Levy had just walked into her apartment, arms laden with books from the store she had just visited. She hadn't meant to buy that many books, but it kind of just… happened. She placed them on an ever growing pile to the side of the door, before turning around to shut it behind her.

She didn't have any warning until a heavy object smacked into the back of her, pushing her forward into the wood in front of her. She tried to push back, but she felt arms of iron slam either side of her face, trapping her inside. She would know those arms anywhere. Small scales criss-crossed the surface, and she pressed back into the body behind her.

"Where do you think you're going, Shrimp?"

Levy gulped. The voice was a low growl, and it reverberated into her ear. If she had any confusion as to who the man was before, it was as clear as day now. She swallowed hard. It was something that she had wanted for a long time, but now that it was here it was overwhelming. He was so much bigger than her, and he could do anything…

Before she could protest, the arms wrapped around her waist and she could feel herself being lifted into the air. The books around her room sped past her, and she knew she was being carried to her bed. She closed her eyes in anticipation, and felt herself being thrown down against her mattress. It felt odd, usually her bed was covered in books, but today it was strangely empty. The sheets were soft against her skin, but she didn't have much time to think about it before her vision was filled by a certain Iron Dragon Slayer.

His iron scales had covered his entire body, and it made him look more than a little terrifying. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and she could see the way the light from outside was glinting off his abs. Quiet literally. His body engulfed hers, and she toyed with her bottom lip. She shouldn't want this as much as she did.

His hands had removed all of her clothes almost so quickly she didn't notice. Within seconds she was naked under him, and he was admiring her body. She started to curl in on herself, but heard a growl above her. Within seconds, chains had attached to her wrists and ankles, pulling her body until it stretched across the entirety of her bed. The growl turned slowly into a grin, and he licked his lips.

Seconds later, he had captured her mouth in his and was kissing her deeply. She started to resist, but knew she wouldn't be able to keep it much longer and gave into the temptation. His hands were all over her, playing with her nipples before moving further down. Levy was left gasping for breath as the surprisingly smooth metal traced down her abdomen and into her core. She was already ready for him, but he started to tease her by slowly tracing around her core, exploring it as if he was trying to commit it to memory. Levy started moaning into his mouth, and her back arched to try and drag him further into her. She felt him chuckle into her mouth, and he broke them apart to talk to her.

"You want more, little Fairy? All you have to do is ask."

Levy could feel her lips were bruised from the attention they had gotten, but didn't want to give the man the satisfaction of begging him for more. She closed her mouth in determination, staring into his eyes. They glinted in challenge, almost sensing that she was going to be difficult about it. With a grin, showing off his sharp teeth, he began to bite down her body, leaving marks on her skin as he did. She lifted her head, watching him go lower and lower on her body. Her hips squirmed in anticipation, knowing what he was going to do to her. With one last grin he stared into her eyes, before lowering his head.

If his fingers were magic, his tongue was something else. Levy tried hard not to squirm, not to show him just how much pleasure he was giving her, but her hips bucked uncontrollably. Every time they did, Gajeel grabbed her hips to hold her down before once again attacking her core with his mouth. Levy bit her own lip to try and stop herself from crying out, but it didn't help. Her breathing got heavier and heavier as she got closer to her climax, until she found herself screaming out his name.

As soon as the word left her lips she felt his mouth disappear off her core. She moaned in disappointment, and shifted her hips to try and get him to return. Opening her eyes to see what he was doing, she returned to reality just as he entered her.

Another scream of pleasure announced her surprise as she was suddenly filled completely by his cock. It felt amazing inside of her, and she squirmed underneath him. The iron of his skin was pressing down on her body, and she found herself desperate to press him to her, to entwine her fingers in his hear. She tugged on the chains holding her down, but found it impossible to escape. He rested on his elbows, either side of her head, and leaned down in order to bite her neck. She felt his teeth breaking her skin, and she groaned in pleasure again. The pain shot through her body, and felt so good.

He lifted his head again, staring her right in the eyes as he did. His mouth opened, and she anticipated what he was going to say.


The voice coming out of his mouth was strange, far more high pitched than she expected. She cocked her head in confusion, as the entire world seemed to melt around her.

"Are you alright, Levy-chan?"

She felt the familiar texture of paper under her face, and as she slowly opened her eyes Levy could see Juvia sat next to her, looking at her in concern. Sitting up fully, she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before groaning at the awakening.

"Levy-chan was moaning in her sleep so Juvia thought she should wake her up in case she was having a nightmare."

Levy's blush covered her cheeks as she saw Mira tittering to herself behind the bar. Maybe Juvia was naive enough to think it a nightmare, but the demon barmaid sure wasn't.