All HP characters belong to J.K. Rowling


Remus always loved to be early. He had just parked his car, beating the morning rush of students to the small lot situated adjacent to his university's art department. Stretching as he got out, the sandy haired young man pulled down the long sleeves of his oversized jumper to cover his arms against the spring chill. Grey clouds were thick overhead, a sure sign of rain later in the afternoon. Remus was just walking to the boot of the car to pull out his art supplies when he heard someone step toward him.

Probably one of the girls in his life drawing class looking for him to tutor her...again, Remus thought, before his spun around and his jaw all but dropped. There, leaning against the side of his car, stood the most gorgeous man he had ever seen. It should be a crime to be so perfect. Long black hair was tied back in a tail at his neck, highlighting incredibly sculpted cheekbones. Grey eyes, stormy and wild, shone with mischief under perfectly plucked brows, and a smile that made Remus weak in the knees was directed right at him. Remus hoped he wasn't gawking.

When the man let out a little laugh he knew how futile that hope was. Remus bit his lip and pulled his brows worriedly together.

"Sorry to bother you mate, but I was just looking for art building 5-A," the handsome young man said, taking his weight off his hip as he slowly strode toward Remus, all liquid grace though he took no more than two steps.

"Oh," replied Remus once he'd found his tongue again. After being lost in the other man's smile, he was surprised he could even remember the simple word.

"Do you know it?" the man continued, sizing Remus up with a half smile. "I just figured you for an artist."

Remus blushed and looked down at the giant sketch pad he had been about to pull out of his car along with his bag of charcoal and pencils. The man peered around, catching sight of the art supplies.

"Oh I was right! Sorry to assume, but you just had that look. You know, slightly tortured but passionate."

"You mean poor and starving don't you?" Remus replied with a laugh, finally able to get out a coherent sentence.

"Well I hope not the starving part, but I'll gladly take you to dinner if that's the case," the man said with a wink, causing Remus to flush and duck his head.

"Er," Remus said after he'd regained his composure. "You said room 5-A? I'm actually heading there now if you…"

"Brilliant!" the other man shouted. "See, I took a bus here, then they let me off aaaaaaaall the way down there," he gestured wildly, "then one bloke sent me that way, and another directed me here finally but I still wasn't sure. Really hate being late and all."

"Same," Remus agreed as he locked his car and stepped toward the young man. "Remus," he said, holding out his unencumbered hand.

"Ha!" the other man shouted, and Remus was about to take offense when he also stuck out his hand. "Sirius. Always glad to not to have the strangest name around!"

Remus nodded numbly in agreement, completely caught up in the warm slide of Sirius' fingers against his own. After breaking from the handshake, Remus nodded toward the art department. "If you'll follow me. Although, it is a bit odd to have a new student in the class a month into the semester."

"That would be odd," Sirius said with a cryptic smile as they neared the door. "I must say, I can't wait to see your drawings. I bet with those long fingers, you're incredibly skilled."

Remus blushed again. It was becoming a habit. A bad one.

Both men walked over toward the row of easels surrounding a raised platform for the life drawing model to pose upon. The instructor, Professor Sinistra, looked up from rearranging the stools as the two walked in.

"Remus, lovely to see you my dear," she said sweetly as Remus took his usual spot near the large window. "And you must be Sirius," she continued, shaking the other man's hand.

"I'm glad you were able to get a new student into the class this late into the semester," Remus said as he flipped open his sketchbook.

Sirius threw his head back and laughed. "Oh you haven't figured it out yet? I'm not a student, I'm your model."


In the fifteen minutes before class began, Remus has spent fourteen and a half of them in a chaotic mess of hormone-addled shock. He was pretty sure he had done nothing but stare at one blank spot on his paper, barely acknowledging as his fellow students slowly-and then in a rush not to be tardy-swarmed in around him. A few of them had greeted him, Remus vaguely recalled, but he had no idea if he'd even replied back.

Sirius was their model. That beautiful god of a man was about to strip naked for him-for everyone to see-and he was supposed to just sit there politely and draw him. Remus was both incredibly happy that his life had reached such a pinnacle of perfection and yet also about ready to die. Luckily Sirius had not been around to witness his mixed emotions, having taken himself to the nearby toilets to change. But soon…

Remus finally moved, laying his head down in his hands.

