Chapter 3: Of course, everyone has their own ulterior motives

"Mmm…" Yukino tapped her chin as she was making a decision between two dresses.

No, it looked more like she was intentionally trying to let time pass slower than it already is. I saw her putting those clothes back the moment she got out the dressing room, and onwards onto another rack of clothes of similar design. Each article of clothing would cost me a whole week's worth of salary, should she ask me to buy them. On the other hand, why she would consider buying them was beyond me. She grimaced at most outfits that this particular store had to offer, save for the two dresses, which she was now paying extra attention to for some odd reason I didn't bother asking. It could be the huge sign that screamed "Mega-sale" on the outside of the store that caught her attention.

Perhaps it's an attempt to annoy me further after I complained she took too long in trying out a pair of clothing. I admit, had I not been inconsiderate and immature, we would've gotten out earlier. Talk about laughing at my own funeral. Regardless, I await here, in a far corner within earshot but not within her field of vision as I glanced at the watch striking 1 in the afternoon, making it two hours since we've first got here.

I yawned out loud in an attempt to annoy her back. If anything that ticks her, it's the "indecent" yawns.

When I did look back at her, she was glancing right to me. Surprisingly, she hadn't given the expected response. Rather, she looked sympathetic to my boredom. Being the more mature one here, she gave a sad smile, nodding several times to signal the end of her search. Thus, I took the initiative and my place, which was next to her.

"I can't decide between the blue sundress and the white one. Personally, the blue I prefer has the contrasting colour when I'll be walking under the sun. The white on the other hand…" She said as she plucked a white dress off the rack, pointing and showing the little details on the dress. Thankfully, I was tolerant enough (albeit in a dead-panned manner) to pay attention as she explained the significance of each colour pellet.

However, rather than the dress and the details she emphasised heavily on, something about what she said before caught my attention. It took a while, but once I realised where that phrase was from, I smirked, and I asked, "Got that from one of the novels?"

"Hmm?" She hummed as she put back the white dress, looking back with piqued curiosity, especially when it didn't involve the topic we were conversing recently.

"The quote; the one about walking under the sun. I've read it somewhere from one of the novels you've lent to me"

She gave a rather surprised look; a genuine one at that. She paused as if she had forgotten where she was, and continued to pluck out the blue dress, "I'm surprised you managed to finish halfway through the book. I've only given it to you a few days ago".

"Finished it actually, lots of free time here too" I admitted.

She turned around halfway facing me, smiling with a voice of anticipation, "Did you enjoy it?"

"Yeah, I liked the little touches to detail every now and then" I replied. Easy as it may look, I had to muster myself from not criticising and nit-pick her book, where a book like this would've been on my bookshelf, left to age like fine wine. Though, I had to hand it to her; it was the little details carefully placed with the care that intrigued me to finish the book in just a few days. It took some convincing to start reading, but sure enough, it was worth it. Not that I'll be reading it again, but as I had gone through the book I took interest in a few things, like the subtle expressions people tend to show. My favourite was being displayed in front of me: the pleasant surprise that came from little-to-no expectations, acted out by Yukino herself with her wide eyes and a satisfying smile that stretched cheek to cheek.

"I'm glad" Her smiles were, to put it simply, cute. And that's saying a lot from a guy who never considered adding that to his vocabulary of praises. I should do this more.

With the wish from her bucket list being ticked off, which prompted her next words, "Then, ice cream is a preferable celebration for this occasion"

I held my hands up, was she serious? "Hold up, I don't see anything impressive about me finishing a book in just a few days, let alone needing a celebration for it"

She giggled, looking straight at me as she spoke, "It may not be for you, but it's a privilege to have you finishing my book before anyone else's"

"Weird... not that I mind", I nodded to the counter that still had a cashier behind it, rambling through with the subject of books in mind, "How did you know I'd like it, though? I never told you my preferences"

I noticed her smile faltering, "Ah… I was hoping you wouldn't ask that". She sighed in a dramatic manner. "I've asked sister to help to decide, considering you were always reserved with your preferences and she seemed to pry every information out of you".

