(Davis) Our fight with the Dark Stars continue and we were finally able to figure out that they plan to revive a bakugan that was sealed away and could bring chaos if he is released. That's why Drago gave us extra power and it caused our bakugan to evolve. Our battle with them continues, but we're not going to give up without a fight.

The bakugan and the Brawlers lay on the ground in defeat. They all tried to get up, but each of the bakugan were injure critically.

"I say that they are down for the count." Diego said.

"Good. Now they won't get in our way." Odisu said. "Now it's time that we head to New Vestroia. I shall take the power of the perfect core and make it mine."

"I made sure that no home bakugan will get in our way." Diego said.

"Hey!" Both of them looked down and saw Zeke and Tyrone heading towards them as the members of the Dark Stars regrouped.

"Is that it?" Zeke said.

"Yes. We have obtain our ultimate goal." Joseph said.

"Yes, we finally won!" Tyrone said.

"Cool. Now let's do what we need to and call it a day." Henry said.

"I'm afraid you're all mistaken." Diego said.

"Your services are no longer required." Odisu said.

"No longer required?" Starsive said.

"What do you mean that it's no longer required?" Hawkcher said. Sudo looked at Diego's face and saw the answer in an evil smirk.

"You were planning on dumping us. We were nothing, but tools for you to use. Tell me I'm wrong." Sudo said.

"You're actually not. I needed assistance to free Odisu and now that it's done, I no longer need any of you." Diego said. Odisu shot a blast wave and pushed all five of them away. All of the Brawlers got up and looked at what he's done.

"You monster. Those guys did what you said and you're just throwing them away?" Davis said.

"I'm afraid I won't be taking any more questions. I have a tight schedule to keep." Diego said. He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a switch. He pressed the button and the building shot a beam of light and created a portal in the sky and Odisu flew through.

"Where's he going?" Leonidas said.

"He's going to New Vestroia." Sudo said as he tried to get up. "He's going to take the power of the perfect core."

"Now I get it. That must be why he left that machine in New Vestroia." Leonidas said. "He left all the bakugan in ball form so that he would meet little to no resistance. We've got to stop him."

"We are." Davis said as he walked over to Leonidas. He looked around and saw that none of the other bakugan were moving. "It looks like we're on our own, Leonidas. The others are to injured from that fight."

"Davis, wait a minute." Flint said. "Odisu can use the power of all of his attributes. You have to watch out for the Aquos abilities. Pyrus are at a disadvantage against that attribute. You would have the advantage over Darkus, but Diego is smart enough to know not to use that against you. Aim for his counter attacks if he uses any of the other four attributes. That might be your best shot."

"Thanks for the tip. Are you ready, Leonidas?" Davis said.

"I'm ready. Let's end this for good." Leonidas said. Davis climbed on and Leonidas flew up as they went after them.


New Vestroia

All the bakugan remained trapped in ball form because of the machine that Diego and the Dark Stars left when they took the crystal. The machine also acted like a receiver so that portal opens over it. The portal opened up and Diego tossed a gate card onto the field so that Odisu can stay in ball form.

"New Vestroia? Not much seems to have changed." Odisu said.

"Perhaps, but it doesn't matter. Once we take the perfect core, we'll remake this world and Earth to our liking." Diego said.

"That isn't going to happen." They looked to see Leonidas fly flew and was able to strike Odisu in the face.

"It's you again." Odisu said.

"What are the two of you doing here?" Diego said.

"We're not letting you near the perfect core." Davis said.

"This ends now." Leonidas said.

"Oh please. Alone, you are no match for me." Odisu said.

"You should have stayed away, but you chose this. It's time we got rid of you once and for all." Diego said.

"That isn't going to happen." Davis said.

"Let's fly!" Odisu said.

"Let's battle!" Leonidas said. Both of them flew up and crashed against each other in the sky.

"Ability Activate, Dragon Shooter!" Leonidas took his star shape and flew at Odisu, but Odisu flew up and avoided it.

"Do you need a reminder that he can use all the attributes?" Diego said. "Ability Activate, Aquos Presser!" Odisu launched a body sized, blue wave blast.

"Watch out! Flint said to avoid the Aquos abilities." Davis said. Leonidas was able to pull himself up and barely avoided it.

"We're not going to fall for the same tricks." Leonidas said. He fired a barrage of attacks with his battle gear and was able to hit Odisu, but it wasn't doing much damage against him.

"Ability Activate, Haos Slide!" Diego said. Odisu flapped his wings and fired a barrage of energy slashes that Leonidas was trying to avoid.

"Now's our chance!" Davis said. Leonidas was able to fly fast enough and strike Odisu. "It worked. All we have to do is wait for them to counter attack and they are left vulnerable."

"Don't get cocky just because you managed to get one hit in." Diego said.

"Then, we'll try to weaken that great power of yours. Ability Activate, Crimson Starlight!" Davis said. Leonidas unleashed a bright red light from his body and it was making Odisu weaker.

"Ability Activate, Ventus Bleak!" Diego said and Odisu turned into wind and disappeared.

"Where did they go?" Leonidas said and then felt something grab the back of his neck and shoved him down. They looked up to see Odisu had him. "Get off me!"

"Not until we reach the bottom." Odisu said. They reached the ground and Odisu pulled away at the last second and caused Leonidas to crash into the ground. "Give it up. You can't defeat me to begin with."

