"Sure you´re okay?" Jane asked her for the tenth time so far. She was released this morning with some warning signs and recommendations of how to take care of a person with small concussion. It was first time she saw Jane listening to the doctor patiently.

"Yeah, I feel good, don´t worry Patrick."

He looked unconvinced. It might be due to her pale complexion and the fact she lost a lot of weight in just three days. The bandage and stitches on her head were not helping at all. But the doctor said she is ready to go home, and she couldn´t wait. She never said this to Jane, he might know it already, but she hated hospitals too. Some of her worst memories were connected with white rooms and antiseptic smell.

He led her to his rented car and helped her to sit down even though she didn´t need it at all.

"So...my place or yours?" Lisbon asked. None of them felt appealing. Just thinking about her place made her stomach turn a little and Jane´s Airstream lacked the big bathtub she kind of desired.

"None. I rented a hotel room."

"What? she asked surprised."

"It´s closer to the hospital in case of emergency and there is everything we need. You will like it, I guarantee it."

" You shouldn´t do that."

"I should and I did, he said with a sincere smile."

The sensation of hot water all over her body made her agree with Jane. He really should´ve booked this room. After feeling like a zombie for the last three days this was exactly what she needed. Calm, soothing comfort of doing something else in the bathroom then throwing up.

She closed her eyes for a moment until a knock on the door startled her.

" Can I come in? "

" Yeah, sure."

Jane entered the bathroom dressed in a black bathrobe. He carried another one which was significantly smaller with him.

" Nice robe. " Lisbon whispered.

" Glad you like it," he said grinning.

" Wanna join me? "

"It would be my pleasure...literaly."

Lisbon chuckled and moved a bit so Jane could squeeze in. Thanks to the added weight, some water changed it´s position from the bathtub to the floor.

" Oops."

"Don´t worry about it."

Jane was finally there with her, his arms around her naked chest. She rested her head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Judging by your little sigh, this idea was not so bad after all, huh? "

" Good idea. Good one," she murmured sleepily. " But...how much does it costs? "

" Like that would matter to me," he said and proceeded to kiss her neck gently.



Lisbon turned her head slightly to see his face. He smiled at her frown. "You shushed me."

"Did I?"

" Yeah!"

"Just enjoy it. Us. Together," he said calmly. When she looked back up to him, his eyes were closed and his mouth curled in a little content smile.


They stayed there, lying together for a long time, until water went cold. Jane wrapped her in her own small bathrobe and then he did the same thing to himself.

Lisbon went right to the bed where she lied down and curled up into a ball.

"Teresa, you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"I´m fine Patrick, just relaxed. Can you be too much relaxed?" She asked and looked up at him.

" I´m not sure about that, but based on what I see I would say yes. "

"Ugh," she moaned rolling herself and sitting up. "I should stop it."

Jane shook his head and sat beside her. "Take as much rest as you need. It´s natural, your body needs it. "

"I know...it´s just...I am not used to doing nothing all day."

"You are doing nothing to get your strength back. Just keep doing nothing for some more and you´ll be at your feet again in no time, fighting crime, tackling suspects...back to your usual days."

"Alright., I get it," she said faking an irritated voice.

"Good. Now, are you hungry? "

Jane somehow managed to get some of her clothes from the motel room and now she had the privilege being dressed in her own jersey and yoga pants as a sleeping gear. She was drying her hair when the room service brought their dinner. It consistent of boiled potatoes and a lot of vegetables. For her, it was a suitable dinner. For Jane, not so much.

He was already settling two plates at the table.

" You should´ve ordered something else for you, silly," she said and sat down.

"Meh, it´s nice and healthy dinner. For both of us." He handed her a bottle of clear water and sat down too.

Lisbon was more playing with her food then actually eating it. It was quite tasty and everything but her stomach was somehow shrunk. She took a few bites and felt full. Jane had already eaten his portion and eyed her worriedly.

"What´s the matter?"

"I guess I´m full."

" You ate about three potatoes."

"That´s enough, " she said stubbornly.

" Okay, I´ll keep that information in mind Three potatoes are enough," he said with a smile.

" You betcha," she said and blinked at him.

Jane chuckled while drinking his tea and started couching. Lisbon hurried to him and pat him on the back. Forcefully.

"Ouch, woman, watch it, you are still strong! "

" Oh stop complaining, I just saved you life," she said jokingly. He turned to her, suddenly all too serious. He nodded.

"Yes, you did."

"Well, I guess we´re even," she said trying to lighten the mood up a bit. Jane stood up and hugged her fiercely.