"Wait, really? That's surprising" I muttered. If there was a red flag to heed here on this date, it'd be to complement her sister. A big red flag. However, I grew intrigued, and my sense of curiosity grew tremendously. Well, that or it was my stupidity getting the best of me, "No wonder, she must've noticed me peering onto a specific section on the bookshelf during my last visit to your place. Keen eyesight must be her thing"

"Hmm" She hummed with little hesitation. It wasn't just her usual hum of disinterest, but a half-acknowledged, half-cautious hum. Whatever message she was trying to convey, it was already clear; I'm the one diffusing the bomb and every wire is black.

"I... will take that as a yes", I replied. "Still, it's a surprise she understood my tastes, especially when all she does is find fault with me"

She replied, "Quite, sister has a keen sense of observation. It's to the point of being annoying" That explains the lack of time spent between the two. That and the other delicate personal things. "Then, let us be off?"

Her quick diversion from this subject was much needed. I was worried we would be talking about the unnecessary personal details during this innocent (albeit, slightly tedious) window shopping. I nodded in affirmation, turning around to exit alongside hers. I offered to carry her shopping bag, but she felt confident with her own strength.

"What next?" She asked while facing forward. I'm hoping to throw her off from further window shopping, and thoughts about her sister.

I replied, "Ice cream?"

"Only if they have strawberry"

"And here is your balance. Have a good day, and please come again soon!"

"Yeah, thanks" I took the change that was in the cashier's hands and place them in my jacket's spare pocket. As I turned around, I found Yukino licking her ice cream in satisfaction. She would've waited like any adequate person would, but considering we scavenged everywhere for a strawberry flavoured ice cream, I decided to brush it off this once. She glanced elsewhere, with a slightly sour look on her face despite already having an ice cream. Well, we were rushing to beat the crowd for the ice cream stall for the past half-hour, plus we might've annoyed one another a bit on the way.

"Your ice cream is melting" I reached out to hand a few tissues, but she was quicker to react.

"It's fine. I have my own napkin"

"Ah, alright then"

If I hadn't noticed it earlier, I would've commented on her immaturity. Especially when one harmless comment about her sister could invoke this reaction. I feel like an apology was needed, but I've always been a go-to kind of person; someone who doesn't like minced words.

"Here" I handed my ice cream to her, tissue and all.

She didn't take long for an answer though, "I already have my own"

"Yeah, but I was wondering if we could exchange for a moment"

Proving her expectations wrong (especially with how obvious she can change her expression from that grumpy look before), she formed a look that resembled guilt, "I… can't take yours"

"It's more of trying out what the ice creams taste like. I hadn't had strawberry in a while so it's fine either way"

Yukino did just that with slight hesitation. Of course, this seems all sudden to begin with and I knew she wasn't exactly the 'take' type of person in this growing 'give and take' relationship. She swapped her ice cream with mine and gave short glances back and forth from me to her ice cream. Yet, despite all the questioning looks she gave prior, there wasn't a smidgen of her going easy on the dessert; instantly giving it a lick as if she's already confident of her tastes.

She took one look at her ice cream and described it, "It's nice. How did you know I'd like it?"

"You weren't exactly subtle with choosing whatever catches your eye" From what I recall, it took us a whole minute to decide what to have. Mainly because she couldn't help but eye between what she's been used to having and what she's always wanted to have, which in this case, happens to be my peanut butter chocolate. I didn't outright tell her, but none of the ice creams there interested me anyway. I just so happened to pick the flavour she wanted out of forming an apology after she picked her own; strawberry, of course.

"…. It's delicious"

"You can have it. I like this strawberry better"

She glanced to my ice cream, taking note of it being barely licked, "But you haven't even tried it yet"

"A bit too late for that. Looks like you've already had the pleasure of finishing half of my ice cream"

Yukino glanced to her (well, my) ice cream, now gone were the perfect round scoops and was left with a hemisphere of its former glory. I would've wished I was imagining things, but her sly smirk was going to be anything but amusing. To make matters even weirder, she stuck out her tongue and leant towards me closer, particularly to my face.

"W-What are you doing" I asked while retracting backwards.

"You wanted a taste righ—"before she could even finish her sentence, however, she snorted and laughed quietly all by herself. Her hand found its place to her mouth, muffling herself from laughing too loudly. Weird. The last time she did so was when she was coming up with more insults that involved my name but even then it wasn't that bad of a laugh.

"What were you doing?"

She raised her hand for a moment, wiping a tear that just so happened to slide through her cheek, "S-Sister taught me that. She said you always react like that whenever she does something sultry"

Oh, this woman right here… "You asked your sister for that?"

