Chapter 6

The attire in this realm didn't suit her,

Tight, constricting, and confining. All terms Elsa wasn't fond of.

She would have much preferred her flowing dresses and skirts that allowed freedom of movement, but she had to limit her magic use to caring for the baby.

Desperate times, she thought to herself as she struggled to pull on a pair of black pants, or "jeans," as Tooth had called them. While they were tight, Elsa appreciated the extra effort tooth took to find colors she suited.

After a quiet struggle, Elsa let out a sigh, feeling the jeans strain against her belly.

Are they meant to make you feel fat?

Examining herself in the large blue rimmed mirror in the center of the room, Elsa conceded that it could be worse.

The dark jeans had bright blue swirly patterns that ran up the sides of legs, which matched the softer blue blouse. The only word Elsa could think of to describe it was "flowy." The buttons on the "U" shaped neck sparkled in the soft light of the window. The only problem with the blouse was the itchy fringe on the sleeves.

The shoes, however, Elsa was amazed by. Tooth called them sneakers, and they were so soft. The arch of her foot felt odd not being elevated by heels, but the cushiony padding helped her adjust. They were white, with a blue check mark on the side. Not exactly matching, but the comfort made up for it.

A tap on the door snapped Elsa out of her sneaker daze.

Glancing at the fitfully sleeping baby, Elsa carefully tiptoed to the double doors.

Opening it slowly, Elsa was surprised to see no one in sight. Glancing up and down the long hallway that led directly to her room, Elsa came up empty.

Eyes suspicious, she started to turn back to the room when something grabbed her knee gently.

Suppressing a squeak of surprise, Elsa looked down. A tiny thing, tall as her knee, of brown fur looked up at her. Blinking solemnly with bright green round eyes, big as moons on its tiny face, caused her to gasp in adorableness. Elsa lost it when it made the cutest little noise ever, a small squeak

"Awwwwww." She whispered while grabbing her face and smiling. The Fur ball cocked its head at her, then reached its little arms up in a "pick me up" gesture.

She knelt and brushed its head, the fur softer than anything she had ever conjured up with her magic. It opened its mouth to reveal teeny tiny teeth, hidden underneath the fur moustache which was long enough to hit its belly.

It grunted again, and she wrapped her hands underneath its armpits and lifted.

It weighed only a little more than Ander, and nuzzled her neck.

Oh My GoD Its so C UTE, Elsa mouthed the words to herself. After checking to make sure she was alone, she cooed and hugged the little thing tight.

Little did she know, a pair of icy eyes watched her from the window.

Sooo yeah, that's chapter 6. If you hadn't already guessed, yes, that is a baby yeti I don't know how they're created in the movie, so I just decided to make stuff up. A baby Yeti would be the cuuuutest thing ever. See you next chapter guys ;)