Stephanie Meyer owns Twilight and all recognizable characters.

Authors notes.

Dear Readers.

Wow! I am in awe of everyone's responses for the last chapter. Your reviews, follows and favorites means so much to me! I'm sorry this chapter is getting to you so late. This has been a very overwhelming month for myself and my own personal D.I.D system. Sometimes circumstances in life make it difficult for me to write. Please know I am always plotting this story in my head. I do plan on completing this story. It just may take a little longer than expected. On an interesting note, I do live in the state of Washington on an Island. It is so beautiful here and where ever I look, I see Twilight ;) Unfortunately we just weathered a bad storm, so that was not fun and another reason why this chapter is late.

I would like to thank My husband and Daughter for their support and encouragement on this story.

Change everything you are
And everything you were
Your number has been called
Fights and battles have begun
Revenge will surely come
Your hard times are ahead

You've got to be the best
You've got to change the world
And use this chance to be heard
Your time is now

~Museā€¦ Butterflies and Hurricanes~

Raven / Bella

Through Bella's eyes I can see everything, I can sense the young one named Peaches is in control of the body. I whisper very softly to her "Peaches are you ready to fly?"

In her mind she nods her head and says "yes I wanna fly, I wanna fly High above the sky!"

"Okay little peaches, hold on tight." I feel her stepping away, So I have more control over the body.

Looking over at my wolf mate I smile at him mischievously, he has no idea what is about to happen, but I do. I feel our other mate not too far away from us and he is hunting. Lifting my arms, I spread my wings revealing my true nature to Paul. I can sense his shock as I shift and fly away.

Soaring, freely over the trees. I feel the mating pull in two different directions. Underneath me I hear the pounding of wolf paws beating against the ground, as Paul runs underneath me. Before me I feel the pull of the Major. In the distance I can see him taking down a wild animal and feeding. Suddenly he jerks away from his kill and looks up to the heaven. I caw at him, He smiles up at me and starts running in our direction. As I fly I let my thoughts drift to last night and everything that happened, to get us to where we are now.

*Flashback* The night before in phoenix

I have always been here, on the inside looking out. Keeping to the shadows. Flying above the rest. No one sees me but I see it all. The emotional pain I feel inside this body, is crushing. Looking at Renee, I see the darkness that lives within her. It was not always there. Renee use to be a very loving mother, until the evil from the forest crept into her soul.

I see the whiskey bottle coming towards us and I know it's time to spread my wings and let my inner magic fly. Its earlier than expected but right now, its fight or flight. The most important thing right now. is our life. We need to soar, it's time to take this bitch down!

My body shakes as my inner fury takes over me. Holding up my arm to block the attack. I can feel the magic pouring through me. I stretch out both of my arms and a sonic scream escapes my lips, shaking the whole room. I can hear the furniture cracking and the pictures on the walls falling, from the power of the quake that came through me. Suddenly I feel the air beneath my feet, spreading my wings for the first time. The look of Horror on Renee's face, is priceless. The bottle crashes against the dresser. Renee loses her balance and falls to the ground. I let out a ravens cry as I feel a sonic boom around me, the floor shakes. I can see a glimpse of my reflection in the broken mirror on my dresser. My black beady eyes light up with and a slight golden glow.

Stretching out my wings, I screech one more time, cackling at her discomfort, which pleases me. Renee curls up in a corner, with fear in her eyes. I am about to swoop down for my attack, when the bedroom door slams open. Before me stands a man with golden hair and black eyes. It is then that I see he is not a man, but a vampire. I recognize him immediately as one of my mates, that I have seen in Bella's dreams. There is a wicked smirk on his face. He stalks into the room with an overwhelming sense of strength and power. I am instantly hit with the sensation of fear coming from him; which is very disconcerting, considering the arrogance I see in his pitch black eyes. It is then that I realize he has no fear, somehow he is projecting fear into the room. For some reason the projection of fear does not affect me. In-fact it just encourages my more sinister side to come through.

I look to Renee and she is curled up in a corner trembling in terror. She then begins babbling in the ancient tongue, of the evil entity that lives within her. I realize the man has not noticed me yet, he is driven by pure instincts as he rushes towards Renee with furry in his eyes. I screech at him loudly and caw, he seems startled but recovers quickly. I shift back into my human form and walk towards him. Tilting my head ever so slightly. I place my hand on his pale cool chest. I feel a smirk crossing my lips as I speak to him in a mythical and hypnotic tone. "You, my mate will not touch her, the bitch is mine!" I hiss out

He tilts his head and I can tell he is looking into my very soul. His eyes burn with the intensity, of someone who has seen a thousand wars. He nods his head in understanding and steps back, without saying a word. I can tell he is assessing the whole situation. I know he will back me up, if things do not go as I hope.

I can feel the cool breeze against my naked flesh as I stalk towards Renee. I growl out at her in a menacing tone. "Stand up bitch!"

She cowers in fear. "No, please don't. I'm sorry."

"I said, Stand up bitch!"