Nodding once, she took a deep breath, "Well, she's been talking about you before we even started going out. Most things involve how different you were as an individual. I couldn't care less back then, but it's annoying to hear it now"

"You're saying you got jealous?"

"N-Not necessarily" She huffed. One point for me then. "Often I would be jealous, but I'm glad she did so, or I wouldn't have known what to do with you"

"I'm not an animal needing taming, you know that right?"

"Mmm, I suppose I should consider buying a leash then" I poked her side, prompting the expected reaction: a jump from her seat and the mutter of calling me names; which her favourite being 'idiot'. Thankfully, the ice cream didn't fall off. Of course, I didn't tell her who taught me that technique (if you could call it that), unless I want another scuffle to happen between her and her older sister. For the time being, we did what we usually do best: sitting down whilst observing the crowd of people passing by and commented on those that stood out the most. I did my own observations to anyone appearing younger than the age of twenty. So far no schoolmates were found. Yet, at least, and I sincerely hope they wouldn't mention any of it if they had noticed us.

After all, it was a Sunday; a day off. Family, friends, lovers and all that assortment would've taken this limited opportunity for relaxing. Frankly, it only meant anyone else could stand out.

I pointed my finger to a certain individual from the crowd, her resemblance was uncanny, but I had to confirm. Yukino glanced to where I pointed, and I asked: "Isn't that Yuigahama?"

She sighed, or was it a huff? It doesn't sound like Yukino was praising my keen eyesight either way. Peering into the distance, she must've noticed how similar the person I pointed at was to Yuigahama. The only difference was her height and the fact that her clothes are a bit baggier compared to Yuigahama's natural fashion sense. I could only presume someone like her was taking the Sunday opportunity to go grocery shopping. After all, why else would anyone bring recycled bags filled with vegetables sticking out of it?

The moment she turned sideways, we finally caught a glimpse of her and, well, I knew who she was by then. Judging by the subtle 'oh' that Yukino quietly said, I assumed she figured it out too. Her hair was tied to a bun fitting for a mother. A mother to a certain bubbly girl we knew too well.

"Ah, seems Yuigahama's mother does shopping here too" Yukino concluded with just that. She managed to give a friendly wave to her when she glanced to our general direction, to which Yuigahama's mother did the same with a smile equally bright, before making her way to another segment of the mall. She peered longer to the older woman, even to her surroundings despite not being able to properly spot her from this crowd. If anything, it made her even more suspicious.

"Looking for someone?" I asked.

"Not really, just curious"

"I doubt it. You look like you're on a lookout for someone else"

She grew immediately quiet, having torn herself away from spectating the crowd and back to her ice cream just as fast. I have my suspicions, plus from the incident that happened at school had me curious. It all added up to mere coincidences that only serve to provide evidence. I grew confident on her ulterior motives, but I had to ask.

"It couldn't be Yuigahama, could it?" Yukino sighed again. Looks like I was on point.

"Yukino, I know you're tired of hearing this drama. Frankly, I'm getting tired of being given the short hand of the stick every time I asked about what both of you talked about"

"I don't want to fight, not on a day like this, please"

"Neither do I" I looked to Yukino's deflation. Indeed, this was tiring to talk about all the time. I could only imagine this going on for long until who knows when. Frankly, even someone like Yuigahama couldn't see the bright side of it. Instead, I did what Komachi suggested I should do, based on her knowledge from a book, and not personal experience.

Still, it shouldn't hurt to try. So I grasped her hand, holding onto it just tight enough to provoke an effect. Then again, just holding onto it would've been enough to do so, judging by how she (and to some extent, I) blushed despite the number of times we've done this intimately. "I don't want to ask again because both of us are tired of hearing it too, but I'm compelled to know just so I… we could rest with the assurance that nothing is going on between both you and Yuigahama" I convinced her, or tried to. When was the last time I put up a softer tone?

She sighed, harder this time. I couldn't count the many times she's done it, but it would've been plentiful. She squeezed my hand, thinking hard on her next words that wouldn't sound hostile or worse, disrespectful to Yuigahama. Of course, I couldn't interpret that happening, not in a million years, but I grew discomforted with the idea of it being possible. Delayed doesn't necessarily mean it won't happen, just temporarily, and the thought of that alone had me getting off my feet to work something out.

