Disclaimer: I still don't own anything.

"Which color? Blue or green?" He held up the color palettes.

"I like the forest green shade better. By the way, it's not just green. It's forest green." I said, sticking out my tongue and pointing to its color code. It clearly said #228b22.

"Always the smart ass..." He says, tickling my sides.

"Ha-ha! Hey! Knock it off!" In a fit of laughter, I collapse on the couch as he straddled me and continued to tickle me. "Sam! You're cheating!"

He stopped his tickle torture and brushed his lips against mine. "I love you."

"I love you too." I wrap my arms around him and deepen the kiss. "Mmmmmmm..."

"Leah! Emily is on the phone!" Jolting up, I shove him off of me. He landed on the floor with a loud thud. Oh thank god for mom. We both agreed to wait until marriage to reach the next stage of intimacy. Lately it was getting harder to resist. With the wedding just months away, the sexual tension between us was becoming unbearable.

"I-I guess I'll see you later." He gave me a quick kiss and all but ran out the front door. Awwww! An embarrassed Sam was an adorable Sam.

"Yeah. We'll plan more later!" I call out.

Grabbing the phone, I quickly ran to my room and locked the door. Seth was out with dad on another fishing trip but I had a feeling they'd be home sooner than later. I wanted no nosy brother's and his friends eavesdropping. Clicking the phone, I sat on the edge of my bed. "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!?" My ears!

"Hi to you too Emily." I giggled.

"Oh my gosh! It's about time you guys decided to tie the knot!"

"I have a favor to ask you..."

"Come on spill!"

"Will you be my maid of honor?"

"Of course! We promised each other that like a long time ago. You'll be my maid of honor at my wedding and I'd be yours!"

"Thanks Em."

"You have to give me details! Don't leave me hanging! How did he purpose to you?!"

"Well..." The conversation lasted for hours. We giggled and gushed like the little school girls we were. Mom calling me down for dinner was the end of our girl talk.

"Dad! Sam's missing!" I sobbed into the phone. Sam had caught some sort of flew last week. He had severe fevers, vomited his meals and was oddly moody. His mother had put him on bed arrested until he had shown signs of progress, much to his dismay. I came by every day, making him soup and checking his temperature. Today was like any other day. I made him some chicken noodle soup, I grabbed some cookies mom made the previous night and I made my way to his house. But he wasn't there.

The door was wide open, off of its hinges and the main floor was completely destroyed. In a panic I called his cell phone...only to find it in his room. I called his mother and asked her if she knew anything. She was just finishing up work for the day when she got my call. Hoping into her car, she said she'd be there in a few minutes. But with each long second, I couldn't take it anymore. I had to do something. So I called him.


"Sam! Sam's not here! He's not here dad. He's not-"

"Sweetie. You need to calm down. Take deep breaths and explain the situation to me."

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale... " I was checking up on him. When I got here, the entire place was trashed. There's even large claw marks on the door! Dad, what is going on?"

"Hold on. I'll be there soon." And without another word, he hung up on me.

3 weeks.

It has been 3 weeks since Sam's disappearance. I searched for him every day. And every day, I never found him. My mind was swirling with unanswered questions. Was he kidnapped? Did a wild animal attack him? Was he still alive?

Dad said I shouldn't worry about him as much as I did. He was suspiciously calm about the current situation and I couldn't figure out why. It wasn't as if I cared anyway. The only thing on my mind was Sam's disappearance. I hadn't called off the wedding. I couldn't. Not with that small grain of hope I carried.

Rumors were flying around. People gave me looks of pity whenever I was around them. "Samuel Uley abandoned the poor girl - like father like son." They'd say in hushed tones. But I could still hear them.

I heard a loud knock on the door. I was home alone, and as much as I'd like to pretend I wasn't here, avoidance wasn't an option. Shuffling to the door I opened it...and came face to face with Sam. Or what looked like him. He was taller, bulky and had a more muscular frame.


"Hi." Was I dreaming? Was I finally going insane?

