Hi, everybody! Sorry for taking so long! School is finally over and I have less than 3 weeks until summer school starts, so I plan on writing more! I went a little overboard with Malice's tattoos, but it seems fitting! I took a lot from the Little Women LA cast for Pokey Pete and his ladies! I do plan on incorporating Wonder Woman at some point!

Joe Gnoffo as Pokey Pete, Underground Gotham's best tattoo artist.

Terra Jole Gnoffo as Stephanie, singer and Pokey Pete's wife.

Elena Gant as Natalya, model and Pokey Pete's first girlfriend.

Jasmine Arteaga Sorge as Abril, hairstylist/model and Pokey Pete's second girlfriend.

Thank you so much to acetwolfwolf94, Joshua the Terminian, rocksteadyish, Sarahburch, SilverSun09, theoriginalsrizzlesouat1D and xDreamWalkerxx. You guys are the best and be sure to check out their stories because they rock!


"Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas,
Everybody's looking for something.

Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused."

-"Sweet Dreams" by The Eurythmics

Chapter Fifteen: Tattooed Tensions

"Man, Joker. I envy you." Pokey Pete said as he watched the king of crime at work. For not having any training at all and being only a visual learner, Joker was pretty damn good with a tattoo gun.

"Me?" Joker smirked. "I have a ways to catch up to you, Pokey Pete. A wife and two girlfriends? You're the American dream."

Pokey Pete had been tattooing Joker and Frankie since he started in a seedy bar. After hitting the big top, Joker had invested in Pokey Pete's Tattoo Parlor, with lots of business between them.

"Like you would ever get married, J."

"Maybe one day." Harley said dreamily, twirling a strand of her hair. Who wouldn't want to marry Joker?

"Is it almost done?" Malice looked over her shoulder, only for Joker to shove her head down.

"Hold still, don't interrupt the artist."

It had taken nearly two weeks, but Malice was all tatted up.

On the side of her right rib cage was a tattoo of Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas playing Sally's heart strings while her left side said "All the good girls take off their clothes" with Genie from Aladdin laughing. Ariel, Flounder and Sebastian were on her pelvis with the words "Everything's better down where it's wetter" encircled in bubbles.

A tiny pink, blue, purple, green and black shooting star was above the dimple on her left cheek with the comedy and tragedy masks on her right. The My Little Pony Gang was on the back of her neck while The Powerpuff Girls were on the left.

Since the three of them were so into Game of Thrones, they had to get tattoos to show their love. The High Valaryian phrases of "Valar Morghulis" (meaning "All Men Must Die") and its response of "Valar Dohaeris" (meaning "All Men Must Serve") were tattooed in a bracelet like fashion around either of Malice's wrists. "You Win or You Die" was on the inside of her left forearm while the words of House Martell "Unbowed Unbent Unbroken" were on the inside of her right forearm. She had convinced Harley to get "Khalessi", the Dothraki word for queen while Malice got "Khalakki", the Dothraki word for princess surrounded by pink crowns on the outside of her left middle finger, Joker got Daenerys "Khaleesi" Targaryen's green dragon Viserion with the words "Khal Joker" in flames.

Elsa holding out a snowflake with Olaf dancing below her with the words "Let It Go" were on Malice's right upper arm, Tinkerbell had her fairy wand on the words "Think of all the joy you'll find when you leave the world behind" on her left upper arm.

On one shoulder blade was a silhouette of a couple dancing with the words "City of Stars are you shining just for me?" in a starry sky from La La Land and "Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off" on the other. A black mamba chain of QT was around her waist and Cleopatra and Ophelia were on either one of her hips, and a line of black x's went down her entire spine.

"Joker Quinn" was on her right ankle, "Hakuna Matata" on her left foot, Mickey Mouse on the back of one calf with Minnie Mouse on the back of the other to make it look like they were kissing. Malice and Harley got matching tattoos of Hello Kitty holding a pink heart and one of the Mockingjay from The Hunger Games, Harley's saying "Big Kat" and Malice's saying "Baby Kat".

Joker also got a tattoo of a Shakespeare quote from Romeo and Juliet "These violent delights have violent ends" along with a tattoo of a feral Mickey Mouse having Minnie Mouse bent over doggie style.

"What can I say? I make the good girls go bad." Joker stepped back and admired his work.

"How does it look, Daddy?"

"Perfect, baby. Just perfect. Go see for yourself."