Regardless, Yukino whispered loud enough to combat the noise of the crowd, but to allow me to grasp her next words, "What Yuigahama told me was… well, it's nothing, really". Her smile reappeared, and the squeeze of her hand grew tighter once it found its comfort. I couldn't tell if her smile was genuine, but I probably couldn't care less at the moment. We were back to square one all over again, and I was left more frustrated than ever. "I promise you, nothing happened between the both of us", she continued.

Talk about role reversal. Slumping back to my seat, I clicked my tongue in annoyance from having learnt nothing. She didn't seem to mind though, probably from how she leant towards me and rested her head on my shoulder, regardless of how I was feeling at the moment.

"You're not going to tell, I assume" I mumbled, making sure just once more. I was greeted with her smile, short just like the shake of her head. Meekly, I nodded just once. This defeat wasn't what I expected, but I'll get over it, despite the sour mood I gave.

"We should probably get going then. Remind me to get something for Komachi" I announced, having taken full rest and all. Getting up, Yukino followed suit to my side, making sure she had her purse and bags of clothing she bought earlier.

"She likes chocolate if I'm not mistaken. I'll pay on behalf if you'd like" she offered. Whilst I'd decline it usually, I could only take this as an apology for not providing an answer.

"….alright" I merely nodded my head.

In the end, I gave up both my own ice cream and the shared portion to Yukino, rewarding me with someone who happens to be anything but quiet and reserved for the next hour. We got up and out to continue our session of window-shopping shortly, now with Yukino trying to find ways to cheer me up. Childish was what I'd describe the outing as.

Of course, she would ask her big brother of all the little details from the date. I mean, she wouldn't be called my adorable little sister if she hadn't greeted me through the door with a smile that had 'how'd it go?" written all over it. Without missing a beat, she carried my bags elsewhere just to ease my burden, but anyone would've known it was to make me tell her the details of the date down to the brim.

I huffed while placing the bag of cakes she liked on the kitchen table, plus an extra for myself. Turning to my sister, I grumbled, "I told you everything about the date; just walking around buying things. Even someone like you would get bored of hearing it"

"But there's something more, I just know it! Did you two do something, anything?" She pleaded with her hands clutched together, inching closer to me with every ounce of desperation felt in the atmosphere.

"What? What else is there?"

The sparkle in her eyes was undeniably there, and thus she lighted up with her next word, "Kiss!"

"No! Why does it even matter if we kiss or not? You're not even part of it"

Pouting won't do you justice, Komachi. If puppy eyes were a thing, it wouldn't have even a slight effect to big brothers. She grew restless, asking one question that would make or break this short interrogation, "Hmm… you haven't even started yet?"

"Why does it matter?" I slumped on the couch, not going to bother changing to a proper attire. Who knew walking for hours with no end, doing nothing but window shopping would've been exhausting.

Unsurprisingly, she was unimpressed with the answer she'd received, most noticeable from her arms folded in frustration and tongue darted out to my general direction, "Hmph, as expected, my brother has to be the most boring person"

"This boring person has himself a girlfriend" I retorted quickly, finally laying on the couch to have a little shut eye.

"I feel sorry for your girlfriend for her decision"

"Go and eat your cake before I do something with it"

Komachi pouted for a moment before she decided it was a waste of time to pressure me for more information. It was true that she'd just find the things we do in the date to be disinteresting, should I tell her. Should. Ah well.

If shopping was this exhausting, I'd have to bring my sleeping bag along. I woke up to the sound of clanking spoons and plates. The atmosphere around me grew darker with only fragments of light passing through the windows. I groggily rubbed my eyes whilst yawning loudly, all the while greeted with my arms and legs aching. It was 2 by the time I got back from the mall. Now, the sun was already taking its turn to set. Komachi must've found me sprawled on the couch, an image similar to that of a freeloader crashing in as what she usually describes me as. The blanket I had on me would've been an obvious sign, to which I gracefully accepted it.

Speak of the devil, she came back with a piece of cake with her. Red velvet, just as she wanted.

Wait didn't I get dark chocolate for her?

"You bought your own cake?" I asked, groggily at that.

She chowed down her portion, but making enough room for words to form, "Hmm? Oh, it's actually Yuigahama's. She shared her portion with mine"


"Yahallo, Hikki!" Coming from behind Komachi's back was another familiar figure, but not one I anticipated.


