Hey guys. Boy, I can't remember the last time I was here. I think it was sometime back in December, which makes it...SIX MONTHS since I've been gone. I just figure I give you guys a quick update on my life, my account, and whats next for Williebadger618.

I received two scholarships for college and graduated from high school on Friday (06.09) in the scorching heat. I graduated with Cum Laude (receiving 3.3 GPA or more. (I'm a bit of a nerd) But it was all worth it. College starts up towards the end of August, which means I have a lot of time to myself, right? WRONG

I now work four days a week, but in the evenings (yes I still have my job from last summer). I already made plans with friends to go to the county fair next month, and towards the middle of July, I'm going on vacation! (That's my big grad present). If you have stuck with me this long, you all know summer is not all that free for me.

If you were unaware, I posted a AN back in January about what's to happen to me for the rest of the school year. This also included what was to happen to my account. I am departing from FanFiction on August 22. But, my account will remain up. I will no longer be writing FanFics after that date. I need to focus on my studies. I will still be reading and dropping reviews on other stories, but we all know school is more important. Especially when I will be a college Freshman.

Alright. Enough jibber-jabber out of Williebadger. It's time to tackle the real reason why I'm back. The FINAL PART in Decisions and Disappearances. After six months, I better have this down. This is why you clicked on my story in the first place; to find out how the (goddamn) story ends. I really do apologize for my hiatus. But I had to get high school over with so I could finally tackle some unfinished business (such as this story).

Here you go guys, the conclusion of Decisions and Disappearances. Enjoy!


Decisions and Disappearances-Chapter 5

Mabel's POV


This noise kept echoing in my mind as I began to open my eyes. My head was pounding so hard, my leg was aching, and I couldn't feel my right hand for some reason. I took my time opening up my eyes. The slightest movement caused my head to increase in agony. My vision seemed pretty blurry when I first woke up, but time after time my vision began to clear. I was laid back on some sort of bed, looking up at nothing but a white ceiling. Where am I? I happened to cautiously glance to the left side of the wall and see a bunch of flowers, stuffed animals, cards, and balloons, with words written on them saying "Get Well Soon". Why was all this stuff here? I then gently turned my direction to the right side of whatever room I was in, and saw so many people around me. I tried to ponder as to who they were, but I couldn't wrap my brain around it.

Soon, the echoing sound stopped, as I heard a steady beat from a close by machine. I looked down at my right hand...the one I could not feel...and found out the reason behind its numbness. I had a strong grasp on my hand. I traced the noodle arm figure and found out it was a boy clutching it. He seemed familiar to me. Only, his eyes were closed and tears appeared to stream down his face. Did something happen to me? Why can't I remember anything?

There were two other men who were sitting next to the boy with a pine tree hat. They looked alike and looked old; as in their early to mid 60's. The one with the fez had his head down, looking at his lap as he twiddled his thumbs around. The other man in an old lab coat sat crossed legged with his arms folded inward. I'm pretty sure his eyes were closed, yet I couldn't tell since he was the furthest away from me. All three boys looked as if they could pass out at any given moment. But something seemed to be eating at them. Something seemed to be keeping them from sleeping. Something seemed to cause them all to be worried, scared, and emotional. But I had no idea what it was.

After some time passed, I heard one of the men gasp in shock when he laid eyes on me. It wasn't long until a chain reaction went down the aisle of boys, and all three jumped out of their seats and slowly approached me. The youngest out of the three sat on the edge of the bed, not even attempting to let go of my hand. The man with the fez sat on the opposite side of the pine tree kid and placed a hand gently on my left leg. The other man with the lab coat stood in the far back corner, giving the others space. However, he seemed to have a worried and glum expression on his face. As if he knew something about me that I didn't.

"Mabel?" The fez hat man said, moving his hand from my leg to my face. He caressed my cheek as I looked at him in wonder. I've seen his face before. I knew I've seen it plenty of times, but how come I couldn't remember him? I couldn't remember his name either. I felt like it was something common. He looked like a Randal to me.