He hesitantly wrapped his arms around me. He was burning! "I missed you. My god did I ever miss you."

"W-where have you been?" I couldn't stop the tears flowing out of me.

"I would love to tell you. I would tell you everything. Every little fucked up thing that's been happening to me. But it isn't my place to tell. "


"Trust me Leah."

I nodded, "Come in. You're burning up again."

He stepped back, "I'm fine. I have to see my mother. I'll take a rain-check. Picnic tomorrow? We have a wedding to plan."

"Yeah," I laugh and add, "If it isn't raining."

Kissing my cheek he started walking towards... the woods? But before I could say anything, he was gone.

Waking up to a jumping Emily was not how I expected my morning to be. I completely forgot about her visiting for the next couple of months to help with the wedding. I felt refreshed. But wary. What was going on with Sam? And why did I have a bad feeling about today? I had never felt so confused about Sam before. We knew each other. I've known him like the back of my hand. Maybe it's nothing. Maybe I'm just over-exaggerating things.

"Come on! Wake up! We have lots of planning to do!" Emily wasn't too thrilled to continue on with the plans, but she supported me anyway.

"There's a change of plans. Sam came over yesterday and wanted to discus wedding plans over a picnic."

"He's back?! I'm going to give that son of a bitch a piece of my mind!" I gaped at her. It wasn't like Emily to swear.

"Em. Please don't! There's something wrong and I'm going to get to the bottom of it. Just, please trust me on this."

Before she could respond there was a knock at the door. "Be easy on him. I have to get ready."

"Sam! Open up the god damn door!" I screamed. I couldn't care less at the moment if I made a scene. The front door was locked and his mother was at work. At least they replaced the door. I thought sourly.

I shower, and get all dolled up. Only for Emily to tell me he stared at her and stormed off. "I'm not leaving until I get some answers!"

Opening the door, he stepped out, closing the door behind him. Not once did he make eye contact or acknowledge me. Without a word, he started walking. Keeping up with him was a bit of a hassle. Once we reached the cliffs he started to pace. "Sam?"

"Leah. I can't do this anyone." What?!

"What are you talking about Sam? Have I done something wrong?" My world was falling a part in front of my eyes.

"You haven't. Not in the slightest. I fucked up. I fucked it all up. You're too good for me. You need to forget about me."

And without a word or a glace, he left me.

Present Day

"Leah?" Startled, I jerk upwards. Jake was standing over me. I have got to stop thinking about him. The past is the past. Today is the day I move my plan forward. Today is the day for a new beginning. One without Sam. "You know...you don't have to be there."

"I need to Jake. I have to move on." I said in a strained voice.

His face softened. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I have a job to do." Whether I liked it or not, I was a bridesmaid. Sitting up, I realized I was still on the cliffs. I must've fallen asleep. "What time is it?"

"Almost noon. You have a few hours. Don't stress over it." He sat down beside me. "We know it's not going to be easy for you. We're here for you Leah. I'm here for you." With his crazy imprint mind, I had almost forgotten about it. He once went through what I went through, only he didn't actually date her and he ended up with a happy ending. One I didn't have. Remember the plan Leah? It's going to be a happy ending for you too.

He continued, "The Cullen's were invited." Seeing my confusion he added, "Sam wasn't too thrilled but Emily's inviting everyone. She wanted Nessie to be a flower girl with Claire. She considers them as her in-laws and you know how it is." Of course I do. Imprinters could never say no to their imprintees. It was like some type of golden rule in the imprint book.

He gave me a one armed hug and quietly left me to my thoughts. I sighed. Today is going to be a new day.

Everything was beautiful. Not as elegant as Bella's wedding but it did have its charm. The simpleness of it all wasn't over the top but rather humbling. Fortunately for them, they could have their outdoor wedding. The sun decided to grace them with a visit. As I made my way through the gigantic tent, I couldn't help but admire the decor. While it was nice, it was too bland for my liking. Everything was white. The tables, the napkins, the chairs, hell even the flowers. There wasn't a splash of color anywhere. Brady and Collin were still setting up the food table. I guess I'm early.