She giggled, ruffling my hair whilst I gave little care at the moment. I would've gone to sleep if it were anyone else. I surprised even myself when I didn't respond with the usual sarcastic tone with annoying guests, especially after I just woke up from sleep, in addition to Komachi not informing me in advance. Yet, just the sight of this unexpected guest had me unable to form words.

"What's going on?" I had to ask eventually while looking to Komachi for answers. She was too busy indulging in her cake to notice my direct question. So, Yuigahama answered for her.

"Well, Komachi and I went out to buy gifts for Yukino's birthday, from the row of shops near the mall" She pointed towards a bag that had a specific brand of clothing, one that I assumed was Yukino's preference. "Actually it was just me, but we kinda met at one of the shops by coincidence~. As I looked back to Komachi, looking away as if she hadn't heard her name being called, making it harder to actually consider that was a coincidence. Ah, that's right. Komachi must've gone out right after I passed out.

"I see…." As I responded, I shook my head, realising Yuigahama might've been too fond of ruffling my hair. "Have you bought it then? The present?"

"Mmhmm" She hummed in affirmation. She then proceeded to scan the whole room, looking for something particular before eventually asking, "Where's the present, Hikki? I thought you already bought one while you were at the mall?"

"Date with Yukino"

"O-Oh! That's right…" she giggled afterwards, but it was more because of the awkward realisation. "Then, you know what're you gonna get?" She asked again, sitting on the vacant seat next to me as she offered a spoon of her cake to me. Dark chocolate; must've been the one I bought for Komachi. Regardless, I declined with a raise of my hand as I wasn't hungry to begin with.

I bought the panda, remember? I know she has the whole collection, courtesy of the same person asking me the questions, but considering I never knew that before I took out money, I see it as justifiable. Of course, I would've said that if I hadn't realised Komachi was around, and I know too well she's just going to run her mouth to her brother's girlfriend.

"I'll think about it", I replied, but Yuigahama wasn't entirely convinced. Even so, having gone through this conversation before had me trying to find another alternative. Hopefully, there would be one, even if it means forking out more cash. Until then, I had other plans to consider. I stood up from where I sat, and as what anyone who's gone through the whole evening napping, I told them, "I'm going to the bathroom".

"Wait! I have something to tell you! At least, for a few minutes. That's all I'm asking"

Raising my eyebrows, I found her a bit more distressed from the recent announcement. I asked, "I'm just going to the bathroom. Can it wait?" I didn't have to ask to know it was already important. If anything, the urgency in her voice made it obvious.

"Yeah, it kinda is…" I looked at Komachi, to which she looked back at me. She got what I meant, and made her way out of the room. Chewing on her food didn't stop her from being talkative though, and it was a task trying to decipher her words through her chewing, especially with her loud response, "It wouldn't be a difference if I stayed, but ah well. I'll be outside if anything, big bro"

"Thanks" After glancing to Komachi, I headed to the bathroom. Gears in my head changed to better fit the situation I landed myself (or rather, Yuigahama planted) in. I reckon it was another decision made on her part as club leader, asking for more advice before her finalised answer in just a few days prior to the deadline for the decision. I didn't want to pledge too many assumptions. Yukino told me much before; me being the over-analytical type would only disappoint so much.

I decided I should just ask instead, and create deductions slowly from then on. Returning from the bathroom, I found Yuigahama inspecting the living room. Ah, that's right, she's never been inside my house before. Then again, the only house we've been into was Yuigahama's, and it was at her own insistence. I called out, "So, have you considered the part for club leader?"

She turned around, smiling with that same, Yuigahama-trademarked smile, "Nope! I decided vice president is best. At least I don't have to talk in front and embarrass myself all the time" She giggled at nothing in particular. It was her trademark too; giggling at the most menial of things and she'd find them the least bit amusing. I noticed it too well. "It's something very important"

Making my way to sit on the couch, I simply nodded her to continue, prompting her to breathe in a bit longer as if preparing herself a big event. A few good moments of her glancing downwards, she looked up back to me directly to my eyes like a rehearsal. "Hikki, I'm going away elsewhere", she said. Some rehearsal that was, it sounded pretty dramatic to me.

Wait, elsewhere?