"You alright?" a girl to his right-or maybe left-Remus no longer was able to tell directions, asked sweetly. Remus nodded into his trembling fingers, taking deep breaths. He could do this. It wasn't so bad. Just his perfect man come to strip naked for him in a school setting. In two hours he could laugh this off. If he survived.

"Class, now let's get ready. We'll start with four five minute sketches, followed by three ten minute ones, then we'll take a break and come back for a half hour pose. We have a new model today as well. Everyone, this is Sirius."

Remus knew he wasn't the only one blushing as Sirius strode in, clad in only a-oh my god was that pink?-fuzzy bathrobe and sandals. A few of the girls around him started to twitter amongst themselves and he saw the young lady to his right was obviously blushing. Well at least he wasn't alone in his attraction.

"Hi," Sirius said smoothly, catching Remus' eye amongst the crowd and winking. Remus looked down again. Nope, he couldn't do this.

He was just about to gather up his supplies when he heard Sirius climbing up onto the platform. Then Remus glanced up, and it was all over. Sirius dropped his robe, displaying an extraordinarily well formed backside in all his naked glory. Remus just stared. He'd never seen a body so perfect. Even though every nerve in his body screamed at him to run, leave before he embarrassed himself further, he couldn't do it. He could not blow the opportunity to draw such a perfect man.

Sighing, and incredibly glad his oversized jumper covered his denim-tented lap, Remus pulled out his charcoal and attempted to draw.

The five minute drawings went by far too quickly, Remus was barely able to capture the musculature in his gesture drawings before the pose was switched. But by the second ten minute sketch he had finally eased into his rhythm again. Not only was he able to capture Sirius' pose, but he was also able to distance himself enough to analyze Sirius' perfect body without simply staring and forgetting to draw. But by then he had also noticed a pattern. Though the platform sat in the middle of the circle of students, each time Sirius was to change pose, he kept his back to Remus. After the fourth, now completely mastered, version of Sirius' impeccable buttocks, Remus had begun to wonder, and by the fifth he was sure. Sirius was deliberately turning away from him.

Between each pose Sirius was given a few minutes to dress, rest, stretch his limbs, and think on his next stance. As the final ten minute sketch was about to begin, Remus took a bold approach and slid from his seat with all his supplies and made his way around the circle on the opposite side to a vacant stool and easel. One of the girls he had previously tutored was to his left and greeted him sweetly as Remus once again unpacked his supplies and set up his sketchpad.

Only upon looking up did he see what Sirius had done. Once again, the other man had turned to face away from him. His lean, toned legs were slightly parted, one hand stretched forth and the other behind, displaying beautiful firm back muscles. Remus sighed. At this rate he could be a professional ass sketcher.

With the culmination of the ten minute sketches, the students and model were given a fifteen minute break. Remus looked up to see Sirius donning his robe, tying it tightly around his waist. He was then distracted as a small crowd of girls gathered around himself, complimenting his work.

"I just love your shading," one crooned, while another asked to see his charcoal so she could buy the same brand. Remus hated to brag, but today he was rather proud of how well he'd been able to set his mind to task and render his subject, despite obvious distractions. As Remus ducked his head from another young girl's praise, he raised his eyes to meet beautiful grey ones staring right back.

"I knew you had skillful hands," Sirius said, causing a hush to fall over the crowd of girls. Remus shrugged off the compliment as best he could and attempted not to blush. "I've been drawing since I was little, it's taken years of hard work and practice really. I'm nowhere near as good as I'd like yet."

"Well I'm certainly impressed. Would you mind if I kept it? Once the professor's done with it, of course?"

Remus bit his lower lip as he nodded, thinking he would gladly give Sirius anything he wanted. Anything.

"I'm a bit parched, do you think you could show me to the water fountain..." Sirius asked, and a gaggle of girls started to open their mouths to volunteer before he finished, "Remus?"