I looked around. Embry and Quil were seated at the far end. I might as well sit with them to kill some time.

"So then we'll shoot the confetti launchers off and – oh hey Leah!"

I nodded in a silent greeting. "You look nice." I said awkwardly. Opening up and being nice was going to be harder than I thought.

Quil smirked, "I knew it was a matter of time before you fell for my charming self."

Embry smacked Quil, "Yeah – you're such a ladies man."

I laughed and took a seat. When I looked at them, their eyes were widened. "What?"

"Did Leah Clearwater just giggle?" Embry was the first to speak.

"I did no such thing!" I didn't giggle. Or at least I don't think I did...

"I guess my irresistible charm is working!" Quil wiggled his eyebrows.

"Leah Clearwater charmed by anything? Yeah right. She's too big of a bitch to even know what the word 'love' is." Oh look. The one and only Paul Lahote graced us with his gigantic ass of a personality. I was about to retort, when I remembered the whole point of today. New me, new day. So I straightened myself, sat back down and ignored him.

"What? Can't the whining harpy hear?" He mocked me and turned my chair around.

"Go fuck off somewhere Paul." Embry shocked me by getting up and shoving Paul into the nearest table.

My relationships with Embry and Quil weren't as bad as they used to be back then. In Sam's pack, I admit to being a bitch. Because I am. Physically and emotionally. But since they switched packs, things have been quite different between us. While we're not that close, we have respect for each other. Our weird pack is like a fucked up family.

Family. Something Sam's pack will never be to me. Paul being the prime example.

"Oh so are you two together now? Is she that much of a slut-"

"That's enough Paul." That voice. I had gotten goose bumps just hearing it.

Sam pushed them on either side of him. His entire body screamed authority. "If I catch either of you misbehaving during this, I don't give a shit if Jacob is your Alpha or not, you will be punished. Got it?"

Paul nodded.

Embry looked down, "Got it." He glared at Paul before sitting back down.

Quil cleared his throat, "As I was saying before, we press the button and boom! It's just like the movies!"

I was still pissed but I had to remain calm. "A new project?" I asked casually.

Embry fixed his tie, "Sorta. You se-"

"It is AWESOME! We made a confetti launcher for the wedding using some old parts from the junk yard. Took us 3 months but we did it! Gave it a nice coat of white paint and bam! It's a beauty!" If it weren't for my heightened hearing, Quil's rapid babbles would be unintelligible.

He grabs my hand and yanks me from my seat. "C'mon! I'll show you!" I wanted to reply with a snarky remark about his childlike personality. I wanted to slap him for touching me. But I knew I couldn't. Not without my plan falling to billions of little pieces. I guess I have to put up with the annoying energy drink that is Quil Ateara.

Dragging me to a wall of white flowers he stopped by a well hidden canon. The paint job was chipping but overall, it wasn't terrible. Impressive to say the least. Do I say that? Would I be too nice? Would I alert them? "Sooooooooooooo what'cha think?!"

Oh God. Think Leah think. What is the nicest yet not too nice but not offensive way of complimenting? "I uhhh it's great. You guys outdone yourselves."

For the second time today, Quil was staring at me. "What?"

"Oh nothing." He quickly changed he subject, "I would show you how it works but I guess you'll have to wait and see it later."

I slightly smiled. "I can't wait to see it."

"Leah!" Mom was running frantically towards me.

"I'll see you guys later."

The women gushed and fluttered around Emily. The more they giggle, the more I wanted to stab my eyes out. The bridesmaid dresses were a horrendous orange. I felt like a puffed up Cheeto. At least I'm not wearing what Kim's wearing. She looks like a puffy dandelion. But that could've been me.

Emily wanted me to be the maid of honor but I passed and settled for a bridesmaid. Kim was later announced to be the new maid of honor. At least that is a positive to this.

"It's almost show time!" Aunt Lauren gleefully sang.