"U-Um, not now! Not now, exactly. You know we're reaching graduation soon, right? In a few months, I'll be going off to Tokyo" I stayed quiet, letting the words sink in. "I'm telling you this now because I think telling at the last minute is cruel. Yukinon knows about it from yesterday's phone call, and Komachi too, but I thought one of them might've told you" She giggled again, but it was a forced one. I think her efforts of lightening the mood wasn't working because she continued with discomfort. "You're the last person I told, Hikki. I dunno, I thought I should save the energy for the news for you, knowing you'd ask so many questions. Well, Komachi did too, so you might want half of my energy back from her too". Simply put, I was looking straight to her for any sign of lies, trying to process each word, especially after just waking up making my head more light headed. She looked up to me, hoping I'd say something to avert this uneasy silence.

"It's…. not surprising" She blinked twice at that response, so I pressed on. "Everyone's been talking about graduation since then, thinking how it'd be the last time they'd see each other again like some herd departing".

"Y-Yeah… but what does that have anything to do with what I said?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I sighed, finally formulating a proper response despite my harsh tone of voice. "Graduation is just going to be another phase of life, just like middle school. Everyone goes their ways and ends up finding places better than here. So, they leave their friends behind willingly and go on to find better ones. They abandon their old lives but adapt to new ones. Integration and assimilation. Out with the old and in with the new, whatever your pick is" There was more to what I wanted to say, but I felt nothing that compelled me to do so.

"I thought of the same happening to you and Yukino, but since Yukino and I are together, I suppose we'd just have to find time to meet during the weekends, should we continue going to our separate paths"

Yuigahama sat still throughout, save for her chest heaving up and down amidst her heavy breathing. Her hand dwindled on the edges of the plate, now left with a half-eaten piece of the cake she brought over. By now I already assumed she had no intention of finishing the rest of the dessert. Rather, she was looking around her surroundings, presumably a place to put the plate on. "Here, I'll put it on the table" I offered my hand, to which she smiled and passed on the platter.

As she giggled meekly, she gave a half-joked response, "This could be the only time I see you're offering to clean after your mess". Perhaps now would be a bad time for any jokes, considering the topic of our conversation, but knowing Yuigahama, it wouldn't be her if she hadn't cracked one soon. With that, I could only chuckle in reply, meekly at that. "Hikki, graduation doesn't have to be the end of things, ya know?"

"Middle school told me otherwise"

"High school is a whole lot different too" She smiled while offering her hand to ruffle my hair. It could've been avoided, but I gave no objections to it, to which she gladly carried out. "We can still hang out if we're close by. It doesn't have to be the end, it's not like I'm gonna forget you"

"Still a lot to take in, especially when it's nearly been a year of being classmates, and club members"

"Hey, technically we've been friends for a year too, right? We hadn't hung out ever before we got in the club"

"Technically, we hadn't even held a proper conversation. It's been less than a year since then, but you're technically right" By now I was indulgent in her lightly massaging my hair. If anything, it helped calm me down further.

"Could've been a lot more too, right?"

"Yeah, could've been longer"

As I leaned back my seat, she did the same and we continued our mindless talk, reminiscing with nostalgia and toying with the memories of anything stupid we've done in the past. The harmless pokes at each other's stupidity always came with either her laughing a bit too loudly, or her taking a jab on my shoulder time to time. Recalling the last time I talked like this would've gotten my memories to jog, or rather, sprint to find answers. It wasn't something expected, though it was not unwanted either.

Surprisingly, it was pleasant talking these things with her. Pleasant in a sense that having not been on my guard all the time from the most menial of social interactions, whether that'd be from acquaintances or classmates, to which I admit had been frequent before this. Of course, most of the conversation we held came to her talking, and I listening, but it didn't matter.

Now that I had thought about it, a lot has happened after I moved into (or rather, forced to join) the club. Socially, I began to open up more. Yes, that included to the extent of cringe-inducing confession for wanting something genuine, complete with tears shedding from that guy, Hikigaya Hachiman. Yes, it will take some time to get over or come to terms with it (thanks Yukino for the constant reminder), but it was for the good. Cheesy, I know. Then again, I couldn't care less during this moment.

"Though, Tokyo isn't exactly close to begin with, right?" I asked, "Your parents must be willing to let you go that easily. Must've taken a lot to think through, and a lot of convincing" I deducted, earning a hum of acknowledgement from her.