"Er, yeah, of course, this way," Remus said, getting up hastily from his chair, sticks of charcoal falling to the floor at his feet. About six girls reached to clean it up for him before he could even bend to fetch them.

"Thanks," Remus said to the girls as they looked longingly as he and Sirius began to walk away.

"You have a lot," Sirius chuckled as they left the room and made their way down a short hallway.

Remus shrugged. "I help tutor some of them when I can. I had a wonderful art teacher in primary school, so I love to pass on what I know."

"You'd make a great teacher one day," Sirius observed, "though I have a feeling many of them are interested in a whole lot more from you than just tutoring."

"Hardly," Remus shook his head, stopping as they came upon the water fountain.

"So…" Remus began after Sirius had drank his fill and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand, "is there a reason you won't face me during class? Not that the view hasn't been spectacular but…"

Sirius eyes widened imperceptibly and if Remus didn't know better, he'd have thought the other boy blushed slightly. Or maybe it was just the cold. Sirius was only wearing a bright pink robe after all.

"Oh, sorry, er, I'll be sure to face you this time around," Sirius said, scratching at his hair as they walked back into the classroom.

"Just, you know, it would be nice to have your face in at least one of my drawings, or I'm afraid Professor Sinistra may accuse me of being some sort of arse fetishest."

Sirius laughed and put a hand on Remus shoulder. Remus hoped it would never leave.

"I solemnly swear to make you look like less of a pervert," Sirius chuckled and squeezed Remus' shoulder lightly before taking himself from his side and walking over toward the life drawing professor.

Remus sighed. Sirius gestured as he spoke with Professor Sinistra, watching as the woman nodded back at him and ducked into one of the supply closets. Within moments of the professor's departure, every spare inch of space around Sirius had been filled with girls. It seemed not to phase the young man one bit. He threw his head back and laughed at one before winking at another, so comfortable in his own skin. The complete opposite of Remus.

Remus had never been comfortable in large groups. A close friend or two, that he could manage. But how Sirius could navigate the social nuances of a whole slew of women was beyond him. And he was even flirting with them, a skill Remus had yet to figure out in the slightest. Not that he wished to flirt with girls. He'd realized that long ago.

As Remus walked back to his stool he tried to shrug off his insecurities. It was silly to dwell on his antisocial tendencies when there were far more pressing matters to attend to. Such as why on earth he had thought it a good idea to ask Sirius to face him during his pose? Remus could say that it was in the name of art, but he knew he was fooling himself. He was curious, and incredibly attracted to the other man. And now he'd get his wish.

After another minute the professor returned and told the students to take their seats for the final thirty minute pose. Sirius made his way to the platform, vaulting up with limber grace contained in a fluffy hot pink exterior. Remus dug out some lighter charcoal for his underdrawing before looking up, his brow raising in interest. Professor Sinistra had joined Sirius on the platform and had hoisted up a chair which Sirius was currently lounging upon. A long piece of cloth was being draped over the young man, falling in elegant folds over one shoulder, pillowing over his lap, and cascading down the platform.

Damn it, Remus thought momentarily as Sirius looked over, meeting his gaze with a cheeky grin. He just knew the other man had done this on purpose as well. At least this time Remus, reasoned, he'd get to draw Sirius' face and his-Remus held back a gasp-incredible abs. There, it was settled. Sirius was perfect.

"Your thirty minute pose starts now," interrupted Remus' train of thought as he no doubt sat gawking at Sirius immaculate body. Remus refused to meet Sirius eyes, though he could feel them upon him, as he began to map out Sirius' body in soft shapes before adding darker, more refined lines and curves with darker charcoal. Thirty minutes sped by in a heartbeat, though Remus could swear his own had stopped the moment he had first seen Sirius naked.

"Charcoal and pencils down," Professor Sinistra's voice echoed through the silence of the room as the students took a last moment to finish their art, stretch cramped fingers, or crane their necks to see what their neighbors had drawn. Remus did the former, adding a last graceful swoop to Sirius' mane of dark hair before placing his charcoal back in its case and standing to gather his belongings.

After collecting his belongings, Remus glanced up and frowned. Sirius was gone.


To be continued in Chapter 2