"Hey," she whispered, "you okay? " she whispered again, now her being the one worried. Poor man, it´s been a hard few days for him.

" I should be asking you that question," he spoke silently.

"You already did, about a thousand times, Patrick..."

Jane scoffed. "One can never be sure with you, Teresa."

"So...we both fine?" she asked and suppressed a yawn.

"Yes we are. Let´s go to bed, sleepyhead. "

"Great idea."

This time she yawned for real. They got to the bed holding hands like a bunch of teenagers. Lisbon wrapped herself over his body and sighed again. He could feel some sort of tension in her body. A normal person would probably paid no attention to that little detail, but let´s face it...he is not a normal person.

"What is it?"

Lisbon turned to face him already thinking how the hell he does that.

"Uh, I was just wondering, do you still want me to go with you? "

He kind of expected this question. " If you are willing to go, then yes."

"Okay," she replied not really knowing what she signed up for.

"Then it´s settled. Now, time for sleep. I can see you are barely keeping your eyes open."

" Night, Patrick."

" Good night."

She was out like a flame after five minutes. It took Jane a little bit longer but he managed to fell asleep at last.

He was awake an hour later to check on Lisbon. It seemed that she was recovering quite fast, already taking his blanket and holding it tight. Jane smiled at her small, curled figure and this time, he wrapped himself all over her.

Then, he fell asleep again.

Maybe this was not such a great idea after all, Lisbon thought as she walked by his side in the cemetery. As soon as they stepped in, Jane has not said a word. She remained silent, too. Simply because there were no words to describe what each of them felt. She gave him a quick glance from time to time, so sure that he saw her...each time.

Two tombstones.

Two bouquet of flower in their hands.

Two person standing there in silence, putting those bouquets down on their graves.

And silence.

Lisbon reached for his hand, grasping it lightly, so scared and unsure what else to do.

He held her hand back.

They stood there, holding hands. Lisbon praying mentally and only Jane knew what was going in his head.

Lisbon prayed. For him. For them. For all of them.

They may have stood there for ages, or for just few seconds. It felt the same for both of them. The sun has moved while they stood enlighten them in the process.


It finally got to them.

Maybe, Lisbon thought, maybe this was some kind of sign, or omen.

Or maybe it was just a coincidence.

Whatever it was, it melted the ice away.

Jane turned to Lisbon with misty eyes and she hugged him, gently, as if she was trying to hold a precious butterfly. He squeezed her back, as his chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm.

He is alive.

They are.

He did what he promised.

And he would never forget them.

Now he´s got other promises to keep.

"So, what do you think?" Jane asked her standing in a quite impressive log cabin. They´ve been house hunting for some time. It was harder that they expected it to be. Both of them had different demands on houses. Houses which Jane liked cost a fortune and Lisbon was against spending such an amount of money on a house. Jane on the other hand didn´t mind. So they compromised. That basically meant that they refused all of the nice and expensive homes.

Suitable ones, in price, missed features that Jane wanted to have, such as fireplace, balcony or nice view.

After two weeks Lisbon got an impression that they saw each and every house, cottage, flat that was being sold.

Guess she was wrong.

"It´s...very nice actually."

A smug expression appeared on Jane´s face.

" I knew you would like it."

She smiled at him and looked around. It had everything they wanted. Maybe it needed a little remodeling, but nothing impossible. And the fireplace dominating the living room was breathtaking.

So was the view.

And the bedroom.

The whole place looked good.

Jane spoke about it during the whole ride home. He already had a plan in mind, a plan how to make it a home for them. Lisbon drove and listened to him, occasionally hummed and nodded, feeling happy.

" I was thinking about keeping the Airstream, for holiday vacations and trips. There was a lot of space for a parking at the garden."

Lisbon nodded as they walked to said Airstream. That has been their home so far. As cozy and romantic it was, both of needed something more. Something real. Solid. Someplace where they wont feel...uprooted.

Jane simply needed that. He wouldn´ say it out loud, but Lisbon could see it.

He talked while preparing dinner, he talked while they ate. He didn´t stop talking about it while they washed dishes. Lisbon had to grab his face to stop him.

" Hmmfm? " He gasped out.

" Could you just stop talking for a while and kiss me instead? "

"Uh-hm ," he nodded eagerly with his head still in her grip.

"Good. I will release you know. "

She put her hands trough his hair while kissing him like crazy.

Long night was ahead.

Thank you for reading :) I am planning one more chapter, sort of an epilogue and then it´s done. Hope you liked it.