She just nodded, "It wasn't easy, not at all. I had to promise a lot of things just so they'd let me go; don't go out partying, don't go out without a friend, don't go out after 10 and all that". I can only imagine, but from how she clutched her hair, presumably in frustration, I can probably assume there were a lot more words to keep than just that. Yuigahama's parents (well, her mother at least. I never found out about her father as she hadn't mentioned him once, or perhaps I hadn't paid attention) were the complete opposite of mine, and a lot more nosy than Yukino's, so I can only imagine what it'd be like to have her kind of parents. "I mean, I want to go out without having a curfew, and hang out with friends all night like everyone's doing! It would be so fun to hang out while everyone's asleep…."

"I'm sorry, but I'll have to side with your parents on the 'staying up late' part. I don't see the point of staying up late doing trivial things, especially when all young adults do by then would've involved drinking and hangovers" I replied. If anything, that doesn't seem to help my case, especially when her smile filled with determination, grew wider with every passing second.

Yuigahama's reply wasn't comforting either. Then again, neither was her enthusiastic bouncing despite sitting down, "Looks like I'll have to bring you out! One night, or two! Maybe more than that! It'll be fun!"

"Nothing is fun if alcohol is involved; it only serves to dampen the boredom that most patrons would inevitably come to"

"It doesn't have to involve alcohol~" Ah, that's right. I forgot her optimism shouldn't be trifled with. "I'm not talking about parties and all that. To be honest, I'd like to spend the nights with my closest friends, looking at stars or taking long drives around Japan. That kind of fun"

Ah, and so I was wrong about that side of Yuigahama. She still hadn't lost that youthful side of hers after all. She blinked twice for some reason, asking in a curious manner, "Eh, is that a yes then?"

"Didn't know you could read my mind. What gave it away?"

"Your smile. It's nice to see you smile" Ah, so I was.

"Guess that proves my point then"

Yuigahama giggled once, then clapped her hands once more, "Then, it's settled!"

"Huh? What is?" I noticed her raising her hand as well as the pinkie.

"It's a promise that we'll hang out as much as we can before and after graduation. The three of us; you, me, and Yukinon if she's up to it. I can call her anytime we're gonna hang out"

The complete change of topic caught me off guard, and I was left to think it through. "Wait, how would that be possible?"

"We'll figure something out like we always do!" It seems by this stage, nothing would phase the unbreakable will that's within Yuigahama. If anything, I had to applaud her optimism, despite lacking any plan or strategy to back that up.

But…how exactly could we accomplish that sort of feat when we'll have limited time for each other, especially when it's to each their own? Yukino has her graduation speech to write and no doubt she'll want another perspective to it, Yuigahama would be busy with family time, but I'm sure she could handle that, no doubt her mother would at least compensate a day or two for her outing with friends. Then there's me, who, despite being cooped up at home for most of the time, would no doubt have others flocking to me for help. I could already name a few; Yukino with her graduation speech, Iroha and whatever she wants from her senior other than 'precious time together'. It seems I've been so used for others seeking aid from me that I haven't had time to consider an actual outing.

"Please?" she asked, in a voice that was in a soft desperation.

Of course, these troubles shouldn't be taken too seriously. "Alright, then it's settled," I said while wearing what seems to be a genuine smile, and held onto her pinkie with mine, giving a shake in an agreeing kind of response.

We'll work something out like we always do, right?

Author's notes

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, it's been a while since I've updated this story. Yeah, I know: 5 months is a short while. I suppose an explanation should be in order, but eh, hopefully, anyone reading these notes would understand. Months of university ain't easy, and the constant assignments plus me being thrust upon the duty of group leader gave me little to no time to write.

That and I had to revise the whole chapter cuz it felt out of place (no I won't post it to you huhuhu), so an extra time was dedicated to creating a whole new chapter. But I'm having high hopes on writing the next few chapters, especially now that I'm comfortable with the story and how it'll end. I also had to consider changing this to Teen rating, cuz I'm not confident with it considering the next few chapters would be... eh, you'll find out.

I can't promise I'll update soon, but I'll try my darndest. That darndest started with this here new chapter.

Also, special thanks to my brother, Ace for his time to read through this chapter and give his thoughts about it. His insight was greatly appreciated hue.

Until next time, thanks for reading this chapter.