"Mabel?" That's the second time I've heard that name. Was it mine? I...I couldn't remember for some reason. I move my eyes so they're fixed onto the younger boy with the blue and white hat. I felt like I've seen him before also. I had the same kind of troubles remembering him just like with Randal over on the opposite side of the bed. That's his name. right?

"Sweetie..." Fez man says as I maneuver my eyes back to him once more. "Do you know who I am?" For some reason, I was scared to speak. I couldn't remember who these people were, why they were here, and if they were going to hurt me. I'm not even sure where I am or how I even got here. I wanted to so hard remember who all these men were, but I couldn't process it.

"Mabel." The puberty voice squeaks out as I fix my eyes on him once again for the third time in a row. "Do you know me? Do you know who I am?" All I could do was sit and stare. I hesitantly open my mouth from time to time, but I was scared to say the wrong thing. I didn't want to say the wrong thing though. I wanted to say what they wanted to hear, but what they wanted to hear would be stuff they would remember. I couldn't remember anything.

"It's okay sweetie. You can talk." Randal replies to me. While looking at both of them for reassurance, they nod in unison that it was okay to speak. "No one is gonna hurt you."

Hesitantly, I speak out. "Wh...where am I?" I ask, with my voice sounding very raspy.

"Grunkle Ford, can you see if you can get her some water?" The young boy asks. Ford...Ford...Grunkle Ford?...I feel like I heard that name before. But, where exactly? I saw the Ford guy nod once, and then exiting out of the room, leaving just me, and the two other boys at the foot of my bed.

"Pumpkin..." Randal says. Wait, I thought my name was Mabel. "You're in the hospital." The hospital? What happened that caused me to get to the hospital?

"How did...how did I get here?" I ask.

"Grunkle Stan drove you. He drove all of us here when we found you on the ground." The pine tree hat boy responds. Stan? Oh, that must be that Randal boy with the fez. Stinks his name isn't Randal. I liked the name Randal better than Stan. But that's the second time I heard that weird name...Grunkle. Whats a Grunkle? Is it bad?

The same questions from earlier resurfaced as the boys asked me for the umpteenth time "Do you know who I am." I wanted to say yes. But, I kept second guessing myself. I wasn't sure if this was all a dream or this was reality. I was so confused. I had a million questions. What happened to me? What's the cause of my injuries? How did this whole thing lead me to the hospital? I can't seem to comprehend anything. I'm hoping in time, I can start to remember some events that happened. But all I could do now was sit, think, and stare at these two boys on my bed.

"Mabel, honey, do you know what happened?" The Stan man asks me, taking a hold of my left hand. I felt trapped. Immobilized. If I tried to get up, I guarantee they would push me back down on the bed. But I didn't want to attempt to get hurt and further extend my injuries.

"I...I don't remember anything. I don't know what happened that lead me to this point. And I can't...I can't seem to remember you two." I reply in a sad tone. I felt my right hand get squeezed a bit tighter when I was speaking. I glanced at the boy, who started crying once more. Did I hurt him somehow? I didn't mean to. The Stan man sort of released a shaky breath as he took his hand and moved my hair from my face. I could tell from both expressions on their face, they hated seeing me in this state. I bet things would run a bit smoothly if I could remember. I wanted to remember so hard...but I couldn't. I just couldn't help but wonder why I couldn't.

Shortly after, the man with the lab coat...I think his name was Ford...returned with a cup of water for me to drink. However, before he handed it over to fez man, he called him over, along with the young boy, and said something to them. I tried to hear what they were saying, but they were talking so low that I couldn't hear any words. I just sat there like the clueless person I was at the moment. But during their absence, I tried once again, to remember what happened to me. But the harder I tried, the more my head increased in pain. I let out a moan which caused all three men to turn around and face me. Then, all three pursuit towards me once more, but the lab coat man approached me quicker than the other two.

"Mabel, I want you to take this. This will help you with your throat and help you regain your memory." He says as he hands me the cup. I stared at the liquid...it was purple. I wasn't quite sure if I should take it. If what the lab coat man says its true, and will help me with my throat and memory, how long would the effects take? Would this liquid help me remember forever or just enough for the next hour? I really wanted to remember. Very cautiously, I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and drink the liquid. It tasted a little like grape juice. I actually drank it down completely; probably because I've been dehydrated. Once I finished it, the lab coat man takes the cup out of my hands and puts it on the table next to my bed.