"Never. We'll never surrender or go down to the likes of you." Leonidas said.

"That's right. We never give up the fight." Davis said.

"It's impossible. Odisu is invincible." Diego said.

"Do you ever shut up?" Leonidas said. He aimed his battle gear and fired, but Odisu was able to move back and avoid it.

"Ability Activate, Subterra Collision!" Diego said. Odisu caused two rocks to rise out of the ground and slid them to crush Leonidas. Leonidas was able to fly up and avoid getting crushed. "We're not done yet. Ability Activate, Pyrus Shower!" Odisu extended his wings and fired a barrage of fireballs at them that Leonidas tried to block.

"You'll have to do better than our own attribute." Davis said. "Ability Activate, Shining Spiral Comet!" Leonidas spun around in a mixture of fire and energy and struck Odisu in his chest.

"Okay, I'll admit that you're stronger than I thought. You might actually be a challenge." Odisu said.

"We're not even close to being done yet." Leonidas said.

"Now, we'll show you what the battle gear can do. Battle Gear ability Activate, Tanklot Barrage!" Davis said. Leonidas fired the barrage of energy beams and they blasted Odisu and was able to push him back. "We've got them, Leonidas."

"Don't declare our victory yet. The battle isn't over." Leonidas said. They waited for Odisu, but he was gone. "Where did they go now?"

"Ability Activate, Ventus Stopper!" Leonidas felt his hands and feet were being pulled as balls of wind circled around them and he was restricted in the air.

"What's going on?" Davis said. He turned around and spotted Odisu and Diego.

"This is not a place for toys. Ability Activate, Haos Spears!" Odisu fired the rays from his fingers and penetrated the metal of the battle gear and caused it to fall off.

"No! Flint worked hard on that." Davis said.

"Now, we can have some real fun." Odisu said. He moved his hand around and was tossing Leonidas around. He caused Leonidas to crash back in the ground.

"Ability Activate, Aquos Infect!" Diego said. Odisu unleashed a blob of blue energy and it touched down on Leonidas and it felt like acid against him as he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Leonidas, no!" Davis said.

"It's over. You never stood a chance against me." Odisu said.

"You're wrong." Leonidas said as he tried to fight through the pain. "You might have the power of all six attributes, but that doesn't mean a thing." Leonidas fought through the energy and was able to stand again.

"Impossible! How can you still be standing?" Odisu said.

"You should be begging for mercy." Diego said.

"You're nothing, but a power hungry fool." Leonidas said. "There's no way I would ever lose to someone like you."

"That's right." Davis said.

"I've had enough of this. It's time to end your lives." Odisu said.

"This is goodbye. Ability Activate, Attribute Annihilation!" Diego said. Odisu was glowing a bright light of a rainbow color and unleashed a powerful blast.

"Aren't you listening? We won't lose." Davis said.

"That's right. We will fight to our very end." Leonidas said. The attack landed and caused a large explosion from a dome of light.

"It looks like that was your end." Odisu said. Both of them were confident that they won.

"Wrong." Leonidas appeared right in front of them.

"Ability Activate, Star Cannon!" Davis said. Leonidas was powering up his signature blast and fired it at close range and it blasted through Odisu.

"Impossible!" Odisu shouted.

"I warned you. You soul desire for power will always lead to your end." Leonidas said.

"No, this can't be happening." Diego said and was getting caught in a bright light and vanished into it. The machine got caught in it too and was destroyed with all the bakugan returning into ball form. When everything settled, Odisu and Diego were gone.

"Is it over?" Davis said.

"It is." Leonidas said. Then, they noticed six lights floating around. "Is that Odisu's power?" All six of the lights entered Leonidas and his form was changing. His wings became more round with a yellow X over his chest. He also had a few silver marks on his body.

"Did you evolve again?" Davis said.

"Yes. Now, I am Pyrus Force Leonidas." Leonidas said. Victory has at last been there's and the Dark Stars reign of terror came to an end.


Davis and Leonidas went back through the portal and met up with the others.

"Davis, did you win?" Keith said.

"Yeah, I did." Davis said.

"Leonidas, you evolved again!" T.K. said.

"That is amazing." Yolei said.

"At last, it's all over." Ben said.

"Yes, a glorious day this is." Leonidas said. All of them were happy in their victory, but Flint noticed his former teammates.

"So what are you guys going to do now?" Flint said.

"We don't know." Zeke said.

"I can't believe Davis actually won." Sudo said.

"Clearly it was fate." Joseph said.

"Yes. Now, if you ask me, it's time for you guys to start over." Flint said.

"A start over?" Zeke said.

"Yes. The Dark Stars are finished, but a new story can begin." Flint said. "Each of you can start over, no more being used. Take it from me and take it. Diego is not here anymore. What do you guys say?" Perhaps a fresh start is what they all needed and they all accepted.

"Now that this is over, there's just one thing left to do." John said.

"What's that?" Davis said.

"Now that Leonidas, it's time for that rematch. What do you say, Davis?" John said.

"You're one." Davis said. It's back to battling for fun and no more enemies, at least for now. "Bakugan Brawl!"

AN: I know that this might seemed like it was rushed, but I wanted to get it done and I couldn't think of some sort of emotional scene like they do at the end of every ending.