A/N: How's it going everybody!
Long Distance
Summary: Modern AU. Corrin and Oboro try to juggle their relationship despite being timezones apart.
*Phone ring*
A groggy and tired Corrin grumbled as he stumbled to get his phone, and swipe a finger across to open it.
"Hello…" He lazily began.
"Oh… sorry. Did I wake you again?" A female voice asked.
Corrin immediately coughed slightly to fix his voice, before beginning again. "Oh Oboro, sorry. You kinda did actually."
An audible facepalm was heard from Oboro's side. "Darn it. I really gotta work on these timezone things."
"You're not the only one…" Corrin assured. "Remember our first day apart?"
Oboro chuckled at the thought. "Yep. You called me, to say good morning, when it was midnight."
Silence for a while
"I really miss you, you know." Corrin began. "Life here in L.A. sucks ass without you beside me. Trying to figure out the timezones is making me crazy."
"I actually keep a picture of you inside my car… just so I don't forget you."
"Hey, 5 more days, and I'll be home." Corrin stated. "After all, I gotta make up not being with you during your birthday."
*sigh* "Living upside down's getting lonely. I can't wait to share horizons with you, and see the same sunrise."
"Definitely better than trying to turn that hour hand back…"
Another slight pause
"I kept you awake long enough." Oboro realized. "You should get back to bed. After all, university life does drain your life more than a vampire does."
"You should REALLY lay off the vampire stories…" Corrin spoke, causing Oboro to chuckle.
"Good night love…"
As Oboro prepared herself for the day, she had only one thing in mind: 'Try to keep herself busy, just to get him out of her mind.'
How jetlagged her heart must be…
A/N: And that's a wrap!
I am SO sorry for the time this took. I tried to think of a good finale for the series, then I just decided 'f**k it', and just write the first thing that came to my mind.
Does some of the dialogue seem familiar to you? That's because I borrowed parts from 'Jet Lag' by Simple Plan (feat. Natasha Bedingfield/Marie-Mai). Can I just say how much I F**king love that song! I mean, long distance relationships are such a good concept. How come nobody ever does these things in their story?
Anyways, the shot/drabble series are finally done. Thank-you all so much for taking the time to read/comment/favorite/follow.
Until the next time, BYE!