"Now what?" The young boy asks the elder man.

"Now we wait for it to take effect. It shouldn't take long." He replies.

He was right. It didn't take long. Minute by minute I was beginning to remember everything that happened. I could start to recall the events, how it all happened, and how it all began. I felt my breathing increased a little as the occurrences of the last several days began to resurface in my mind. Remembering nothing turned into remembering a little, which then turned into remembering everything. It was scary.

I turn to the boy again, looking at him until our eyes met. I remember him. He was my brother. No. My twin brother. His real name was Mason, but I knew he liked to be known as "Dipper?"

He looks down at me with a sincere and relief smile on his face. "Yeah sis. It's me." He then turns his head so he's looking at Ford once more with a big smile on his face. "You did it, Great Uncle Ford! She's remembering!" He cried out.

I then turn and see Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford share the same smile as the two of them lean in and kiss me on the forehead. "Glad you're feeling better, sweetie." Grunkle Stan says to me with strains of waterworks coming out towards the bridge of his nose.

"As am I." Ford responds with a sigh of relief. He then looks over at Stan and Dipper and politely asks them to leave so he and I could be alone. Stan nodded, but Dipper was hesitant to leave me. However, Stan told him it would be alright, and so he nodded and squeezed my hand one more time before he vacated the room with our Grunkle. I then turn towards Ford who took a seat on my bed.

"Listen Mabel," Ford begins. "I know you had a rough few days on your own in the woods. I was foolish to not be one of the first people to go out there and search for you. Both your brother and Stan helped me realize that I made a terrible mistake. So with that, I would like to apologize for my careless actions. I feel terrible about the way I acted towards you." He sniffles several times before he continues. "I'm sorry for trying to steal your brother away from you. If it helps, he already said he's not taking the apprenticeship no more. Twins need each other. And I was a complete jerk for trying to separate you two."

I'll be honest, I totally forgot about the apprenticeship until Ford said that. Now I recall my reason for running away in the first place. Dipper was going to stay in town. But now he wasn't. I started to feel awful. I didn't want Dipper to change his mind just for my sake. If this is something he really wants to do, then he should do it. He shouldn't base his decision on me.

"But," I begin "If Dipper really wants this, he should do it. He shouldn't just back down because of what happened."

"But thats why he did it. Because of you. Did you know the minute he found your note, he raced out of the shack to go find you? He never rested until he knew you were safe and out of harms way. He loves you too much to just decide and leave you behind. He's gonna be with you for the rest of your life." Ford responds as he takes a hold of my hand and squeezes it in comfort. "I'm sorry for taking advantage of Dipper for my sake. I'm sorry for icing you out. I'm sorry for everything."

With tears dripping from my eye sockets, I attempt to sit up from the bed and lean into Grunkle Ford, wrapping my arms around him. He embraces me tightly as I continue to sniffle. "Apology accepted." I reply. We remain like this for a few minutes until Dipper and Stan returned into the room. I saw them and smile as they approached us. Ford and I released as he helped me lean back in bed. Ford then stands up and places a hand on Stan's shoulder, gesturing to give Dipper and I some privacy. The two elder Pines Twins cut the corner and exiled from the hospital room as Dipper and I began our reunion.

He leans in and wraps his arms around me tightly as I wrap mine around just as tight. His face was buried in my shoulder as he cried for a brief period of time. I did the same. We've been separated for quite some time. I was mad at him about the whole apprenticeship thing, but it didn't matter at the moment. About five minutes later, we released as he helped me lay back in bed once more. He grabs my right hand once more and squeezes it in comfort. It wasn't long until apologies were bounced back and forth between us and sincere smiles were returning to our faces. But then, he asked me what happened that caused me to end up like this. Luckily the brain juice helped me remember all the events, yet I was reluctant to tell Dipper my scary encounter.