The aching feeling was building up in my chest. I couldn't do it. Hell I couldn't be here. I was stupid to think I could just come here without feeling the pain.

The music started to play as we lined up. I linked my arm through Jake's.

"You ready?" He asked. I wanted to thank him for helping me not look as pathetic as I felt.

"As I'll ever be."

"We are gathered here today, to celebrate the love between Samuel Uley and Emily Young as they enter holy matrimony."

You can do this Leah. Be strong. They can't see you shed any more tears.

"Do you Samuel take Emily, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to share your life openly, standing with her in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, in hardship and in ease, to cherish and love forever more?"

I held my breath for what felt like hours.

"I do."

It stung. The harshness of reality had slapped me across the face.

"And do you, Emily take Samuel to be your lawfully wedded husband, to share your life openly, standing with him in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, in hardship and in ease, to cherish and love forever more?"

"I do."

I couldn't hear anything anymore. All I heard was static.

I felt something tug at my arm and lead me somewhere. Where? I'm not sure. I wasn't paying attention to anything anymore.

But then I smelled him.

My mind started to process everything. I was in a clearing in the woods. And Edward Cullen was leaning against a tree. How did I get from the tent on the beach to the middle of the woods?

"Jacob was trying to get your attention but he couldn't reach you. It looked like you were about to pass out. Your emotional suffering was too much for me to handle. So I brought you out here to clear your mind."

Right. Mind reader. Almost forgot about that.

"If you want to talk about it-"

"I'm fine." I quickly retort, my walls standing on high alert.

"I know it's not easy." How many times have I heard that before? He ignored me and continued, "but if you'd like, which honestly is very unlikely based on your opinion of us, we can be friends."

I snorted. Really? Friends with a vampire and him out of all of them? "You need a friend Leah. Someone to talk to and fall back on. Your depression has gotten to a dangerous level. I'm only trying to help you."

The plan Leah! THE plan! In the moment of drowning in my sorrows, I had almost forgotten about my plan. Without hesitation, I closed the space in between us and kissed him. Hard.

In a matter of seconds, he gently but firmly shoved me away. His eyes flashed and glared at me. His lips forming a thin frown. "Your plans for revenge aren't going to work." His voice was low and menacing, "I will be your friend, nothing less, nothing more."

With lightning speed, he vanished from my view. Probably going back to tell the others about everything. Nice going. You fucked it up and now everyone is going to hate you – more than what they did anyway.

Times like this makes me wonder why I'm not on some dating reality TV show.

"Tell us about yourself." The chubby guy holding a clip board asks.

Looking into the camera I'd say, "My name is Leah Clearwater and my special ability is making men disappear. "

O-O Hi! There's people who actually like my shitty writing? Wow! I just wanted to say thank you to those who took the time to read, follow, favorite and review. Means a lot to me to have the support. I'm sorry for the late update. School's starting up again so I've been busy with a lot of things. But I can assure you, I'll never abandon any of my stories.

Guest named Silver: Thank you! I have an idea but I'm not 100% sure of where the plot is going. Also, your wish is my command. ;)

Legacyda1andonly: Ty! :) Don't worry, I plan on it.

s m Neal: Ty! I picked Ali and Blair as inspirations because in the TV shows (the book characters are drastically different) they're both seen as these manipulative selfish antagonists. But they show signs of humanity when it comes to the people they really care about. PLL and GG are also two shows I've recently watched. I haven't watched OTH in so long! I haven't watched Veronica Mars (But I am going to when I find the time) so I'd say Brooke Davis. Who knows? Maybe I will throw in a badass friendship between my 2 favorite characters. I guess you'd have to find out! ;3

Guest: Thank you for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed it.^_^

brankel1: Ty. :)

Tobi-Is-Fluffy-Chan: I know the struggle! ;-; I've been waiting for so many authors to complete their stories, and they haven't updated since 2012. Here's an update for ya!

And again, thank you for all your love and support.

Xoxo - BayBeeDoll