, Johnson's voice spoke up with worry. "COURIER, THEY GOT GATLING GUNS!" He shouted as Courier's eyes narrowed. "Enough to turn us into Swiss Cheese!"

"All units fall back!" Courier ordered the moment he heard that and as he spoke that command, the Gatling Guns begin to fire at the ones chasing them or the ones who did not hear Courier's commands.

"Fall back immediately!" Saber yelled as Centaurs and Lizardmen fell as they did their best to retreat from the machine gun fire. Then suddenly cannon fire was heard…but not from their side. And soon explosions started to take out chucks of their soldiers as the artillery was making the retreat even more difficult.

Shadowfax and Scáthach were able to get away but Saber was still out there along with some of her Knights worrying Shirou who wanted to jump into action but was ordered to hold along with his company.

"Cannons! They got fucking cannons as well!" Johnson yelled as he ducked down and started crawling back to their line.

Courier growled. "Damage Report! Anyone still there?!" He nearly screamed into the crystal ball.

"Most of my company is gone, many of our Riders are down!" Saber yelled.

"Not many of my company was lost, but they were still injured and Shadowfax was hit!" Scáthach reported quickly as she replied some healing runes on him.

"Follow my orders, all forward units retreat this instant! Scáthach get Shadowfax out of there and to the medical tent. All main units back away from the wall before they can get to us now!" Courier ordered as the main army backed away from the wall for their own safety.

Soon he was getting reports of Gatling Fire and cannon fire on some of his companies as many of his units hid behind the trees but would not hold out for long at this rate. And somehow he was getting reports that the cannon fire was causing actual fire to pop out of nowhere and even in places where fire couldn't have possibly burn.

"Courier, they're opening the gate!" Johnson reported in as he coughed from the dirt in his mouth and the smoke in the air.

Everyone that could looked to the fortress and soon the gate was opening as Johnson said and then ten Cygors came out, each carrying a giant iron ball in their hands. And as soon as the last one started to come out, they began to throw it one at a time at their army.

Courier who was not willing to test it, got up front with his YCS/186 in hand and fired at the first iron ball, which exploded in a cataclysm of wind as it also had the side effect of knocking away the other giant iron balls and when it landed safely away from their army, it exploded in a gust of small hurricanes.

Courier was befuddled by what he saw. "Anyone mind telling me what the fuck am I seeing?!" Courier demanded.

"What the hell was that they're using?" Johnson muttered as he saw the damage that they done as Courier shot them down.

"Weiss, did you see it?!" Ruby gasped.

"Yes, I saw that Ruby!" Weiss replied in just as much shock.

"Well, what are they using?" Shirou asked. Even though no one could see their faces, the Drifters could imagine the grim look upon the Remnant Natives.

"They're using Dust." Ruby said softly as everyone's eyes went wide at that.

"They're using wind Dust in those giant iron balls to cause those small hurricanes, and those cannons must be firing fire Dust to cause all those fires as well." Weiss elaborated.

"Oh, you have got to be fucking shitting me." Johnson muttered in exasperating.

"Eyes up everyone, new movement at the gate." Courier spoke up as everyone's eyes turned to the larger group of creatures that came out of the gate, looking like a crossbreed of Gors and Centaurs.

"They sent out the Centigors!" Sarah yelled in panic.

"And that's not it." Six said grimly as she pointed to another group right behind them. Which was about a hundred Gors and their remaining Orcs all armed and ready to fight.

"Fuck, didn't think it would be necessary to do it." Courier muttered before he spoke back into the crystal ball again. "Nyx, how are you and your warriors are doing?" he questioned.

"We've just about finish your preparation, sir." Nyx replied. "Thanks for buying us the time."

"Any time." Courier replied before he got a big grin on his face. "Now break the ground." He ordered.

Sorry for the wait. Now first battle in Kamino let see how out Diffters deal with this

Also the mount Saber and her knight Rider is the Cold Old One from Warhammer Fantasy

Feel free to leave a review, comment, suggestions, or idea if you guy had.

Read and review.