"I don't know if you really want to hear it." I say to him.

"I want to. If you get too scared, it's okay. Just tell me little by little." He says. I hesitantly nod in agreement, take a deep breath, and tell him my crazy experience.

"The night I left, I went and found a cave to sleep in, not too far from the shack. I set up a mini camp and went to sleep. However, I wasn't asleep for fifteen minutes, and I heard a monster within the cave. I attempted to jolt out of there quickly as possible, and I was successful. Despite it swiping its claws at me, causing my ankle to bleed, I made it out. But then the monster started chasing me!" I said. I kept looking at my brother, watching his face go from disbelief to instant guilt. He felt so bad I had to go through this all alone. I could tell he wanted to find me sooner before I got caught in that mess.

"What happened afterwards?" Dipper asks.

"I ran to a tree and climbed up until I felt I was safe enough away from the beast. It shook the tree, making me nauseous, and caused the branch to start ripping from the tree itself. Luckily the monster heard a wolf howling in the distance and went after that instead. I exhaled a sigh of relief as the monster stormed away, but I forgot I was still stuck in the tree. The branch continued to rip until it broke off from it. I ended up falling down, and hitting the ground hard. I then began rolling down some hill. Tumble after tumble, I felt like I was falling forever. I know I hit my head several times as gravity kept pushing me down to the Earth. I tried to stop myself from falling, but I guess it didn't work well enough. That explains my broken leg." I say pointing to my leg in the cast.

"Do you remember anything else after that?" Dipper asks.

I tried to think what happened after the constant tumbles and impacts I made to the dirt and gravel, but it wasn't coming back to me. "That's the last thing I can recall." I say to him. He nods his head as he continues to hold my hand in acts of comfort.

"Mabel, I feel so bad. I should have never decided to take that dumb apprenticeship in the first place." Dipper admits, feeling sorry for himself and for everything I've been through.

"Ford told me you decided to back down from the apprenticeship. You shouldn't base your decision on me. If you still want to do it-" I say, but Dipper cuts me off.

"Not after almost losing you. If you thought I could survive without you, knowing you were lost within the woods, then you're wrong. I don't want to live through my life without you in it. I'm your twin. And I'm here to stay." He replies with a faint smile. But I still feel bad that he isn't doing what he wanted to do.

"But Dipper, I don't want to get in your way or hold you back." I reply.

"You don't. You've always helped me, cared for me, and supported me in anything. You're always by my side. So don't think those things because they're not true." He says reassuringly.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" I ask him.

"More than anything. I want us to grow up together, experience high school together, do everything that life has to offer us, as long as I know you're by my side." He says.

"I'm sorry for running away." I say to him, looking away from him. "The thought of losing you to Ford just hurt me so bad...I didn't want to face it." Tears started to form again as I wiped them away. Dipper takes his hand and places it on my chin so it turns and I look straight at him.

"It doesn't matter anymore Mabel. What's important to me is that you're safe and you're okay." Dipper replies. Out of no where, I sit up in my bed and fling my arms around him once more. He returns the embrace just as tight. I was glad Dipper and I didn't sustain damage to our sibling relationship. If we did, they're definitely patched up by now. "I love you, Mabel." Dipper says out of the blue. Wow, he never says that to me. I was quite surprised, but I didn't question him on it. Instead, I just hugged him tighter.

"I love you too, Dipper." I say to him.

While in the embrace, I happened to notice Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford reenter the room once more, watching the scene unfold between my brother and I. I wave my hand at them, motioning them to come over. The two of them smile and come on each side of the bed, joining un on the hug. Yep. The Pines family is whole once more. I'm just glad that when I go home, I won't be alone.

I just have to remind myself that when we go home, I mention none of this to my parents.

A/N: Ha! I told you! I told you guys you would all see the conclusion! I hope it turned out well was worth the wait. I apologize for my sixth month hiatus. But I am so glad I finally got this done!

Be on the look out for a new one-shot/story I am working on. I should have it published by the weekend. Its about halfway done now, but you'll all see it sooner or later.

Thanks for your patience and thanks for reading!