I hear a sinister laugh coming from the man standing behind me. His tone sends chills throughout my body. It frightens me and turns me on at the same time. He steps forward so he is standing in front of Renee. He bends over and looks my mother in the eyes, he bares his teeth and growls. "If I were you, I would fucking listen to the lady!"

Renee tilts her head and laughs insanely. "like I would listen to you; vampire! My race is older than time, you could never defeat me!"

He laughs back at her then reaches down, grabbing her by the neck and lifting her to stand. "Your race may be older, but I have never ever cowered inside an innocent body, like you have! I am the fucking God of war! I have seen things that will bring you to your knees! "He roars in her face.

Renee grasps at his hands that are wrapped around her neck, trying to claw at him. Her nails sound like they are scraping against marble. He laughs at her and pushes her towards me and backs away.

I can feel my body vibrating with a mythical energy, my fingers tingle, unnaturally. When I look down I notice they are glowing a light color of blue. I press my fingers up against Renee's chest. I speak to her in a powerful tone. "You do not belong here; it is time for you to go!"

I can see a darkness over shadowing her features as she cries out. "Never!"

Taking in a deep breath, I press my fingers against her chest harder. "I said You do not belong here, get the fuck out of this body!",

"Renee's face scrunches up and she hisses at me. "I said, Never! I am not leaving; my job is not done here. I am not finished with her or you, yet!" With one hand she reaches out for my left arm and digs her nails into my flesh and with her other hand she scratches my face.

I screech out, "You, Evil Cunt!" Taking in a deep breath, I let out another sonic boom from my body as I yell. "Get out!" The whole room vibrates; I can hear objects in the home breaking. Renee's body starts to shake. Her face distorts and I can see something struggling inside of her to get out. "Come out, come out and play with me, you little parasite!" I hiss at her

Lifting my fingers from her chest, I move my hands mystically like a spiritual dance, luring the evil from her body. I begin to chant in my ancient tongue as my words form, I feel the magic inside me enhancing. A growl parts from Renee's lips as she snarls at me. Closing my eyes, I begin to chant louder, moving my fingers back like I am pulling the creature from her body. A loud demonic growl echoes around the room. I can also hear my mate breathing heavily, then he growls back at the creature. His energy shifts not only is he sending the creature fear but a dose of curiosity and desire.

I hear a sizzling sound, opening my eyes I see the creature leaving Renee's body and its shadowy form creeps over to my mate. I watch as Renee's body slumps to the grounds and she cries out hysterically. My mate is staring down at the creature. He then looks at me. "Come here my mate, let's have some fun. He holds his hand out to me, as I touch his hand I feel a spark. His whole presence consumes me and standing there together with our hands interlocked I feel whole once again.

Suddenly the room begins to shake and we watch as the creature cowers in fear. A red glow begins to shine in the center of the room. The glow begins to get bigger and expands until we see that the glow is an opening to a portal. My mate and I stand in awe as the portal opens up in the room completely. The screams of tortured souls, echoes from inside the opening. The major and I both take a few steps back.

The shadow creature cries out. "No! Please! It's too early, I'll try harder. I am not finished here yet. Raven came to soon, but I found her like you wanted me to" we witness a large claw like hand and scaled arm reach into the room, grasping hold of the shadowed creature and the voice from inside the portal growls out. "Time is up because you acted too soon." The creature cries out in pain and agony. Just before the portal closes a spine chilling voice echoes through the room "I will be back for you my little Raven and I will be back for your mates the major and the wolf. I want your souls and I will eat your souls. The portal closes as fast as it opened."

I stand there feeling absolutely petrified. A cold chill runs through my body as I squeeze my mates hand as tightly as I can and I hear him growling. I look over to him and he is shaking in rage. He snarls out. "We will end this is. I will not let anyone take you away from me. He gently turns me to him and caresses the side of my face. "We will not lose you now, not after looking for you for so long. We will destroy this being."

Gently I caress my finger tips on his cool cheek. "I don't know how we can. You have no idea the evil we are up against."

"I have seen evil. I have fought pure evil. It may be different. In-fact, I know it is different. Because this time we are fighting for our very souls, and we will win. You have no idea the solders I have that will help us. Plus, the beings that live within our own bodies will help us to become victorious, in this war. Then he looks down at me cocking a brow. "Did I also hear something about another mate and he is a wolf?"


"Humm this can prove to be an interesting fight and life, indeed. Wolfs are strong and brave. I do not know who he is yet. But if he loves you as much as I do, then we will fight harder than anything we have ever fought for to live, our lives with you.

"Well, I'm no weakling. I will fight just as hard."

He laughs softly. "You miss understood me. I know you are brave and strong. I just saw you pull a demon from your mother's chest. Anyone who has lived the life you have lived and lives to tell about it, is strong. As your mate, I do not want to see you suffer any more than I have to."

~End Notes~

I am cutting this chapter in half, so I am able to get this to you sooner. The next chapter will be in the Majors/ Jasper's POV the night in Phoenix