Malice jumped off the tattoo table, adjusting her bikini top and pleated mini skirt before she looked over her shoulder at the fresh "Property of Joker" tramp.

"Eeee!" Malice squealed and clapped her hands. "Look, Harlz, we're matching!"

"Hell yes!" Harley giggled as they bumped hips, looking over at Joker.

"You're so right, J. It is fantastic."

"I'm a man of many trades, my dear."

"Well, it looks amazeballs. Thank you." Malice said with a smile. No matter what happened, she would be bound to them both. After all, tattoos are forever.

October 30th

It was a busy night at Grinn and Bare It, people were wanting to get their last minute ya-yas out the day before Halloween. Tomorrow night the club would be closed for Malice's coronation.

Bradley walked in after going through security, taking in the atmosphere. The club certainly looked like a haunted house, hued in black and orange. He spotted Malice on the stage in a skimpy two piece outfit, dancing to "Sweet Dreams" by The Eurythmics. Following a spin, she spotted him and beamed.


Malice jumped off the stage and ran over, wrapping her arms around her grandfather, who was incredibly stiff.

"Angelique." He didn't care who she was now, she'd always be his little Angelique, which is why he hugged her back.

"Gramps, I've missed you." She hugged him tightly before he gave her a kiss on the cheek and stepped away, looking her up and down.

"Angie? Is that really you?"

Malice giggled. "We've already been through this, and I'm Malice now, remember?"

"I don't even recognize you anymore." He held out her arms. "When did you get all these tattoos?"

"Do you like them?" She smiled and did a little twirl.

Grandpa Bradford shrugged. "They seem a bit excessive."

"Don't judge me, you have a tattoo, also."

"One, Angelique, just one tattoo. Not a myriad head to toe."

"Hmmm, ok. Come on, I want to introduce you to my friends!" Malice dragged him by the hand and led him to the men. "Gramps, this is Deadshot, El Diablo, Captain Boomerang, Harvey Dent a.k.a. Two Face and Killer Croc!"

"Good evening, gentleman." He nodded over at the table of criminals, hiding his fear over El Diablo and Killer Croc's horrifying appearances.

Floyd raised his glass. "Nice to meet you, man. Your granddaughter talks about you a great deal."

"Yeah." Killer Croc growled out. "Cheers, old timer."

"Poppa!" Harley walked over and gave Bradford a big hug. "How are you?"

"Fine." He said tersely, looking around the club. "Where's Joker?"

"He's in the back. Malice, honey, take him back there. I'm gonna kick these boys' asses in poker!"

"Ha! I'll drink to that, because it ain't gonna happen!" Boomerang said with a snicker.

Malice pushed back the gilded beaded curtains of Joker's lounging room.

"Joker Boo, look who's here!"

"Besides my little malicious princess?" He turned around in his chair, that stupid wicked grin on his face that made Bradford grimace but Malice squeal.

"Yes, besides me. It's Grandpa!"

She strutted over and hopped on Joker's lap, wrapping herself all around him and proceeded to make-out with her king, her fingers tugging at his hair. His hands were all over her, just the way she liked it.

"Ahem." Bradford cleared his throat, interrupting the scene that felt like it had been lasting forever when it was only about ten minutes.

"Whoops, sorry, Gramps." Malice giggled. "I just can't get enough of this one." Malice gave Joker a kiss on the cheek before getting up.

"Hey, man! It's been some time." Joker was about to walk over when Bradford held his hand up.

"No need to greet me, I'll make this quick."

"Oh." Joker grinned. "Fast and to the point, I knew I always liked you."

"Uh huh. You've got a lot of explaining to do, both of you."

"About what, exactly? Did you forget I'm the Clown King of Gotham? I ain't gotta 'splain myself to nobody."

"Not this time, pal. What the hell were you to thinking sending that tape?" He looked over at Malice. "You really think I want to see my granddaughter in that kind of light? Your mother nearly had a heart attack."

Malice and Joker looked at him before busting up in hysterical laughter, laughing so had they had tears in their eyes.

"Oh, my God! I told you it would work!" Malice shrieked in glee as they high fived.

"Yes, you sure did, sugarplum. I knew you had some brilliance up there!" Joker gave her a kiss.

"It's not funny." Bradford replied tersely. "I'm about the only sane ally you've got on your side right now, and I'm this close to calling the whole thing off."

Their grins disappeared, Joker rolling his jaw in annoyance.

"You make it seem like that statement carries a lot weight, Pops."

Bradford ignored him and focused on Malice. "It should, I'm your only link to the outside world, kiddo. The search has become more widespread at this point, five different girls have come forward claiming to be you."

"Ha! That is hilarious." Malice said.

"Not really. Your parents are worried sick about you. Joker," Bradford looked over at him. "let her go or at least let her tell her family she's ok."

"Why haven't you just spilled the beans already?" Joker asked. "You seem pretty dead set on taking this down."

"It's not my place and I was hoping for once in your miserable life, you'd do the right thing."

"If they cared about how she was, they wouldn't have sent her to that shithole Arkham, nobody denies that. You know what?" Joker's eyes narrowed and his voice turned into a near snarl. "Tonight is a really good night for me, and I've about had it up to here with your bullshit. Get out of my sight."

"And what nobody else denies is that you'll just get tired of her and discard her when somebody new comes along. Think about it, Jack. You replaced Harley with Malice, everybody is disposable to you."

"WHAT?!" Joker threw Malice off of him and whipped out his gun, holding it to Bradford's head, his annoyance increasing when the older man didn't even flinch. "Don't try and test me, man. You'll be in a world of hurt!"

"Joker, no!" Malice yanked his arm away and pinned it behind his back. "What did I say? Don't you ever touch him! I don't give a shit if you control everything, that is the one thing you will not cross me on!"

Joker smirked, secretly loving this side of her, he would let her pay later. "Whatever, just get him out of my sight." He fired his gun into the ceiling, not giving a shit of the patron's screams.

"Come on, Gramps." Malice linked arms with him and walked them out.

"Angelique, what the hell are you doing?! This is not the life you're meant to live! It's dangerous and it's going to get you killed!"

"I'm fine, they take great care of me! You don't understand, Grandpa." Malice smiled and twirled her hair, turning around and blowing a kiss at Joker, he could literally see the hearts in her eyes. "The course of true love never did run smooth. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind."

Bradford shook his head sadly. "You're quoting Shakespeare? Jesus Christ, Malice! You're not in love, you're brainwashed!" He grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her slightly. "I don't care if you're Malice, you'll always be my Cupie Doll. You have to come home. This life, it isn't healthy."

"I can't go back, I can only go forward."

"Angelique," Bradford lowered his voice. "Bruce is contemplating calling in the Justice League to come rescue you."

Malice froze, her eyes widening. "What? W-Wonder Woman?! Justice League?"

Her blood ran cold when he nodded. Angelique had always looked up to Wonder Woman for as long as she could remember. What would she think of her, a spoiled heiress or degenerate lover to the most feared and loathed criminal in Gotham.

"How did you know?"

"I have my sources, Angel. You need to end this all and come home, now."

She shook her head in both truth and defiance. "I'm sorry but I can't. I've really never felt like this before, I can't describe it at all but I know I would die if I were ever without it." Although it was bad, she decided to turn the tables on Bradford. "At least I'm not holding back, how long did it take you to get together with Mabel Jo?"

Malice was really one to talk, but with Joker it was a game. She was a girl and love was her weakness. Maybe he'd say it one day, but she wasn't holding her breath...

Grandpa Bradford ignored the question. "How's this going to work? What, you think you'll have a couple of kids and live happily ever after in the suburbs?"

Malice opened her mouth to speak but stopped herself. Unfortunately, he was right.

"I thought so. Good luck to you, sweetheart."

As he walked away, Malice started to freak out. She couldn't lose him.

"Grandpa, please!" She grabbed him by the shoulders, tears in her eyes. "I need you and Mabel Jo at my coronation tomorrow night. You're the only blood relative I have left in this world, please don't let me down. I love you, it wouldn't be the same without you. At least tell me you'll consider it."

Bradford shook his head. "I don't know-"


She looked up at him with her big doe eyes, desperation completely cloaking her.

"I suppose I'll be there. Just think about what I told you, ok?" Bradford gave her a kiss on the head before walking out. Malice wiped her tears before going back to Joker.

"Hey, how'd it go in there?" Mabel Jo asked, looking up from her book as Bradford got into his Cadillac.

All he did was sigh heavily and shook his head. "She's further gone than I ever thought. Joker's right, I should just tell her parents, but I could see things becoming far worse than they already are, especially if Bruce ever finds out." He looked over at Mabel Jo. "I don't want her involved in one of Batman and Joker's infamous fights. If that were to happen, with the way her mind is now, she'd die for that deranged maniac."